blob: e0deeaf207c1ef75f797f4875e889af9866aa066 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library kernel.type_propagation.solver;
import 'constraints.dart';
import 'builder.dart';
import '../class_hierarchy.dart';
import 'visualizer.dart';
import 'canonicalizer.dart';
import 'type_propagation.dart';
class ValueVector {
List<int> values;
List<int> bitmasks;
ValueVector(int length)
: values = new List<int>.filled(length, Solver.bottom),
bitmasks = new List<int>.filled(length, 0);
/// We adopt a Hungarian-like notation in this class to distinguish variables,
/// values, and lattice points, since they are all integers.
/// The term "values" (plural) always refers to a lattice point.
class Solver {
final Builder builder;
final ConstraintSystem constraints;
final FieldNames canonicalizer;
final ClassHierarchy hierarchy;
/// Maps a variable index to a values that may flow into it.
final ValueVector valuesInVariable;
/// Maps a field index to the values that may be stored in the given field on
/// any object that escaped into a mega union.
final ValueVector valuesStoredOnEscapingObject;
/// Maps a field index to a lattice point containing all values that may be
/// stored into the given field where the receiver is a mega union.
/// This is a way to avoid propagating such stores into almost every entry
/// store location.
final ValueVector valuesStoredOnUnknownObject;
/// Maps a lattice point to a sorted list of its ancestors in the lattice
/// (i.e. all lattice points that lie above it, and thus represent less
/// precise information).
/// For this purpose, a lattice point is considered an ancestor of itself and
/// occurs as the end of its own ancestor list.
/// We omit the entry for the lattice top (representing "any value") from all
/// the ancestor listss.
final List<List<int>> ancestorsOfLatticePoint;
/// Maps a lattice point to the list of values it contains (i.e. whose leaves
/// lie below it in the lattice).
/// The entries for the `Object` and `Function` lattice points are empty.
/// They are special-cased to avoid traversing a huge number of values.
final List<List<int>> valuesBelowLatticePoint;
/// Maps a value to the lowest-indexed lattice point into which it has escaped
/// through a join operation.
/// As a value escapes further up the lattice, more and more stores and loads
/// will see it as a potential target.
final List<int> valueEscape;
/// Maps a lattice point to its lowest-indexed ancestor (possibly itself) into
/// which all of its members must escape.
/// Escaping into a lattice point is transitive in the following sense:
/// If a value `x` escapes into a lattice point `u`,
/// and `u` escapes into an ancestor lattice point `w`,
/// then `x` also escapes into `w`.
/// The above rule also applies if the value `x` is replaced with a lattice
/// point.
/// Note that some values below a given lattice point may escape further out
/// than the lattice point's own escape level.
final List<int> latticePointEscape;
/// The lattice point containing all functions.
final int _functionLatticePoint;
static const int bottom = -1;
static const int rootClass = 0;
/// Lattice points with more than this number values below it are considered
/// "mega unions".
/// Stores and loads are tracked less precisely on mega unions in order to
/// speed up the analysis.
/// The `Object` and `Function` lattice points are always considered mega
/// unions.
static const int megaUnionLimit = 100;
int iterations = 0;
bool _changed = false;
static List<int> _makeIntList(int _) => <int>[];
Visualizer get visualizer => builder.visualizer;
Solver(Builder builder)
: this.builder = builder,
this.constraints = builder.constraints,
this.canonicalizer = builder.fieldNames,
this.hierarchy = builder.hierarchy,
this.valuesInVariable =
new ValueVector(builder.constraints.numberOfVariables),
this.ancestorsOfLatticePoint = new List<List<int>>.generate(
builder.constraints.numberOfLatticePoints, _makeIntList),
this.valuesBelowLatticePoint = new List<List<int>>.generate(
builder.constraints.numberOfLatticePoints, _makeIntList),
this._functionLatticePoint = builder.latticePointForAllFunctions,
this.valuesStoredOnEscapingObject =
new ValueVector(builder.fieldNames.length),
this.valuesStoredOnUnknownObject =
new ValueVector(builder.fieldNames.length),
this.latticePointEscape =
new List<int>.filled(builder.constraints.numberOfLatticePoints, 0),
this.valueEscape =
new List<int>.filled(builder.constraints.numberOfValues, 0) {
// Initialize the lattice and escape data.
for (int i = 1; i < constraints.numberOfLatticePoints; ++i) {
List<int> parents = constraints.parentsOfLatticePoint[i];
List<int> ancestors = ancestorsOfLatticePoint[i];
for (int j = 0; j < parents.length; ++j) {
latticePointEscape[i] = i;
// Initialize the set of values below in a given lattice point.
for (int value = 0; value < constraints.numberOfValues; ++value) {
int latticePoint = constraints.latticePointOfValue[value];
List<int> ancestors = ancestorsOfLatticePoint[latticePoint];
for (int j = 0; j < ancestors.length; ++j) {
int ancestor = ancestors[j];
if (ancestor == rootClass || ancestor == _functionLatticePoint) {
valueEscape[value] = latticePoint;
static void _sortAndRemoveDuplicates(List<int> list) {
int deleted = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < list.length; ++i) {
if (list[i] == list[i - 1]) {
} else if (deleted > 0) {
list[i - deleted] = list[i];
if (deleted > 0) {
list.length -= deleted;
/// Returns a lattice point lying above both of the given points, thus
/// guaranteed to over-approximate the set of values in both.
/// If the lattice point represent classes, the upper bound is a supertype
/// that is implemented by both, and for which no more specific supertype
/// exists. If multiple such classes exist, an arbitrary but fixed choice is
/// made.
/// The ambiguity means the join operator is not associative, and the analysis
/// result can therefore depend on iteration order.
// TODO(asgerf): I think we can fix this by introducing intersection types
// for the class pairs that are ambiguous least upper bounds. This could be
// done as a preprocessing of the constraint system.
int join(int point1, int point2) {
if (point1 == point2) return point1;
// Check if either is the bottom value (-1).
if (point1 < 0) return point2;
if (point2 < 0) return point1;
List<int> ancestorList1 = ancestorsOfLatticePoint[point1];
List<int> ancestorList2 = ancestorsOfLatticePoint[point2];
// Classes are topologically and numerically sorted, so the more specific
// supertypes always occur after the less specific ones. Traverse both
// lists from the right until a common supertype is found. Starting from
// the right ensures we can only find one of the most specific supertypes.
int i = ancestorList1.length - 1, j = ancestorList2.length - 1;
while (i >= 0 && j >= 0) {
int super1 = ancestorList1[i];
int super2 = ancestorList2[j];
if (super1 < super2) {
} else if (super1 > super2) {
} else {
// Both types have "escaped" into their common super type.
_updateEscapeIndex(point1, super1);
_updateEscapeIndex(point2, super1);
return super1;
// Both types have escaped into a completely dynamic context.
_updateEscapeIndex(point1, rootClass);
_updateEscapeIndex(point2, rootClass);
return rootClass;
void _updateEscapeIndex(int point, int escapeTarget) {
if (latticePointEscape[point] > escapeTarget) {
latticePointEscape[point] = escapeTarget;
_changed = true;
void _initializeAllocations() {
List<int> allocations = constraints.allocations;
for (int i = 0; i < allocations.length; i += 2) {
int destination = allocations[i + 1];
int valueId = allocations[i];
int point = constraints.latticePointOfValue[valueId];
valuesInVariable.values[destination] =
join(valuesInVariable.values[destination], point);
List<int> bitmaskInputs = constraints.bitmaskInputs;
for (int i = 0; i < bitmaskInputs.length; i += 2) {
int destination = bitmaskInputs[i + 1];
int bitmask = bitmaskInputs[i];
valuesInVariable.bitmasks[destination] |= bitmask;
bool _isMegaUnion(int latticePoint) {
return latticePoint == rootClass ||
latticePoint == _functionLatticePoint ||
valuesBelowLatticePoint[latticePoint].length > megaUnionLimit;
void solve() {
List<int> assignments = constraints.assignments;
List<int> loads = constraints.loads;
List<int> stores = constraints.stores;
List<int> latticePointOfValue = constraints.latticePointOfValue;
Uint31PairMap storeLocations = constraints.storeLocations;
Uint31PairMap loadLocations = constraints.loadLocations;
do {
_changed = false;
for (int i = 0; i < assignments.length; i += 2) {
int destination = assignments[i + 1];
int source = assignments[i];
_update(valuesInVariable, destination, valuesInVariable, source);
for (int i = 0; i < stores.length; i += 3) {
int sourceVariable = stores[i + 2];
int field = stores[i + 1];
int objectVariable = stores[i];
int objectValues = valuesInVariable.values[objectVariable];
if (objectValues == bottom) continue;
if (_isMegaUnion(objectValues)) {
_update(valuesStoredOnUnknownObject, field, valuesInVariable,
} else {
// Store the value on all subtypes that can escape into this
// context or worse.
List<int> receivers = valuesBelowLatticePoint[objectValues];
for (int j = 0; j < receivers.length; ++j) {
int receiver = receivers[j];
int escape = valueEscape[receiver];
if (escape > objectValues) {
continue; // Skip receivers that have not escaped this far.
int location = storeLocations.lookup(receiver, field);
if (location == null) continue;
valuesInVariable, location, valuesInVariable, sourceVariable);
for (int i = 0; i < loads.length; i += 3) {
int destination = loads[i + 2];
int field = loads[i + 1];
int objectVariable = loads[i];
int objectValues = valuesInVariable.values[objectVariable];
if (objectValues == bottom) continue;
if (_isMegaUnion(objectValues)) {
// Receiver is unknown. Take the value out of the tarpit.
_update(valuesInVariable, destination, valuesStoredOnEscapingObject,
} else {
// Load the values stored on all the subtypes that can escape into
// this context or worse.
List<int> receivers = valuesBelowLatticePoint[objectValues];
for (int j = 0; j < receivers.length; ++j) {
int receiver = receivers[j];
int escape = valueEscape[receiver];
if (escape > objectValues) {
continue; // Skip receivers that have not escaped this far.
int location = loadLocations.lookup(receiver, field);
if (location == null) continue;
_update(valuesInVariable, destination, valuesInVariable, location);
// Apply the transitive escape rule on the lattice.
for (int point = 0; point < latticePointEscape.length; ++point) {
int oldEscape = latticePointEscape[point];
if (oldEscape == point) continue;
List<int> ancestors = ancestorsOfLatticePoint[point];
int newEscape = oldEscape;
for (int j = 0; j < ancestors.length; ++j) {
int ancestor = ancestors[j];
if (ancestor < oldEscape) continue;
int superEscape = latticePointEscape[ancestor];
if (superEscape < newEscape) {
newEscape = superEscape;
if (oldEscape != newEscape) {
latticePointEscape[point] = newEscape;
_changed = true;
// Update the escape level of every value.
for (int i = 0; i < latticePointOfValue.length; ++i) {
int value = i;
int latticePoint = latticePointOfValue[value];
int oldEscape = valueEscape[value];
int newEscape = latticePointEscape[latticePoint];
if (newEscape < oldEscape) {
valueEscape[value] = newEscape;
_changed = true;
// Handle stores on escaping objects.
List<int> storeLocationList = constraints.storeLocationList;
for (int i = 0; i < storeLocationList.length; i += 3) {
int variable = storeLocationList[i + 2];
int field = storeLocationList[i + 1];
int objectValue = storeLocationList[i];
int escape = valueEscape[objectValue];
if (_isMegaUnion(escape)) {
valuesInVariable, variable, valuesStoredOnUnknownObject, field);
// Handle loads from escaping objects.
List<int> loadLocationList = constraints.loadLocationList;
for (int i = 0; i < loadLocationList.length; i += 3) {
int variable = loadLocationList[i + 2];
int field = loadLocationList[i + 1];
int objectValue = loadLocationList[i];
int escape = valueEscape[objectValue];
if (_isMegaUnion(escape)) {
valuesStoredOnEscapingObject, field, valuesInVariable, variable);
} while (_changed);
// Propagate to sinks.
// This is done outside the fixed-point iteration so the sink-join does
// not cause values to be considered escaping.
List<int> sinks = constraints.sinks;
for (int i = 0; i < sinks.length; i += 2) {
int destination = sinks[i + 1];
int source = sinks[i];
_update(valuesInVariable, destination, valuesInVariable, source);
void _update(ValueVector destinationVector, int destinationIndex,
ValueVector sourceVector, int sourceIndex) {
int oldValues = destinationVector.values[destinationIndex];
int inputValues = sourceVector.values[sourceIndex];
int newValues = join(inputValues, oldValues);
if (newValues != oldValues) {
destinationVector.values[destinationIndex] = newValues;
_changed = true;
int oldBits = destinationVector.bitmasks[destinationIndex];
int inputBits = sourceVector.bitmasks[sourceIndex];
int newBits = inputBits | oldBits;
if (newBits != oldBits) {
destinationVector.bitmasks[destinationIndex] = newBits;
_changed = true;
/// Returns the index of a lattice point containing all values that can flow
/// into the given variable, or [bottom] if nothing can flow into the
/// variable.
int getVariableValue(int variable) {
return valuesInVariable.values[variable];
int getVariableBitmask(int variable) {
return valuesInVariable.bitmasks[variable];
/// Returns the lowest-indexed lattice point into which the given value can
/// escape.
int getEscapeContext(int value) {
return valueEscape[value];
InferredValue getValueInferredForVariable(int variable) {
assert(variable != null);
int latticePoint = valuesInVariable.values[variable];
int bitmask = valuesInVariable.bitmasks[variable];
if (latticePoint == bottom) {
return new InferredValue(null, BaseClassKind.None, bitmask);
InferredValue value = builder.getBaseTypeOfLatticePoint(latticePoint);
return value.withBitmask(bitmask);