blob: 2cffb65fb0496d863482317ea1acf8fd6ce7c7b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/assert.h"
namespace dart {
enum Register {
kFirstFreeCpuRegister = 0,
R0 = 0,
R1 = 1,
R2 = 2,
R3 = 3,
R4 = 4,
R5 = 5,
R6 = 6,
R7 = 7,
R8 = 8,
R9 = 9,
R10 = 10,
R11 = 11,
R12 = 12,
R13 = 13,
R14 = 14,
R15 = 15,
R16 = 16,
R17 = 17,
R18 = 18,
R19 = 19,
R20 = 20,
R21 = 21,
R22 = 22,
R23 = 23,
R24 = 24,
kLastFreeCpuRegister = 24,
R25 = 25, // IP0
R26 = 26, // IP1
R27 = 27, // PP
R28 = 28, // CTX
R29 = 29, // FP
R30 = 30, // LR
R31 = 31, // ZR, SP
kNumberOfCpuRegisters = 32,
kNoRegister = -1,
// These registers both use the encoding R31, but to avoid mistakes we give
// them different values, and then translate before encoding.
SP = 32,
ZR = 33,
// Aliases.
IP0 = R25,
IP1 = R26,
FP = R29,
LR = R30,
enum VRegister {
V0 = 0,
V1 = 1,
V2 = 2,
V3 = 3,
V4 = 4,
V5 = 5,
V6 = 6,
V7 = 7,
V8 = 8,
V9 = 9,
V10 = 10,
V11 = 11,
V12 = 12,
V13 = 13,
V14 = 14,
V15 = 15,
V16 = 16,
V17 = 17,
V18 = 18,
V19 = 19,
V20 = 20,
V21 = 21,
V22 = 22,
V23 = 24,
V24 = 24,
V25 = 25,
V26 = 26,
V27 = 27,
V28 = 28,
V29 = 29,
V30 = 30,
V31 = 31,
kNumberOfVRegisters = 32,
kNoVRegister = -1,
// Register alias for floating point scratch register.
const VRegister VTMP0 = V30;
const VRegister VTMP1 = V31;
// Architecture independent aliases.
typedef VRegister FpuRegister;
const FpuRegister FpuTMP = VTMP0;
const int kNumberOfFpuRegisters = kNumberOfVRegisters;
const FpuRegister kNoFpuRegister = kNoVRegister;
// Register aliases.
const Register TMP = R25; // Used as scratch register by assembler.
const Register TMP0 = R25;
const Register TMP1 = R26;
const Register CTX = R27; // Caches current context in generated code.
const Register PP = R26; // Caches object pool pointer in generated code.
const Register SPREG = R31; // Stack pointer register.
const Register FPREG = FP; // Frame pointer register.
const Register ICREG = R5; // IC data register.
// Exception object is passed in this register to the catch handlers when an
// exception is thrown.
const Register kExceptionObjectReg = R0;
// Stack trace object is passed in this register to the catch handlers when
// an exception is thrown.
const Register kStackTraceObjectReg = R1;
// Masks, sizes, etc.
const int kXRegSizeInBits = 64;
const int kWRegSizeInBits = 32;
const int64_t kXRegMask = 0xffffffffffffffffL;
const int64_t kWRegMask = 0x00000000ffffffffL;
// List of registers used in load/store multiple.
typedef uint32_t RegList;
const RegList kAllCpuRegistersList = 0xFFFF;
// C++ ABI call registers.
const RegList kAbiArgumentCpuRegs =
(1 << R0) | (1 << R1) | (1 << R2) | (1 << R3) |
(1 << R4) | (1 << R5) | (1 << R6) | (1 << R7);
const RegList kAbiPreservedCpuRegs =
(1 << R19) | (1 << R20) | (1 << R21) | (1 << R22) |
(1 << R23) | (1 << R24) | (1 << R25) | (1 << R26) |
(1 << R27) | (1 << R28) | (1 << R29);
const int kAbiPreservedCpuRegCount = 11;
const VRegister kAbiFirstPreservedFpuReg = V8;
const VRegister kAbiLastPreservedFpuReg = V15;
const int kAbiPreservedFpuRegCount = 8;
// CPU registers available to Dart allocator.
const RegList kDartAvailableCpuRegs =
(1 << R0) | (1 << R1) | (1 << R2) | (1 << R3) |
(1 << R4) | (1 << R5) | (1 << R6) | (1 << R7) |
(1 << R8) | (1 << R9) | (1 << R10) | (1 << R11) |
(1 << R12) | (1 << R13) | (1 << R14) | (1 << R15) |
(1 << R16) | (1 << R17) | (1 << R18) | (1 << R19) |
(1 << R20) | (1 << R21) | (1 << R22) | (1 << R23) |
(1 << R24);
// Registers available to Dart that are not preserved by runtime calls.
const RegList kDartVolatileCpuRegs =
kDartAvailableCpuRegs & ~kAbiPreservedCpuRegs;
const int kDartVolatileCpuRegCount = 19;
const VRegister kDartFirstVolatileFpuReg = V0;
const VRegister kDartLastVolatileFpuReg = V7;
const int kDartVolatileFpuRegCount = 8;
static inline Register ConcreteRegister(Register r) {
return ((r == ZR) || (r == SP)) ? R31 : r;
// Values for the condition field as defined in section A3.2.
enum Condition {
kNoCondition = -1,
EQ = 0, // equal
NE = 1, // not equal
CS = 2, // carry set/unsigned higher or same
CC = 3, // carry clear/unsigned lower
MI = 4, // minus/negative
PL = 5, // plus/positive or zero
VS = 6, // overflow
VC = 7, // no overflow
HI = 8, // unsigned higher
LS = 9, // unsigned lower or same
GE = 10, // signed greater than or equal
LT = 11, // signed less than
GT = 12, // signed greater than
LE = 13, // signed less than or equal
AL = 14, // always (unconditional)
NV = 15, // special condition (refer to section C1.2.3)
kMaxCondition = 16,
enum Bits {
B0 = (1 << 0), B1 = (1 << 1), B2 = (1 << 2), B3 = (1 << 3),
B4 = (1 << 4), B5 = (1 << 5), B6 = (1 << 6), B7 = (1 << 7),
B8 = (1 << 8), B9 = (1 << 9), B10 = (1 << 10), B11 = (1 << 11),
B12 = (1 << 12), B13 = (1 << 13), B14 = (1 << 14), B15 = (1 << 15),
B16 = (1 << 16), B17 = (1 << 17), B18 = (1 << 18), B19 = (1 << 19),
B20 = (1 << 20), B21 = (1 << 21), B22 = (1 << 22), B23 = (1 << 23),
B24 = (1 << 24), B25 = (1 << 25), B26 = (1 << 26), B27 = (1 << 27),
B28 = (1 << 28), B29 = (1 << 29), B30 = (1 << 30), B31 = (1 << 31),
enum OperandSize {
static inline int Log2OperandSizeBytes(OperandSize os) {
switch (os) {
case kByte:
case kUnsignedByte:
return 0;
case kHalfword:
case kUnsignedHalfword:
return 1;
case kWord:
case kUnsignedWord:
case kSWord:
return 2;
case kDoubleWord:
case kDWord:
return 3;
return -1;
// Opcodes from C3
// C3.1.
enum MainOp {
DPImmediateMask = 0x1c000000,
DPImmediateFixed = B28,
CompareBranchMask = 0x1c000000,
CompareBranchFixed = B28 | B26,
LoadStoreMask = B27 | B25,
LoadStoreFixed = B27,
DPRegisterMask = 0x0e000000,
DPRegisterFixed = B27 | B25,
DPSimd1Mask = 0x1e000000,
DPSimd1Fixed = B27 | B26 | B25,
DPSimd2Mask = 0x1e000000,
DPSimd2Fixed = B28 | DPSimd1Fixed,
// C3.2.3
enum ExceptionGenOp {
ExceptionGenMask = 0xff000000,
ExceptionGenFixed = CompareBranchFixed | B31 | B30,
SVC = ExceptionGenFixed | B0,
BRK = ExceptionGenFixed | B21,
HLT = ExceptionGenFixed | B22,
// C3.2.4
enum SystemOp {
SystemMask = 0xffc00000,
SystemFixed = CompareBranchFixed | B31 | B30 | B24,
HINT = SystemFixed | B17 | B16 | B13 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0,
// C3.2.7
enum UnconditionalBranchRegOp {
UnconditionalBranchRegMask = 0xfe000000,
UnconditionalBranchRegFixed = CompareBranchFixed | B31 | B30 | B25,
BR = UnconditionalBranchRegFixed | B20 | B19 | B18 | B17 | B16,
BLR = BR | B21,
RET = BR | B22,
enum LoadStoreRegOp {
LoadStoreRegMask = 0x3a000000,
LoadStoreRegFixed = LoadStoreFixed | B29 | B28,
STR = LoadStoreRegFixed,
LDR = LoadStoreRegFixed | B22,
// C3.4.1
enum AddSubImmOp {
AddSubImmMask = 0x1f000000,
AddSubImmFixed = DPImmediateFixed | B24,
ADDI = AddSubImmFixed,
SUBI = AddSubImmFixed | B30,
// C3.4.5
enum MoveWideOp {
MoveWideMask = 0x1f800000,
MoveWideFixed = DPImmediateFixed | B25 | B23,
MOVN = MoveWideFixed,
MOVZ = MoveWideFixed | B30,
MOVK = MoveWideFixed | B30 | B29,
// C3.5.1
enum AddSubShiftExtOp {
AddSubShiftExtMask = 0x1f000000,
AddSubShiftExtFixed = DPRegisterFixed | B24,
ADD = AddSubShiftExtFixed,
SUB = AddSubShiftExtFixed | B30,
#define APPLY_OP_LIST(_V) \
_V(DPImmediate) \
_V(CompareBranch) \
_V(LoadStore) \
_V(DPRegister) \
_V(DPSimd1) \
_V(DPSimd2) \
_V(ExceptionGen) \
_V(System) \
_V(LoadStoreReg) \
_V(UnconditionalBranchReg) \
_V(AddSubImm) \
_V(MoveWide) \
_V(AddSubShiftExt) \
enum Shift {
kNoShift = -1,
LSL = 0, // Logical shift left
LSR = 1, // Logical shift right
ASR = 2, // Arithmetic shift right
ROR = 3, // Rotate right
kMaxShift = 4,
enum Extend {
kNoExtend = -1,
UXTB = 0,
UXTH = 1,
UXTW = 2,
UXTX = 3,
SXTB = 4,
SXTH = 5,
SXTW = 6,
SXTX = 7,
kMaxExtend = 8,
enum R31Type {
// Constants used for the decoding or encoding of the individual fields of
// instructions. Based on the "Figure 3-1 ARM instruction set summary".
enum InstructionFields {
// S-bit (modify condition register)
kSShift = 29,
kSBits = 1,
// sf field.
kSFShift = 31,
kSFBits = 1,
// size field,
kSzShift = 30,
kSzBits = 2,
// Registers.
kRdShift = 0,
kRdBits = 5,
kRnShift = 5,
kRnBits = 5,
kRaShift = 10,
kRaBits = 5,
kRmShift = 16,
kRmBits = 5,
kRtShift = 0,
kRtBits = 5,
// Immediates.
kImm3Shift = 10,
kImm3Bits = 3,
kImm6Shift = 10,
kImm6Bits = 6,
kImm9Shift = 12,
kImm9Bits = 9,
kImm12Shift = 10,
kImm12Bits = 12,
kImm12ShiftShift = 22,
kImm12ShiftBits = 2,
kImm16Shift = 5,
kImm16Bits = 16,
kHWShift = 21,
kHWBits = 2,
// Shift and Extend.
kShiftExtendShift = 21,
kShiftExtendBits = 1,
kShiftTypeShift = 22,
kShiftTypeBits = 2,
kExtendTypeShift = 13,
kExtendTypeBits = 3,
// Hint Fields.
kHintCRmShift = 8,
kHintCRmBits = 4,
kHintOp2Shift = 5,
kHintOp2Bits = 3,
const uint32_t kImmExceptionIsRedirectedCall = 0xca11;
const uint32_t kImmExceptionIsUnreachable = 0xdebf;
const uint32_t kImmExceptionIsPrintf = 0xdeb1;
const uint32_t kImmExceptionIsDebug = 0xdeb0;
// The class Instr enables access to individual fields defined in the ARM
// architecture instruction set encoding as described in figure A3-1.
// Example: Test whether the instruction at ptr sets the condition code bits.
// bool InstructionSetsConditionCodes(byte* ptr) {
// Instr* instr = Instr::At(ptr);
// int type = instr->TypeField();
// return ((type == 0) || (type == 1)) && instr->HasS();
// }
class Instr {
enum {
kInstrSize = 4,
kInstrSizeLog2 = 2,
kPCReadOffset = 8
static const int32_t kNopInstruction = HINT; // hint #0 === nop.
static const int32_t kBreakPointInstruction = // hlt #kImmExceptionIsDebug.
HLT | (kImmExceptionIsDebug << kImm16Shift);
static const int kBreakPointInstructionSize = kInstrSize;
// Get the raw instruction bits.
inline int32_t InstructionBits() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const int32_t*>(this);
// Set the raw instruction bits to value.
inline void SetInstructionBits(int32_t value) {
*reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(this) = value;
// Read one particular bit out of the instruction bits.
inline int Bit(int nr) const {
return (InstructionBits() >> nr) & 1;
// Read a bit field out of the instruction bits.
inline int Bits(int shift, int count) const {
return (InstructionBits() >> shift) & ((1 << count) - 1);
inline int SField() const { return Bit(kSShift); }
inline int SFField() const { return Bit(kSFShift); }
inline int SzField() const { return Bits(kSzShift, kSzBits); }
inline Register RdField() const { return static_cast<Register>(
Bits(kRdShift, kRdBits)); }
inline Register RnField() const { return static_cast<Register>(
Bits(kRnShift, kRnBits)); }
inline Register RaField() const { return static_cast<Register>(
Bits(kRaShift, kRaBits)); }
inline Register RmField() const { return static_cast<Register>(
Bits(kRmShift, kRmBits)); }
inline Register RtField() const { return static_cast<Register>(
Bits(kRtShift, kRtBits)); }
// Immediates
inline int Imm3Field() const { return Bits(kImm3Shift, kImm3Bits); }
inline int Imm6Field() const { return Bits(kImm6Shift, kImm6Bits); }
inline int Imm9Field() const { return Bits(kImm9Shift, kImm9Bits); }
// Sign-extended Imm9Field()
inline int64_t SImm9Field() const {
return (static_cast<int32_t>(Imm9Field()) << 23) >> 23; }
inline int Imm12Field() const { return Bits(kImm12Shift, kImm12Bits); }
inline int Imm16Field() const { return Bits(kImm16Shift, kImm16Bits); }
inline int Imm12ShiftField() const {
return Bits(kImm12ShiftShift, kImm12ShiftBits); }
inline int HWField() const { return Bits(kHWShift, kHWBits); }
// Shift and Extend.
inline bool IsShift() const { return (Bit(kShiftExtendShift) == 0); }
inline bool IsExtend() const { return (Bit(kShiftExtendShift) == 1); }
inline Shift ShiftTypeField() const {
return static_cast<Shift>(Bits(kShiftTypeShift, kShiftTypeBits)); }
inline Extend ExtendTypeField() const {
return static_cast<Extend>(Bits(kExtendTypeShift, kExtendTypeBits)); }
inline int ShiftAmountField() const { return Imm6Field(); }
inline int ExtShiftAmountField() const { return Imm3Field(); }
// Instruction identification.
#define IS_OP(op) \
inline bool Is##op##Op() const { \
return ((InstructionBits() & op##Mask) == (op##Fixed & op##Mask)); }
#undef IS_OP
inline bool HasS() const { return (SField() == 1); }
// Indicate whether Rd can be the SP or ZR. This does not check that the
// instruction actually has an Rd field.
R31Type RdMode() const {
// The following instructions use SP as Rd:
// Add/sub (immediate) when not setting the flags.
// Add/sub (extended) when not setting the flags.
// Logical (immediate) when not setting the flags.
// Otherwise, R31 is the ZR.
if (IsAddSubImmOp() || (IsAddSubShiftExtOp() && IsExtend())) {
if (HasS()) {
return R31IsZR;
} else {
return R31IsSP;
// TODO(zra): Handle for logical immediate operations.
return R31IsZR;
// Indicate whether Rn can be SP or ZR. This does not check that the
// instruction actually has an Rn field.
R31Type RnMode() const {
// The following instructions use SP as Rn:
// All loads and stores.
// Add/sub (immediate).
// Add/sub (extended).
// Otherwise, r31 is ZR.
if (IsLoadStoreOp() ||
IsAddSubImmOp() ||
(IsAddSubShiftExtOp() && IsExtend())) {
return R31IsSP;
return R31IsZR;
// Instructions are read out of a code stream. The only way to get a
// reference to an instruction is to convert a pointer. There is no way
// to allocate or create instances of class Instr.
// Use the At(pc) function to create references to Instr.
static Instr* At(uword pc) { return reinterpret_cast<Instr*>(pc); }
} // namespace dart
#endif // VM_CONSTANTS_ARM64_H_