blob: 0bd52b3a4f59a0cc53b9576c5cf3efb8bfc40f41 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:observatory/dominator_tree.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
void main() {
test('small example from [Lenguaer & Tarjan 1979]', smallTest);
test('non-flowgraph', nonFlowgraph);
void smallTest() {
var g = {
'R': ['A', 'B', 'C'],
'A': ['D'],
'B': ['A', 'D', 'E'],
'C': ['F', 'G'],
'D': ['L'],
'E': ['H'],
'F': ['I'],
'G': ['I', 'J'],
'H': ['E', 'K'],
'I': ['K'],
'J': ['I'],
'K': ['I', 'R'],
'L': ['H'],
var d = new Dominator();
for (String u in g.keys) {
d.addEdges(u, g[u]);
expect(d.dominator('I'), equals('R'));
expect(d.dominator('K'), equals('R'));
expect(d.dominator('C'), equals('R'));
expect(d.dominator('H'), equals('R'));
expect(d.dominator('E'), equals('R'));
expect(d.dominator('A'), equals('R'));
expect(d.dominator('D'), equals('R'));
expect(d.dominator('B'), equals('R'));
expect(d.dominator('F'), equals('C'));
expect(d.dominator('G'), equals('C'));
expect(d.dominator('J'), equals('G'));
expect(d.dominator('L'), equals('D'));
expect(d.dominator('R'), isNull);
void nonFlowgraph() {
var d = new Dominator();
d.addEdges('A', ['B']);
expect(() => d.computeDominatorTree('B'), throwsStateError);