blob: 30898306abcfbc1189e3e9947059088b42914667 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
patch List makeListFixedLength(List growableList)
native "Internal_makeListFixedLength";
patch List makeFixedListUnmodifiable(List fixedLengthList)
native "Internal_makeFixedListUnmodifiable";
class VMLibraryHooks {
// Example: "dart:isolate _Timer._factory"
static var timerFactory;
// Example: "dart:io _EventHandler._sendData"
static var eventHandlerSendData;
// A nullary closure that answers the current clock value in milliseconds.
// Example: "dart:io _EventHandler._timerMillisecondClock"
static var timerMillisecondClock;
// Implementation of Resource.readAsBytes.
static var resourceReadAsBytes;
// Implementation of package root/map provision.
static var packageRootString;
static var packageConfigString;
static var packageRootUriFuture;
static var packageConfigUriFuture;
static var resolvePackageUriFuture;
static var platformScript;
patch class CodeUnits {
static final int cid = ClassID.getID(new CodeUnits(""));
final bool is64Bit = _inquireIs64Bit();
bool _inquireIs64Bit() native "Internal_inquireIs64Bit";