blob: 9a967c0373bbf58dbe0f2fb87b78cc7005095d2a [file] [log] [blame]
The Dark SDK is a set of tools and libraries for the Dart programming language.
You can find information about Dart online at
Here's a brief guide to what's in here:
bin/ Binaries/scripts to compile, run, and manage Dart applications.
dart Dart virtual machine
dart2js Dart-to-JavaScript compiler
dart_analyzer Dart static analyzer
dartdoc Dart documentation generator
pub Pub, the Dart package manager
lib/ Libraries that are shipped with the Dart runtime. More
information is available at
pkg/ Additional packages that are shipped outside of the Dart
runtime. More information is available at
version The version number of the SDK (ex.
util/ Support files for dart_analyzer and pub.