blob: a8efa5e88f0b924d197f9cb9189bf3cc882ebefc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert' show jsonDecode;
import 'dart:io' hide File;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/analysis_context_collection.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/diagnostic/diagnostic.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart'
show File, ResourceProvider;
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/physical_file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/analysis_context_collection.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/driver_based_analysis_context.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/util/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart'
hide AnalysisError;
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
import 'package:cli_util/cli_logging.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/edit_plan.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/exceptions.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/front_end/dartfix_listener.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/front_end/driver_provider_impl.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/front_end/non_nullable_fix.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/messages.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/utilities/json.dart' as json;
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/utilities/source_edit_diff_formatter.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' show Context;
String _pluralize(int count, String single, {String multiple}) {
return count == 1 ? single : (multiple ?? '${single}s');
String _removePeriod(String value) {
return value.endsWith('.') ? value.substring(0, value.length - 1) : value;
/// Data structure recording command-line options for the migration tool that
/// have been passed in by the client.
class CommandLineOptions {
static const applyChangesFlag = 'apply-changes';
static const helpFlag = 'help';
static const ignoreErrorsFlag = 'ignore-errors';
static const ignoreExceptionsFlag = 'ignore-exceptions';
static const previewHostnameOption = 'preview-hostname';
static const previewPortOption = 'preview-port';
static const sdkPathOption = 'sdk-path';
static const skipPubOutdatedFlag = 'skip-pub-outdated';
static const summaryOption = 'summary';
static const verboseFlag = 'verbose';
static const webPreviewFlag = 'web-preview';
final bool applyChanges;
final String directory;
final bool ignoreErrors;
final bool ignoreExceptions;
final String previewHostname;
final int previewPort;
final String sdkPath;
final bool skipPubOutdated;
final String summary;
final bool webPreview;
{@required this.applyChanges,
@required this.ignoreErrors,
@required this.ignoreExceptions,
@required this.previewHostname,
@required this.previewPort,
@required this.sdkPath,
@required this.skipPubOutdated,
@required this.summary,
@required this.webPreview});
class DependencyChecker {
/// The directory which contains the package being migrated.
final String _directory;
final Context _pathContext;
final Logger _logger;
final ProcessManager _processManager;
this._directory, this._pathContext, this._logger, this._processManager);
bool check() {
var pubPath = _pathContext.join(getSdkPath(), 'bin', 'dart');
var pubArguments = ['pub', 'outdated', '--mode=null-safety', '--json'];
var preNullSafetyPackages = <String, String>{};
try {
var result = _processManager.runSync(pubPath, pubArguments,
workingDirectory: _directory);
if ((result.stderr as String).isNotEmpty) {
throw FormatException(
'`dart pub outdated --mode=null-safety` exited with exit code '
'${result.exitCode} and stderr:\n\n${result.stderr}');
var outdatedOutput = jsonDecode(result.stdout as String);
var outdatedMap = json.expectType<Map>(outdatedOutput, 'root');
var packageList =
json.expectType<List>(outdatedMap['packages'], 'packages');
for (var package_ in packageList) {
var package = json.expectType<Map>(package_, '');
var current_ = json.expectKey(package, 'current');
if (current_ == null) {
var current = json.expectType<Map>(current_, 'current');
if (json.expectType<bool>(current['nullSafety'], 'nullSafety')) {
// For whatever reason, there is no "current" version of this package.
// TODO(srawlins): We may want to report this to the user. But it may
// be inconsequential.
json.expectKey(package, 'package');
json.expectKey(current, 'version');
var name = json.expectType<String>(package['package'], 'package');
// A version will be given, even if a package was provided with a local
// or git path.
var version = json.expectType<String>(current['version'], 'version');
preNullSafetyPackages[name] = version;
} on ProcessException catch (e) {
'Warning: Could not execute `$pubPath ${pubArguments.join(' ')}`: '
// Allow the program to continue; users should be allowed to attempt to
// migrate when `pub outdated` is misbehaving, or if there is a bug above.
} on FormatException catch (e) {
_logger.stderr('Warning: ${e.message}');
// Allow the program to continue; users should be allowed to attempt to
// migrate when `pub outdated` is misbehaving, or if there is a bug above.
if (preNullSafetyPackages.isNotEmpty) {
'Warning: dependencies are outdated. The version(s) of one or more '
'packages currently checked out have not yet migrated to the Null '
'Safety feature.');
for (var package in preNullSafetyPackages.entries) {
' ${package.key}, currently at version ${package.value}');
_logger.stderr('It is highly recommended to upgrade all dependencies to '
'versions which have migrated. Use `dart pub outdated '
'--mode=null-safety` to check the status of dependencies.');
_logger.stderr('Visit for '
'more information.');
return false;
return true;
class MigrateCommand extends Command<dynamic> {
final bool verbose;
final bool hidden;
MigrateCommand({this.verbose = false, this.hidden = false}) {
MigrationCli._defineOptions(argParser, !verbose);
String get description =>
'Perform a null safety migration on a project or package.'
'\n\nThe migration tool is in preview; see '
' for a migration guide.';
String get invocation {
return '${super.invocation} [project or directory]';
String get name => 'migrate';
FutureOr<int> run() async {
var cli = MigrationCli(binaryName: 'dart $name');
try {
await cli.decodeCommandLineArgs(argResults, isVerbose: verbose)?.run();
} on MigrationExit catch (migrationExit) {
return migrationExit.exitCode;
return 0;
/// Command-line API for the migration tool, with additional parameters exposed
/// for testing.
/// Recommended usage: create an instance of this object and call
/// [decodeCommandLineArgs]. If it returns non-null, call
/// [] on the result. If either method throws a
/// [MigrationExit], exit with the error code contained therein.
class MigrationCli {
/// The name of the executable, for reporting in help messages.
final String binaryName;
/// The SDK path that should be used if none is provided by the user. Used in
/// testing to install a mock SDK.
final String defaultSdkPathOverride;
/// Factory to create an appropriate Logger instance to give feedback to the
/// user. Used in testing to allow user feedback messages to be tested.
final Logger Function(bool isVerbose) loggerFactory;
/// Process manager that should be used to run processes. Used in testing to
/// redirect to mock processes.
final ProcessManager processManager;
/// Resource provider that should be used to access the filesystem. Used in
/// testing to redirect to an in-memory filesystem.
final ResourceProvider resourceProvider;
/// Logger instance we use to give feedback to the user.
final Logger logger;
/// The environment variables, tracked to help users debug if SDK_PATH was
/// specified and that resulted in any [ExperimentStatusException]s.
final Map<String, String> _environmentVariables;
@required this.binaryName,
@visibleForTesting this.loggerFactory = _defaultLoggerFactory,
@visibleForTesting this.defaultSdkPathOverride,
@visibleForTesting ResourceProvider resourceProvider,
@visibleForTesting this.processManager = const ProcessManager.system(),
@visibleForTesting Map<String, String> environmentVariables,
}) : logger = loggerFactory(false),
resourceProvider =
resourceProvider ?? PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE,
_environmentVariables = environmentVariables ?? Platform.environment;
Context get pathContext => resourceProvider.pathContext;
/// Parses and validates command-line arguments, and creates a
/// [MigrationCliRunner] that is prepared to perform migration.
/// If the user asked for help, it is printed using the logger configured in
/// the constructor, and `null` is returned.
/// If the user supplied a bad option, a message is printed using the logger
/// configured in the constructor, and [MigrationExit] is thrown.
MigrationCliRunner decodeCommandLineArgs(ArgResults argResults,
{bool isVerbose}) {
try {
isVerbose ??= argResults[CommandLineOptions.verboseFlag] as bool;
if (argResults[CommandLineOptions.helpFlag] as bool) {
return null;
var rest =;
String migratePath;
if (rest.isEmpty) {
migratePath = pathContext.current;
} else if (rest.length > 1) {
throw _BadArgException('No more than one path may be specified.');
} else {
migratePath = pathContext
.normalize(pathContext.join(pathContext.current, rest[0]));
var migrateResource = resourceProvider.getResource(migratePath);
if (migrateResource is File) {
if (migrateResource.exists) {
throw _BadArgException('$migratePath is a file.');
} else {
throw _BadArgException('$migratePath does not exist.');
var applyChanges =
argResults[CommandLineOptions.applyChangesFlag] as bool;
var previewPortRaw =
argResults[CommandLineOptions.previewPortOption] as String;
int previewPort;
try {
previewPort = previewPortRaw == null ? null : int.parse(previewPortRaw);
} on FormatException catch (_) {
throw _BadArgException(
'Invalid value for --${CommandLineOptions.previewPortOption}');
var webPreview = argResults[CommandLineOptions.webPreviewFlag] as bool;
if (applyChanges && webPreview) {
throw _BadArgException('--apply-changes requires --no-web-preview');
var options = CommandLineOptions(
applyChanges: applyChanges,
directory: migratePath,
ignoreErrors: argResults[CommandLineOptions.ignoreErrorsFlag] as bool,
argResults[CommandLineOptions.ignoreExceptionsFlag] as bool,
argResults[CommandLineOptions.previewHostnameOption] as String,
previewPort: previewPort,
sdkPath: argResults[CommandLineOptions.sdkPathOption] as String ??
defaultSdkPathOverride ??
argResults[CommandLineOptions.skipPubOutdatedFlag] as bool,
summary: argResults[CommandLineOptions.summaryOption] as String,
webPreview: webPreview);
return MigrationCliRunner(this, options,
logger: isVerbose ? loggerFactory(true) : null);
} on Object catch (exception) {
void handleArgParsingException(Object exception) {
String message;
if (exception is FormatException) {
message = exception.message;
} else if (exception is _BadArgException) {
message = exception.message;
} else {
message =
'Exception occurred while parsing command-line options: $exception';
throw MigrationExit(1);
void _showUsage(bool isVerbose) {
logger.stderr('Usage: $binaryName [options...] [<package directory>]');
logger.stderr(createParser(hide: !isVerbose).usage);
if (!isVerbose) {
.stderr('Run "$binaryName -h -v" for verbose help output, including '
'less commonly used options.');
static ArgParser createParser({bool hide = true}) {
var parser = ArgParser();
abbr: 'h',
'Display this help message. Add --verbose to show hidden options.',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false);
_defineOptions(parser, hide);
return parser;
static Logger _defaultLoggerFactory(bool isVerbose) {
var ansi = Ansi(Ansi.terminalSupportsAnsi);
if (isVerbose) {
return Logger.verbose(ansi: ansi);
} else {
return Logger.standard(ansi: ansi);
static void _defineOptions(ArgParser parser, bool hide) {
addCoreOptions(parser, hide);
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
help: 'Skip the `pub outdated --mode=null-safety` check.',
defaultsTo: true,
negatable: true,
help: 'Show an interactive preview of the proposed null safety changes '
'in a browser window.\n'
'With --no-web-preview, the proposed changes are instead printed to '
'the console.');
help: 'The path to the Dart SDK.', hide: hide);
'Output path for a machine-readable summary of migration changes');
static void addCoreOptions(ArgParser parser, bool hide) {
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
help: 'Apply the proposed null safety changes to the files on disk.');
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
help: 'Attempt to perform null safety analysis even if there are '
'analysis errors in the project.',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
'Attempt to perform null safety analysis even if exceptions occur.',
hide: hide);
abbr: 'v',
defaultsTo: false,
help: 'Verbose output.',
negatable: false);
defaultsTo: 'localhost',
help: 'Run the preview server on the specified hostname.\nIf not '
'specified, "localhost" is used. Use "any" to specify IPv6.any or '
help: 'Run the preview server on the specified port. If not specified, '
'dynamically allocate a port.');
/// Internals of the command-line API for the migration tool, with additional
/// methods exposed for testing.
/// This class may be used directly by clients that with to run migration but
/// provide their own command-line interface.
class MigrationCliRunner {
final MigrationCli cli;
/// Logger instance we use to give feedback to the user.
final Logger logger;
/// The result of parsing command-line options.
final CommandLineOptions options;
final Map<String, List<AnalysisError>> fileErrors = {};
final Map<String, LineInfo> lineInfo = {};
DartFixListener _dartFixListener;
_FixCodeProcessor _fixCodeProcessor;
AnalysisContextCollection _contextCollection;
bool _hasExceptions = false;
bool _hasAnalysisErrors = false;
MigrationCliRunner(this.cli, this.options, {Logger logger})
: logger = logger ?? cli.logger;
DriverBasedAnalysisContext get analysisContext {
// Handle the case of more than one analysis context being found (typically,
// the current directory and one or more sub-directories).
if (hasMultipleAnalysisContext) {
return contextCollection.contextFor(
as DriverBasedAnalysisContext;
} else {
return contextCollection.contexts.single as DriverBasedAnalysisContext;
Ansi get ansi => logger.ansi;
AnalysisContextCollection get contextCollection {
_contextCollection ??= AnalysisContextCollectionImpl(
includedPaths: [],
resourceProvider: resourceProvider,
sdkPath: pathContext.normalize(options.sdkPath));
return _contextCollection;
bool get hasMultipleAnalysisContext {
return contextCollection.contexts.length > 1;
bool get isPreviewServerRunning =>
_fixCodeProcessor?.isPreviewServerRunnning ?? false;
Context get pathContext => resourceProvider.pathContext;
ResourceProvider get resourceProvider => cli.resourceProvider;
/// Called after changes have been applied on disk. Maybe overridden by a
/// derived class.
void applyHook() {}
/// Blocks until an interrupt signal (control-C) is received. Tests may
/// override this method to simulate control-C.
Future<void> blockUntilSignalInterrupt() {
Stream<ProcessSignal> stream =;
return stream.first;
/// Computes the internet address that should be passed to `HttpServer.bind`
/// when starting the preview server. May be overridden in derived classes.
Object computeBindAddress() {
var hostname = options.previewHostname;
if (hostname == 'localhost') {
return InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4;
} else if (hostname == 'any') {
return InternetAddress.anyIPv6;
} else {
return hostname;
/// Computes the set of file paths that should be analyzed by the migration
/// engine. May be overridden by a derived class.
/// All files to be migrated must be included in the returned set. It is
/// permissible for the set to contain additional files that could help the
/// migration tool build up a more complete nullability graph (for example
/// generated files, or usages of the code-to-be-migrated by one one of its
/// clients).
/// By default returns the set of all `.dart` files contained in the context.
Set<String> computePathsToProcess(DriverBasedAnalysisContext context) =>
.where((s) => s.endsWith('.dart'))
NonNullableFix createNonNullableFix(
DartFixListener listener,
ResourceProvider resourceProvider,
LineInfo getLineInfo(String path),
Object bindAddress,
{List<String> included = const <String>[],
int preferredPort,
String summaryPath}) {
return NonNullableFix(listener, resourceProvider, getLineInfo, bindAddress,
included: included,
preferredPort: preferredPort,
summaryPath: summaryPath);
/// Runs the full migration process.
/// If something goes wrong, a message is printed using the logger configured
/// in the constructor, and [MigrationExit] is thrown.
Future<void> run() async {
if (!options.skipPubOutdated) {
logger.stdout('Migrating ${}');
if (hasMultipleAnalysisContext) {
.stdout('Note: more than one project found; migrating the top-level '
DriverBasedAnalysisContext context = analysisContext;
List<String> previewUrls;
NonNullableFix nonNullableFix;
logger.stdout(ansi.emphasized('Analyzing project...'));
_fixCodeProcessor = _FixCodeProcessor(context, this);
_dartFixListener = DartFixListener(
DriverProviderImpl(resourceProvider, context), _exceptionReported);
nonNullableFix = createNonNullableFix(_dartFixListener, resourceProvider,
_fixCodeProcessor.getLineInfo, computeBindAddress(),
included: [],
preferredPort: options.previewPort,
summaryPath: options.summary);
nonNullableFix.rerunFunction = _rerunFunction;
_fixCodeProcessor.nonNullableFixTask = nonNullableFix;
try {
await _fixCodeProcessor.runFirstPhase(singlePhaseProgress: true);
} on ExperimentStatusException catch (e) {
final sdkPathVar = cli._environmentVariables['SDK_PATH'];
if (sdkPathVar != null) {
logger.stdout('$sdkPathEnvironmentVariableSet: $sdkPathVar');
throw MigrationExit(1);
logger.stdout(ansi.emphasized('Generating migration suggestions...'));
previewUrls = await _fixCodeProcessor.runLaterPhases(resetProgress: true);
if (options.applyChanges) {
logger.stdout(ansi.emphasized('Applying changes:'));
var allEdits = _dartFixListener.sourceChange.edits;
'Applied ${allEdits.length} ${_pluralize(allEdits.length, 'edit')}.');
// Note: do not open the web preview if apply-changes is specified, as we
// currently cannot tell the web preview to disable the "apply migration"
// button.
if (options.webPreview) {
String url = previewUrls.first;
assert(previewUrls.length <= 1,
'Got unexpected extra preview URLs from server');
// TODO(#41809): Open a browser automatically.
View the migration suggestions by visiting:
Use this interactive web view to review, improve, or apply the results.
logger.stdout('When finished with the preview, hit ctrl-c '
'to terminate this process.');
// Block until sigint (ctrl-c).
await blockUntilSignalInterrupt();
} else {
logger.stdout(ansi.emphasized('Summary of changes:'));
logger.stdout('To apply these changes, re-run the tool with '
/// Determines whether a migrated version of the file at [path] should be
/// output by the migration too. May be overridden by a derived class.
/// This method should return `false` for files that are being considered by
/// the migration tool for information only (for example generated files, or
/// usages of the code-to-be-migrated by one one of its clients).
/// By default returns `true` if the file is contained within the context
/// root. This means that if a client overrides [computePathsToProcess] to
/// return additional paths that aren't inside the user's project, but doesn't
/// override this method, then those additional paths will be analyzed but not
/// migrated.
bool shouldBeMigrated(DriverBasedAnalysisContext context, String path) {
return context.contextRoot.isAnalyzed(path);
/// Perform the indicated source edits to the given source, returning the
/// resulting transformed text.
String _applyEdits(SourceFileEdit sourceFileEdit, String source) {
List<SourceEdit> edits = _sortEdits(sourceFileEdit);
return SourceEdit.applySequence(source, edits);
void _applyMigrationSuggestions(List<SourceFileEdit> edits) {
// Apply the changes to disk.
for (SourceFileEdit sourceFileEdit in edits) {
String relPath =
pathContext.relative(sourceFileEdit.file, from:;
int count = sourceFileEdit.edits.length;
logger.stdout(' $relPath ($count ${_pluralize(count, 'change')})');
String source;
var file = resourceProvider.getFile(sourceFileEdit.file);
try {
source = file.readAsStringSync();
} catch (_) {}
if (source == null) {
logger.stdout(' Unable to retrieve source for file.');
} else {
source = _applyEdits(sourceFileEdit, source);
try {
} catch (e) {
logger.stdout(' Unable to write source for file: $e');
void _checkDependencies() {
var successful = DependencyChecker(, pathContext, logger, cli.processManager)
if (!successful) {
throw MigrationExit(1);
void _checkForErrors() {
if (fileErrors.isEmpty) {
logger.stdout('No analysis issues found.');
} else {
int issueCount = => list.length).reduce((a, b) => a + b);
'$issueCount analysis ${_pluralize(issueCount, 'issue')} found:');
List<AnalysisError> allErrors = fileErrors.values
.fold(<AnalysisError>[], (list, element) => list..addAll(element));
_displayIssues(logger,, allErrors, lineInfo);
var importErrorCount = allErrors.where(_isUriError).length;
'Note: analysis errors will result in erroneous migration suggestions.');
_hasAnalysisErrors = true;
if (options.ignoreErrors) {
logger.stdout('Continuing with migration suggestions due to the use of '
} else {
// Fail with how to continue.
if (importErrorCount != 0) {
'Unresolved URIs found. Did you forget to run "pub get"?');
'Please fix the analysis issues (or, force generation of migration '
'suggestions by re-running with '
throw MigrationExit(1);
void _displayChangeSummary(DartFixListener migrationResults) {
Map<String, List<DartFixSuggestion>> fileSuggestions = {};
for (DartFixSuggestion suggestion in migrationResults.suggestions) {
String file = suggestion.location.file;
fileSuggestions.putIfAbsent(file, () => <DartFixSuggestion>[]);
// present a diff-like view
var diffStyle = DiffStyle(logger.ansi);
for (SourceFileEdit sourceFileEdit in migrationResults.sourceChange.edits) {
String file = sourceFileEdit.file;
String relPath = pathContext.relative(file, from:;
var edits = sourceFileEdit.edits;
int count = edits.length;
logger.stdout('${ansi.emphasized(relPath)} '
'($count ${_pluralize(count, 'change')}):');
String source;
try {
source = resourceProvider.getFile(file).readAsStringSync();
} catch (_) {}
if (source == null) {
logger.stdout(' (unable to retrieve source for file)');
} else {
for (var line
in diffStyle.formatDiff(source, _sourceEditsToAtomicEdits(edits))) {
logger.stdout(' $line');
void _displayIssues(Logger logger, String directory,
List<AnalysisError> issues, Map<String, LineInfo> lineInfo) {
issues.sort((AnalysisError one, AnalysisError two) {
if (one.source != two.source) {
return one.source.fullName.compareTo(two.source.fullName);
return one.offset - two.offset;
_IssueRenderer renderer =
_IssueRenderer(logger, directory, pathContext, lineInfo);
for (AnalysisError issue in issues) {
void _exceptionReported(String detail) {
if (_hasExceptions) return;
_hasExceptions = true;
if (options.ignoreExceptions) {
Exception(s) occurred during migration. Attempting to perform
migration anyway due to the use of --${CommandLineOptions.ignoreExceptionsFlag}.
To see exception details, re-run without --${CommandLineOptions.ignoreExceptionsFlag}.
} else {
if (_hasAnalysisErrors) {
Aborting migration due to an exception. This may be due to a bug in
the migration tool, or it may be due to errors in the source code
being migrated. If possible, try to fix errors in the source code and
re-try migrating. If that doesn't work, consider filing a bug report
} else {
Aborting migration due to an exception. This most likely is due to a
bug in the migration tool. Please consider filing a bug report at:
To attempt to perform migration anyway, you may re-run with
Exception details:
throw MigrationExit(1);
bool _isUriError(AnalysisError error) =>
error.errorCode == CompileTimeErrorCode.URI_DOES_NOT_EXIST;
Future<void> _rerunFunction() async {
logger.stdout(ansi.emphasized('Recalculating migration suggestions...'));
await _fixCodeProcessor.runFirstPhase();
// TODO(paulberry): check for errors (see
await _fixCodeProcessor.runLaterPhases();
List<SourceEdit> _sortEdits(SourceFileEdit sourceFileEdit) {
// Sort edits in reverse offset order.
List<SourceEdit> edits = sourceFileEdit.edits.toList();
edits.sort((a, b) {
return b.offset - a.offset;
return edits;
static Map<int, List<AtomicEdit>> _sourceEditsToAtomicEdits(
List<SourceEdit> edits) {
return {
for (var edit in edits)
edit.offset: [AtomicEdit.replace(edit.length, edit.replacement)]
/// Exception thrown by [MigrationCli] if the client should exit.
class MigrationExit {
/// The exit code that the client should set.
final int exitCode;
/// An abstraction over the static methods on [Process].
/// Used in tests to run mock processes.
abstract class ProcessManager {
const factory ProcessManager.system() = SystemProcessManager;
/// Run a process synchronously, as in [Process.runSync].
ProcessResult runSync(String executable, List<String> arguments,
{String workingDirectory});
/// A [ProcessManager] that directs all method calls to static methods of
/// [Process], in order to run real processes.
class SystemProcessManager implements ProcessManager {
const SystemProcessManager();
ProcessResult runSync(String executable, List<String> arguments,
{String workingDirectory}) =>
Process.runSync(executable, arguments,
workingDirectory: workingDirectory ?? Directory.current.path);
class _BadArgException implements Exception {
final String message;
class _FixCodeProcessor extends Object {
static const numPhases = 3;
final DriverBasedAnalysisContext context;
NonNullableFix _task;
Set<String> pathsToProcess;
_ProgressBar _progressBar;
final MigrationCliRunner _migrationCli;
/// The task used to migrate to NNBD.
NonNullableFix nonNullableFixTask;
_FixCodeProcessor(this.context, this._migrationCli)
: pathsToProcess = _migrationCli.computePathsToProcess(context);
bool get isPreviewServerRunnning =>
nonNullableFixTask?.isPreviewServerRunning ?? false;
LineInfo getLineInfo(String path) =>
void prepareToRerun() {
var driver = context.driver;
pathsToProcess = _migrationCli.computePathsToProcess(context);
/// Call the supplied [process] function to process each compilation unit.
Future<void> processResources(
Future<void> Function(ResolvedUnitResult result) process) async {
var driver = context.currentSession;
var pathsProcessed = <String>{};
for (var path in pathsToProcess) {
if (pathsProcessed.contains(path)) continue;
switch (await driver.getSourceKind(path)) {
case SourceKind.PART:
// Parts will either be found in a library, below, or if the library
// isn't [isIncluded], will be picked up in the final loop.
case SourceKind.LIBRARY:
var result = await driver.getResolvedLibrary(path);
if (result != null) {
for (var unit in result.units) {
if (!pathsProcessed.contains(unit.path)) {
await process(unit);
for (var path in pathsToProcess.difference(pathsProcessed)) {
var result = await driver.getResolvedUnit(path);
if (result == null || result.unit == null) {
await process(result);
void registerCodeTask(NonNullableFix task) {
_task = task;
Future<void> runFirstPhase({bool singlePhaseProgress = false}) async {
// All tasks should be registered; [numPhases] should be finalized.
_progressBar = _ProgressBar(
pathsToProcess.length * (singlePhaseProgress ? 1 : numPhases));
// Process package
// Process each source file.
await processResources((ResolvedUnitResult result) async {
List<AnalysisError> errors = result.errors
.where((error) => error.severity == Severity.error)
if (errors.isNotEmpty) {
_migrationCli.fileErrors[result.path] = errors;
_migrationCli.lineInfo[result.path] = result.lineInfo;
if (_migrationCli.options.ignoreErrors ||
_migrationCli.fileErrors.isEmpty) {
await _task.prepareUnit(result);
Future<List<String>> runLaterPhases({bool resetProgress = false}) async {
if (resetProgress) {
_progressBar = _ProgressBar(pathsToProcess.length * (numPhases - 1));
await processResources((ResolvedUnitResult result) async {
await _task.processUnit(result);
await processResources((ResolvedUnitResult result) async {
if (_migrationCli.shouldBeMigrated(context, result.path)) {
await _task.finalizeUnit(result);
var state = await _task.finish();
if (_migrationCli.options.webPreview) {
await _task.startPreviewServer(state, _migrationCli.applyHook);
return nonNullableFixTask.previewUrls;
/// Given a Logger and an analysis issue, render the issue to the logger.
class _IssueRenderer {
final Logger logger;
final String rootDirectory;
final Context pathContext;
final Map<String, LineInfo> lineInfo;
this.logger, this.rootDirectory, this.pathContext, this.lineInfo);
void render(AnalysisError issue) {
// severity • Message ... at foo/bar.dart:6:1 • (error_code)
var lineInfoForThisFile = lineInfo[issue.source.fullName];
var location = lineInfoForThisFile.getLocation(issue.offset);
final Ansi ansi = logger.ansi;
' ${ansi.error(_severityToString(issue.severity))} • '
'${ansi.emphasized(_removePeriod(issue.message))} '
'at ${pathContext.relative(issue.source.fullName, from: rootDirectory)}'
'${location.columnNumber} '
'• (${})',
String _severityToString(Severity severity) {
switch (severity) {
case Severity.error:
return 'error';
case Severity.warning:
return 'warning';
return 'info';
return '???';
/// A facility for drawing a progress bar in the terminal.
/// The bar is instantiated with the total number of "ticks" to be completed,
/// and progress is made by calling [tick]. The bar is drawn across one entire
/// line, like so:
/// [---------- ]
/// The hyphens represent completed progress, and the whitespace represents
/// remaining progress.
/// If there is no terminal, the progress bar will not be drawn.
class _ProgressBar {
/// Whether the progress bar should be drawn.
/*late*/ bool _shouldDrawProgress;
/// The width of the terminal, in terms of characters.
/*late*/ int _width;
/// The inner width of the terminal, in terms of characters.
/// This represents the number of characters available for drawing progress.
/*late*/ int _innerWidth;
final int _totalTickCount;
int _tickCount = 0;
_ProgressBar(this._totalTickCount) {
if (!stdout.hasTerminal) {
_shouldDrawProgress = false;
} else {
_shouldDrawProgress = true;
_width = stdout.terminalColumns;
_innerWidth = stdout.terminalColumns - 2;
stdout.write('[' + ' ' * _innerWidth + ']');
/// Clear the progress bar from the terminal, allowing other logging to be
/// printed.
void clear() {
if (!_shouldDrawProgress) {
stdout.write('\r' + ' ' * _width + '\r');
/// Draw the progress bar as complete, and print two newlines.
void complete() {
if (!_shouldDrawProgress) {
stdout.write('\r[' + '-' * _innerWidth + ']\n\n');
/// Progress the bar by one tick.
void tick() {
if (!_shouldDrawProgress) {
var fractionComplete = _tickCount * _innerWidth ~/ _totalTickCount - 1;
var remaining = _innerWidth - fractionComplete - 1;
stdout.write('\r[' + // Bring cursor back to the start of the line.
'-' * fractionComplete + // Print complete work.
AnsiProgress.kAnimationItems[_tickCount % 4] + // Print spinner.
' ' * remaining + // Print remaining work.