blob: 7d011ada585a4a6be4e714aceded5d92d40b2034 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.new_js_emitter.model;
import '../js/js.dart' as js show Expression;
import '../constants/values.dart' show ConstantValue;
import '../deferred_load.dart' show OutputUnit;
import '../common.dart';
class Program {
final List<Fragment> fragments;
final List<Class> nativeClasses;
final bool outputContainsConstantList;
/// A map from load id to the list of fragments that need to be loaded.
final Map<String, List<Fragment>> loadMap;
bool get isSplit => fragments.length > 1;
Iterable<Fragment> get deferredFragments => fragments.skip(1);
* This class represents a JavaScript object that contains static state, like
* classes or functions.
class Holder {
final String name;
final int index;
Holder(, this.index);
* This class represents one output file.
* If no library is deferred, there is only one [Fragment] of type
* [MainFragment].
abstract class Fragment {
/// The outputUnit should only be used during the transition to the new model.
/// Uses indicate missing information in the model.
final OutputUnit outputUnit;
final List<Library> libraries;
final List<Constant> constants;
// TODO(floitsch): should we move static fields into libraries or classes?
final List<StaticField> staticNonFinalFields;
// TODO(floitsch): lazy fields should be in their library or even class.
final List<StaticField> staticLazilyInitializedFields;
/// Output file name without extension.
final String outputFileName;
bool get isMainFragment => mainFragment == this;
MainFragment get mainFragment;
* The main output file.
* This code emitted from this [Fragment] must be loaded first. It can then load
* other [DeferredFragment]s.
class MainFragment extends Fragment {
final js.Expression main;
final List<Holder> holders;
MainFragment(OutputUnit outputUnit,
String outputFileName,
List<Library> libraries,
List<StaticField> staticNonFinalFields,
List<StaticField> staticLazilyInitializedFields,
List<Constant> constants,
: super(outputUnit,
MainFragment get mainFragment => this;
* An output (file) for deferred code.
class DeferredFragment extends Fragment {
final MainFragment mainFragment;
final String name;
List<Holder> get holders => mainFragment.holders;
DeferredFragment(OutputUnit outputUnit,
String outputFileName,,
List<Library> libraries,
List<StaticField> staticNonFinalFields,
List<StaticField> staticLazilyInitializedFields,
List<Constant> constants)
: super(outputUnit,
class Constant {
final String name;
final Holder holder;
final ConstantValue value;
Constant(, this.holder, this.value);
abstract class FieldContainer {
List<Field> get staticFieldsForReflection;
class Library implements FieldContainer {
/// The element should only be used during the transition to the new model.
/// Uses indicate missing information in the model.
final Element element;
final String uri;
final List<StaticMethod> statics;
final List<Class> classes;
final List<Field> staticFieldsForReflection;
Library(this.element, this.uri, this.statics, this.classes,
class StaticField {
/// The element should only be used during the transition to the new model.
/// Uses indicate missing information in the model.
final Element element;
final String name;
// TODO(floitsch): the holder for static fields is the isolate object. We
// could remove this field and use the isolate object directly.
final Holder holder;
final js.Expression code;
final bool isFinal;
final bool isLazy;
StaticField(this.element,, this.holder, this.code,
this.isFinal, this.isLazy);
class Class implements FieldContainer {
/// The element should only be used during the transition to the new model.
/// Uses indicate missing information in the model.
final Element element;
final String name;
final Holder holder;
Class _superclass;
final List<Method> methods;
final List<Field> fields;
final List<StubMethod> isChecks;
final List<StubMethod> callStubs;
final List<Field> staticFieldsForReflection;
final bool onlyForRti;
final bool isDirectlyInstantiated;
final bool isNative;
// If the class implements a function type, and the type is encoded in the
// metatada table, then this field contains the index into that field.
final int functionTypeIndex;
/// Whether the class must be evaluated eagerly.
bool isEager = false;
Class(this.element,, this.holder,
this.isNative}) {
assert(onlyForRti != null);
assert(isDirectlyInstantiated != null);
assert(isNative != null);
bool get isMixinApplication => false;
Class get superclass => _superclass;
void setSuperclass(Class superclass) {
_superclass = superclass;
String get superclassName
=> (superclass == null) ? "" :;
int get superclassHolderIndex
=> (superclass == null) ? 0 : superclass.holder.index;
class MixinApplication extends Class {
Class _mixinClass;
MixinApplication(Element element, String name, Holder holder,
List<Field> instanceFields,
List<Field> staticFieldsForReflection,
List<StubMethod> callStubs,
List<StubMethod> isChecks,
int functionTypeIndex,
{bool onlyForRti,
bool isDirectlyInstantiated})
: super(element,
name, holder,
const <Method>[],
isChecks, functionTypeIndex,
onlyForRti: onlyForRti,
isDirectlyInstantiated: isDirectlyInstantiated,
isNative: false);
bool get isMixinApplication => true;
Class get mixinClass => _mixinClass;
void setMixinClass(Class mixinClass) {
_mixinClass = mixinClass;
/// A field.
/// In general represents an instance field, but for reflection may also
/// represent static fields.
class Field {
/// The element should only be used during the transition to the new model.
/// Uses indicate missing information in the model.
final Element element;
final String name;
final String accessorName;
/// 00: Does not need any getter.
/// 01: function() { return this.field; }
/// 10: function(receiver) { return receiver.field; }
/// 11: function(receiver) { return this.field; }
final int getterFlags;
/// 00: Does not need any setter.
/// 01: function(value) { this.field = value; }
/// 10: function(receiver, value) { receiver.field = value; }
/// 11: function(receiver, value) { this.field = value; }
final int setterFlags;
final bool needsCheckedSetter;
// TODO(floitsch): support renamed fields.
Field(this.element,, this.accessorName,
this.getterFlags, this.setterFlags,
bool get needsGetter => getterFlags != 0;
bool get needsUncheckedSetter => setterFlags != 0;
bool get needsInterceptedGetter => getterFlags > 1;
bool get needsInterceptedSetter => setterFlags > 1;
class Method {
/// The element should only be used during the transition to the new model.
/// Uses indicate missing information in the model.
final Element element;
final String name;
final js.Expression code;
final bool needsTearOff;
Method(this.element,, this.code, {this.needsTearOff}) {
assert(needsTearOff != null);
class StubMethod extends Method {
StubMethod(String name, js.Expression code,
{bool needsTearOff, Element element })
: super(element, name, code, needsTearOff: needsTearOff);
class StaticMethod extends Method {
final Holder holder;
StaticMethod(Element element, String name, this.holder, js.Expression code,
{bool needsTearOff})
: super(element, name, code, needsTearOff: needsTearOff);
class StaticStubMethod extends StaticMethod {
StaticStubMethod(String name, Holder holder, js.Expression code,
{bool needsTearOff})
: super(null, name, holder, code, needsTearOff: needsTearOff);