blob: e310472a4454eafabe35848fa159ae3436c1832e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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// Test that we get rid of duplicate type guards on a field when that
// field is being gvn'ed.
const String TEST = r"""
class A {
var field = 52;
foo() {
var a = this.field;
while (a + 42 == 42);
// This field get should be GVN'ed
a = this.field;
while (a + 87 == 87);
field = 'bar';
main() {
while (true) new A().foo();
main() {
String generated = compileAll(TEST);
RegExp regexp = const RegExp('foo\\\$0\\\$bailout');
Iterator matches = regexp.allMatches(generated).iterator();
// We check that there is only one call to the bailout method.
// One match for the call, one for the definition.
checkNumberOfMatches(matches, 2);