blob: 9ff5f48ff481228d1a3ecccd1fbc09a6d865a311 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
// In JS, canBubble and cancelable are technically required parameters to
// init*Event. In practice, though, if they aren't provided they simply
// default to false (since that's Boolean(undefined)).
// Contrary to JS, we default canBubble and cancelable to true, since that's
// what people want most of the time anyway.
factory $CLASSNAME(String type,
{bool canBubble: true, bool cancelable: true}) {
return new Event.eventType('Event', type, canBubble: canBubble,
cancelable: cancelable);
* Creates a new Event object of the specified type.
* This is analogous to document.createEvent.
* Normally events should be created via their constructors, if available.
* var e = new Event.type('MouseEvent', 'mousedown', true, true);
factory Event.eventType(String type, String name, {bool canBubble: true,
bool cancelable: true}) {
final Event e = document._createEvent(type);
e._initEvent(name, canBubble, cancelable);
return e;
/** The CSS selector involved with event delegation. */
String _selector;
* A pointer to the element whose CSS selector matched within which an event
* was fired. If this Event was not associated with any Event delegation,
* accessing this value will throw an [UnsupportedError].
Element get matchingTarget {
if (_selector == null) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Cannot call matchingTarget if this Event did'
' not arise as a result of event delegation.');
Element currentTarget = this.currentTarget;
Element target =;
var matchedTarget;
do {
if (target.matches(_selector)) return target;
target = target.parent;
} while (target != null && target != currentTarget.parent);
throw new StateError('No selector matched for populating matchedTarget.');