blob: a637121be707d453fd273963850521fc052f1b9f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "dart:_js_helper";
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
// Test calling convention of property extraction closures.
class AA {
bar(a, [b = 'A']) => '$a, $b)'; // bar is plain dart convention.
foo(a, [b = 'A']) => '$a, $b)'; // foo has interceptor convention.
class BB {
foo(a, [b = 'B']) native ;
class CC extends BB {
foo(a, [b = 'C']) native ;
get superfoo =>;
makeBB() native ;
makeCC() native ;
inscrutable(a) native ;
void setup() native r"""
function BB() {} = function(u, v) {
return '' + u + ', ' + v + ')';
function CC() {} = function(u, v) {
return '' + u + ', ' + v + ')';
makeBB = function(){return new BB;};
makeCC = function(){return new CC;};
inscrutable = function(a){return a;};
main() {
var a = inscrutable(new AA());
var b = inscrutable(makeBB());
var c = inscrutable(makeCC)();
Expect.equals(', A)', inscrutable(a).bar(1));
Expect.equals(', 3)', inscrutable(a).bar(2, 3));
Expect.equals(', A)', inscrutable(a).foo(1));
Expect.equals(', 3)', inscrutable(a).foo(2, 3));
Expect.equals(', B)', inscrutable(b).foo(1));
Expect.equals(', 3)', inscrutable(b).foo(2, 3));
Expect.equals(', C)', inscrutable(c).foo(1));
Expect.equals(', 3)', inscrutable(c).foo(2, 3));
var abar = inscrutable(a).bar;
var afoo = inscrutable(a).foo;
var bfoo = inscrutable(b).foo;
var cfoo = inscrutable(c).foo;
Expect.equals(', A)', abar(1));
Expect.equals(', 3)', abar(2, 3));
Expect.equals(', A)', afoo(1));
Expect.equals(', 3)', afoo(2, 3));
Expect.equals(', B)', bfoo(1));
Expect.equals(', 3)', bfoo(2, 3));
Expect.equals(', C)', cfoo(1));
Expect.equals(', 3)', cfoo(2, 3));