blob: 81dcce56729314cd2af8c7f1690974d0353d79e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/session.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/line_info.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_system.dart';
abstract class AnalysisResultImpl implements AnalysisResult {
final AnalysisSession session;
class ElementDeclarationResultImpl implements ElementDeclarationResult {
final Element element;
final AstNode node;
final ParsedUnitResult? parsedUnit;
final ResolvedUnitResult? resolvedUnit;
this.element, this.node, this.parsedUnit, this.resolvedUnit);
class ErrorsResultImpl extends FileResultImpl implements ErrorsResult {
final List<AnalysisError> errors;
ErrorsResultImpl(super.session, super.path, super.uri, super.lineInfo,
super.isPart, this.errors);
class FileResultImpl extends AnalysisResultImpl implements FileResult {
final String path;
final Uri uri;
final LineInfo lineInfo;
final bool isPart;
super.session, this.path, this.uri, this.lineInfo, this.isPart);
class LibraryElementResultImpl implements LibraryElementResult {
final LibraryElement element;
class ParsedLibraryResultImpl extends AnalysisResultImpl
implements ParsedLibraryResult {
final List<ParsedUnitResult> units;
ParsedLibraryResultImpl(super.session, this.units);
ElementDeclarationResult? getElementDeclaration(Element element) {
if (element is CompilationUnitElement ||
element is LibraryElement ||
element.isSynthetic ||
element.nameOffset == -1) {
return null;
var elementPath = element.source!.fullName;
var unitResult = units.firstWhere(
(r) => r.path == elementPath,
orElse: () {
var elementStr = element.getDisplayString(withNullability: true);
throw ArgumentError('Element (${element.runtimeType}) $elementStr is '
'not defined in this library.');
var locator = _DeclarationByElementLocator(element);
var declaration = locator.result;
if (declaration == null) {
return null;
return ElementDeclarationResultImpl(element, declaration, unitResult, null);
class ParsedUnitResultImpl extends FileResultImpl implements ParsedUnitResult {
final String content;
final CompilationUnit unit;
final List<AnalysisError> errors;
ParsedUnitResultImpl(AnalysisSession session, String path, Uri uri,
this.content, LineInfo lineInfo, bool isPart, this.unit, this.errors)
: super(session, path, uri, lineInfo, isPart);
class ParseStringResultImpl implements ParseStringResult {
final String content;
final List<AnalysisError> errors;
final CompilationUnit unit;
ParseStringResultImpl(this.content, this.unit, this.errors);
LineInfo get lineInfo => unit.lineInfo;
class ResolvedForCompletionResultImpl {
final AnalysisSession analysisSession;
final String path;
final Uri uri;
final bool exists;
final String content;
final LineInfo lineInfo;
/// The full parsed unit.
final CompilationUnit parsedUnit;
/// The full element for the unit.
final CompilationUnitElement unitElement;
/// Nodes from [parsedUnit] that were resolved to provide enough context
/// to perform completion. How much is enough depends on the location
/// where resolution for completion was requested, and our knowledge
/// how completion contributors work and what information they expect.
/// This is usually a small subset of the whole unit - a method, a field.
/// It could be even empty if the location does not provide any context
/// information for any completion contributor, e.g. a type annotation.
/// But it could be the whole unit as well, if the location is not something
/// we have an optimization for.
/// If this list is not empty, then the last node contains the requested
/// offset. Other nodes are provided mostly FYI.
final List<AstNode> resolvedNodes;
required this.analysisSession,
required this.path,
required this.uri,
required this.exists,
required this.content,
required this.lineInfo,
required this.parsedUnit,
required this.unitElement,
required this.resolvedNodes,
class ResolvedLibraryResultImpl extends AnalysisResultImpl
implements ResolvedLibraryResult {
final LibraryElement element;
final List<ResolvedUnitResult> units;
ResolvedLibraryResultImpl(super.session, this.element, this.units);
TypeProvider get typeProvider => element.typeProvider;
ElementDeclarationResult? getElementDeclaration(Element element) {
if (element is CompilationUnitElement ||
element is LibraryElement ||
element.isSynthetic ||
element.nameOffset == -1) {
return null;
var elementPath = element.source!.fullName;
var unitResult = units.firstWhere(
(r) => r.path == elementPath,
orElse: () {
var elementStr = element.getDisplayString(withNullability: true);
throw ArgumentError('Element (${element.runtimeType}) $elementStr is '
'not defined in this library.');
var locator = _DeclarationByElementLocator(element);
var declaration = locator.result;
if (declaration == null) {
return null;
return ElementDeclarationResultImpl(element, declaration, null, unitResult);
class ResolvedUnitResultImpl extends FileResultImpl
implements ResolvedUnitResult {
final bool exists;
final String content;
final CompilationUnit unit;
final List<AnalysisError> errors;
AnalysisSession session,
String path,
Uri uri,
LineInfo lineInfo,
bool isPart,
: super(session, path, uri, lineInfo, isPart);
LibraryElement get libraryElement {
return unit.declaredElement!.library;
TypeProvider get typeProvider => libraryElement.typeProvider;
TypeSystemImpl get typeSystem => libraryElement.typeSystem as TypeSystemImpl;
class UnitElementResultImpl extends FileResultImpl
implements UnitElementResult {
final CompilationUnitElement element;
UnitElementResultImpl(super.session, super.path, super.uri, super.lineInfo,
super.isPart, this.element);
/// A visitor which locates the [AstNode] which declares [element].
class _DeclarationByElementLocator extends UnifyingAstVisitor<void> {
// TODO: This visitor could be further optimized by special casing each static
// type of [element]. For example, for library-level elements (classes etc),
// we can iterate over the compilation unit's declarations.
final Element element;
final int _nameOffset;
AstNode? result;
_DeclarationByElementLocator(this.element) : _nameOffset = element.nameOffset;
void visitNode(AstNode node) {
if (result != null) return;
if (node.endToken.end < _nameOffset || node.offset > _nameOffset) {
if (element is ClassElement) {
if (node is ClassOrMixinDeclaration) {
if (_hasOffset( {
result = node;
} else if (node is ClassTypeAlias) {
if (_hasOffset( {
result = node;
} else if (node is EnumDeclaration) {
if (_hasOffset( {
result = node;
} else if (element is ConstructorElement) {
if (node is ConstructorDeclaration) {
if ( != null) {
if (_hasOffset( {
result = node;
} else {
if (_hasOffset(node.returnType)) {
result = node;
} else if (element is ExtensionElement) {
if (node is ExtensionDeclaration) {
if (_hasOffset( {
result = node;
} else if (element is FieldElement) {
if (node is EnumConstantDeclaration) {
if (_hasOffset( {
result = node;
} else if (node is VariableDeclaration) {
if (_hasOffset( {
result = node;
} else if (element is FunctionElement) {
if (node is FunctionDeclaration && _hasOffset( {
result = node;
} else if (element is LocalVariableElement) {
if (node is VariableDeclaration && _hasOffset( {
result = node;
} else if (element is MethodElement) {
if (node is MethodDeclaration && _hasOffset( {
result = node;
} else if (element is ParameterElement) {
if (node is FormalParameter && _hasOffset(node.identifier)) {
result = node;
} else if (element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
if (node is FunctionDeclaration) {
if (_hasOffset( {
result = node;
} else if (node is MethodDeclaration) {
if (_hasOffset( {
result = node;
} else if (element is TopLevelVariableElement) {
if (node is VariableDeclaration && _hasOffset( {
result = node;
if (result == null) {
bool _hasOffset(AstNode? node) {
return node?.offset == _nameOffset;