blob: 3096ff76f7413b5267a04ecf3c949aa4d7f32294 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart2js.js_emitter;
class NsmEmitter extends CodeEmitterHelper {
final List<Selector> trivialNsmHandlers = <Selector>[];
/// If this is true then we can generate the noSuchMethod handlers at startup
/// time, instead of them being emitted as part of the Object class.
bool get generateTrivialNsmHandlers => true;
// If we need fewer than this many noSuchMethod handlers we can save space by
// just emitting them in JS, rather than emitting the JS needed to generate
// them at run time.
void emitNoSuchMethodHandlers(AddPropertyFunction addProperty) {
// Do not generate no such method handlers if there is no class.
if (compiler.codegenWorld.directlyInstantiatedClasses.isEmpty) return;
String noSuchMethodName = namer.publicInstanceMethodNameByArity(
// Keep track of the JavaScript names we've already added so we
// do not introduce duplicates (bad for code size).
Map<String, Selector> addedJsNames = new Map<String, Selector>();
void addNoSuchMethodHandlers(String ignore, Set<Selector> selectors) {
// Cache the object class and type.
ClassElement objectClass = compiler.objectClass;
DartType objectType = objectClass.rawType;
for (Selector selector in selectors) {
TypeMask mask = selector.mask;
if (mask == null) {
mask = new TypeMask.subclass(compiler.objectClass,;
if (!mask.needsNoSuchMethodHandling(selector, continue;
String jsName = namer.invocationMirrorInternalName(selector);
addedJsNames[jsName] = selector;
String reflectionName = emitter.getReflectionName(selector, jsName);
if (reflectionName != null) {
emitter.mangledFieldNames[jsName] = reflectionName;
// Set flag used by generateMethod helper below. If we have very few
// handlers we use addProperty for them all, rather than try to generate
// them at runtime.
bool haveVeryFewNoSuchMemberHandlers =
jsAst.Expression generateMethod(String jsName, Selector selector) {
// Values match JSInvocationMirror in js-helper library.
int type = selector.invocationMirrorKind;
List<String> parameterNames =
new List.generate(selector.argumentCount, (i) => '\$$i');
List<jsAst.Expression> argNames =
selector.getOrderedNamedArguments().map((String name) =>
String methodName = selector.invocationMirrorMemberName;
String internalName = namer.invocationMirrorInternalName(selector);
String reflectionName = emitter.getReflectionName(selector, internalName);
if (!haveVeryFewNoSuchMemberHandlers &&
isTrivialNsmHandler(type, argNames, selector, internalName) &&
reflectionName == null) {
return null;
jsAst.Expression expression =
{'noSuchMethodName': noSuchMethodName,
? internalName : methodName),
'internalName': js.string(internalName),
'type': js.number(type),
new jsAst.ArrayInitializer(,
'namedArguments': new jsAst.ArrayInitializer(argNames)});
if (backend.isInterceptedName( {
return js(r'function($receiver, #) { return # }',
[parameterNames, expression]);
} else {
return js(r'function(#) { return # }', [parameterNames, expression]);
for (String jsName in addedJsNames.keys.toList()..sort()) {
Selector selector = addedJsNames[jsName];
jsAst.Expression method = generateMethod(jsName, selector);
if (method != null) {
addProperty(jsName, method);
String reflectionName = emitter.getReflectionName(selector, jsName);
if (reflectionName != null) {
bool accessible =
(Element e) => backend.isAccessibleByReflection(e));
addProperty('+$reflectionName', js(accessible ? '2' : '0'));
// Identify the noSuchMethod handlers that are so simple that we can
// generate them programatically.
bool isTrivialNsmHandler(
int type, List argNames, Selector selector, String internalName) {
if (!generateTrivialNsmHandlers) return false;
// Check for interceptor calling convention.
if (backend.isInterceptedName( {
// We can handle the calling convention used by intercepted names in the
// diff encoding, but we don't use that for non-minified code.
if (!compiler.enableMinification) return false;
String shortName = namer.invocationMirrorInternalName(selector);
return false;
// Check for named arguments.
if (argNames.length != 0) return false;
// Check for unexpected name (this doesn't really happen).
if (internalName.startsWith(namer.getterPrefix[0])) return type == 1;
if (internalName.startsWith(namer.setterPrefix[0])) return type == 2;
return type == 0;
* Adds (at runtime) the handlers to the Object class which catch calls to
* methods that the object does not have. The handlers create an invocation
* mirror object.
* The current version only gives you the minified name when minifying (when
* not minifying this method is not called).
* In order to generate the noSuchMethod handlers we only need the minified
* name of the method. We test the first character of the minified name to
* determine if it is a getter or a setter, and we use the arguments array at
* runtime to get the number of arguments and their values. If the method
* involves named arguments etc. then we don't handle it here, but emit the
* handler method directly on the Object class.
* The minified names are mostly 1-4 character names, which we emit in sorted
* order (primary key is length, secondary ordering is lexicographic). This
* gives an order like ... dD dI dX da ...
* Gzip is good with repeated text, but it can't diff-encode, so we do that
* for it. We encode the minified names in a comma-separated string, but all
* the 1-4 character names are encoded before the first comma as a series of
* base 26 numbers. The last digit of each number is lower case, the others
* are upper case, so 1 is "b" and 26 is "Ba".
* We think of the minified names as base 88 numbers using the ASCII
* characters from # to z. The base 26 numbers each encode the delta from
* the previous minified name to the next. So if there is a minified name
* called Df and the next is Dh, then they are 2971 and 2973 when thought of
* as base 88 numbers. The difference is 2, which is "c" in lower-case-
* terminated base 26.
* The reason we don't encode long minified names with this method is that
* decoding the base 88 numbers would overflow JavaScript's puny integers.
* There are some selectors that have a special calling convention (because
* they are called with the receiver as the first argument). They need a
* slightly different noSuchMethod handler, so we handle these first.
List<jsAst.Statement> buildTrivialNsmHandlers() {
List<jsAst.Statement> statements = <jsAst.Statement>[];
if (trivialNsmHandlers.length == 0) return statements;
// Sort by calling convention, JS name length and by JS name.
trivialNsmHandlers.sort((a, b) {
bool aIsIntercepted = backend.isInterceptedName(;
bool bIsIntercepted = backend.isInterceptedName(;
if (aIsIntercepted != bIsIntercepted) return aIsIntercepted ? -1 : 1;
String aName = namer.invocationMirrorInternalName(a);
String bName = namer.invocationMirrorInternalName(b);
if (aName.length != bName.length) return aName.length - bName.length;
return aName.compareTo(bName);
// Find out how many selectors there are with the special calling
// convention.
int firstNormalSelector = trivialNsmHandlers.length;
for (int i = 0; i < trivialNsmHandlers.length; i++) {
if (!backend.isInterceptedName(trivialNsmHandlers[i].name)) {
firstNormalSelector = i;
// Get the short names (JS names, perhaps minified).
Iterable<String> shorts = =>
final diffShorts = <String>[];
var diffEncoding = new StringBuffer();
// Treat string as a number in base 88 with digits in ASCII order from # to
// z. The short name sorting is based on length, and uses ASCII order for
// equal length strings so this means that names are ascending. The hash
// character, #, is never given as input, but we need it because it's the
// implicit leading zero (otherwise we could not code names with leading
// dollar signs).
int fromBase88(String x) {
int answer = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
int c = x.codeUnitAt(i);
// No support for Unicode minified identifiers in JS.
assert(c >= $$ && c <= $z);
answer *= 88;
answer += c - $HASH;
return answer;
// Big endian encoding, A = 0, B = 1...
// A lower case letter terminates the number.
String toBase26(int x) {
int c = x;
var encodingChars = <int>[];
encodingChars.add($a + (c % 26));
while (true) {
c ~/= 26;
if (c == 0) break;
encodingChars.add($A + (c % 26));
return new String.fromCharCodes(encodingChars.reversed.toList());
bool minify = compiler.enableMinification;
bool useDiffEncoding = minify && shorts.length > 30;
int previous = 0;
int nameCounter = 0;
for (String short in shorts) {
// Emit period that resets the diff base to zero when we switch to normal
// calling convention (this avoids the need to code negative diffs).
if (useDiffEncoding && nameCounter == firstNormalSelector) {
previous = 0;
useDiffEncoding) {
int base63 = fromBase88(short);
int diff = base63 - previous;
previous = base63;
String base26Diff = toBase26(diff);
} else {
if (useDiffEncoding || diffEncoding.length != 0) {
// Startup code that loops over the method names and puts handlers on the
// Object class to catch noSuchMethod invocations.
ClassElement objectClass = compiler.objectClass;
jsAst.Expression createInvocationMirror = backend.emitter
String noSuchMethodName = namer.publicInstanceMethodNameByArity(
var type = 0;
if (useDiffEncoding) {
var objectClassObject = processedClasses.collected[#objectClass],
shortNames = #diffEncoding.split(","),
nameNumber = 0,
diffEncodedString = shortNames[0],
calculatedShortNames = [0, 1]; // 0, 1 are args for splice.
// If we are loading a deferred library the object class will not be in
// the collectedClasses so objectClassObject is undefined, and we skip
// setting up the names.
if (objectClassObject) {
if (objectClassObject instanceof Array)
objectClassObject = objectClassObject[1];
for (var i = 0; i < diffEncodedString.length; i++) {
var codes = [],
diff = 0,
digit = diffEncodedString.charCodeAt(i);
if (digit == ${$PERIOD}) {
nameNumber = 0;
digit = diffEncodedString.charCodeAt(++i);
for (; digit <= ${$Z};) {
diff *= 26;
diff += (digit - ${$A});
digit = diffEncodedString.charCodeAt(++i);
diff *= 26;
diff += (digit - ${$a});
nameNumber += diff;
for (var remaining = nameNumber;
remaining > 0;
remaining = (remaining / 88) | 0) {
codes.unshift(${$HASH} + remaining % 88);
String.fromCharCode.apply(String, codes));
shortNames.splice.apply(shortNames, calculatedShortNames);
}''', {'objectClass': js.string(namer.getNameOfClass(objectClass)),
'diffEncoding': js.string('$diffEncoding')}));
} else {
// No useDiffEncoding version.
Iterable<String> longs = =>
'var objectClassObject = processedClasses.collected[#objectClass],'
' shortNames = #diffEncoding.split(",")',
{'objectClass': js.string(namer.getNameOfClass(objectClass)),
'diffEncoding': js.string('$diffEncoding')}));
if (!minify) {
statements.add(js.statement('var longNames = #longs.split(",")',
{'longs': js.string(longs.join(','))}));
'if (objectClassObject instanceof Array)'
' objectClassObject = objectClassObject[1];'));
// TODO(9631): This is no longer valid for native methods.
String whatToPatch = emitter.nativeEmitter.handleNoSuchMethod ?
"Object.prototype" :
List<jsAst.Expression> sliceOffsetArguments =
firstNormalSelector == 0
? []
: (firstNormalSelector == shorts.length
? [js.number(1)]
: [js('(j < #) ? 1 : 0', js.number(firstNormalSelector))]);
var sliceOffsetParams = sliceOffsetArguments.isEmpty ? [] : ['sliceOffset'];
// If we are loading a deferred library the object class will not be in
// the collectedClasses so objectClassObject is undefined, and we skip
// setting up the names.
if (objectClassObject) {
for (var j = 0; j < shortNames.length; j++) {
var type = 0;
var short = shortNames[j];
if (short[0] == "${namer.getterPrefix[0]}") type = 1;
if (short[0] == "${namer.setterPrefix[0]}") type = 2;
// Generate call to:
// createInvocationMirror(String name, internalName, type,
// arguments, argumentNames)
$whatToPatch[short] = (function(name, short,
type, #sliceOffsetParams) {
return function() {
return this.#noSuchMethodName(this,
#createInvocationMirror(name, short, type,,
})(#names[j], short, type, #sliceOffsetArguments);
}''', {
'sliceOffsetParams': sliceOffsetParams,
'noSuchMethodName': noSuchMethodName,
'createInvocationMirror': createInvocationMirror,
'names': minify ? 'shortNames' : 'longNames',
'sliceOffsetArguments': sliceOffsetArguments}));
return statements;