blob: 8bc80f199e0539490cea29f868b21a8a3f4e61a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'promotion_key_store.dart';
/// [AssignedVariables] is a helper class capable of computing the set of
/// variables that are potentially written to, and potentially captured by
/// closures, at various locations inside the code being analyzed. This class
/// should be used prior to running flow analysis, to compute the sets of
/// variables to pass in to flow analysis.
/// This class is intended to be used in two phases. In the first phase, the
/// client should traverse the source code recursively, making calls to
/// [beginNode] and [endNode] to indicate the constructs in which writes should
/// be tracked, and calls to [write] to indicate when a write is encountered.
/// The order of visiting is not important provided that nesting is respected.
/// This phase is called the "pre-traversal" because it should happen prior to
/// flow analysis.
/// Then, in the second phase, the client may make queries using
/// [capturedAnywhere], [writtenInNode], and [capturedInNode].
/// We use the term "node" to refer generally to a loop statement, switch
/// statement, try statement, loop collection element, local function, or
/// closure.
class AssignedVariables<Node extends Object, Variable extends Object> {
/// Mapping from a node to the info for that node.
final Map<Node, AssignedVariablesNodeInfo> _info =
new Map<Node, AssignedVariablesNodeInfo>.identity();
/// Info for the variables written or captured anywhere in the code being
/// analyzed.
final AssignedVariablesNodeInfo anywhere = new AssignedVariablesNodeInfo();
/// Stack of info for nodes that have been entered but not yet left.
final List<AssignedVariablesNodeInfo> _stack = [
new AssignedVariablesNodeInfo()
/// When assertions are enabled, the set of info objects that have been
/// retrieved by [deferNode] but not yet sent to [storeNode].
final Set<AssignedVariablesNodeInfo> _deferredInfos =
new Set<AssignedVariablesNodeInfo>.identity();
/// Keeps track of whether [finish] has been called.
bool _isFinished = false;
/// The [PromotionKeyStore], which tracks the unique integer assigned to
/// everything in the control flow that might be promotable.
final PromotionKeyStore<Variable> promotionKeyStore =
new PromotionKeyStore<Variable>();
/// Indicates whether [finish] has been called.
bool get isFinished => _isFinished;
/// This method should be called during pre-traversal, to mark the start of a
/// loop statement, switch statement, try statement, loop collection element,
/// local function, closure, or late variable initializer which might need to
/// be queried later.
/// The span between the call to [beginNode] and [endNode] should cover any
/// statements and expressions that might be crossed by a backwards jump. So
/// for instance, in a "for" loop, the condition, updaters, and body should be
/// covered, but the initializers should not. Similarly, in a switch
/// statement, the body of the switch statement should be covered, but the
/// switch expression should not.
void beginNode() {
_stack.add(new AssignedVariablesNodeInfo());
/// This method should be called during pre-traversal, to indicate that the
/// declaration of a variable has been found.
/// It is not required for the declaration to be seen prior to its use (this
/// is to allow for error recovery in the analyzer).
void declare(Variable variable) {
int variableKey = promotionKeyStore.keyForVariable(variable);
/// This method may be called during pre-traversal, to mark the end of a
/// loop statement, switch statement, try statement, loop collection element,
/// local function, closure, or late variable initializer which might need to
/// be queried later.
/// [isClosureOrLateVariableInitializer] should be true if the node is a local
/// function or closure, or a late variable initializer.
/// In contrast to [endNode], this method doesn't store the data gathered for
/// the node for later use; instead it returns it to the caller. At a later
/// time, the caller should pass the returned data to [storeNodeInfo].
/// See [beginNode] for more details.
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo deferNode(
{bool isClosureOrLateVariableInitializer: false}) {
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info = _stack.removeLast();;
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo last = _stack.last;;
if (isClosureOrLateVariableInitializer) {
// If we have already deferred this info, something has gone horribly wrong.
return info;
/// This method may be called during pre-traversal, to discard the effects of
/// the most recent unmatched call to [beginNode].
/// This is necessary because try/catch/finally needs to be desugared into
/// a try/catch nested inside a try/finally, however the pre-traversal phase
/// of the front end happens during parsing, so when a `try` is encountered,
/// it is not known whether it will need to be desugared into two nested
/// `try`s. To cope with this, the front end may call [beginNode] twice upon
/// seeing the two `try`s, and later if it turns out that no desugaring was
/// needed, use [discardNode] to discard the effects of one of the [beginNode]
/// calls.
void discardNode() {
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo discarded = _stack.removeLast();
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo last = _stack.last;
/// This method should be called during pre-traversal, to mark the end of a
/// loop statement, switch statement, try statement, loop collection element,
/// local function, closure, or late variable initializer which might need to
/// be queried later.
/// [isClosureOrLateVariableInitializer] should be true if the node is a local
/// function or closure, or a late variable initializer.
/// This is equivalent to a call to [deferNode] followed immediately by a call
/// to [storeInfo].
/// See [beginNode] for more details.
void endNode(Node node, {bool isClosureOrLateVariableInitializer: false}) {
/// Call this after visiting the code to be analyzed, to check invariants.
void finish() {
assert(() {
_deferredInfos.isEmpty, "Deferred infos not stored: $_deferredInfos");
assert(_stack.length == 1, "Unexpected stack: $_stack");
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo last = _stack.last;
Set<int> undeclaredReads =;
'Variables read from but not declared: $undeclaredReads');
Set<int> undeclaredWrites = last.written.difference(last.declared);
'Variables written to but not declared: $undeclaredWrites');
Set<int> undeclaredCaptures = last.captured.difference(last.declared);
'Variables captured but not declared: $undeclaredCaptures');
return true;
_isFinished = true;
/// Queries the information stored for the given [node].
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo getInfoForNode(Node node) {
return _info[node] ??
(throw new StateError('No information for $node (${node.hashCode}) in '
'{${ => '$k (${k.hashCode})').join(',')}}'));
/// Call this method between calls to [beginNode] and [endNode]/[deferNode],
/// if it is necessary to temporarily process some code outside the current
/// node. Returns a data structure that should be passed to [pushNode].
/// This is used by the front end when building for-elements in lists, maps,
/// and sets; their initializers are partially built after building their
/// loop conditions but before completely building their bodies.
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo popNode() {
return _stack.removeLast();
/// Call this method to un-do the effect of [popNode].
void pushNode(AssignedVariablesNodeInfo node) {
void read(Variable variable) {
int variableKey = promotionKeyStore.keyForVariable(variable);;;
/// Call this method to register that the node [from] for which information
/// has been stored is replaced by the node [to].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this when unified collections are encoded as
// general elements in the front-end.
void reassignInfo(Node from, Node to) {
assert(!_info.containsKey(to), "Node $to already has info: ${_info[to]}");
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo? info = _info.remove(from);
info != null,
'No information for $from (${from.hashCode}) in '
'{${ => '$k (${k.hashCode})').join(',')}}');
_info[to] = info!;
/// This method may be called at any time between a call to [deferNode] and
/// the call to [finish], to store assigned variable info for the node.
void storeInfo(Node node, AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info) {
// Caller should not try to store the same piece of info more than once.
_info[node] = info;
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
return sb.toString();
/// This method should be called during pre-traversal, to mark a write to a
/// variable.
void write(Variable variable) {
int variableKey = promotionKeyStore.keyForVariable(variable);
void _printOn(StringBuffer sb) {
/// Extension of [AssignedVariables] intended for use in tests. This class
/// exposes the results of the analysis so that they can be tested directly.
/// Not intended to be used by clients of flow analysis.
class AssignedVariablesForTesting<Node extends Object, Variable extends Object>
extends AssignedVariables<Node, Variable> {
Set<int> get capturedAnywhere => anywhere.captured;
Set<int> get declaredAtTopLevel => _stack.first.declared;
Set<int> get readAnywhere =>;
Set<int> get readCapturedAnywhere => anywhere.readCaptured;
Set<int> get writtenAnywhere => anywhere.written;
Set<int> capturedInNode(Node node) => getInfoForNode(node).captured;
Set<int> declaredInNode(Node node) => getInfoForNode(node).declared;
bool isTracked(Node node) => _info.containsKey(node);
int keyForVariable(Variable variable) =>
Set<int> readCapturedInNode(Node node) => getInfoForNode(node).readCaptured;
Set<int> readInNode(Node node) => getInfoForNode(node).read;
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
return sb.toString();
Variable variableForKey(int key) => promotionKeyStore.variableForKey(key)!;
Set<int> writtenInNode(Node node) => getInfoForNode(node).written;
/// Information tracked by [AssignedVariables] for a single node.
class AssignedVariablesNodeInfo {
/// The set of local variables that are potentially read in the node.
final Set<int> read = {};
/// The set of local variables that are potentially written in the node.
final Set<int> written = {};
/// The set of local variables for which a potential read is captured by a
/// local function or closure inside the node.
final Set<int> readCaptured = {};
/// The set of local variables for which a potential write is captured by a
/// local function or closure inside the node.
final Set<int> captured = {};
/// The set of local variables that are declared in the node.
final Set<int> declared = {};
String toString() =>
'AssignedVariablesNodeInfo(written=$written, captured=$captured, '