blob: 307e1d9a8962d4678e2f5c0c7874a950ba7b7f0a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analyzer.src.cancelable_future;
import 'dart:async';
* Type of callback called when the future returned by a CancelableCompleter
* is canceled.
typedef void CancelHandler();
* A way to produce [CancelableFuture] objects and to complete them later with
* a value or error.
* This class behaves like the standard library [Completer] class, except that
* its [future] getter returns a [CancelableFuture].
* If the future is canceled before being completed, the [CancelHandler] which
* was passed to the constructor is invoked, and any further attempt to
* complete the future has no effect. For example, in the following code:
* main() {
* var cc = new CancelableCompleter(() {
* print('cancelled'); // (2)
* });
* cc.future.then((value) {
* print('completed with value $value');
* }, onError: (error) {
* print('completed with error $error'); // (3)
* });
* cc.future.cancel(); // (1)
* }
* The call at (1) causes (2) to be invoked immediately. (3) will be invoked
* later (on a microtask), with an error that is an instance of
* [FutureCanceledError].
* Note that since the closure passed to then() is executed on a microtask,
* there is a short window of time between the call to [complete] and the
* client being informed that the future has completed. During this window,
* any attempt to cancel the future will have no effect. For example, in the
* following code:
* main() {
* var cc = new CancelableCompleter(() {
* print('cancelled'); // (3)
* });
* cc.future.then((value) {
* print('completed with value $value'); // (4)
* }, onError: (error) {
* print('completed with error $error');
* });
* cc.complete(100); // (1)
* cc.future.cancel(); // (2)
* }
* The call at (1) will place the completer in the "completed" state, so the
* call at (2) will have no effect (in particular, (3) won't ever execute).
* Later, (4) will be invoked on a microtask.
class CancelableCompleter<T> implements Completer<T> {
* The completer which holds the state of the computation. If the
* computation is canceled, this completer will remain in the non-completed
* state.
final Completer<T> _innerCompleter = new Completer<T>.sync();
* The completer which holds the future that is exposed to the client
* through [future]. If the computation is canceled, this completer will
* be completed with a FutureCanceledError.
final Completer<T> _outerCompleter = new Completer<T>();
* The callback to invoke if the 'cancel' method is called on the future
* returned by [future]. This callback will only be invoked if the future
* is canceled before being completed.
final CancelHandler _onCancel;
_CancelableCompleterFuture<T> _future;
* Create a CancelableCompleter that will invoke the given callback
* synchronously if its future is canceled. The callback will not be
* invoked if the future is completed before being canceled.
CancelableCompleter(this._onCancel) {
_future = new _CancelableCompleterFuture<T>(this);
// When the client completes the inner completer, we need to check whether
// the outer completer has been completed. If it has, then the operation
// was canceled before it finished, and it's too late to un-cancel it, so
// we just ignore the result from the inner completer. If it hasn't, then
// we simply pass along the result from the inner completer to the outer
// completer.
// Note that the reason it is safe for the inner completer to be
// synchronous is that we don't expose its future to client code, and we
// only use it to complete the outer completer (which is asynchronous).
_innerCompleter.future.then((T value) {
if (!_outerCompleter.isCompleted) {
}, onError: (Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
if (!_outerCompleter.isCompleted) {
_outerCompleter.completeError(error, stackTrace);
* The [CancelableFuture] that will contain the result provided to this
* completer.
CancelableFuture<T> get future => _future;
* Whether the future has been completed. This is independent of whether
* the future has been canceled.
bool get isCompleted => _innerCompleter.isCompleted;
* Complete [future] with the supplied value. If the future has previously
* been canceled, this will have no effect on [future], however it will
* still set [isCompleted] to true.
void complete([value]) {
* Complete [future] with an error. If the future has previously been
* canceled, this will have no effect on [future], however it will still set
* [isCompleted] to true.
void completeError(Object error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) {
_innerCompleter.completeError(error, stackTrace);
void _cancel() {
if (!_outerCompleter.isCompleted) {
_outerCompleter.completeError(new FutureCanceledError());
* An object representing a delayed computation that can be canceled.
abstract class CancelableFuture<T> implements Future<T> {
* A CancelableFuture containing the result of calling [computation]
* asynchronously. Since the computation is started without delay, calling
* the future's cancel method will have no effect.
factory CancelableFuture(computation()) =>
new _WrappedFuture<T>(new Future<T>(computation));
* A CancelableFuture containing the result of calling [computation] after
* [duration] has passed.
* TODO(paulberry): if the future is canceled before the duration has
* elapsed, the computation should not be performed.
factory CancelableFuture.delayed(Duration duration, [computation()]) =>
new _WrappedFuture<T>(new Future<T>.delayed(duration, computation));
* A CancelableFuture that completes with error. Since the future is
* completed without delay, calling the future's cancel method will have no
* effect.
factory CancelableFuture.error(Object error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) =>
new _WrappedFuture<T>(new Future<T>.error(error, stackTrace));
* A CancelableFuture containing the result of calling [computation]
* asynchronously with scheduleMicrotask. Since the computation is started
* without delay, calling the future's cancel method will have no effect.
factory CancelableFuture.microtask(computation()) =>
new _WrappedFuture<T>(new Future<T>.microtask(computation));
* A CancelableFuture containing the result of immediately calling
* [computation]. Since the computation is started without delay, calling
* the future's cancel method will have no effect.
factory CancelableFuture.sync(computation()) =>
new _WrappedFuture<T>(new Future<T>.sync(computation));
* A CancelableFuture whose value is available in the next event-loop
* iteration. Since the value is available without delay, calling the
* future's cancel method will have no effect.
factory CancelableFuture.value([value]) =>
new _WrappedFuture<T>(new Future<T>.value(value));
* If the delayed computation has not yet completed, attempt to cancel it.
* Note that the cancellation is not always possible. If the computation
* could be canceled, the future is completed with a FutureCanceledError.
* Otherwise it will behave as though cancel() was not called.
* Note that attempting to cancel a future that has already completed will
* never succeed--futures that have already completed retain their final
* state forever.
void cancel();
* Error which is used to complete any [CancelableFuture] which has been
* successfully canceled by calling its 'cancel' method.
class FutureCanceledError {}
class _CancelableCompleterFuture<T> implements CancelableFuture<T> {
final CancelableCompleter<T> _completer;
Stream<T> asStream() {
// TODO(paulberry): Implement this in such a way that
// StreamSubscription.cancel() cancels the future.
return _completer._outerCompleter.future.asStream();
void cancel() {
Future<T> catchError(Function onError, {bool test(Object error)}) =>
_completer._outerCompleter.future.catchError(onError, test: test);
Future/*<S>*/ then/*<S>*/(/*=S*/ onValue(T value), {Function onError}) =>
_completer._outerCompleter.future.then(onValue, onError: onError);
Future<T> timeout(Duration timeLimit, {onTimeout()}) {
// TODO(paulberry): Implement this in such a way that a timeout cancels
// the future.
return _completer._outerCompleter.future
.timeout(timeLimit, onTimeout: onTimeout);
Future<T> whenComplete(action()) =>
* A CancelableFuture that wraps an ordinary Future. Attempting to cancel a
* _WrappedFuture has no effect.
class _WrappedFuture<T> implements CancelableFuture<T> {
final Future<T> _future;
Stream<T> asStream() => _future.asStream();
void cancel() {}
Future<T> catchError(Function onError, {bool test(Object error)}) =>
_future.catchError(onError, test: test);
Future/*<S>*/ then/*<S>*/(/*=S*/ onValue(T value), {Function onError}) =>
_future.then(onValue, onError: onError);
Future<T> timeout(Duration timeLimit, {onTimeout()}) =>
_future.timeout(timeLimit, onTimeout: onTimeout);
Future<T> whenComplete(action()) => _future.whenComplete(action);