blob: c0cea5c46aa11a15844976eb30e895880f332fe0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Contains logic to initialize polymer apps during development. This
/// implementation uses dart:mirrors to load each library as they are discovered
/// through HTML imports. This is only meant to be during development in
/// dartium, and the polymer transformers replace this implementation with
/// codege generation in the polymer-build steps.
library polymer.src.mirror_loader;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:collection' show LinkedHashMap;
// Technically, we shouldn't need any @MirrorsUsed, since this is for
// development only, but our test bots don't yet run pub-build. See more details
// on the comments of the mirrors import in `lib/polymer.dart`.
const [CustomTag, InitMethodAnnotation],
override: const ['smoke.mirrors', 'polymer.src.mirror_loader'])
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart' show Logger;
import 'package:observe/src/dirty_check.dart';
import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart';
/// Used by code generated from the experimental polymer bootstrap in boot.js.
void startPolymerInDevelopment(List<String> librariesToLoad) {
dirtyCheckZone() {
startPolymer(discoverInitializers(librariesToLoad), false);
/// Set of initializers that are invoked by `initPolymer`. This is computed the
/// list by crawling HTML imports, searching for script tags, and including an
/// initializer for each type tagged with a [CustomTag] annotation and for each
/// top-level method annotated with [initMethod].
List<Function> initializers = discoverInitializers(
discoverLibrariesToLoad(document, window.location.href));
/// True if we're in deployment mode.
bool deployMode = false;
/// Discovers what script tags are loaded from HTML pages and collects the
/// initializers of their corresponding libraries.
// Visible for testing only.
List<Function> discoverInitializers(Iterable<String> librariesToLoad) {
var initializers = [];
for (var lib in librariesToLoad) {
try {
_loadLibrary(lib, initializers);
} catch (e, s) {
// Deliver errors async, so if a single library fails it doesn't prevent
// other things from loading.
new Completer().completeError(e, s);
return initializers;
/// Walks the HTML import structure to discover all script tags that are
/// implicitly loaded. This code is only used in Dartium and should only be
/// called after all HTML imports are resolved. Polymer ensures this by asking
/// users to put their Dart script tags after all HTML imports (this is checked
/// by the linter, and Dartium will otherwise show an error message).
List<_ScriptInfo> _discoverScripts(Document doc, String baseUri, [_State state]) {
if (state == null) state = new _State();
if (doc == null) {
print('warning: $baseUri not found.');
return state.scripts;
if (!state.seen.add(doc)) return state.scripts;
for (var node in doc.querySelectorAll('script,link[rel="import"]')) {
if (node is LinkElement) {
_discoverScripts(node.import, node.href, state);
} else if (node is ScriptElement && node.type == 'application/dart') {
state.scripts.add(_scriptInfoFor(node, baseUri));
return state.scripts;
/// Internal state used in [_discoverScripts].
class _State {
/// Documents that we have visited thus far.
final Set<Document> seen = new Set();
/// Scripts that have been discovered, in tree order.
final List<_ScriptInfo> scripts = [];
/// Holds information about a Dart script tag.
class _ScriptInfo {
/// The original URL seen in the tag fully resolved.
final String resolvedUrl;
/// Whether there was no URL, but code inlined instead.
bool get isInline => text != null;
/// Whether it seems to be a 'package:' URL (starts with the package-root).
bool get isPackage => packageUrl != null;
/// The equivalent 'package:' URL, if any.
final String packageUrl;
/// The inlined text, if any.
final String text;
/// Returns a base64 `data:` uri with the contents of [text].
// TODO(sigmund): change back to application/dart: using text/javascript seems
// wrong but it hides a warning in Dartium (
String get dataUrl => 'data:text/javascript;base64,${window.btoa(text)}';
/// URL to import the contents of the original script from Dart. This is
/// either the source URL if the script tag had a `src` attribute, or a base64
/// encoded `data:` URL if the script contents are inlined, or a `package:`
/// URL if the script can be resolved via a package URL.
String get importUrl =>
isInline ? dataUrl : (isPackage ? packageUrl : resolvedUrl);
_ScriptInfo(this.resolvedUrl, {this.packageUrl, this.text});
// TODO(sigmund): explore other (cheaper) ways to resolve URIs relative to the
// root library (see
final _rootUri = currentMirrorSystem().isolate.rootLibrary.uri;
/// Returns [_ScriptInfo] for [script] which was seen in [baseUri].
_ScriptInfo _scriptInfoFor(script, baseUri) {
var uriString = script.src;
if (uriString != '') {
var uri = _rootUri.resolve(uriString);
if (!_isHttpStylePackageUrl(uri)) return new _ScriptInfo('$uri');
// Use package: urls if available. This rule here is more permissive than
// how we translate urls in polymer-build, but we expect Dartium to limit
// the cases where there are differences. The polymer-build issues an error
// when using packages/ inside lib without properly stepping out all the way
// to the packages folder. If users don't create symlinks in the source
// tree, then Dartium will also complain because it won't find the file seen
// in an HTML import.
var packagePath = uri.path.substring(
uri.path.lastIndexOf('packages/') + 'packages/'.length);
return new _ScriptInfo('$uri', packageUrl: 'package:$packagePath');
return new _ScriptInfo(baseUri, text: script.text);
/// Whether [uri] is an http URI that contains a 'packages' segment, and
/// therefore could be converted into a 'package:' URI.
bool _isHttpStylePackageUrl(Uri uri) {
var uriPath = uri.path;
return uri.scheme == _rootUri.scheme &&
// Don't process cross-domain uris.
uri.authority == _rootUri.authority &&
uriPath.endsWith('.dart') &&
(uriPath.contains('/packages/') || uriPath.startsWith('packages/'));
Iterable<String> discoverLibrariesToLoad(Document doc, String baseUri) =>
_discoverScripts(doc, baseUri).map(
(info) => _packageUrlExists(info) ? info.packageUrl : info.resolvedUrl);
bool _packageUrlExists(_ScriptInfo info) =>
info.isPackage && _libs[Uri.parse(info.packageUrl)] != null;
/// All libraries in the current isolate.
final _libs = currentMirrorSystem().libraries;
final Logger _loaderLog = new Logger('polymer.src.mirror_loader');
/// Reads the library at [uriString] (which can be an absolute URI or a relative
/// URI from the root library), and:
/// * If present, invokes any top-level and static functions marked
/// with the [initMethod] annotation (in the order they appear).
/// * Registers any [PolymerElement] that is marked with the [CustomTag]
/// annotation.
void _loadLibrary(String uriString, List<Function> initializers) {
var uri = Uri.parse(uriString);
var lib = _libs[uri];
if (lib == null) {'$uri library not found');
// Search top-level functions marked with @initMethod
for (var f in lib.declarations.values.where((d) => d is MethodMirror)) {
_addInitMethod(lib, f, initializers);
// Dart note: we don't get back @CustomTags in a reliable order from mirrors,
// at least on Dart VM. So we need to sort them so base classes are registered
// first, which ensures that document.register will work correctly for a
// set of types within in the same library.
var customTags = new LinkedHashMap<Type, Function>();
for (var c in lib.declarations.values.where((d) => d is ClassMirror)) {
_loadCustomTags(lib, c, customTags);
// TODO(sigmund): check also static methods marked with @initMethod.
// This is blocked on two bugs:
// - (static methods are incorrectly listed as top-level
// in dart2js, so they end up being called twice)
// - (sometimes "method.metadata" throws an exception,
// we could wrap and hide those exceptions, but it's not ideal).
void _loadCustomTags(LibraryMirror lib, ClassMirror cls,
LinkedHashMap registerFns) {
if (cls == null) return;
if (cls.hasReflectedType && cls.reflectedType == HtmlElement) return;
// Register superclass first.
_loadCustomTags(lib, cls.superclass, registerFns);
if (cls.owner != lib) {
// Don't register classes from different libraries.
// TODO(jmesserly): @CustomTag does not currently respect re-export, because
// LibraryMirror.declarations doesn't include these.
var meta = _getCustomTagMetadata(cls);
if (meta == null) return;
if (!cls.hasReflectedType) {
var name = MirrorSystem.getName(cls.simpleName);
new Completer().completeError(new UnsupportedError('Custom element classes '
'cannot have type-parameters: $name'));
registerFns.putIfAbsent(cls.reflectedType, () =>
() => Polymer.register(meta.tagName, cls.reflectedType));
/// Search for @CustomTag on a classemirror
CustomTag _getCustomTagMetadata(ClassMirror c) {
for (var m in c.metadata) {
var meta = m.reflectee;
if (meta is CustomTag) return meta;
return null;
void _addInitMethod(ObjectMirror obj, MethodMirror method,
List<Function> initializers) {
var annotationFound = false;
for (var meta in method.metadata) {
if (identical(meta.reflectee, initMethod)) {
annotationFound = true;
if (!annotationFound) return;
if (!method.isStatic) {
print("warning: methods marked with @initMethod should be static,"
" ${method.simpleName} is not.");
if (!method.parameters.where((p) => !p.isOptional).isEmpty) {
print("warning: methods marked with @initMethod should take no "
"arguments, ${method.simpleName} expects some.");
initializers.add(() => obj.invoke(method.simpleName, const []));