blob: c902087ef36eb0a25b3d55305396f1efb236a02e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.new_js_emitter.model;
import '../dart2jslib.dart' show Compiler;
import '../js/js.dart' as js;
js.LiteralString unparse(Compiler compiler, js.Expression value) {
String text = js.prettyPrint(value, compiler).getText();
if (value is js.Fun) text = '($text)';
return js.js.escapedString(text);
class Program {
final List<Output> outputs;
void emit(Compiler compiler) {
MainOutput mainUnit = outputs.first;
String mainCode = js.prettyPrint(mainUnit.emit(compiler), compiler)
compiler.outputProvider('', 'js')
compiler.assembledCode = mainCode;
outputs.skip(1).forEach((DeferredOutput deferredUnit) {
String code = js.prettyPrint(deferredUnit.emit(compiler), compiler)
compiler.outputProvider('', 'js')
String _buildGeneratedBy(compiler) {
var suffix = '';
if (compiler.hasBuildId) suffix = ' version: ${compiler.buildId}';
return '// Generated by dart2js, the Dart to JavaScript compiler$suffix.\n';
class Holder {
final String name;
final int index;
Holder(, this.index);
abstract class Output {
bool get isMainOutput => mainOutput == this;
MainOutput get mainOutput;
final List<Library> libraries;
class MainOutput extends Output {
final js.Expression main;
final List<Holder> holders;
MainOutput(this.main, List<Library> libraries, this.holders)
: super(libraries);
MainOutput get mainOutput => this;
js.Expression emit(Compiler compiler) {
js.Expression program = new js.ArrayInitializer.from( => e.emit(compiler)));
return js.js(boilerplate, [emitHolders(), main, program]);
js.Block emitHolders() {
// The top-level variables for holders must *not* be renamed by the
// JavaScript pretty printer because a lot of code already uses the
// non-renamed names. The generated code looks like this:
// var H = {}, ..., G = {};
// var holders = [ H, ..., G ];
// and it is inserted at the top of the top-level function expression
// that covers the entire program.
List<js.Statement> statements = [
new js.ExpressionStatement(
new js.VariableDeclarationList( =>
new js.VariableInitialization(
new js.VariableDeclaration(, allowRename: false),
new js.ObjectInitializer(const []))).toList())),
js.js.statement('var holders = #', new js.ArrayInitializer.from( => new js.VariableUse(
return new js.Block(statements);
class DeferredOutput extends Output {
final MainOutput mainOutput;
List<Holder> get holders => mainOutput.holders;
DeferredOutput(this.mainOutput, List<Library> libraries)
: super(libraries);
js.Expression emit(Compiler compiler) {
throw "Unimplemented";
class Library {
final String uri;
final List<StaticMethod> statics;
final List<Class> classes;
Library(this.uri, this.statics, this.classes);
js.Expression emit(Compiler compiler) {
Iterable staticDescriptors = statics.expand((e) =>
[ js.string(, js.js.number(e.holder.index), e.emit(compiler) ]);
Iterable classDescriptors = classes.expand((e) =>
[ js.string(, js.js.number(e.holder.index), e.emit(compiler) ]);
js.Expression staticArray = new js.ArrayInitializer.from(staticDescriptors);
js.Expression classArray = new js.ArrayInitializer.from(classDescriptors);
return new js.ArrayInitializer.from([staticArray, classArray]);
class Class {
final String name;
final Holder holder;
Class superclass;
final List<Method> methods;
Class(, this.holder, this.methods);
void setSuperclass(Class superclass) {
this.superclass = superclass;
String get superclassName
=> (superclass == null) ? "" :;
int get superclassHolderIndex
=> (superclass == null) ? 0 : superclass.holder.index;
js.Expression emit(Compiler compiler) {
List elements = [ js.string(superclassName),
js.js.number(superclassHolderIndex) ];
elements.addAll(methods.expand((e) => [ js.string(, e.code ]));
return unparse(compiler, new js.ArrayInitializer.from(elements));
class Method {
final String name;
final js.Expression code;
Method(, this.code);
class StaticMethod extends Method {
final Holder holder;
StaticMethod(String name, this.holder, js.Expression code)
: super(name, code);
js.Expression emit(Compiler compiler) {
return unparse(compiler, code);
final String boilerplate = r"""
!function(start, program) {
// Initialize holder objects.
function setupProgram() {
for (var i = 0; i < program.length; i++) {
function setupLibrary(library) {
var statics = library[0];
for (var i = 0; i < statics.length; i += 3) {
var holderIndex = statics[i + 1];
setupStatic(statics[i], holders[holderIndex], statics[i + 2]);
var classes = library[1];
for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i += 3) {
var holderIndex = classes[i + 1];
setupClass(classes[i], holders[holderIndex], classes[i + 2]);
function setupStatic(name, holder, descriptor) {
holder[name] = function() {
var method = compile(descriptor);
holder[name] = method;
return method.apply(this, arguments);
function setupClass(name, holder, descriptor) {
var resolve = function() {
var constructor = compileConstructor(name, descriptor);
holder[name] = constructor;
return constructor;
var patch = function() {
var constructor = resolve();
var object = new constructor();
constructor.apply(object, arguments);
return object;
// We store the resolve function on the patch function to make it possible
// to resolve superclass references without constructing instances. The
// resolve property also serves as a marker that indicates whether or not
// a class has been resolved yet.
patch.resolve = resolve;
holder[name] = patch;
function compileConstructor(name, descriptor) {
descriptor = compile(descriptor);
var prototype = determinePrototype(descriptor);
for (var i = 2; i < descriptor.length; i += 2) {
prototype[descriptor[i]] = descriptor[i + 1];
var result = function() { }; // TODO(kasperl): Compile.
result.prototype = prototype;
return result;
function determinePrototype(descriptor) {
var superclassName = descriptor[0];
if (!superclassName) return { };
// Look up the superclass constructor function in the right holder.
var holderIndex = descriptor[1];
var superclass = holders[holderIndex][superclassName];
if (superclass.resolve) superclass = superclass.resolve();
// Create a new prototype object chained to the superclass prototype.
var intermediate = function() { };
intermediate.prototype = superclass.prototype;
return new intermediate();
function compile(s) {
'use strict';
return eval(s);
var end =;
print('Setup: ' + (end - start) + ' ms.');
if (true) #();
}(, #)