blob: 2ebb5071307d9fec1bac4a646e719a76d26680d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/sexpression.h"
#include "vm/compiler/compiler_pass.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
#include "vm/parser.h"
#include "vm/thread.h"
#include "vm/zone.h"
namespace dart {
// Deserializes FlowGraphs from S-expressions.
class FlowGraphDeserializer : ValueObject {
// Adds to the given array all the instructions in the flow graph that are
// guaranteed not to be handled by the current implementation of the
// FlowGraphDeserializer. This way, we can filter out graphs that are
// guaranteed not to be deserializable before going through the round-trip
// serialization process.
// Note that there may be other reasons that the deserializer may fail on
// a given flow graph, so no new members of the array is necessary, but not
// sufficient, for a successful round-trip pass.
static void AllUnhandledInstructions(const FlowGraph* graph,
GrowableArray<Instruction*>* out);
// Takes the FlowGraph from [state] and runs it through the serializer
// and deserializer. If the deserializer successfully deserializes the
// graph, then the FlowGraph in [state] is replaced with the new one.
static void RoundTripSerialization(CompilerPassState* state);
FlowGraphDeserializer(Thread* thread,
Zone* zone,
SExpression* root,
const ParsedFunction* pf = nullptr)
: thread_(ASSERT_NOTNULL(thread)),
tmp_string_(String::Handle(zone)) {
// See canonicalization comment in ParseDartValue as to why this is
// currently necessary.
ASSERT(thread->zone() == zone);
// Walks [root_sexp_] and constructs a new FlowGraph.
FlowGraph* ParseFlowGraph();
const char* error_message() const { return error_message_; }
SExpression* error_sexp() const { return error_sexp_; }
// Prints the current error information to stderr and aborts.
DART_NORETURN void ReportError() const;
M(FunctionEntry) \
M(GraphEntry) \
M(JoinEntry) \
M(AllocateObject) \
M(Branch) \
M(CheckNull) \
M(CheckStackOverflow) \
M(Constant) \
M(DebugStepCheck) \
M(Goto) \
M(LoadField) \
M(Parameter) \
M(PushArgument) \
M(Return) \
M(SpecialParameter) \
M(StaticCall) \
M(StoreInstanceField) \
// Helper methods for AllUnhandledInstructions.
static bool IsHandledInstruction(Instruction* inst);
static bool IsHandledConstant(const Object& obj);
// For functions that take an SExpression or a subclass, they should return
// an error signal (false, nullptr, etc.) without changing the error state if
// passed in nullptr. This way, methods can be chained without intermediate
// checking.
// Also, for parsing methods for expressions that are known to be of a certain
// form, they will take the appropriate subclass of SExpression and assume
// that the form was already pre-checked by the caller. For forms that are
// tagged lists, this includes the fact that there is at least one element
// and the first element is a symbol. If the form can only have one possible
// tag, they also assume the tag has already been checked.
// Helper functions that do length/key exists checking and also check that
// the retrieved element is not nullptr. Notably, do not use these if the
// retrieved element is optional, to avoid changing the error state
// unnecessarily.
SExpression* Retrieve(SExpList* list, intptr_t index);
SExpression* Retrieve(SExpList* list, const char* key);
bool ParseConstantPool(SExpList* pool);
bool ParseEntries(SExpList* list);
using PushStack = ZoneGrowableArray<PushArgumentInstr*>;
using BlockWorklist = GrowableArray<intptr_t>;
// Starts parsing the contents of [list], where the blocks begin at position
// [pos] and [worklist] contains the blocks whose body instructions should
// be parsed first.
bool ParseBlocks(SExpList* list, intptr_t pos, BlockWorklist* worklist);
// Block parsing is split into two passes. This pass adds function entries
// to the flow graph and also parses initial definitions found in the Entries
// list. The block is added to the [block_map_] before returning.
BlockEntryInstr* ParseBlockHeader(SExpList* list,
intptr_t block_id,
SExpSymbol* tag);
// Expects [current_block_] to be set before calling.
bool ParseInitialDefinitions(SExpList* list);
// Expects [current_block_] to be set before calling.
// Takes the tagged list to parse and the index where parsing should start.
// Attempts to parse Phi definitions until the first non-Phi instruction.
bool ParsePhis(SExpList* list);
// Expects [current_block_] to be set before calling.
// Returns the position of the first non-Phi instruction in a block.
intptr_t SkipPhis(SExpList* list);
// Parses the deopt environment, Phi definitions for JoinEntrys, and the
// instructions in the body of the block. Adds the IDs of the block successors
// to the worklist, if any. [current_block_] and [pushed_stack_] must be set
// before calling.
bool ParseBlockContents(SExpList* list, BlockWorklist* worklist);
// Helper function used by ParseConstantPool, ParsePhis, and ParseDefinition.
// This handles all the extra information stored in (def ...) expressions,
// and also ensures the index of the definition is appropriately adjusted to
// match those found in the serialized form.
bool ParseDefinitionWithParsedBody(SExpList* list, Definition* def);
Definition* ParseDefinition(SExpList* list);
Instruction* ParseInstruction(SExpList* list);
struct EntryInfo {
intptr_t block_id;
intptr_t try_index;
intptr_t deopt_id;
#define HANDLER_DECL(name) \
name##Instr* Deserialize##name(SExpList* list, const EntryInfo& info);
struct InstrInfo {
intptr_t deopt_id;
TokenPosition token_pos;
enum HandledInstruction {
#define HANDLED_INST_DECL(name) kHandled##name,
// clang-format off
kHandledInvalid = -1,
// clang-format on
#define HANDLE_CASE(name) \
if (strcmp(tag->value(), #name) == 0) return kHandled##name;
HandledInstruction HandledInstructionForTag(SExpSymbol* tag) {
ASSERT(tag != nullptr);
return kHandledInvalid;
#define HANDLER_DECL(name) \
name##Instr* Deserialize##name(SExpList* list, const InstrInfo& info);
// Parses [sexp] as a value form, that is, either the binding name for
// a definition as a symbol or the form (value <name> { ... }).
// If [allow_pending], then values for definitions not already in the
// [definition_map_] will be added to the [values_map_], otherwise,
// values for definitions not yet seen cause an error to be stored and
// nullptr to be returned.
Value* ParseValue(SExpression* sexp, bool allow_pending = true);
CompileType* ParseCompileType(SExpList* list);
// Parses [list] as an environment form: a list containing either binding
// names for definitions or a# for pushed arguments (where # is the depth
// of the argument from the top of the stack). Requires [pushed_stack_] to
// be set if any references to pushed arguments are found.
Environment* ParseEnvironment(SExpList* list);
// Parsing functions for which there are no good distinguished error
// values, so use out parameters and a boolean return instead.
// Parses a Dart value and returns a canonicalized result.
bool ParseDartValue(SExpression* sexp, Object* out);
// Helper function for ParseDartValue for parsing instances.
// Does not canonicalize (that is currently done in ParseDartValue), so
// do not call this method directly.
bool ParseInstance(SExpList* list, Instance* out);
bool ParseCanonicalName(SExpSymbol* sym, Object* out);
const Field& MayCloneField(const Field& field);
bool ParseSlot(SExpList* list, const Slot** out);
bool ParseBlockId(SExpSymbol* sym, intptr_t* out);
bool ParseSSATemp(SExpSymbol* sym, intptr_t* out);
bool ParseUse(SExpSymbol* sym, intptr_t* out);
bool ParseSymbolAsPrefixedInt(SExpSymbol* sym, char prefix, intptr_t* out);
// Helper function for creating a placeholder value when the definition
// has not yet been seen.
Value* AddNewPendingValue(intptr_t index);
// Similar helper, but where we already have a created value.
void AddPendingValue(intptr_t index, Value* val);
// Helper function for rebinding pending values once the definition has
// been located.
void FixPendingValues(intptr_t index, Definition* def);
// Creates a PushArgumentsArray of size [len] from [pushed_stack_] if there
// are enough and pops the fetched arguments from the stack.
// The [sexp] argument should be the serialized form of the instruction that
// needs the pushed arguments and is only used for error reporting.
PushArgumentsArray* FetchPushedArguments(SExpList* sexp, intptr_t len);
// Retrieves the block corresponding to the given block ID symbol from
// [block_map_]. Assumes all blocks have had their header parsed.
BlockEntryInstr* FetchBlock(SExpSymbol* sym);
// Checks that the pushed argument stacks for all predecessors of [succ_block]
// are the same as [curr_stack]. This check ensures that we can choose an
// arbitrary predecessor's pushed argument stack when parsing [succ_block]'s
// contents. [list] is used for error reporting.
bool AreStacksConsistent(SExpList* list,
PushStack* curr_stack,
BlockEntryInstr* succ_block);
// Utility functions for checking the shape of an S-expression.
// If these functions return nullptr for a non-null argument, they have the
// side effect of setting the stored error message.
#define BASE_CHECK_DECL(name, type) SExp##name* Check##name(SExpression* sexp);
// Checks whether [sexp] is a symbol with the given label.
bool IsTag(SExpression* sexp, const char* label);
// A version of CheckList that also checks that the list has at least one
// element and that the first element is a symbol. If [label] is non-null,
// then the initial symbol element is checked against it.
SExpList* CheckTaggedList(SExpression* sexp, const char* label = nullptr);
// Stores appropriate error information using the SExpression as the location
// and the rest of the arguments as an error message for the user.
void StoreError(SExpression* s, const char* fmt, ...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(3, 4);
Thread* thread() const { return thread_; }
Zone* zone() const { return zone_; }
Thread* const thread_;
Zone* const zone_;
SExpression* const root_sexp_;
const ParsedFunction* parsed_function_;
FlowGraph* flow_graph_ = nullptr;
BlockEntryInstr* current_block_ = nullptr;
intptr_t max_block_id_ = -1;
intptr_t max_ssa_index_ = -1;
// Map from block IDs to blocks. Does not contain an entry for block 0
// (the graph entry), since it is only used at known points and is already
// available via [flow_graph_].
IntMap<BlockEntryInstr*> block_map_;
// Map from block IDs to pushed argument stacks. Used for PushArgument
// instructions, environment parsing, and calls during block parsing. Also
// used to check that the final pushed argument stacks for predecessor blocks
// are consistent when parsing a JoinEntry.
IntMap<PushStack*> pushed_stack_map_;
// Map from variable indexes to definitions.
IntMap<Definition*> definition_map_;
// Map from variable indices to lists of values. The list of values are
// values that were parsed prior to the corresponding definition being found.
IntMap<ZoneGrowableArray<Value*>*> values_map_;
// Temporary handles used by functions that are not re-entrant or where the
// handle is not live after the re-entrant call. Comments show which handles
// are expected to only be used within a single method.
Class& instance_class_; // ParseInstance
Field& instance_field_; // ParseInstance
Object& instance_object_; // ParseInstance
Class& name_class_; // ParseCanonicalName
Field& name_field_; // ParseCanonicalName
Function& name_function_; // ParseCanonicalName
Library& name_library_; // ParseCanonicalName
Class& value_class_; // ParseDartValue
Object& value_object_; // ParseDartValue
AbstractType& value_type_; // ParseDartValue
TypeArguments& value_type_args_; // ParseDartValue
// Uses of string handles tend to be immediate, so we only need one.
String& tmp_string_;
// Stores a message appropriate to surfacing to the user when an error
// occurs.
const char* error_message_ = nullptr;
// Stores the location of the deserialization error by containing the
// S-expression which caused the failure.
SExpression* error_sexp_ = nullptr;
} // namespace dart