blob: f4bf5355715f3a3fb9ef73d9e5c2601e93ea171d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/compiler/backend/il_deserializer.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/il_serializer.h"
#include "vm/compiler/jit/compiler.h"
#include "vm/flags.h"
#include "vm/os.h"
namespace dart {
"Print out tracing information during round trip serialization.");
"Print out results of each round trip serialization in JSON form.");
// Contains the contents of a single round-trip result.
struct RoundTripResults : public ValueObject {
explicit RoundTripResults(Zone* zone, const Function& func)
: function(func), unhandled(zone, 2) {}
// The function for which a flow graph was being parsed.
const Function& function;
// Whether the round trip succeeded.
bool success = false;
// An array of unhandled instructions found in the flow graph.
GrowableArray<Instruction*> unhandled;
// The serialized form of the flow graph, if computed.
SExpression* serialized = nullptr;
// The error information from the deserializer, if an error occurred.
const char* error_message = nullptr;
SExpression* error_sexp = nullptr;
static void PrintRoundTripResults(Zone* zone, const RoundTripResults& results) {
THR_Print("Results of round trip serialization: {\"function\":\"%s\"",
THR_Print(",\"success\":%s", results.success ? "true" : "false");
if (!results.unhandled.is_empty()) {
CStringMap<intptr_t> count_map(zone);
for (auto inst : results.unhandled) {
auto const name = inst->DebugName();
auto const old_count = count_map.LookupValue(name);
count_map.Update({name, old_count + 1});
auto count_it = count_map.GetIterator();
auto first_kv = count_it.Next();
THR_Print("\"%s\":%" Pd "", first_kv->key, first_kv->value);
while (auto kv = count_it.Next()) {
THR_Print(",\"%s\":%" Pd "", kv->key, kv->value);
if (results.serialized != nullptr) {
TextBuffer buf(1000);
results.serialized->SerializeTo(zone, &buf, "");
// Now that the S-expression has been serialized to the TextBuffer, we now
// want to take that version and escape it since we will use it as the
// contents of a JSON string. Thankfully, escaping can be done via
// TextBuffer::AddEscapedString, so we steal the current buffer and then
// re-print it in escaped form into the now-cleared buffer.
char* const unescaped_sexp = buf.Steal();
THR_Print(",\"serialized\":\"%s\"", buf.buf());
if (results.error_message != nullptr) {
TextBuffer buf(1000);
ASSERT(results.error_sexp != nullptr);
// Same serialized S-expression juggling as in the results.serialized case.
// We also escape the error message, in case it included quotes.
char* const escaped_message = buf.Steal();
results.error_sexp->SerializeTo(zone, &buf, "");
char* const unescaped_sexp = buf.Steal();
escaped_message, buf.buf());
void FlowGraphDeserializer::RoundTripSerialization(CompilerPassState* state) {
auto const flow_graph = state->flow_graph;
// The deserialized flow graph must be in the same zone as the original flow
// graph, to ensure it has the right lifetime. Thus, we leave an explicit
// use of [flow_graph->zone()] in the deserializer construction.
// Otherwise, it would be nice to use a StackZone to limit the lifetime of the
// serialized form (and other values created with this [zone] variable), since
// it only needs to live for the dynamic extent of this method.
// However, creating a StackZone for it also changes the zone associated with
// the thread. Also, some parts of the VM used in later updates to the
// deserializer implicitly pick up the zone to use either from a passed-in
// thread or the current thread instead of taking an explicit zone.
// For now, just serialize into the same zone as the original flow graph, and
// we can revisit this if this causes a performance issue or if we can ensure
// that those VM parts mentioned can be passed an explicit zone.
Zone* const zone = flow_graph->zone();
// Final flow graph, if we successfully serialize and deserialize.
FlowGraph* new_graph = nullptr;
// Stored information for printing results if requested.
RoundTripResults results(zone, flow_graph->function());
if (results.unhandled.is_empty()) {
results.serialized = FlowGraphSerializer::SerializeToSExp(zone, flow_graph);
if (FLAG_trace_round_trip_serialization && results.serialized != nullptr) {
TextBuffer buf(1000);
results.serialized->SerializeTo(zone, &buf, "");
THR_Print("Serialized flow graph:\n%s\n", buf.buf());
// For the deserializer, use the thread from the compiler pass and zone
// associated with the existing flow graph to make sure the new flow graph
// has the right lifetime.
FlowGraphDeserializer d(state->thread, flow_graph->zone(),
results.serialized, &flow_graph->parsed_function());
new_graph = d.ParseFlowGraph();
if (new_graph == nullptr) {
ASSERT(d.error_message() != nullptr && d.error_sexp() != nullptr);
if (FLAG_trace_round_trip_serialization) {
THR_Print("Failure during deserialization: %s\n", d.error_message());
THR_Print("At S-expression %s\n", d.error_sexp()->ToCString(zone));
results.error_message = d.error_message();
results.error_sexp = d.error_sexp();
} else {
if (FLAG_trace_round_trip_serialization) {
THR_Print("Successfully deserialized graph for %s\n",
results.success = true;
} else if (FLAG_trace_round_trip_serialization) {
THR_Print("Cannot serialize graph due to instruction: %s\n",
if (FLAG_print_json_round_trip_results) PrintRoundTripResults(zone, results);
if (new_graph != nullptr) state->flow_graph = new_graph;
#define HANDLED_CASE(name) \
if (inst->Is##name()) return true;
bool FlowGraphDeserializer::IsHandledInstruction(Instruction* inst) {
if (auto const const_inst = inst->AsConstant()) {
return IsHandledConstant(const_inst->value());
return false;
void FlowGraphDeserializer::AllUnhandledInstructions(
const FlowGraph* graph,
GrowableArray<Instruction*>* unhandled) {
ASSERT(graph != nullptr);
ASSERT(unhandled != nullptr);
for (auto block_it = graph->reverse_postorder_iterator(); !block_it.Done();
block_it.Advance()) {
auto const entry = block_it.Current();
if (!IsHandledInstruction(entry)) unhandled->Add(entry);
// Don't check the Phi definitions in JoinEntrys, as those are now handled
// and also parsed differently from other definitions.
if (auto const def_block = entry->AsBlockEntryWithInitialDefs()) {
auto const defs = def_block->initial_definitions();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < defs->length(); i++) {
auto const current = defs->At(i);
if (!IsHandledInstruction(current)) unhandled->Add(current);
for (ForwardInstructionIterator it(entry); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
auto current = it.Current();
// We handle branches, so we need to check the comparison instruction.
if (current->IsBranch()) current = current->AsBranch()->comparison();
if (!IsHandledInstruction(current)) unhandled->Add(current);
// Keep in sync with work in ParseDartValue. Right now, this is just a shallow
// check, not a deep one.
bool FlowGraphDeserializer::IsHandledConstant(const Object& obj) {
if (obj.IsArray()) return Array::Cast(obj).IsImmutable();
return obj.IsNull() || obj.IsClass() || obj.IsFunction() || obj.IsField() ||
SExpression* FlowGraphDeserializer::Retrieve(SExpList* list, intptr_t index) {
if (list == nullptr) return nullptr;
if (list->Length() <= index) {
StoreError(list, "expected at least %" Pd " element(s) in list", index + 1);
return nullptr;
auto const elem = list->At(index);
if (elem == nullptr) {
StoreError(list, "null value at index %" Pd "", index);
return elem;
SExpression* FlowGraphDeserializer::Retrieve(SExpList* list, const char* key) {
if (list == nullptr) return nullptr;
if (!list->ExtraHasKey(key)) {
StoreError(list, "expected an extra info entry for key %s", key);
return nullptr;
auto const elem = list->ExtraLookupValue(key);
if (elem == nullptr) {
StoreError(list, "null value for key %s", key);
return elem;
FlowGraph* FlowGraphDeserializer::ParseFlowGraph() {
auto const root = CheckTaggedList(root_sexp_, "FlowGraph");
if (root == nullptr) return nullptr;
intptr_t deopt_id = DeoptId::kNone;
if (auto const deopt_id_sexp =
CheckInteger(root->ExtraLookupValue("deopt_id"))) {
deopt_id = deopt_id_sexp->value();
EntryInfo common_info = {0, kInvalidTryIndex, deopt_id};
auto const graph = DeserializeGraphEntry(root, common_info);
PrologueInfo pi(-1, -1);
flow_graph_ = new (zone()) FlowGraph(*parsed_function_, graph, 0, pi);
intptr_t pos = 2;
if (auto const pool = CheckTaggedList(Retrieve(root, pos), "Constants")) {
if (!ParseConstantPool(pool)) return nullptr;
// The deopt environment for the graph entry may use entries from the
// constant pool, so that must be parsed first.
if (auto const env_sexp = CheckList(root->ExtraLookupValue("env"))) {
auto const env = ParseEnvironment(env_sexp);
if (env == nullptr) return nullptr;
env->DeepCopyTo(zone(), graph);
auto const entries_sexp = CheckTaggedList(Retrieve(root, pos), "Entries");
if (!ParseEntries(entries_sexp)) return nullptr;
// Now prime the block worklist with entries. We keep the block worklist
// in reverse order so that we can just pop the next block for content
// parsing off the end.
BlockWorklist block_worklist(zone(), entries_sexp->Length() - 1);
const auto& indirect_entries = graph->indirect_entries();
for (auto indirect_entry : indirect_entries) {
const auto& catch_entries = graph->catch_entries();
for (auto catch_entry : catch_entries) {
if (auto const osr_entry = graph->osr_entry()) {
if (auto const unchecked_entry = graph->unchecked_entry()) {
if (auto const normal_entry = graph->normal_entry()) {
// The graph entry doesn't push any arguments onto the stack. Adding a
// pushed_stack_map_ entry for it allows us to unify how function entries
// are handled vs. other types of blocks with regards to incoming pushed
// argument stacks.
auto const empty_stack = new (zone()) PushStack(zone(), 0);
pushed_stack_map_.Insert(0, empty_stack);
if (!ParseBlocks(root, pos, &block_worklist)) return nullptr;
// Before we return the new graph, make sure all definitions were found for
// all pending values.
if (values_map_.Length() > 0) {
auto it = values_map_.GetIterator();
auto const kv = it.Next();
// TODO(sstrickl): This assumes SSA variables.
auto const sym =
new (zone()) SExpSymbol(OS::SCreate(zone(), "v%" Pd "", kv->key));
StoreError(sym, "no definition found for variable index in flow graph");
return nullptr;
flow_graph_->set_current_ssa_temp_index(max_ssa_index_ + 1);
// Now that the deserializer has finished re-creating all the blocks in the
// flow graph, the blocks must be rediscovered. In addition, if ComputeSSA
// has already been run, dominators must be recomputed as well.
// Currently we only handle SSA graphs, so always do this.
GrowableArray<BitVector*> dominance_frontier;
return flow_graph_;
bool FlowGraphDeserializer::ParseConstantPool(SExpList* pool) {
ASSERT(flow_graph_ != nullptr);
if (pool == nullptr) return false;
// Definitions in the constant pool may refer to later definitions. However,
// there should be no cycles possible between constant objects, so using a
// worklist algorithm we should always be able to make progress.
// Since we will not be adding new definitions, we make the initial size of
// the worklist the number of definitions in the constant pool.
GrowableArray<SExpList*> worklist(zone(), pool->Length() - 1);
// We keep old_worklist in reverse order so that we can just RemoveLast
// to get elements in their original order.
for (intptr_t i = pool->Length() - 1; i > 0; i--) {
const auto def_sexp = CheckTaggedList(pool->At(i), "def");
if (def_sexp == nullptr) return false;
while (true) {
const intptr_t worklist_len = worklist.length();
GrowableArray<SExpList*> parse_failures(zone(), worklist_len);
while (!worklist.is_empty()) {
const auto def_sexp = worklist.RemoveLast();
auto& obj = Object::ZoneHandle(zone());
if (!ParseDartValue(Retrieve(def_sexp, 2), &obj)) {
ConstantInstr* def = flow_graph_->GetConstant(obj);
if (!ParseDefinitionWithParsedBody(def_sexp, def)) return false;
if (parse_failures.is_empty()) break;
// We've gone through the whole worklist without success, so return
// the last error we encountered.
if (parse_failures.length() == worklist_len) return false;
// worklist was added to in order, so we need to reverse its contents
// when we add them to old_worklist.
while (!parse_failures.is_empty()) {
return true;
bool FlowGraphDeserializer::ParseEntries(SExpList* list) {
ASSERT(flow_graph_ != nullptr);
if (list == nullptr) return false;
for (intptr_t i = 1; i < list->Length(); i++) {
const auto entry = CheckTaggedList(Retrieve(list, i));
if (entry == nullptr) return false;
intptr_t block_id;
if (!ParseBlockId(CheckSymbol(Retrieve(entry, 1)), &block_id)) {
return false;
if (block_map_.LookupValue(block_id) != nullptr) {
StoreError(entry->At(1), "multiple entries for block found");
return false;
const auto tag = entry->At(0)->AsSymbol();
if (ParseBlockHeader(entry, block_id, tag) == nullptr) return false;
return true;
bool FlowGraphDeserializer::ParseBlocks(SExpList* list,
intptr_t pos,
BlockWorklist* worklist) {
// First, ensure that all the block headers have been parsed. Set up a
// map from block IDs to S-expressions and the max_block_id while we're at it.
IntMap<SExpList*> block_sexp_map(zone());
for (intptr_t i = pos, n = list->Length(); i < n; i++) {
auto const block_sexp = CheckTaggedList(Retrieve(list, i), "Block");
intptr_t block_id;
if (!ParseBlockId(CheckSymbol(Retrieve(block_sexp, 1)), &block_id)) {
return false;
if (block_sexp_map.LookupValue(block_id) != nullptr) {
StoreError(block_sexp->At(1), "multiple definitions of block found");
return false;
block_sexp_map.Insert(block_id, block_sexp);
auto const type_tag =
// Entry block headers are already parsed, but others aren't.
if (block_map_.LookupValue(block_id) == nullptr) {
if (ParseBlockHeader(block_sexp, block_id, type_tag) == nullptr) {
return false;
if (max_block_id_ < block_id) max_block_id_ = block_id;
// Now start parsing the contents of blocks from the worklist. We use an
// IntMap to keep track of what blocks have already been fully parsed.
IntMap<bool> fully_parsed_block_map(zone());
while (!worklist->is_empty()) {
auto const block_id = worklist->RemoveLast();
// If we've already encountered this block, skip it.
if (fully_parsed_block_map.LookupValue(block_id)) continue;
auto const block_sexp = block_sexp_map.LookupValue(block_id);
ASSERT(block_sexp != nullptr);
// Copy the pushed argument stack of the predecessor to begin the stack for
// this block. This is safe due to the worklist algorithm, since one
// predecessor has already been added when this block is first reached.
// For JoinEntry blocks, since the worklist algorithm is a depth-first
// search, we may not see all possible predecessors before the JoinEntry
// is parsed. To ensure consistency between predecessor stacks, we check
// the consistency in ParseBlockContents when updating predecessor
// information.
current_block_ = block_map_.LookupValue(block_id);
ASSERT(current_block_ != nullptr);
ASSERT(current_block_->PredecessorCount() > 0);
auto const pred_id = current_block_->PredecessorAt(0)->block_id();
auto const pred_stack = pushed_stack_map_.LookupValue(pred_id);
ASSERT(pred_stack != nullptr);
auto const new_stack = new (zone()) PushStack(zone(), pred_stack->length());
pushed_stack_map_.Insert(block_id, new_stack);
if (!ParseBlockContents(block_sexp, worklist)) return false;
// Mark this block as done.
fully_parsed_block_map.Insert(block_id, true);
// Double-check that all blocks were reached by the worklist algorithm.
auto it = block_sexp_map.GetIterator();
while (auto kv = it.Next()) {
if (!fully_parsed_block_map.LookupValue(kv->key)) {
StoreError(kv->value, "block unreachable in flow graph");
return false;
return true;
bool FlowGraphDeserializer::ParseInitialDefinitions(SExpList* list) {
ASSERT(current_block_ != nullptr);
auto const block = current_block_->AsBlockEntryWithInitialDefs();
if (list == nullptr) return false;
for (intptr_t i = 2; i < list->Length(); i++) {
const auto def_sexp = CheckTaggedList(Retrieve(list, i), "def");
const auto def = ParseDefinition(def_sexp);
if (def == nullptr) return false;
flow_graph_->AddToInitialDefinitions(block, def);
return true;
BlockEntryInstr* FlowGraphDeserializer::ParseBlockHeader(SExpList* list,
intptr_t block_id,
SExpSymbol* tag) {
ASSERT(flow_graph_ != nullptr);
// We should only parse block headers once.
ASSERT(block_map_.LookupValue(block_id) == nullptr);
if (list == nullptr) return nullptr;
#if defined(DEBUG)
intptr_t parsed_block_id;
auto const id_sexp = CheckSymbol(Retrieve(list, 1));
if (!ParseBlockId(id_sexp, &parsed_block_id)) return nullptr;
ASSERT(block_id == parsed_block_id);
auto const kind = FlowGraphSerializer::BlockEntryTagToKind(tag);
intptr_t deopt_id = DeoptId::kNone;
if (auto const deopt_int = CheckInteger(list->ExtraLookupValue("deopt_id"))) {
deopt_id = deopt_int->value();
intptr_t try_index = kInvalidTryIndex;
if (auto const try_int = CheckInteger(list->ExtraLookupValue("try_index"))) {
try_index = try_int->value();
BlockEntryInstr* block = nullptr;
EntryInfo common_info = {block_id, try_index, deopt_id};
switch (kind) {
case FlowGraphSerializer::kTarget:
block = DeserializeTargetEntry(list, common_info);
case FlowGraphSerializer::kNormal:
block = DeserializeFunctionEntry(list, common_info);
if (block != nullptr) {
auto const graph = flow_graph_->graph_entry();
case FlowGraphSerializer::kUnchecked: {
block = DeserializeFunctionEntry(list, common_info);
if (block != nullptr) {
auto const graph = flow_graph_->graph_entry();
case FlowGraphSerializer::kJoin:
block = DeserializeJoinEntry(list, common_info);
case FlowGraphSerializer::kInvalid:
StoreError(tag, "invalid block entry tag");
return nullptr;
StoreError(tag, "unhandled block type");
return nullptr;
if (block == nullptr) return nullptr;
block_map_.Insert(block_id, block);
return block;
bool FlowGraphDeserializer::ParsePhis(SExpList* list) {
ASSERT(current_block_ != nullptr && current_block_->IsJoinEntry());
auto const join = current_block_->AsJoinEntry();
const intptr_t start_pos = 2;
auto const end_pos = SkipPhis(list);
if (end_pos < start_pos) return false;
for (intptr_t i = start_pos; i < end_pos; i++) {
auto const def_sexp = CheckTaggedList(Retrieve(list, i), "def");
auto const phi_sexp = CheckTaggedList(Retrieve(def_sexp, 2), "Phi");
// SkipPhis should already have checked which instructions, if any,
// are Phi definitions.
ASSERT(phi_sexp != nullptr);
// This is a generalization of FlowGraph::AddPhi where we let ParseValue
// create the values (as they may contain type information).
auto const phi = new (zone()) PhiInstr(join, phi_sexp->Length() - 1);
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = phi_sexp->Length() - 1; i < n; i++) {
auto const val = ParseValue(Retrieve(phi_sexp, i + 1));
if (val == nullptr) return false;
phi->SetInputAt(i, val);
if (!ParseDefinitionWithParsedBody(def_sexp, phi)) return false;
return true;
intptr_t FlowGraphDeserializer::SkipPhis(SExpList* list) {
// All blocks are S-exps of the form (Block B# inst...), so skip the first
// two entries and then skip any Phi definitions.
for (intptr_t i = 2, n = list->Length(); i < n; i++) {
auto const def_sexp = CheckTaggedList(Retrieve(list, i), "def");
if (def_sexp == nullptr) return i;
auto const phi_sexp = CheckTaggedList(Retrieve(def_sexp, 2), "Phi");
if (phi_sexp == nullptr) return i;
StoreError(list, "block is empty or contains only Phi definitions");
return -1;
bool FlowGraphDeserializer::ParseBlockContents(SExpList* list,
BlockWorklist* worklist) {
ASSERT(current_block_ != nullptr);
auto const curr_stack =
ASSERT(curr_stack != nullptr);
// Parse any Phi definitions now before parsing the block environment.
if (current_block_->IsJoinEntry()) {
if (!ParsePhis(list)) return false;
// For blocks with initial definitions or phi definitions, this needs to be
// done after those are parsed. In addition, block environments can also use
// definitions from dominating blocks, so we need the contents of dominating
// blocks to first be parsed.
// However, we must parse the environment before parsing any instructions
// in the body of the block to ensure we don't mistakenly allow local
// definitions to appear in the environment.
if (auto const env_sexp = CheckList(list->ExtraLookupValue("env"))) {
auto const env = ParseEnvironment(env_sexp);
if (env == nullptr) return false;
env->DeepCopyTo(zone(), current_block_);
auto const pos = SkipPhis(list);
if (pos < 2) return false;
Instruction* last_inst = current_block_;
for (intptr_t i = pos, n = list->Length(); i < n; i++) {
auto const entry = CheckTaggedList(Retrieve(list, i));
if (entry == nullptr) return false;
Instruction* inst = nullptr;
if (strcmp(entry->At(0)->AsSymbol()->value(), "def") == 0) {
inst = ParseDefinition(entry);
} else {
inst = ParseInstruction(entry);
if (inst == nullptr) return false;
last_inst = last_inst->AppendInstruction(inst);
ASSERT(last_inst != nullptr && last_inst != current_block_);
if (last_inst->SuccessorCount() > 0) {
for (intptr_t i = last_inst->SuccessorCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
auto const succ_block = last_inst->SuccessorAt(i);
// Check and make sure the stack we have is consistent with stacks
// from other predecessors.
if (!AreStacksConsistent(list, curr_stack, succ_block)) return false;
return true;
bool FlowGraphDeserializer::ParseDefinitionWithParsedBody(SExpList* list,
Definition* def) {
intptr_t index;
auto const name_sexp = CheckSymbol(Retrieve(list, 1));
if (name_sexp == nullptr) return false;
if (ParseSSATemp(name_sexp, &index)) {
if (definition_map_.HasKey(index)) {
StoreError(list, "multiple definitions for the same SSA index");
return false;
if (index > max_ssa_index_) max_ssa_index_ = index;
} else {
// TODO(sstrickl): Add temp support for non-SSA computed graphs.
StoreError(list, "unhandled name for definition");
return false;
if (auto const type_sexp =
CheckTaggedList(list->ExtraLookupValue("type"), "CompileType")) {
CompileType* typ = ParseCompileType(type_sexp);
if (typ == nullptr) return false;
definition_map_.Insert(index, def);
FixPendingValues(index, def);
return true;
Definition* FlowGraphDeserializer::ParseDefinition(SExpList* list) {
auto const inst_sexp = CheckTaggedList(Retrieve(list, 2));
Instruction* const inst = ParseInstruction(inst_sexp);
if (inst == nullptr) return nullptr;
if (auto const def = inst->AsDefinition()) {
if (!ParseDefinitionWithParsedBody(list, def)) return nullptr;
return def;
} else {
StoreError(list, "instruction cannot be body of definition");
return nullptr;
Instruction* FlowGraphDeserializer::ParseInstruction(SExpList* list) {
if (list == nullptr) return nullptr;
auto const tag = list->At(0)->AsSymbol();
intptr_t deopt_id = DeoptId::kNone;
if (auto const deopt_int = CheckInteger(list->ExtraLookupValue("deopt_id"))) {
deopt_id = deopt_int->value();
InstrInfo common_info = {deopt_id, TokenPosition::kNoSource};
// Parse the environment before handling the instruction, as we may have
// references to PushArguments and parsing the instruction may pop
// PushArguments off the stack.
Environment* env = nullptr;
if (auto const env_sexp = CheckList(list->ExtraLookupValue("env"))) {
env = ParseEnvironment(env_sexp);
if (env == nullptr) return nullptr;
Instruction* inst = nullptr;
#define HANDLE_CASE(name) \
case kHandled##name: \
inst = Deserialize##name(list, common_info); \
switch (HandledInstructionForTag(tag)) {
case kHandledInvalid:
StoreError(tag, "unhandled instruction");
return nullptr;
if (inst == nullptr) return nullptr;
if (env != nullptr) env->DeepCopyTo(zone(), inst);
return inst;
FunctionEntryInstr* FlowGraphDeserializer::DeserializeFunctionEntry(
SExpList* sexp,
const EntryInfo& info) {
ASSERT(flow_graph_ != nullptr);
auto const graph = flow_graph_->graph_entry();
auto const block = new (zone())
FunctionEntryInstr(graph, info.block_id, info.try_index, info.deopt_id);
current_block_ = block;
if (!ParseInitialDefinitions(sexp)) return nullptr;
return block;
GraphEntryInstr* FlowGraphDeserializer::DeserializeGraphEntry(
SExpList* sexp,
const EntryInfo& info) {
auto const name_sexp = CheckSymbol(Retrieve(sexp, 1));
// TODO(sstrickl): If the FlowGraphDeserializer was constructed with a
// non-null ParsedFunction, we should check that the name matches here.
// If not, then we should create an appropriate ParsedFunction here.
if (name_sexp == nullptr) return nullptr;
intptr_t osr_id = Compiler::kNoOSRDeoptId;
if (auto const osr_id_sexp = CheckInteger(sexp->ExtraLookupValue("osr_id"))) {
osr_id = osr_id_sexp->value();
ASSERT(parsed_function_ != nullptr);
return new (zone()) GraphEntryInstr(*parsed_function_, osr_id, info.deopt_id);
JoinEntryInstr* FlowGraphDeserializer::DeserializeJoinEntry(
SExpList* sexp,
const EntryInfo& info) {
return new (zone())
JoinEntryInstr(info.block_id, info.try_index, info.deopt_id);
TargetEntryInstr* FlowGraphDeserializer::DeserializeTargetEntry(
SExpList* sexp,
const EntryInfo& info) {
return new (zone())
TargetEntryInstr(info.block_id, info.try_index, info.deopt_id);
AllocateObjectInstr* FlowGraphDeserializer::DeserializeAllocateObject(
SExpList* sexp,
const InstrInfo& info) {
auto& cls = Class::ZoneHandle(zone());
auto const cls_sexp = CheckTaggedList(Retrieve(sexp, 1), "Class");
if (!ParseDartValue(cls_sexp, &cls)) return nullptr;
intptr_t args_len = 0;
if (auto const len_sexp = CheckInteger(sexp->ExtraLookupValue("args_len"))) {
args_len = len_sexp->value();
auto const arguments = FetchPushedArguments(sexp, args_len);
if (arguments == nullptr) return nullptr;
auto const inst =
new (zone()) AllocateObjectInstr(info.token_pos, cls, arguments);
if (auto const closure_sexp = CheckTaggedList(
sexp->ExtraLookupValue("closure_function"), "Function")) {
auto& closure_function = Function::Handle(zone());
if (!ParseDartValue(closure_sexp, &closure_function)) return nullptr;
return inst;
BranchInstr* FlowGraphDeserializer::DeserializeBranch(SExpList* sexp,
const InstrInfo& info) {
auto const comp_sexp = CheckTaggedList(Retrieve(sexp, 1));
auto const comp_inst = ParseInstruction(comp_sexp);
if (comp_inst == nullptr) return nullptr;
if (!comp_inst->IsComparison()) {
StoreError(sexp->At(1), "expected comparison instruction");
return nullptr;
auto const comparison = comp_inst->AsComparison();
auto const true_block = FetchBlock(CheckSymbol(Retrieve(sexp, 2)));
if (true_block == nullptr) return nullptr;
if (!true_block->IsTargetEntry()) {
StoreError(sexp->At(2), "true successor is not a target block");
return nullptr;
auto const false_block = FetchBlock(CheckSymbol(Retrieve(sexp, 3)));
if (false_block == nullptr) return nullptr;
if (!false_block->IsTargetEntry()) {
StoreError(sexp->At(3), "false successor is not a target block");
return nullptr;
auto const branch = new (zone()) BranchInstr(comparison, info.deopt_id);
*branch->true_successor_address() = true_block->AsTargetEntry();
*branch->false_successor_address() = false_block->AsTargetEntry();
return branch;
CheckNullInstr* FlowGraphDeserializer::DeserializeCheckNull(
SExpList* sexp,
const InstrInfo& info) {
auto const val = ParseValue(Retrieve(sexp, 1));
if (val == nullptr) return nullptr;
auto& func_name = String::ZoneHandle(zone());
if (auto const name_sexp =
CheckString(sexp->ExtraLookupValue("function_name"))) {
func_name = String::New(name_sexp->value(), Heap::kOld);
return new (zone())
CheckNullInstr(val, func_name, info.deopt_id, info.token_pos);
CheckStackOverflowInstr* FlowGraphDeserializer::DeserializeCheckStackOverflow(
SExpList* sexp,
const InstrInfo& info) {
intptr_t stack_depth = 0;
if (auto const stack_sexp =
CheckInteger(sexp->ExtraLookupValue("stack_depth"))) {
stack_depth = stack_sexp->value();
intptr_t loop_depth = 0;
if (auto const loop_sexp =
CheckInteger(sexp->ExtraLookupValue("loop_depth"))) {
loop_depth = loop_sexp->value();
auto kind = CheckStackOverflowInstr::kOsrAndPreemption;
if (auto const kind_sexp = CheckSymbol(sexp->ExtraLookupValue("kind"))) {
ASSERT(strcmp(kind_sexp->value(), "OsrOnly") == 0);
kind = CheckStackOverflowInstr::kOsrOnly;
return new (zone()) CheckStackOverflowInstr(info.token_pos, stack_depth,
loop_depth, info.deopt_id, kind);
ConstantInstr* FlowGraphDeserializer::DeserializeConstant(
SExpList* sexp,
const InstrInfo& info) {
Object& obj = Object::ZoneHandle(zone());
if (!ParseDartValue(Retrieve(sexp, 1), &obj)) return nullptr;
return new (zone()) ConstantInstr(obj, info.token_pos);
DebugStepCheckInstr* FlowGraphDeserializer::DeserializeDebugStepCheck(
SExpList* sexp,
const InstrInfo& info) {
auto kind = RawPcDescriptors::kAnyKind;
if (auto const kind_sexp = CheckSymbol(Retrieve(sexp, "stub_kind"))) {
if (!RawPcDescriptors::KindFromCString(kind_sexp->value(), &kind)) {
StoreError(kind_sexp, "not a valid RawPcDescriptors::Kind name");
return nullptr;
return new (zone()) DebugStepCheckInstr(info.token_pos, kind, info.deopt_id);
GotoInstr* FlowGraphDeserializer::DeserializeGoto(SExpList* sexp,
const InstrInfo& info) {
auto const block = FetchBlock(CheckSymbol(Retrieve(sexp, 1)));
if (block == nullptr) return nullptr;
if (!block->IsJoinEntry()) {
StoreError(sexp->At(1), "target of goto must be join entry");
return nullptr;
return new (zone()) GotoInstr(block->AsJoinEntry(), info.deopt_id);
LoadFieldInstr* FlowGraphDeserializer::DeserializeLoadField(
SExpList* sexp,
const InstrInfo& info) {
auto const instance = ParseValue(Retrieve(sexp, 1));
if (instance == nullptr) return nullptr;
const Slot* slot;
if (!ParseSlot(CheckTaggedList(Retrieve(sexp, 2)), &slot)) return nullptr;
return new (zone()) LoadFieldInstr(instance, *slot, info.token_pos);
ParameterInstr* FlowGraphDeserializer::DeserializeParameter(
SExpList* sexp,
const InstrInfo& info) {
ASSERT(current_block_ != nullptr);
if (auto const index_sexp = CheckInteger(Retrieve(sexp, 1))) {
return new (zone()) ParameterInstr(index_sexp->value(), current_block_);
return nullptr;
PushArgumentInstr* FlowGraphDeserializer::DeserializePushArgument(
SExpList* sexp,
const InstrInfo& info) {
auto const val = ParseValue(Retrieve(sexp, 1));
if (val == nullptr) return nullptr;
auto const push = new (zone()) PushArgumentInstr(val);
auto const stack = pushed_stack_map_.LookupValue(current_block_->block_id());
ASSERT(stack != nullptr);
return push;
ReturnInstr* FlowGraphDeserializer::DeserializeReturn(SExpList* list,
const InstrInfo& info) {
Value* val = ParseValue(Retrieve(list, 1));
if (val == nullptr) return nullptr;
return new (zone()) ReturnInstr(info.token_pos, val, info.deopt_id);
SpecialParameterInstr* FlowGraphDeserializer::DeserializeSpecialParameter(
SExpList* sexp,
const InstrInfo& info) {
ASSERT(current_block_ != nullptr);
auto const kind_sexp = CheckSymbol(Retrieve(sexp, 1));
if (kind_sexp == nullptr) return nullptr;
SpecialParameterInstr::SpecialParameterKind kind;
if (!SpecialParameterInstr::KindFromCString(kind_sexp->value(), &kind)) {
StoreError(kind_sexp, "unknown special parameter kind");
return nullptr;
return new (zone())
SpecialParameterInstr(kind, info.deopt_id, current_block_);
StaticCallInstr* FlowGraphDeserializer::DeserializeStaticCall(
SExpList* sexp,
const InstrInfo& info) {
auto& function = Function::ZoneHandle(zone());
auto const function_sexp = CheckTaggedList(Retrieve(sexp, 1), "Function");
if (!ParseDartValue(function_sexp, &function)) return nullptr;
intptr_t type_args_len = 0;
if (auto const type_args_len_sexp =
CheckInteger(sexp->ExtraLookupValue("type_args_len"))) {
type_args_len = type_args_len_sexp->value();
Array& argument_names = Array::ZoneHandle(zone());
if (auto const arg_names_sexp =
CheckList(sexp->ExtraLookupValue("arg_names"))) {
argument_names = Array::New(arg_names_sexp->Length(), Heap::kOld);
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = arg_names_sexp->Length(); i < n; i++) {
auto name_sexp = CheckString(Retrieve(arg_names_sexp, i));
if (name_sexp == nullptr) return nullptr;
tmp_string_ = String::New(name_sexp->value(), Heap::kOld);
argument_names.SetAt(i, tmp_string_);
intptr_t args_len = 0;
if (auto const args_len_sexp =
CheckInteger(sexp->ExtraLookupValue("args_len"))) {
args_len = args_len_sexp->value();
// Type arguments are wrapped in a TypeArguments array, so no matter how
// many there are, they are contained in a single pushed argument.
auto const all_args_len = (type_args_len > 0 ? 1 : 0) + args_len;
auto const arguments = FetchPushedArguments(sexp, all_args_len);
if (arguments == nullptr) return nullptr;
intptr_t call_count = 0;
if (auto const call_count_sexp =
CheckInteger(sexp->ExtraLookupValue("call_count"))) {
call_count = call_count_sexp->value();
auto rebind_rule = ICData::kInstance;
if (auto const rebind_sexp =
CheckSymbol(sexp->ExtraLookupValue("rebind_rule"))) {
if (!ICData::RebindRuleFromCString(rebind_sexp->value(), &rebind_rule)) {
StoreError(rebind_sexp, "unknown rebind rule value");
return nullptr;
return new (zone())
StaticCallInstr(info.token_pos, function, type_args_len, argument_names,
arguments, info.deopt_id, call_count, rebind_rule);
StoreInstanceFieldInstr* FlowGraphDeserializer::DeserializeStoreInstanceField(
SExpList* sexp,
const InstrInfo& info) {
auto const instance = ParseValue(Retrieve(sexp, 1));
if (instance == nullptr) return nullptr;
const Slot* slot = nullptr;
if (!ParseSlot(CheckTaggedList(Retrieve(sexp, 2), "Slot"), &slot)) {
return nullptr;
auto const value = ParseValue(Retrieve(sexp, 3));
if (value == nullptr) return nullptr;
auto barrier_type = kNoStoreBarrier;
if (auto const bar_sexp = CheckBool(sexp->ExtraLookupValue("emit_barrier"))) {
if (bar_sexp->value()) barrier_type = kEmitStoreBarrier;
auto kind = StoreInstanceFieldInstr::Kind::kOther;
if (auto const init_sexp = CheckBool(sexp->ExtraLookupValue("is_init"))) {
if (init_sexp->value()) kind = StoreInstanceFieldInstr::Kind::kInitializing;
return new (zone()) StoreInstanceFieldInstr(
*slot, instance, value, barrier_type, info.token_pos, kind);
StrictCompareInstr* FlowGraphDeserializer::DeserializeStrictCompare(
SExpList* sexp,
const InstrInfo& info) {
auto const token_sexp = CheckSymbol(Retrieve(sexp, 1));
if (token_sexp == nullptr) return nullptr;
Token::Kind kind;
if (!Token::FromStr(token_sexp->value(), &kind)) return nullptr;
auto const left = ParseValue(Retrieve(sexp, 2));
if (left == nullptr) return nullptr;
auto const right = ParseValue(Retrieve(sexp, 3));
if (right == nullptr) return nullptr;
bool needs_check = false;
if (auto const check_sexp = CheckBool(Retrieve(sexp, "needs_check"))) {
needs_check = check_sexp->value();
return new (zone()) StrictCompareInstr(info.token_pos, kind, left, right,
needs_check, info.deopt_id);
Value* FlowGraphDeserializer::ParseValue(SExpression* sexp,
bool allow_pending) {
auto name = sexp->AsSymbol();
CompileType* type = nullptr;
if (name == nullptr) {
auto const list = CheckTaggedList(sexp, "value");
name = CheckSymbol(Retrieve(list, 1));
if (name == nullptr) return nullptr;
if (auto const type_sexp =
CheckTaggedList(list->ExtraLookupValue("type"), "CompileType")) {
type = ParseCompileType(type_sexp);
if (type == nullptr) return nullptr;
intptr_t index;
if (!ParseUse(name, &index)) return nullptr;
auto const def = definition_map_.LookupValue(index);
Value* val;
if (def == nullptr) {
if (!allow_pending) {
StoreError(sexp, "found use prior to definition");
return nullptr;
val = AddNewPendingValue(index);
} else {
val = new (zone()) Value(def);
if (type != nullptr) val->SetReachingType(type);
return val;
CompileType* FlowGraphDeserializer::ParseCompileType(SExpList* sexp) {
// TODO(sstrickl): Currently we only print out nullable if it's false
// (or during verbose printing). Switch this when NNBD is the standard.
bool nullable = CompileType::kNullable;
if (auto const nullable_sexp =
CheckBool(sexp->ExtraLookupValue("nullable"))) {
nullable = nullable_sexp->value() ? CompileType::kNullable
: CompileType::kNonNullable;
// A cid as the second element means that the type is based off a concrete
// class.
intptr_t cid = kDynamicCid;
if (sexp->Length() > 1) {
if (auto const cid_sexp = CheckInteger(sexp->At(1))) {
// TODO(sstrickl): Check that the cid is a valid cid.
cid = cid_sexp->value();
} else {
return nullptr;
AbstractType* type = nullptr;
if (auto const type_sexp = CheckTaggedList(sexp->ExtraLookupValue("type"))) {
auto& type_handle = AbstractType::ZoneHandle(zone());
if (!ParseDartValue(type_sexp, &type_handle)) return nullptr;
type = &type_handle;
return new (zone()) CompileType(nullable, cid, type);
Environment* FlowGraphDeserializer::ParseEnvironment(SExpList* list) {
if (list == nullptr) return nullptr;
intptr_t fixed_param_count = 0;
if (auto const fpc_sexp =
CheckInteger(list->ExtraLookupValue("fixed_param_count"))) {
fixed_param_count = fpc_sexp->value();
Environment* outer_env = nullptr;
if (auto const outer_sexp = CheckList(list->ExtraLookupValue("outer"))) {
outer_env = ParseEnvironment(outer_sexp);
if (outer_env == nullptr) return nullptr;
if (auto const deopt_sexp =
CheckInteger(outer_sexp->ExtraLookupValue("deopt_id"))) {
outer_env->deopt_id_ = deopt_sexp->value();
auto const env = new (zone()) Environment(list->Length(), fixed_param_count,
*parsed_function_, outer_env);
auto const stack = pushed_stack_map_.LookupValue(current_block_->block_id());
ASSERT(stack != nullptr);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list->Length(); i++) {
auto const elem_sexp = Retrieve(list, i);
if (elem_sexp == nullptr) return nullptr;
auto val = ParseValue(elem_sexp, /*allow_pending=*/false);
if (val == nullptr) {
intptr_t index;
if (!ParseSymbolAsPrefixedInt(CheckSymbol(elem_sexp), 'a', &index)) {
StoreError(elem_sexp, "expected value or reference to pushed argument");
return nullptr;
if (index >= stack->length()) {
StoreError(elem_sexp, "out of range index for pushed argument");
return nullptr;
val = new (zone()) Value(stack->At(index));
return env;
bool FlowGraphDeserializer::ParseDartValue(SExpression* sexp, Object* out) {
ASSERT(out != nullptr);
if (sexp == nullptr) return false;
*out = Object::null();
if (auto const sym = sexp->AsSymbol()) {
// We'll use the null value in *out as a marker later, so go ahead and exit
// early if we parse one.
if (strcmp(sym->value(), "null") == 0) return true;
// The only other symbols that should appear in Dart value position are
// names of constant definitions.
auto const val = ParseValue(sym, /*allow_pending=*/false);
if (val == nullptr) return false;
if (!val->BindsToConstant()) {
StoreError(sym, "not a reference to a constant definition");
return false;
*out = val->BoundConstant().raw();
// Values used in constant definitions have already been canonicalized,
// so just exit.
return true;
// Other instance values may need to be canonicalized, so do that before
// returning.
if (auto const list = CheckTaggedList(sexp)) {
auto const tag = list->At(0)->AsSymbol();
if (strcmp(tag->value(), "Class") == 0) {
auto const cid_sexp = CheckInteger(Retrieve(list, 1));
if (cid_sexp == nullptr) return false;
ClassTable* table = thread()->isolate()->class_table();
if (!table->HasValidClassAt(cid_sexp->value())) {
StoreError(cid_sexp, "no valid class found for cid");
return false;
*out = table->At(cid_sexp->value());
} else if (strcmp(tag->value(), "Type") == 0) {
if (const auto cls_sexp = CheckTaggedList(Retrieve(list, 1), "Class")) {
auto& cls = Class::ZoneHandle(zone());
if (!ParseDartValue(cls_sexp, &cls)) return false;
auto& type_args = TypeArguments::ZoneHandle(zone());
if (const auto ta_sexp = CheckTaggedList(
list->ExtraLookupValue("type_args"), "TypeArguments")) {
if (!ParseDartValue(ta_sexp, &type_args)) return false;
*out = Type::New(cls, type_args, TokenPosition::kNoSource, Heap::kOld);
// Need to set this for canonicalization. We ensure in the serializer
// that only finalized types are successfully serialized.
// TODO(sstrickl): Handle types not derived from classes.
} else if (strcmp(tag->value(), "TypeArguments") == 0) {
*out = TypeArguments::New(list->Length() - 1, Heap::kOld);
auto& type_args = TypeArguments::Cast(*out);
for (intptr_t i = 1, n = list->Length(); i < n; i++) {
if (!ParseDartValue(Retrieve(list, i), &value_type_)) return false;
type_args.SetTypeAt(i - 1, value_type_);
} else if (strcmp(tag->value(), "Field") == 0) {
auto const name_sexp = CheckSymbol(Retrieve(list, 1));
if (!ParseCanonicalName(name_sexp, out)) return false;
} else if (strcmp(tag->value(), "Function") == 0) {
auto const name_sexp = CheckSymbol(Retrieve(list, 1));
if (!ParseCanonicalName(name_sexp, out)) return false;
// Check the kind expected by the S-expression if one was specified.
if (auto const kind_sexp = CheckSymbol(list->ExtraLookupValue("kind"))) {
RawFunction::Kind kind;
if (!RawFunction::KindFromCString(kind_sexp->value(), &kind)) {
StoreError(kind_sexp, "unexpected function kind");
return false;
auto& function = Function::Cast(*out);
if (function.kind() != kind) {
auto const kind_str = RawFunction::KindToCString(function.kind());
StoreError(list, "retrieved function has kind %s", kind_str);
return false;
} else if (strcmp(tag->value(), "TypeParameter") == 0) {
ASSERT(parsed_function_ != nullptr);
auto const name_sexp = CheckSymbol(Retrieve(list, 1));
if (name_sexp == nullptr) return false;
const auto& func = parsed_function_->function();
tmp_string_ = String::New(name_sexp->value());
*out = func.LookupTypeParameter(tmp_string_, nullptr);
if (out->IsNull()) {
// Check the owning class for the function as well.
value_class_ = func.Owner();
*out = value_class_.LookupTypeParameter(tmp_string_);
// We'll want a more specific error message than the generic unhandled
// Dart value one if this failed.
if (out->IsNull()) {
StoreError(name_sexp, "no type parameter found for name");
return false;
} else if (strcmp(tag->value(), "ImmutableList") == 0) {
// Since arrays can contain arrays, we must allocate a new handle here.
auto& arr =
Array::Handle(zone(), Array::New(list->Length() - 1, Heap::kOld));
for (intptr_t i = 1; i < list->Length(); i++) {
if (!ParseDartValue(Retrieve(list, i), &value_object_)) return false;
arr.SetAt(i - 1, value_object_);
if (auto type_args_sexp = CheckTaggedList(
list->ExtraLookupValue("type_args"), "TypeArguments")) {
if (!ParseDartValue(type_args_sexp, &value_type_args_)) return false;
*out = arr.raw();
} else if (strcmp(tag->value(), "Instance") == 0) {
if (!ParseInstance(list, reinterpret_cast<Instance*>(out))) return false;
} else if (strcmp(tag->value(), "Closure") == 0) {
auto& function = Function::ZoneHandle(zone());
if (!ParseDartValue(Retrieve(list, 1), &function)) return false;
auto& context = Context::ZoneHandle(zone());
if (list->ExtraLookupValue("context") != nullptr) {
StoreError(list, "closures with contexts currently unhandled");
return false;
auto& inst_type_args = TypeArguments::ZoneHandle(zone());
if (auto const type_args_sexp = CheckTaggedList(
Retrieve(list, "inst_type_args"), "TypeArguments")) {
if (!ParseDartValue(type_args_sexp, &inst_type_args)) return false;
auto& func_type_args = TypeArguments::ZoneHandle(zone());
if (auto const type_args_sexp = CheckTaggedList(
Retrieve(list, "func_type_args"), "TypeArguments")) {
if (!ParseDartValue(type_args_sexp, &func_type_args)) return false;
auto& delayed_type_args = TypeArguments::ZoneHandle(zone());
if (auto const type_args_sexp = CheckTaggedList(
Retrieve(list, "delayed_type_args"), "TypeArguments")) {
if (!ParseDartValue(type_args_sexp, &delayed_type_args)) return false;
*out = Closure::New(inst_type_args, func_type_args, delayed_type_args,
function, context, Heap::kOld);
} else if (auto const b = sexp->AsBool()) {
*out = Bool::Get(b->value()).raw();
} else if (auto const str = sexp->AsString()) {
*out = String::New(str->value(), Heap::kOld);
} else if (auto const i = sexp->AsInteger()) {
*out = Integer::New(i->value(), Heap::kOld);
} else if (auto const d = sexp->AsDouble()) {
*out = Double::New(d->value(), Heap::kOld);
// If we're here and still haven't gotten a non-null value, then something
// went wrong. (Likely an unrecognized value.)
if (out->IsNull()) {
StoreError(sexp, "unhandled Dart value");
return false;
if (out->IsInstance()) {
const char* error_str = nullptr;
// CheckAndCanonicalize uses the current zone for the passed in thread,
// not an explicitly provided zone. This means we cannot be run in a context
// where [thread()->zone()] does not match [zone()] (e.g., due to StackZone)
// until this is addressed.
*out = Instance::Cast(*out).CheckAndCanonicalize(thread(), &error_str);
if (out->IsNull()) {
if (error_str != nullptr) {
StoreError(sexp, "error during canonicalization: %s", error_str);
} else {
StoreError(sexp, "unexpected error during canonicalization");
return false;
return true;
bool FlowGraphDeserializer::ParseInstance(SExpList* list, Instance* out) {
auto const cid_sexp = CheckInteger(Retrieve(list, 1));
if (cid_sexp == nullptr) return false;
auto const table = thread()->isolate()->class_table();
if (!table->HasValidClassAt(cid_sexp->value())) {
StoreError(cid_sexp, "cid is not valid");
return false;
instance_class_ = table->At(cid_sexp->value());
*out = Instance::New(instance_class_, Heap::kOld);
if (list->Length() > 2) {
auto const fields_sexp = CheckTaggedList(Retrieve(list, 2), "Fields");
if (fields_sexp == nullptr) return false;
auto it = fields_sexp->ExtraIterator();
while (auto kv = it.Next()) {
tmp_string_ = String::New(kv->key);
instance_field_ = instance_class_.LookupFieldAllowPrivate(
tmp_string_, /*instance_only=*/true);
if (instance_field_.IsNull()) {
StoreError(list, "cannot find field %s", kv->key);
return false;
if (auto const inst = CheckTaggedList(kv->value, "Instance")) {
// Unsure if this will be necessary, so for now not doing fresh
// Instance/Class handle allocations unless it is.
StoreError(inst, "nested instances not handled yet");
return false;
if (!ParseDartValue(kv->value, &instance_object_)) return false;
out->SetField(instance_field_, instance_object_);
return true;
bool FlowGraphDeserializer::ParseCanonicalName(SExpSymbol* sym, Object* obj) {
if (sym == nullptr) return false;
auto const name = sym->value();
// TODO(sstrickl): No library URL, handle this better.
if (*name == ':') {
StoreError(sym, "expected non-empty library");
return false;
const char* lib_end = nullptr;
if (auto const first = strchr(name, ':')) {
lib_end = strchr(first + 1, ':');
if (lib_end == nullptr) lib_end = strchr(first + 1, '\0');
} else {
StoreError(sym, "malformed library");
return false;
tmp_string_ =
String::FromUTF8(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(name), lib_end - name);
name_library_ = Library::LookupLibrary(thread(), tmp_string_);
if (*lib_end == '\0') {
*obj = name_library_.raw();
return true;
const char* const class_start = lib_end + 1;
if (*class_start == '\0') {
StoreError(sym, "no class found after colon");
return false;
// If classes are followed by another part, it's either a function
// (separated by ':') or a field (separated by '.').
const char* class_end = strchr(class_start, ':');
if (class_end == nullptr) class_end = strchr(class_start, '.');
if (class_end == nullptr) class_end = strchr(class_start, '\0');
const bool empty_name = class_end == class_start;
name_class_ = Class::null();
if (empty_name) {
name_class_ = name_library_.toplevel_class();
} else {
tmp_string_ = String::FromUTF8(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(class_start), class_end - class_start);
name_class_ = name_library_.LookupClassAllowPrivate(tmp_string_);
if (name_class_.IsNull()) {
StoreError(sym, "failure looking up class %s in library %s",
empty_name ? "at top level" : tmp_string_.ToCString(),
return false;
if (*class_end == '\0') {
*obj = name_class_.raw();
return true;
if (*class_end == '.') {
if (class_end[1] == '\0') {
StoreError(sym, "no field name found after period");
return false;
const char* const field_start = class_end + 1;
const char* field_end = strchr(field_start, '\0');
tmp_string_ = String::FromUTF8(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(field_start), field_end - field_start);
name_field_ = name_class_.LookupFieldAllowPrivate(tmp_string_);
if (name_field_.IsNull()) {
StoreError(sym, "failure looking up field %s in class %s",
empty_name ? "at top level" : name_class_.ToCString());
return false;
*obj = name_field_.raw();
return true;
if (class_end[1] == '\0') {
StoreError(sym, "no function name found after final colon");
return false;
const char* func_start = class_end + 1;
name_function_ = Function::null();
while (true) {
const char* func_end = strchr(func_start, ':');
intptr_t name_len = func_end - func_start;
bool is_forwarder = false;
if (func_end != nullptr && name_len == 3) {
// Special case for getters/setters, where they are prefixed with "get:"
// or "set:", as those colons should not be used as separators.
if (strncmp(func_start, "get", 3) == 0 ||
strncmp(func_start, "set", 3) == 0) {
func_end = strchr(func_end + 1, ':');
} else if (strncmp(func_start, "dyn", 3) == 0) {
// Dynamic invocation forwarders start with "dyn:" and we'll need to
// look up the base function and then retrieve the forwarder from it.
is_forwarder = true;
func_start = func_end + 1;
func_end = strchr(func_end + 1, ':');
if (func_end == nullptr) func_end = strchr(func_start, '\0');
name_len = func_end - func_start;
// Check for tearoff names before we overwrite the contents of tmp_string_.
if (!name_function_.IsNull()) {
auto const parent_name = tmp_string_.ToCString();
// ImplicitClosureFunctions (tearoffs) have the same name as the Function
// to which they are attached. We won't handle any further nesting.
if (name_function_.HasImplicitClosureFunction() && *func_end == '\0' &&
strncmp(parent_name, func_start, name_len) == 0) {
*obj = name_function_.ImplicitClosureFunction();
return true;
StoreError(sym, "no handling for local functions");
return false;
tmp_string_ = String::FromUTF8(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(func_start),
name_function_ = name_class_.LookupFunctionAllowPrivate(tmp_string_);
if (name_function_.IsNull()) {
StoreError(sym, "failure looking up function %s in class %s",
tmp_string_.ToCString(), name_class_.ToCString());
return false;
if (is_forwarder) {
// Go back four characters to start at the 'dyn:' we stripped earlier.
tmp_string_ = String::FromUTF8(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(func_start - 4), name_len + 4);
name_function_ =
if (func_end[0] == '\0') break;
if (func_end[1] == '\0') {
StoreError(sym, "no function name found after final colon");
return false;
func_start = func_end + 1;
*obj = name_function_.raw();
return true;
// Following the lead of BaseFlowGraphBuilder::MayCloneField here.
const Field& FlowGraphDeserializer::MayCloneField(const Field& field) {
if ((Compiler::IsBackgroundCompilation() ||
FLAG_force_clone_compiler_objects) &&
field.IsOriginal()) {
return Field::ZoneHandle(zone(), field.CloneFromOriginal());
return field;
bool FlowGraphDeserializer::ParseSlot(SExpList* list, const Slot** out) {
ASSERT(out != nullptr);
const auto offset_sexp = CheckInteger(Retrieve(list, 1));
if (offset_sexp == nullptr) return false;
const auto offset = offset_sexp->value();
const auto kind_sexp = CheckSymbol(Retrieve(list, "kind"));
if (kind_sexp == nullptr) return false;
Slot::Kind kind;
if (!Slot::KindFromCString(kind_sexp->value(), &kind)) {
StoreError(kind_sexp, "unknown Slot kind");
return false;
switch (kind) {
case Slot::Kind::kDartField: {
auto& field = Field::ZoneHandle(zone());
const auto field_sexp = CheckTaggedList(Retrieve(list, "field"), "Field");
if (!ParseDartValue(field_sexp, &field)) return false;
*out = &Slot::Get(MayCloneField(field), parsed_function_);
case Slot::Kind::kTypeArguments:
*out = &Slot::GetTypeArgumentsSlotAt(thread(), offset);
case Slot::Kind::kCapturedVariable:
StoreError(kind_sexp, "unhandled Slot kind");
return false;
*out = &Slot::GetNativeSlot(kind);
return true;
bool FlowGraphDeserializer::ParseBlockId(SExpSymbol* sym, intptr_t* out) {
return ParseSymbolAsPrefixedInt(sym, 'B', out);
bool FlowGraphDeserializer::ParseSSATemp(SExpSymbol* sym, intptr_t* out) {
return ParseSymbolAsPrefixedInt(sym, 'v', out);
bool FlowGraphDeserializer::ParseUse(SExpSymbol* sym, intptr_t* out) {
// TODO(sstrickl): Handle non-SSA temp uses.
return ParseSSATemp(sym, out);
bool FlowGraphDeserializer::ParseSymbolAsPrefixedInt(SExpSymbol* sym,
char prefix,
intptr_t* out) {
ASSERT(out != nullptr);
if (sym == nullptr) return false;
auto const name = sym->value();
if (*name != prefix) {
StoreError(sym, "expected symbol starting with '%c'", prefix);
return false;
int64_t i;
if (!OS::StringToInt64(name + 1, &i)) {
StoreError(sym, "expected number following symbol prefix '%c'", prefix);
return false;
*out = i;
return true;
Value* FlowGraphDeserializer::AddNewPendingValue(intptr_t index) {
ASSERT(flow_graph_ != nullptr);
auto const val = new (zone()) Value(flow_graph_->constant_null());
AddPendingValue(index, val);
return val;
void FlowGraphDeserializer::AddPendingValue(intptr_t index, Value* val) {
auto value_list = values_map_.LookupValue(index);
if (value_list == nullptr) {
value_list = new (zone()) ZoneGrowableArray<Value*>(zone(), 2);
values_map_.Insert(index, value_list);
void FlowGraphDeserializer::FixPendingValues(intptr_t index, Definition* def) {
if (auto value_list = values_map_.LookupValue(index)) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < value_list->length(); i++) {
auto const val = value_list->At(i);
PushArgumentsArray* FlowGraphDeserializer::FetchPushedArguments(SExpList* list,
intptr_t len) {
auto const stack = pushed_stack_map_.LookupValue(current_block_->block_id());
ASSERT(stack != nullptr);
auto const stack_len = stack->length();
if (len > stack_len) {
StoreError(list, "expected %" Pd " pushed arguments, only %" Pd " on stack",
len, stack_len);
return nullptr;
auto const arr = new (zone()) PushArgumentsArray(zone(), len);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
arr->Add(stack->At(stack_len - len + i));
stack->TruncateTo(stack_len - len);
return arr;
BlockEntryInstr* FlowGraphDeserializer::FetchBlock(SExpSymbol* sym) {
if (sym == nullptr) return nullptr;
intptr_t block_id;
if (!ParseBlockId(sym, &block_id)) return nullptr;
auto const entry = block_map_.LookupValue(block_id);
if (entry == nullptr) {
StoreError(sym, "reference to undefined block");
return nullptr;
return entry;
bool FlowGraphDeserializer::AreStacksConsistent(SExpList* list,
PushStack* curr_stack,
BlockEntryInstr* succ_block) {
auto const curr_stack_len = curr_stack->length();
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = succ_block->SuccessorCount(); i < n; i++) {
auto const pred_block = succ_block->PredecessorAt(i);
auto const pred_stack =
ASSERT(pred_stack != nullptr);
if (pred_stack->length() != curr_stack_len) {
"current pushed stack has %" Pd
" elements, "
"other pushed stack for B%" Pd " has %" Pd "",
curr_stack_len, pred_block->block_id(), pred_stack->length());
return false;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < curr_stack_len; i++) {
// Leftover pushed arguments on the stack should come from dominating
// nodes, so they should be the same PushedArgumentInstr no matter the
// predecessor.
if (pred_stack->At(i) != curr_stack->At(i)) {
auto const pred_def = pred_stack->At(i)->value()->definition();
auto const curr_def = curr_stack->At(i)->value()->definition();
"current pushed stack has v%" Pd " at position %" Pd
", "
"other pushed stack for B%" Pd " has v%" Pd "",
curr_def->ssa_temp_index(), i, pred_block->block_id(),
return false;
return true;
#define BASE_CHECK_DEF(name, type) \
SExp##name* FlowGraphDeserializer::Check##name(SExpression* sexp) { \
if (sexp == nullptr) return nullptr; \
if (!sexp->Is##name()) { \
StoreError(sexp, "expected " #name); \
return nullptr; \
} \
return sexp->As##name(); \
bool FlowGraphDeserializer::IsTag(SExpression* sexp, const char* label) {
auto const sym = CheckSymbol(sexp);
if (sym == nullptr) return false;
if (label != nullptr && strcmp(label, sym->value()) != 0) {
StoreError(sym, "expected symbol %s", label);
return false;
return true;
SExpList* FlowGraphDeserializer::CheckTaggedList(SExpression* sexp,
const char* label) {
auto const list = CheckList(sexp);
const intptr_t tag_pos = 0;
if (!IsTag(Retrieve(list, tag_pos), label)) return nullptr;
return list;
void FlowGraphDeserializer::StoreError(SExpression* sexp,
const char* format,
...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
const char* const message = OS::VSCreate(zone(), format, args);
error_sexp_ = sexp;
error_message_ = message;
void FlowGraphDeserializer::ReportError() const {
ASSERT(error_sexp_ != nullptr);
ASSERT(error_message_ != nullptr);
OS::PrintErr("Unable to deserialize flow_graph: %s\n", error_message_);
OS::PrintErr("Error at S-expression %s\n", error_sexp_->ToCString(zone()));
} // namespace dart
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)