blob: 0b7c7715e3ddca2252f0c5a7dffce3c3bdc7bfaa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/standard_ast_factory.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/builder.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/parser.dart' show ParserErrorCode;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/testing/ast_test_factory.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/testing/element_factory.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/testing/test_type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/source/source_resource.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/resource_provider_mixin.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../src/dart/resolution/driver_resolution.dart';
import 'parser_test.dart';
import 'resolver_test_case.dart';
import 'test_analysis_context.dart';
import 'test_support.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
/// Wrapper around the test package's `fail` function.
/// Unlike the test package's `fail` function, this function is not annotated
/// with @alwaysThrows, so we can call it at the top of a test method without
/// causing the rest of the method to be flagged as dead code.
void _fail(String message) {
class AnalysisDeltaTest extends EngineTestCase {
TestSource source1 = new TestSource('/1.dart');
TestSource source2 = new TestSource('/2.dart');
TestSource source3 = new TestSource('/3.dart');
void test_getAddedSources() {
AnalysisDelta delta = new AnalysisDelta();
delta.setAnalysisLevel(source1, AnalysisLevel.ALL);
delta.setAnalysisLevel(source2, AnalysisLevel.ERRORS);
delta.setAnalysisLevel(source3, AnalysisLevel.NONE);
List<Source> addedSources = delta.addedSources;
expect(addedSources, hasLength(2));
expect(addedSources, unorderedEquals([source1, source2]));
void test_getAnalysisLevels() {
AnalysisDelta delta = new AnalysisDelta();
expect(delta.analysisLevels.length, 0);
void test_setAnalysisLevel() {
AnalysisDelta delta = new AnalysisDelta();
delta.setAnalysisLevel(source1, AnalysisLevel.ALL);
delta.setAnalysisLevel(source2, AnalysisLevel.ERRORS);
Map<Source, AnalysisLevel> levels = delta.analysisLevels;
expect(levels.length, 2);
expect(levels[source1], AnalysisLevel.ALL);
expect(levels[source2], AnalysisLevel.ERRORS);
void test_toString() {
AnalysisDelta delta = new AnalysisDelta();
delta.setAnalysisLevel(new TestSource(), AnalysisLevel.ALL);
String result = delta.toString();
expect(result, isNotNull);
expect(result.isNotEmpty, isTrue);
class ChangeSetTest extends EngineTestCase {
void test_changedContent() {
TestSource source = new TestSource();
String content = "";
ChangeSet changeSet = new ChangeSet();
changeSet.changedContent(source, content);
expect(changeSet.addedSources, hasLength(0));
expect(changeSet.changedSources, hasLength(0));
Map<Source, String> map = changeSet.changedContents;
expect(map, hasLength(1));
expect(map[source], same(content));
expect(changeSet.changedRanges, hasLength(0));
expect(changeSet.removedSources, hasLength(0));
expect(changeSet.removedContainers, hasLength(0));
void test_changedRange() {
TestSource source = new TestSource();
String content = "";
ChangeSet changeSet = new ChangeSet();
changeSet.changedRange(source, content, 1, 2, 3);
expect(changeSet.addedSources, hasLength(0));
expect(changeSet.changedSources, hasLength(0));
expect(changeSet.changedContents, hasLength(0));
Map<Source, ChangeSet_ContentChange> map = changeSet.changedRanges;
expect(map, hasLength(1));
ChangeSet_ContentChange change = map[source];
expect(change, isNotNull);
expect(change.contents, content);
expect(change.offset, 1);
expect(change.oldLength, 2);
expect(change.newLength, 3);
expect(changeSet.removedSources, hasLength(0));
expect(changeSet.removedContainers, hasLength(0));
void test_toString() {
ChangeSet changeSet = new ChangeSet();
changeSet.addedSource(new TestSource());
changeSet.changedSource(new TestSource());
changeSet.changedContent(new TestSource(), "");
changeSet.changedRange(new TestSource(), "", 0, 0, 0);
changeSet.removedSource(new TestSource());
.removedContainer(new SourceContainer_ChangeSetTest_test_toString());
expect(changeSet.toString(), isNotNull);
class EnclosedScopeTest extends DriverResolutionTest {
test_define_duplicate() async {
Scope rootScope = new _RootScope();
EnclosedScope scope = new EnclosedScope(rootScope);
SimpleIdentifier identifier = AstTestFactory.identifier3('v');
VariableElement element1 = ElementFactory.localVariableElement(identifier);
VariableElement element2 = ElementFactory.localVariableElement(identifier);
expect(scope.lookup(identifier, null), same(element1));
class ErrorResolverTest extends DriverResolutionTest {
test_breakLabelOnSwitchMember() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
void m(int i) {
switch (i) {
l: case 0:
case 1:
break l;
}''', [
error(ResolverErrorCode.BREAK_LABEL_ON_SWITCH_MEMBER, 105, 1),
test_continueLabelOnSwitch() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
void m(int i) {
l: switch (i) {
case 0:
continue l;
}''', [
error(ResolverErrorCode.CONTINUE_LABEL_ON_SWITCH, 79, 1),
test_enclosingElement_invalidLocalFunction() async {
class C {
C() {
int get x => 0;
await resolveTestFile();
var constructor = findElement.unnamedConstructor('C');
var x = findElement.localFunction('x');
expect(x.enclosingElement, constructor);
* Tests for generic method and function resolution that do not use strong mode.
class GenericMethodResolverTest extends StaticTypeAnalyzer2TestShared {
test_genericMethod_propagatedType_promotion() async {
// Regression test for:
// Note, after the original
// strong mode example won't work, as we now compute a static type and
// therefore discard the propagated type.
// So this test does not use strong mode.
await resolveTestUnit(r'''
abstract class Iter {
List<S> map<S>(S f(x));
class C {}
C toSpan(dynamic element) {
if (element is Iter) {
var y =;
return null;
expectIdentifierType('y = ', 'dynamic');
class LibraryImportScopeTest extends ResolverTestCase {
void test_creation_empty() {
new LibraryImportScope(createDefaultTestLibrary());
void test_creation_nonEmpty() {
AnalysisContext context = TestAnalysisContext();
String importedTypeName = "A";
ClassElement importedType = new ClassElementImpl.forNode(
LibraryElement importedLibrary = createTestLibrary(context, "imported");
(importedLibrary.definingCompilationUnit as CompilationUnitElementImpl)
.types = <ClassElement>[importedType];
LibraryElementImpl definingLibrary =
createTestLibrary(context, "importing");
ImportElementImpl importElement = new ImportElementImpl(0);
importElement.importedLibrary = importedLibrary;
definingLibrary.imports = <ImportElement>[importElement];
Scope scope = new LibraryImportScope(definingLibrary);
AstTestFactory.identifier3(importedTypeName), definingLibrary),
void test_extensions_imported() {
var context = TestAnalysisContext();
var extension = ElementFactory.extensionElement('test_extension');
var importedUnit1 = ElementFactory.compilationUnit('/imported1.dart');
importedUnit1.extensions = <ExtensionElement>[extension];
var importedLibraryName = 'imported_lib';
var importedLibrary = LibraryElementImpl(context, null, importedLibraryName,
0, importedLibraryName.length, false);
importedLibrary.definingCompilationUnit = importedUnit1;
var importingLibraryName = 'importing_lib';
var importingLibrary = LibraryElementImpl(context, null,
importingLibraryName, 0, importingLibraryName.length, false);
importingLibrary.definingCompilationUnit =
var importElement = ImportElementImpl(0);
importElement.importedLibrary = importedLibrary;
importingLibrary.imports = <ImportElement>[importElement];
LibraryImportScope(importingLibrary).extensions, contains(extension));
void test_prefixedAndNonPrefixed() {
AnalysisContext context = TestAnalysisContext();
String typeName = "C";
String prefixName = "p";
ClassElement prefixedType = ElementFactory.classElement2(typeName);
ClassElement nonPrefixedType = ElementFactory.classElement2(typeName);
LibraryElement prefixedLibrary =
createTestLibrary(context, "import.prefixed");
(prefixedLibrary.definingCompilationUnit as CompilationUnitElementImpl)
.types = <ClassElement>[prefixedType];
ImportElementImpl prefixedImport = ElementFactory.importFor(
prefixedLibrary, ElementFactory.prefix(prefixName));
LibraryElement nonPrefixedLibrary =
createTestLibrary(context, "import.nonPrefixed");
(nonPrefixedLibrary.definingCompilationUnit as CompilationUnitElementImpl)
.types = <ClassElement>[nonPrefixedType];
ImportElementImpl nonPrefixedImport =
ElementFactory.importFor(nonPrefixedLibrary, null);
LibraryElementImpl importingLibrary =
createTestLibrary(context, "importing");
importingLibrary.imports = <ImportElement>[
Scope scope = new LibraryImportScope(importingLibrary);
Element prefixedElement = scope.lookup(
AstTestFactory.identifier5(prefixName, typeName), importingLibrary);
expect(prefixedElement, same(prefixedType));
Element nonPrefixedElement =
scope.lookup(AstTestFactory.identifier3(typeName), importingLibrary);
expect(nonPrefixedElement, same(nonPrefixedType));
class LibraryScopeTest extends ResolverTestCase {
void test_creation_empty() {
new LibraryScope(createDefaultTestLibrary());
void test_creation_nonEmpty() {
AnalysisContext context = TestAnalysisContext();
String importedTypeName = "A";
ClassElement importedType = new ClassElementImpl.forNode(
LibraryElement importedLibrary = createTestLibrary(context, "imported");
(importedLibrary.definingCompilationUnit as CompilationUnitElementImpl)
.types = <ClassElement>[importedType];
LibraryElementImpl definingLibrary =
createTestLibrary(context, "importing");
ImportElementImpl importElement = new ImportElementImpl(0);
importElement.importedLibrary = importedLibrary;
definingLibrary.imports = <ImportElement>[importElement];
Scope scope = new LibraryScope(definingLibrary);
AstTestFactory.identifier3(importedTypeName), definingLibrary),
void test_extensions() {
ExtensionElement extension =
CompilationUnitElementImpl compilationUnit =
compilationUnit.extensions = <ExtensionElement>[extension];
String libraryName = 'lib';
LibraryElementImpl library = new LibraryElementImpl(
null, null, libraryName, 0, libraryName.length, false);
library.definingCompilationUnit = compilationUnit;
expect(LibraryScope(library).extensions, contains(extension));
void test_extensions_imported() {
var context = TestAnalysisContext();
var importedUnit1 = ElementFactory.compilationUnit('/imported1.dart');
var importedExtension = ElementFactory.extensionElement('test_extension');
var unnamedImportedExtension = ElementFactory.extensionElement();
importedUnit1.extensions = [importedExtension, unnamedImportedExtension];
var importedLibraryName = 'imported_lib';
var importedLibrary = LibraryElementImpl(context, null, importedLibraryName,
0, importedLibraryName.length, false);
importedLibrary.definingCompilationUnit = importedUnit1;
var importingLibraryName = 'importing_lib';
var importingLibrary = LibraryElementImpl(context, null,
importingLibraryName, 0, importingLibraryName.length, false);
var localExtension = ElementFactory.extensionElement('test_extension');
var importingUnit = ElementFactory.compilationUnit('/importing.dart');
importingUnit.extensions = [localExtension];
importingLibrary.definingCompilationUnit = importingUnit;
var importElement = ImportElementImpl(0);
importElement.importedLibrary = importedLibrary;
importingLibrary.imports = [importElement];
var libraryExtensions = LibraryScope(importingLibrary).extensions;
expect(libraryExtensions, contains(localExtension));
expect(libraryExtensions, contains(importedExtension));
expect(libraryExtensions, isNot(contains(unnamedImportedExtension)));
/// Ensure that if a library L1 defines an extension E, L2 exports L1, and L3
/// imports L2, then E is included in the list.
void test_extensions_imported_chain() {
var context = TestAnalysisContext();
var unit1 = ElementFactory.compilationUnit('/unit1.dart');
var ext1 = ElementFactory.extensionElement('ext1');
unit1.extensions = [ext1];
var lib1Name = 'lib1';
var lib1 =
LibraryElementImpl(context, null, lib1Name, 0, lib1Name.length, false);
lib1.definingCompilationUnit = unit1;
var unit2 = ElementFactory.compilationUnit('/unit2.dart');
var lib2Name = 'lib2';
var lib2 =
LibraryElementImpl(context, null, lib2Name, 0, lib2Name.length, false);
lib2.definingCompilationUnit = unit2;
var lib1Export = ExportElementImpl(0);
lib1Export.exportedLibrary = lib1;
lib2.exports = [lib1Export];
var importingLibraryName = 'importing_lib';
var importingLibrary = LibraryElementImpl(context, null,
importingLibraryName, 0, importingLibraryName.length, false);
var importingUnit = ElementFactory.compilationUnit('/importing.dart');
importingLibrary.definingCompilationUnit = importingUnit;
var lib2Import = ImportElementImpl(0);
lib2Import.importedLibrary = lib2;
importingLibrary.imports = [lib2Import];
var libraryExtensions = LibraryScope(importingLibrary).extensions;
expect(libraryExtensions, orderedEquals([ext1]));
/// Ensure that if there are two extensions with the same name that are
/// imported from different libraries that they are both in the list of
/// extensions.
void test_extensions_imported_same_name() {
var context = TestAnalysisContext();
var sharedExtensionName = 'test_ext';
var unit1 = ElementFactory.compilationUnit('/unit1.dart');
var ext1 = ElementFactory.extensionElement(sharedExtensionName);
unit1.extensions = [ext1];
var lib1Name = 'lib1';
var lib1 =
LibraryElementImpl(context, null, lib1Name, 0, lib1Name.length, false);
lib1.definingCompilationUnit = unit1;
var unit2 = ElementFactory.compilationUnit('/unit2.dart');
var ext2 = ElementFactory.extensionElement(sharedExtensionName);
unit2.extensions = [ext2];
var lib2Name = 'lib2';
var lib2 =
LibraryElementImpl(context, null, lib2Name, 0, lib2Name.length, false);
lib2.definingCompilationUnit = unit2;
var importingLibraryName = 'importing_lib';
var importingLibrary = LibraryElementImpl(context, null,
importingLibraryName, 0, importingLibraryName.length, false);
var importingUnit = ElementFactory.compilationUnit('/importing.dart');
importingLibrary.definingCompilationUnit = importingUnit;
var importElement1 = ImportElementImpl(0);
importElement1.importedLibrary = lib1;
var importElement2 = ImportElementImpl(0);
importElement2.importedLibrary = lib2;
importingLibrary.imports = [importElement1, importElement2];
var libraryExtensions = LibraryScope(importingLibrary).extensions;
expect(libraryExtensions, contains(ext1));
expect(libraryExtensions, contains(ext2));
/// Ensure that if there are two imports for the same library that the
/// imported extension is only in the list one time.
void test_extensions_imported_twice() {
var context = TestAnalysisContext();
var sharedExtensionName = 'test_ext';
var unit1 = ElementFactory.compilationUnit('/unit1.dart');
var ext1 = ElementFactory.extensionElement(sharedExtensionName);
unit1.extensions = [ext1];
var lib1Name = 'lib1';
var lib1 =
LibraryElementImpl(context, null, lib1Name, 0, lib1Name.length, false);
lib1.definingCompilationUnit = unit1;
var importingLibraryName = 'importing_lib';
var importingLibrary = LibraryElementImpl(context, null,
importingLibraryName, 0, importingLibraryName.length, false);
var importingUnit = ElementFactory.compilationUnit('/importing.dart');
importingLibrary.definingCompilationUnit = importingUnit;
var importElement1 = ImportElementImpl(0);
importElement1.importedLibrary = lib1;
var importElement2 = ImportElementImpl(0);
importElement2.importedLibrary = lib1;
importingLibrary.imports = [importElement1, importElement2];
var libraryExtensions = LibraryScope(importingLibrary).extensions;
expect(libraryExtensions, orderedEquals([ext1]));
class NonNullableTypeProviderTest extends EngineTestCase {
void assertNonNullable(InterfaceType type) {
expect((type as TypeImpl).nullabilitySuffix, NullabilitySuffix.none);
void test_creation() {
// Create a mock library element with the types expected to be in dart:core.
// We cannot use either ElementFactory or TestTypeProvider (which uses
// ElementFactory) because we side-effect the elements in ways that would
// break other tests.
InterfaceType objectType = _classElement("Object", null).type;
InterfaceType boolType = _classElement("bool", objectType).type;
InterfaceType numType = _classElement("num", objectType).type;
InterfaceType deprecatedType = _classElement('Deprecated', objectType).type;
InterfaceType doubleType = _classElement("double", numType).type;
InterfaceType functionType = _classElement("Function", objectType).type;
InterfaceType futureType = _classElement("Future", objectType, ["T"]).type;
InterfaceType futureOrType =
_classElement("FutureOr", objectType, ["T"]).type;
InterfaceType intType = _classElement("int", numType).type;
InterfaceType iterableType =
_classElement("Iterable", objectType, ["T"]).type;
InterfaceType listType = _classElement("List", objectType, ["E"]).type;
InterfaceType mapType = _classElement("Map", objectType, ["K", "V"]).type;
InterfaceType nullType = _classElement('Null', objectType).type;
InterfaceType setType = _classElement("Set", objectType, ["E"]).type;
InterfaceType stackTraceType = _classElement("StackTrace", objectType).type;
InterfaceType streamType = _classElement("Stream", objectType, ["T"]).type;
InterfaceType stringType = _classElement("String", objectType).type;
InterfaceType symbolType = _classElement("Symbol", objectType).type;
InterfaceType typeType = _classElement("Type", objectType).type;
CompilationUnitElementImpl coreUnit = new CompilationUnitElementImpl();
coreUnit.types = <ClassElement>[
coreUnit.source = new TestSource('dart:core');
coreUnit.librarySource = coreUnit.source;
CompilationUnitElementImpl asyncUnit = new CompilationUnitElementImpl();
asyncUnit.types = <ClassElement>[
asyncUnit.source = new TestSource('dart:async');
asyncUnit.librarySource = asyncUnit.source;
LibraryElementImpl coreLibrary = new LibraryElementImpl.forNode(
null, null, AstTestFactory.libraryIdentifier2(["dart.core"]), true);
coreLibrary.definingCompilationUnit = coreUnit;
LibraryElementImpl asyncLibrary = new LibraryElementImpl.forNode(
null, null, AstTestFactory.libraryIdentifier2(["dart.async"]), true);
asyncLibrary.definingCompilationUnit = asyncUnit;
// Create a type provider and ensure that it can return the expected types.
TypeProvider provider = new TypeProviderImpl(
nullabilitySuffix: NullabilitySuffix.none,
expect(provider.bottomType, isNotNull);
expect(provider.dynamicType, isNotNull);
expect(provider.neverType, isNotNull);
ClassElement _classElement(String typeName, InterfaceType superclassType,
[List<String> parameterNames]) {
ClassElementImpl element =
new ClassElementImpl.forNode(AstTestFactory.identifier3(typeName));
element.supertype = superclassType;
if (parameterNames != null) {
int count = parameterNames.length;
if (count > 0) {
List<TypeParameterElementImpl> typeParameters =
new List<TypeParameterElementImpl>(count);
List<TypeParameterTypeImpl> typeArguments =
new List<TypeParameterTypeImpl>(count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
TypeParameterElementImpl typeParameter =
new TypeParameterElementImpl.forNode(
typeParameters[i] = typeParameter;
typeArguments[i] = new TypeParameterTypeImpl(typeParameter);
typeParameter.type = typeArguments[i];
element.typeParameters = typeParameters;
return element;
class PrefixedNamespaceTest extends DriverResolutionTest {
void test_lookup_missing() {
ClassElement element = ElementFactory.classElement2('A');
PrefixedNamespace namespace = new PrefixedNamespace('p', _toMap([element]));
expect(namespace.get('p.B'), isNull);
void test_lookup_missing_matchesPrefix() {
ClassElement element = ElementFactory.classElement2('A');
PrefixedNamespace namespace = new PrefixedNamespace('p', _toMap([element]));
expect(namespace.get('p'), isNull);
void test_lookup_valid() {
ClassElement element = ElementFactory.classElement2('A');
PrefixedNamespace namespace = new PrefixedNamespace('p', _toMap([element]));
expect(namespace.get('p.A'), same(element));
Map<String, Element> _toMap(List<Element> elements) {
Map<String, Element> map = new HashMap<String, Element>();
for (Element element in elements) {
map[] = element;
return map;
class ScopeTest extends DriverResolutionTest {
void test_define_duplicate() {
Scope scope = new _RootScope();
SimpleIdentifier identifier = AstTestFactory.identifier3('v');
VariableElement element1 = ElementFactory.localVariableElement(identifier);
VariableElement element2 = ElementFactory.localVariableElement(identifier);
expect(scope.localLookup('v', null), same(element1));
void test_isPrivateName_nonPrivate() {
expect(Scope.isPrivateName("Public"), isFalse);
void test_isPrivateName_private() {
expect(Scope.isPrivateName("_Private"), isTrue);
class SourceContainer_ChangeSetTest_test_toString implements SourceContainer {
bool contains(Source source) => false;
* Instances of the class `StaticTypeVerifier` verify that all of the nodes in an AST
* structure that should have a static type associated with them do have a static type.
class StaticTypeVerifier extends GeneralizingAstVisitor<void> {
* A list containing all of the AST Expression nodes that were not resolved.
List<Expression> _unresolvedExpressions = new List<Expression>();
* The TypeAnnotation nodes that were not resolved.
List<TypeAnnotation> _unresolvedTypes = new List<TypeAnnotation>();
* Counter for the number of Expression nodes visited that are resolved.
int _resolvedExpressionCount = 0;
* Counter for the number of TypeName nodes visited that are resolved.
int _resolvedTypeCount = 0;
* Assert that all of the visited nodes have a static type associated with them.
void assertResolved() {
if (_unresolvedExpressions.isNotEmpty || _unresolvedTypes.isNotEmpty) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
int unresolvedTypeCount = _unresolvedTypes.length;
if (unresolvedTypeCount > 0) {
buffer.write("Failed to resolve ");
buffer.write(" of ");
buffer.write(_resolvedTypeCount + unresolvedTypeCount);
buffer.writeln(" type names:");
for (TypeAnnotation identifier in _unresolvedTypes) {
buffer.write(" ");
buffer.write(" (");
buffer.write(" : ");
int unresolvedExpressionCount = _unresolvedExpressions.length;
if (unresolvedExpressionCount > 0) {
buffer.writeln("Failed to resolve ");
buffer.write(" of ");
buffer.write(_resolvedExpressionCount + unresolvedExpressionCount);
buffer.writeln(" expressions:");
for (Expression expression in _unresolvedExpressions) {
buffer.write(" ");
buffer.write(" (");
buffer.write(" : ");
void visitBreakStatement(BreakStatement node) {}
void visitCommentReference(CommentReference node) {}
void visitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement node) {}
void visitExportDirective(ExportDirective node) {}
void visitExpression(Expression node) {
DartType staticType = node.staticType;
if (staticType == null) {
} else {
void visitImportDirective(ImportDirective node) {}
void visitLabel(Label node) {}
void visitLibraryIdentifier(LibraryIdentifier node) {}
void visitPrefixedIdentifier(PrefixedIdentifier node) {
// In cases where we have a prefixed identifier where the prefix is dynamic,
// we don't want to assert that the node will have a type.
if (node.staticType == null && node.prefix.staticType.isDynamic) {
void visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
// In cases where identifiers are being used for something other than an
// expressions, then they can be ignored.
AstNode parent = node.parent;
if (parent is MethodInvocation && identical(node, parent.methodName)) {
} else if (parent is RedirectingConstructorInvocation &&
identical(node, parent.constructorName)) {
} else if (parent is SuperConstructorInvocation &&
identical(node, parent.constructorName)) {
} else if (parent is ConstructorName && identical(node, {
} else if (parent is ConstructorFieldInitializer &&
identical(node, parent.fieldName)) {
} else if (node.staticElement is PrefixElement) {
// Prefixes don't have a type.
void visitTypeAnnotation(TypeAnnotation node) {
if (node.type == null) {
} else {
void visitTypeName(TypeName node) {
// Note: do not visit children from this node, the child SimpleIdentifier in
// TypeName (i.e. "String") does not have a static type defined.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Not visiting the children means that we won't catch
// type arguments that were not resolved.
if (node.type == null) {
} else {
String _getFileName(AstNode node) {
// TODO (jwren) there are two copies of this method, one here and one in
// ResolutionVerifier, they should be resolved into a single method
if (node != null) {
AstNode root = node.root;
if (root is CompilationUnit) {
CompilationUnit rootCU = root;
if (rootCU.declaredElement != null) {
return rootCU.declaredElement.source.fullName;
} else {
return "<unknown file- CompilationUnit.getElement() returned null>";
} else {
return "<unknown file- CompilationUnit.getRoot() is not a CompilationUnit>";
return "<unknown file- ASTNode is null>";
* The class `StrictModeTest` contains tests to ensure that the correct errors
* and warnings are reported when the analysis engine is run in strict mode.
class StrictModeTest extends DriverResolutionTest {
test_assert_is() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
int f(num n) {
assert (n is int);
return n & 0x0F;
}''', [
error(StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_OPERATOR, 47, 1),
test_conditional_and_is() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
int f(num n) {
return (n is int && n > 0) ? n & 0x0F : 0;
test_conditional_is() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
int f(num n) {
return (n is int) ? n & 0x0F : 0;
test_conditional_isNot() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
int f(num n) {
return (n is! int) ? 0 : n & 0x0F;
}''', [
error(StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_OPERATOR, 44, 1),
test_conditional_or_is() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
int f(num n) {
return (n is! int || n < 0) ? 0 : n & 0x0F;
}''', [
error(StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_OPERATOR, 53, 1),
// @failingTest
test_for() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
int f(List<int> list) {
num sum = 0;
for (num i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
sum += list[i];
}''', [
error(HintCode.MISSING_RETURN, 0, 3),
error(HintCode.UNUSED_LOCAL_VARIABLE, 30, 3),
test_forEach() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
int f(List<int> list) {
num sum = 0;
for (num n in list) {
sum += n & 0x0F;
}''', [
error(HintCode.MISSING_RETURN, 0, 3),
error(HintCode.UNUSED_LOCAL_VARIABLE, 30, 3),
error(StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_OPERATOR, 76, 1),
test_if_and_is() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
int f(num n) {
if (n is int && n > 0) {
return n & 0x0F;
return 0;
test_if_is() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
int f(num n) {
if (n is int) {
return n & 0x0F;
return 0;
test_if_isNot() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
int f(num n) {
if (n is! int) {
return 0;
} else {
return n & 0x0F;
}''', [
error(StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_OPERATOR, 72, 1),
test_if_isNot_abrupt() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
int f(num n) {
if (n is! int) {
return 0;
return n & 0x0F;
}''', [
error(StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_OPERATOR, 63, 1),
test_if_or_is() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
int f(num n) {
if (n is! int || n < 0) {
return 0;
} else {
return n & 0x0F;
}''', [
error(StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_OPERATOR, 81, 1),
test_localVar() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
int f() {
num n = 1234;
return n & 0x0F;
}''', [
error(StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_OPERATOR, 37, 1),
class TypePropagationTest extends ResolverTestCase {
test_assignment_null() async {
String code = r'''
main() {
int v; // declare
v = null;
return v; // return
CompilationUnit unit;
Source source = addSource(code);
TestAnalysisResult analysisResult = await computeAnalysisResult(source);
unit = analysisResult.unit;
SimpleIdentifier identifier = EngineTestCase.findNode(
unit, code, "v; // declare", (node) => node is SimpleIdentifier);
expect(identifier.staticType, typeProvider.intType);
SimpleIdentifier identifier = EngineTestCase.findNode(
unit, code, "v = null;", (node) => node is SimpleIdentifier);
expect(identifier.staticType, typeProvider.intType);
SimpleIdentifier identifier = EngineTestCase.findNode(
unit, code, "v; // return", (node) => node is SimpleIdentifier);
expect(identifier.staticType, typeProvider.intType);
test_functionExpression_asInvocationArgument_notSubtypeOfStaticType() async {
String code = r'''
class A {
m(void f(int i)) {}
x() {
A a = new A();
a.m(() => 0);
Source source = addSource(code);
CompilationUnit unit = await _computeResolvedUnit(source, noErrors: false);
assertErrors(source, [StaticWarningCode.ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE]);
// () => 0
FunctionExpression functionExpression = EngineTestCase.findNode(
unit, code, "() => 0)", (node) => node is FunctionExpression);
expect((functionExpression.staticType as FunctionType).parameters.length,
test_initializer_hasStaticType() async {
Source source = addSource(r'''
f() {
int v = 0;
return v;
CompilationUnit unit = await _computeResolvedUnit(source);
FunctionDeclaration function = unit.declarations[0] as FunctionDeclaration;
BlockFunctionBody body =
function.functionExpression.body as BlockFunctionBody;
NodeList<Statement> statements = body.block.statements;
// Type of 'v' in declaration.
VariableDeclarationStatement statement =
statements[0] as VariableDeclarationStatement;
SimpleIdentifier variableName = statement.variables.variables[0].name;
expect(variableName.staticType, typeProvider.intType);
// Type of 'v' in reference.
ReturnStatement statement = statements[1] as ReturnStatement;
SimpleIdentifier variableName = statement.expression as SimpleIdentifier;
expect(variableName.staticType, typeProvider.intType);
test_initializer_hasStaticType_parameterized() async {
Source source = addSource(r'''
f() {
List<int> v = <int>[];
return v;
CompilationUnit unit = await _computeResolvedUnit(source);
FunctionDeclaration function = unit.declarations[0] as FunctionDeclaration;
BlockFunctionBody body =
function.functionExpression.body as BlockFunctionBody;
NodeList<Statement> statements = body.block.statements;
// Type of 'v' in declaration.
VariableDeclarationStatement statement =
statements[0] as VariableDeclarationStatement;
SimpleIdentifier variableName = statement.variables.variables[0].name;
expect(variableName.staticType, isNotNull);
// Type of 'v' in reference.
ReturnStatement statement = statements[1] as ReturnStatement;
SimpleIdentifier variableName = statement.expression as SimpleIdentifier;
expect(variableName.staticType, isNotNull);
test_initializer_null() async {
String code = r'''
main() {
int v = null;
return v; // marker
CompilationUnit unit;
Source source = addSource(code);
unit = await _computeResolvedUnit(source);
SimpleIdentifier identifier = EngineTestCase.findNode(
unit, code, "v = null;", (node) => node is SimpleIdentifier);
expect(identifier.staticType, typeProvider.intType);
SimpleIdentifier identifier = EngineTestCase.findNode(
unit, code, "v; // marker", (node) => node is SimpleIdentifier);
expect(identifier.staticType, typeProvider.intType);
test_invocation_target_prefixed() async {
addNamedSource('/helper.dart', '''
library helper;
int max(int x, int y) => 0;
String code = '''
import 'helper.dart' as helper;
main() {
helper.max(10, 10); // marker
CompilationUnit unit = await resolveSource(code);
SimpleIdentifier methodName =
findMarkedIdentifier(code, unit, "(10, 10); // marker");
MethodInvocation methodInvoke = methodName.parent;
expect(methodInvoke.methodName.staticElement, isNotNull);
test_is_subclass() async {
Source source = addSource(r'''
class A {}
class B extends A {
B m() => this;
A f(A p) {
if (p is B) {
return p.m();
return p;
CompilationUnit unit = await _computeResolvedUnit(source);
FunctionDeclaration function = unit.declarations[2] as FunctionDeclaration;
BlockFunctionBody body =
function.functionExpression.body as BlockFunctionBody;
IfStatement ifStatement = body.block.statements[0] as IfStatement;
ReturnStatement statement =
(ifStatement.thenStatement as Block).statements[0] as ReturnStatement;
MethodInvocation invocation = statement.expression as MethodInvocation;
expect(invocation.methodName.staticElement, isNotNull);
test_mutatedOutsideScope() async {
Source source = addSource(r'''
class Base {
class Derived extends Base {
get y => null;
class C {
void f() {
Base x = null;
if (x is Derived) {
print(x.y); // BAD
x = null;
void g() {
Base x = null;
if (x is Derived) {
print(x.y); // GOOD
x = null;
await computeAnalysisResult(source);
test_objectAccessInference_disabled_for_library_prefix() async {
String name = 'hashCode';
addNamedSource('/helper.dart', '''
library helper;
dynamic get $name => 42;
String code = '''
import 'helper.dart' as helper;
main() {
helper.$name; // marker
CompilationUnit unit = await resolveSource(code);
SimpleIdentifier id = findMarkedIdentifier(code, unit, "; // marker");
PrefixedIdentifier prefixedId = id.parent;
expect(id.staticType, typeProvider.dynamicType);
expect(prefixedId.staticType, typeProvider.dynamicType);
test_objectAccessInference_disabled_for_local_getter() async {
String name = 'hashCode';
String code = '''
dynamic get $name => null;
main() {
$name; // marker
CompilationUnit unit = await resolveSource(code);
SimpleIdentifier getter = findMarkedIdentifier(code, unit, "; // marker");
expect(getter.staticType, typeProvider.dynamicType);
test_objectMethodInference_disabled_for_library_prefix() async {
String name = 'toString';
addNamedSource('/helper.dart', '''
library helper;
dynamic toString = (int x) => x + 42;
String code = '''
import 'helper.dart' as helper;
main() {
helper.$name(); // marker
CompilationUnit unit = await resolveSource(code);
SimpleIdentifier methodName =
findMarkedIdentifier(code, unit, "(); // marker");
MethodInvocation methodInvoke = methodName.parent;
expect(methodName.staticType, typeProvider.dynamicType);
expect(methodInvoke.staticType, typeProvider.dynamicType);
test_objectMethodInference_disabled_for_local_function() async {
String name = 'toString';
String code = '''
main() {
dynamic $name = () => null;
$name(); // marker
CompilationUnit unit = await resolveSource(code);
SimpleIdentifier identifier = findMarkedIdentifier(code, unit, "$name = ");
expect(identifier.staticType, typeProvider.dynamicType);
SimpleIdentifier methodName =
findMarkedIdentifier(code, unit, "(); // marker");
MethodInvocation methodInvoke = methodName.parent;
expect(methodName.staticType, typeProvider.dynamicType);
expect(methodInvoke.staticType, typeProvider.dynamicType);
test_propagatedReturnType_functionExpression() async {
// TODO(scheglov) disabled because we don't resolve function expression
String code = r'''
main() {
var v = (() {return 42;})();
CompilationUnit unit = await resolveSource(code);
assertAssignedType(code, unit, typeProvider.dynamicType);
* Return the resolved unit for the given [source].
* If [noErrors] is not specified or is not `true`, [assertNoErrors].
Future<CompilationUnit> _computeResolvedUnit(Source source,
{bool noErrors: true}) async {
TestAnalysisResult analysisResult = await computeAnalysisResult(source);
if (noErrors) {
return analysisResult.unit;
class TypeResolverVisitorTest extends ParserTestCase
with ResourceProviderMixin {
* The error listener to which errors will be reported.
GatheringErrorListener _listener;
* The type provider used to access the types.
TestTypeProvider _typeProvider;
* The library scope in which types are to be resolved.
LibraryScope libraryScope;
* The visitor used to resolve types needed to form the type hierarchy.
TypeResolverVisitor _visitor;
fail_visitConstructorDeclaration() async {
_fail("Not yet tested");
fail_visitFunctionTypeAlias() async {
_fail("Not yet tested");
fail_visitVariableDeclaration() async {
_fail("Not yet tested");
ClassElement type = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
VariableDeclaration node = AstTestFactory.variableDeclaration("a");
null, AstTestFactory.typeName(type), [node]);
expect(, same(type.type));
void setUp({bool shouldSetElementSupertypes: false}) {
_listener = new GatheringErrorListener();
AnalysisContext context = TestAnalysisContext();
Source librarySource = new FileSource(getFile("/lib.dart"));
// TODO(paulberry): make it possible to override the feature set so we can
// test NNBD features.
var featureSet = FeatureSet.forTesting(sdkVersion: '2.2.2');
LibraryElementImpl element = new LibraryElementImpl.forNode(
element.definingCompilationUnit = new CompilationUnitElementImpl();
_typeProvider = new TestTypeProvider();
libraryScope = new LibraryScope(element);
_visitor = new TypeResolverVisitor(
element, librarySource, _typeProvider, _listener,
featureSet: featureSet,
nameScope: libraryScope,
shouldSetElementSupertypes: shouldSetElementSupertypes);
test_modeApi() async {
CompilationUnit unit = parseCompilationUnit(r'''
class C extends A with A implements A {
A f = new A();
A m() {
A v1;
A f([A p = const A()]) {
A v2;
A V = new A();
var unitElement = new CompilationUnitElementImpl();
ClassElementImpl A = ElementFactory.classElement2('A');
// Build API elements.
var holder = new ElementHolder();
unit.accept(new ApiElementBuilder(holder, unitElement));
// Resolve API types.
AnalysisContext context = TestAnalysisContext();
var source = getFile('/test.dart').createSource();
// TODO(paulberry): make it possible to override the feature set so we can
// test NNBD features.
var featureSet = FeatureSet.forTesting(sdkVersion: '2.2.2');
var libraryElement = new LibraryElementImpl.forNode(
context, null, null, featureSet.isEnabled(Feature.non_nullable))
..definingCompilationUnit = unitElement;
var libraryScope = new LibraryScope(libraryElement);
var visitor = new TypeResolverVisitor(
libraryElement, source, _typeProvider, _listener,
featureSet: featureSet,
nameScope: libraryScope,
mode: TypeResolverMode.api);
// Top-level: C
var c = unit.declarations[0] as ClassDeclaration;
// The extends/with/implements types are resolved.
expect(c.extendsClause.superclass.toString(), 'A');
expect(c.withClause.mixinTypes[0].type.toString(), 'A');
expect(c.implementsClause.interfaces[0].type.toString(), 'A');
var fd = c.members[0] as FieldDeclaration;
// The field type is resolved.
expect(fd.fields.type.type.toString(), 'A');
// The type in the initializer is not resolved.
var f = fd.fields.variables[0];
var fi = f.initializer as InstanceCreationExpression;
expect(fi.constructorName.type.type, isNull);
var m = c.members[1] as MethodDeclaration;
// The return type is resolved.
expect(m.returnType.type.toString(), 'A');
// The local variable type is not resolved.
var body = m.body as BlockFunctionBody;
var vd = body.block.statements.single as VariableDeclarationStatement;
expect(vd.variables.type.type, isNull);
// Top-level: f
var f = unit.declarations[1] as FunctionDeclaration;
FunctionExpression fe = f.functionExpression;
// The return type is resolved.
expect(f.returnType.type.toString(), 'A');
// The parameter type is resolved.
var pd = fe.parameters.parameters[0] as DefaultFormalParameter;
var p = pd.parameter as SimpleFormalParameter;
expect(p.type.type.toString(), 'A');
// The parameter default is not resolved.
var pde = pd.defaultValue as InstanceCreationExpression;
expect(pde.constructorName.type.type, isNull);
// The local variable type is not resolved.
var body = fe.body as BlockFunctionBody;
var vd = body.block.statements.single as VariableDeclarationStatement;
expect(vd.variables.type.type, isNull);
// Top-level: V
var vd = unit.declarations[2] as TopLevelVariableDeclaration;
// The type is resolved.
expect(vd.variables.type.toString(), 'A');
// The initializer is not resolved.
VariableDeclaration v = vd.variables.variables[0];
var vi = v.initializer as InstanceCreationExpression;
expect(vi.constructorName.type.type, isNull);
test_modeLocal_noContext() async {
CompilationUnit unit;
class C {
A f = new A();
A m([A p = const A()]) {
A v;
A f([A p = const A()]) {
A v1 = new A();
A f2(A p2) {
A v2;
A V = new A();
A get G => new A();
''', (CompilationUnit u) {
unit = u;
return u;
// Top-level: C
var c = unit.declarations[0] as ClassDeclaration;
var fd = c.members[0] as FieldDeclaration;
// The type of "f" is not resolved.
expect(fd.fields.type.type, isNull);
// The initializer of "f" is resolved.
var f = fd.fields.variables[0];
var fi = f.initializer as InstanceCreationExpression;
expect(fi.constructorName.type.type.toString(), 'A');
var m = c.members[1] as MethodDeclaration;
// The return type of "m" is not resolved.
expect(m.returnType.type, isNull);
// The type of the parameter "p" is not resolved.
var pd = m.parameters.parameters[0] as DefaultFormalParameter;
var p = pd.parameter as SimpleFormalParameter;
expect(p.type.type, isNull);
// The default value of the parameter "p" is resolved.
var pdd = pd.defaultValue as InstanceCreationExpression;
expect(pdd.constructorName.type.type.toString(), 'A');
// The type of "v" is resolved.
var mb = m.body as BlockFunctionBody;
var vd = mb.block.statements[0] as VariableDeclarationStatement;
expect(vd.variables.type.type.toString(), 'A');
// Top-level: f
var f = unit.declarations[1] as FunctionDeclaration;
// The return type of "f" is not resolved.
expect(f.returnType.type, isNull);
// The type of the parameter "p" is not resolved.
var fe = f.functionExpression;
var pd = fe.parameters.parameters[0] as DefaultFormalParameter;
var p = pd.parameter as SimpleFormalParameter;
expect(p.type.type, isNull);
// The default value of the parameter "p" is resolved.
var pdd = pd.defaultValue as InstanceCreationExpression;
expect(pdd.constructorName.type.type.toString(), 'A');
// The type of "v1" is resolved.
var fb = fe.body as BlockFunctionBody;
var vd = fb.block.statements[0] as VariableDeclarationStatement;
expect(vd.variables.type.type.toString(), 'A');
// The initializer of "v1" is resolved.
var v = vd.variables.variables[0];
var vi = v.initializer as InstanceCreationExpression;
expect(vi.constructorName.type.type.toString(), 'A');
// Local: f2
var f2s = fb.block.statements[1] as FunctionDeclarationStatement;
var f2 = f2s.functionDeclaration;
// The return type of "f2" is resolved.
expect(f2.returnType.type.toString(), 'A');
// The type of the parameter "p2" is resolved.
var f2e = f2.functionExpression;
var p2 = f2e.parameters.parameters[0] as SimpleFormalParameter;
expect(p2.type.type.toString(), 'A');
// The type of "v2" is resolved.
var f2b = f2e.body as BlockFunctionBody;
var v2d = f2b.block.statements[0] as VariableDeclarationStatement;
expect(v2d.variables.type.type.toString(), 'A');
// Top-level: V
var vd = unit.declarations[2] as TopLevelVariableDeclaration;
// The type is not resolved.
expect(vd.variables.type.type, isNull);
// The initializer is resolved.
VariableDeclaration v = vd.variables.variables[0];
var vi = v.initializer as InstanceCreationExpression;
expect(vi.constructorName.type.type.toString(), 'A');
// Top-level: G
var g = unit.declarations[3] as FunctionDeclaration;
// The return type is not resolved.
expect(g.returnType.type, isNull);
// The body is resolved.
var gb = g.functionExpression.body as ExpressionFunctionBody;
var ge = gb.expression as InstanceCreationExpression;
expect(ge.constructorName.type.type.toString(), 'A');
test_modeLocal_withContext_bad_methodBody() async {
expect(() {
class C<T1> {
A m<T2>() {
T1 v1;
T2 v2;
''', (CompilationUnit u) {
var c = u.declarations[0] as ClassDeclaration;
var m = c.members[0] as MethodDeclaration;
var mb = m.body as BlockFunctionBody;
return mb;
}, throwsStateError);
test_modeLocal_withContext_bad_topLevelVariable_declaration() async {
expect(() {
var v = new A();
''', (CompilationUnit u) {
var tlv = u.declarations[0] as TopLevelVariableDeclaration;
return tlv.variables.variables[0];
}, throwsStateError);
test_modeLocal_withContext_bad_topLevelVariable_initializer() async {
expect(() {
var v = new A();
''', (CompilationUnit u) {
var tlv = u.declarations[0] as TopLevelVariableDeclaration;
return tlv.variables.variables[0].initializer;
}, throwsStateError);
test_modeLocal_withContext_class() async {
ClassDeclaration c;
class C<T1> {
A m<T2>() {
T1 v1;
T2 v2;
''', (CompilationUnit u) {
c = u.declarations[0] as ClassDeclaration;
return c;
var m = c.members[0] as MethodDeclaration;
// The return type of "m" is not resolved.
expect(m.returnType.type, isNull);
var mb = m.body as BlockFunctionBody;
var ms = mb.block.statements;
// The type of "v1" is resolved.
var vd = ms[0] as VariableDeclarationStatement;
expect(vd.variables.type.type.toString(), 'T1');
// The type of "v2" is resolved.
var vd = ms[1] as VariableDeclarationStatement;
expect(vd.variables.type.type.toString(), 'T2');
test_modeLocal_withContext_inClass_constructor() async {
ConstructorDeclaration cc;
class C<T> {
C() {
T v1;
''', (CompilationUnit u) {
var c = u.declarations[0] as ClassDeclaration;
cc = c.members[0] as ConstructorDeclaration;
return cc;
var ccb = cc.body as BlockFunctionBody;
var ccs = ccb.block.statements;
// The type of "v" is resolved.
var vd = ccs[0] as VariableDeclarationStatement;
expect(vd.variables.type.type.toString(), 'T');
test_modeLocal_withContext_inClass_method() async {
MethodDeclaration m;
class C<T1> {
A m<T2>() {
T1 v1;
T2 v2;
''', (CompilationUnit u) {
var c = u.declarations[0] as ClassDeclaration;
m = c.members[0] as MethodDeclaration;
return m;
// The return type of "m" is not resolved.
expect(m.returnType.type, isNull);
var mb = m.body as BlockFunctionBody;
var ms = mb.block.statements;
// The type of "v1" is resolved.
var vd = ms[0] as VariableDeclarationStatement;
expect(vd.variables.type.type.toString(), 'T1');
// The type of "v2" is resolved.
var vd = ms[1] as VariableDeclarationStatement;
expect(vd.variables.type.type.toString(), 'T2');
test_modeLocal_withContext_topLevelFunction() async {
FunctionDeclaration f;
A m<T>() {
T v;
''', (CompilationUnit u) {
f = u.declarations[0] as FunctionDeclaration;
return f;
// The return type of "f" is not resolved.
expect(f.returnType.type, isNull);
var fb = f.functionExpression.body as BlockFunctionBody;
var fs = fb.block.statements;
// The type of "v" is resolved.
var vd = fs[0] as VariableDeclarationStatement;
expect(vd.variables.type.type.toString(), 'T');
test_modeLocal_withContext_topLevelVariable() async {
TopLevelVariableDeclaration v;
A v = new A();
''', (CompilationUnit u) {
v = u.declarations[0] as TopLevelVariableDeclaration;
return v;
// The type of "v" is not resolved.
expect(v.variables.type.type, isNull);
// The type of "v" initializer is resolved.
var vi = v.variables.variables[0].initializer as InstanceCreationExpression;
expect(vi.constructorName.type.type.toString(), 'A');
test_visitCatchClause_exception() async {
// catch (e)
CatchClause clause = AstTestFactory.catchClause("e");
SimpleIdentifier exceptionParameter = clause.exceptionParameter;
exceptionParameter.staticElement =
new LocalVariableElementImpl.forNode(exceptionParameter);
_resolveCatchClause(clause, _typeProvider.dynamicType, null);
test_visitCatchClause_exception_stackTrace() async {
// catch (e, s)
CatchClause clause = AstTestFactory.catchClause2("e", "s");
SimpleIdentifier exceptionParameter = clause.exceptionParameter;
exceptionParameter.staticElement =
new LocalVariableElementImpl.forNode(exceptionParameter);
SimpleIdentifier stackTraceParameter = clause.stackTraceParameter;
stackTraceParameter.staticElement =
new LocalVariableElementImpl.forNode(stackTraceParameter);
clause, _typeProvider.dynamicType, _typeProvider.stackTraceType);
test_visitCatchClause_on_exception() async {
// on E catch (e)
ClassElement exceptionElement = ElementFactory.classElement2("E");
TypeName exceptionType = AstTestFactory.typeName(exceptionElement);
CatchClause clause = AstTestFactory.catchClause4(exceptionType, "e");
SimpleIdentifier exceptionParameter = clause.exceptionParameter;
exceptionParameter.staticElement =
new LocalVariableElementImpl.forNode(exceptionParameter);
clause, exceptionElement.type, null, [exceptionElement]);
test_visitCatchClause_on_exception_stackTrace() async {
// on E catch (e, s)
ClassElement exceptionElement = ElementFactory.classElement2("E");
TypeName exceptionType = AstTestFactory.typeName(exceptionElement);
( as SimpleIdentifier).staticElement = exceptionElement;
CatchClause clause = AstTestFactory.catchClause5(exceptionType, "e", "s");
SimpleIdentifier exceptionParameter = clause.exceptionParameter;
exceptionParameter.staticElement =
new LocalVariableElementImpl.forNode(exceptionParameter);
SimpleIdentifier stackTraceParameter = clause.stackTraceParameter;
stackTraceParameter.staticElement =
new LocalVariableElementImpl.forNode(stackTraceParameter);
_resolveCatchClause(clause, exceptionElement.type,
_typeProvider.stackTraceType, [exceptionElement]);
test_visitClassDeclaration() async {
// class A extends B with C implements D {}
// class B {}
// class C {}
// class D {}
setUp(shouldSetElementSupertypes: true);
ClassElement elementA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
ClassElement elementB = ElementFactory.classElement2("B");
ClassElement elementC = ElementFactory.classElement2("C");
ClassElement elementD = ElementFactory.classElement2("D");
ExtendsClause extendsClause =
WithClause withClause =
ImplementsClause implementsClause =
ClassDeclaration declaration = AstTestFactory.classDeclaration(
null, "A", null, extendsClause, withClause, implementsClause); = elementA;
_resolveNode(declaration, [elementA, elementB, elementC, elementD]);
expect(elementA.supertype, elementB.type);
List<InterfaceType> mixins = elementA.mixins;
expect(mixins, hasLength(1));
expect(mixins[0], elementC.type);
List<InterfaceType> interfaces = elementA.interfaces;
expect(interfaces, hasLength(1));
expect(interfaces[0], elementD.type);
test_visitClassDeclaration_instanceMemberCollidesWithClass() async {
// class A {}
// class B extends A {
// void A() {}
// }
setUp(shouldSetElementSupertypes: true);
ClassElementImpl elementA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
ClassElementImpl elementB = ElementFactory.classElement2("B");
elementB.methods = <MethodElement>[
ElementFactory.methodElement("A", VoidTypeImpl.instance)
ExtendsClause extendsClause =
ClassDeclaration declaration = AstTestFactory.classDeclaration(
null, "B", null, extendsClause, null, null); = elementB;
_resolveNode(declaration, [elementA, elementB]);
expect(elementB.supertype, elementA.type);
test_visitFieldFormalParameter_functionType() async {
InterfaceType intType = _typeProvider.intType;
TypeName intTypeName = AstTestFactory.typeName4('int');
String aName = 'a';
SimpleFormalParameterImpl aNode =
aNode.declaredElement = aNode.identifier.staticElement =
String pName = 'p';
FormalParameter pNode = AstTestFactory.fieldFormalParameter(
null, intTypeName, pName, AstTestFactory.formalParameterList([aNode]));
var pElement = ElementFactory.requiredParameter(pName);
pNode.identifier.staticElement = pElement;
FunctionType pType = new FunctionTypeImpl(
new GenericFunctionTypeElementImpl.forOffset(-1)
..parameters = [aNode.declaredElement]);
pElement.type = pType;
_resolveFormalParameter(pNode, [intType.element]);
expect(pType.returnType, intType);
expect(pType.parameters, hasLength(1));
test_visitFieldFormalParameter_noType() async {
String parameterName = "p";
FormalParameter node =
AstTestFactory.fieldFormalParameter(Keyword.VAR, null, parameterName);
node.identifier.staticElement =
expect(_resolveFormalParameter(node), same(_typeProvider.dynamicType));
test_visitFieldFormalParameter_type() async {
InterfaceType intType = _typeProvider.intType;
TypeName intTypeName = AstTestFactory.typeName4("int");
String parameterName = "p";
FormalParameter node =
AstTestFactory.fieldFormalParameter(null, intTypeName, parameterName);
node.identifier.staticElement =
expect(_resolveFormalParameter(node, [intType.element]), intType);
test_visitFunctionDeclaration() async {
// R f(P p) {}
// class R {}
// class P {}
ClassElement elementR = ElementFactory.classElement2('R');
ClassElement elementP = ElementFactory.classElement2('P');
FunctionElement elementF = ElementFactory.functionElement('f');
FunctionDeclaration declaration = AstTestFactory.functionDeclaration(
AstTestFactory.typeName4('P'), 'p')
null)); = elementF;
_resolveNode(declaration, [elementR, elementP]);
expect(declaration.returnType.type, elementR.type);
SimpleFormalParameter parameter =
expect(parameter.type.type, elementP.type);
test_visitFunctionDeclaration_typeParameter() async {
// E f<E>(E e) {}
TypeParameterElement elementE = ElementFactory.typeParameterElement('E');
FunctionElementImpl elementF = ElementFactory.functionElement('f');
elementF.typeParameters = <TypeParameterElement>[elementE];
FunctionDeclaration declaration = AstTestFactory.functionDeclaration(
AstTestFactory.typeName4('E'), 'e')
null)); = elementF;
_resolveNode(declaration, []);
expect(declaration.returnType.type, elementE.type);
SimpleFormalParameter parameter =
expect(parameter.type.type, elementE.type);
test_visitFunctionTypedFormalParameter() async {
// R f(R g(P p)) {}
// class R {}
// class P {}
ClassElement elementR = ElementFactory.classElement2('R');
ClassElement elementP = ElementFactory.classElement2('P');
SimpleFormalParameter pNode = AstTestFactory.simpleFormalParameter4(
AstTestFactory.typeName4('P'), 'p');
ParameterElementImpl pElement = ElementFactory.requiredParameter('p');
pNode.identifier.staticElement = pElement;
FunctionTypedFormalParameter gNode =
AstTestFactory.typeName4('R'), 'g', [pNode]);
ParameterElementImpl gElement = ElementFactory.requiredParameter('g');
gNode.identifier.staticElement = gElement;
FunctionTypeImpl gType = new FunctionTypeImpl(
new GenericFunctionTypeElementImpl.forOffset(-1)
..parameters = [pElement]);
gElement.type = gType;
FunctionDeclaration fNode = AstTestFactory.functionDeclaration(
AstTestFactory.formalParameterList([gNode]), null)); = ElementFactory.functionElement('f');
_resolveNode(fNode, [elementR, elementP]);
expect(fNode.returnType.type, elementR.type);
expect(gType.returnType, elementR.type);
expect(gNode.returnType.type, elementR.type);
expect(pNode.type.type, elementP.type);
test_visitFunctionTypedFormalParameter_typeParameter() async {
// R f(R g<E>(E e)) {}
// class R {}
ClassElement elementR = ElementFactory.classElement2('R');
TypeParameterElement elementE = ElementFactory.typeParameterElement('E');
SimpleFormalParameterImpl eNode = AstTestFactory.simpleFormalParameter4(
AstTestFactory.typeName4('E'), 'e');
eNode.declaredElement = ElementFactory.requiredParameter('e');
FunctionTypedFormalParameter gNode =
AstTestFactory.typeName4('R'), 'g', [eNode]);
ParameterElementImpl gElement = ElementFactory.requiredParameter('g');
gElement.typeParameters = [elementE];
gNode.identifier.staticElement = gElement;
FunctionTypeImpl gType =
new FunctionTypeImpl(new GenericFunctionTypeElementImpl.forOffset(-1)
..typeParameters = [elementE]
..parameters = [eNode.declaredElement]);
gElement.type = gType;
FunctionDeclaration fNode = AstTestFactory.functionDeclaration(
AstTestFactory.formalParameterList([gNode]), null)); = ElementFactory.functionElement('f');
_resolveNode(fNode, [elementR]);
expect(fNode.returnType.type, elementR.type);
expect(gType.returnType, elementR.type);
expect(gNode.returnType.type, elementR.type);
expect(eNode.type.type, elementE.type);
test_visitMethodDeclaration() async {
// class A {
// R m(P p) {}
// }
// class R {}
// class P {}
ClassElementImpl elementA = ElementFactory.classElement2('A');
ClassElement elementR = ElementFactory.classElement2('R');
ClassElement elementP = ElementFactory.classElement2('P');
MethodElement elementM = ElementFactory.methodElement('m', null);
elementA.methods = <MethodElement>[elementM];
MethodDeclaration declaration = AstTestFactory.methodDeclaration(
AstTestFactory.typeName4('P'), 'p')
])); = elementM;
_resolveNode(declaration, [elementA, elementR, elementP]);
expect(declaration.returnType.type, elementR.type);
SimpleFormalParameter parameter = declaration.parameters.parameters[0];
expect(parameter.type.type, elementP.type);
test_visitMethodDeclaration_typeParameter() async {
// class A {
// E m<E>(E e) {}
// }
ClassElementImpl elementA = ElementFactory.classElement2('A');
TypeParameterElement elementE = ElementFactory.typeParameterElement('E');
MethodElementImpl elementM = ElementFactory.methodElement('m', null);
elementM.typeParameters = <TypeParameterElement>[elementE];
elementA.methods = <MethodElement>[elementM];
MethodDeclaration declaration = AstTestFactory.methodDeclaration(
AstTestFactory.typeName4('E'), 'e')
])); = elementM;
_resolveNode(declaration, [elementA]);
expect(declaration.returnType.type, elementE.type);
SimpleFormalParameter parameter = declaration.parameters.parameters[0];
expect(parameter.type.type, elementE.type);
test_visitSimpleFormalParameter_noType() async {
// p
SimpleFormalParameterImpl node = AstTestFactory.simpleFormalParameter3("p");
node.declaredElement = node.identifier.staticElement =
new ParameterElementImpl.forNode(AstTestFactory.identifier3("p"));
expect(_resolveFormalParameter(node), same(_typeProvider.dynamicType));
test_visitSimpleFormalParameter_type() async {
// int p
InterfaceType intType = _typeProvider.intType;
ClassElement intElement = intType.element;
SimpleFormalParameterImpl node = AstTestFactory.simpleFormalParameter4(
AstTestFactory.typeName(intElement), "p");
SimpleIdentifier identifier = node.identifier;
ParameterElementImpl element = new ParameterElementImpl.forNode(identifier);
node.declaredElement = identifier.staticElement = element;
expect(_resolveFormalParameter(node, [intElement]), intType);
test_visitTypeName_noParameters_noArguments() async {
ClassElement classA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
TypeName typeName = AstTestFactory.typeName(classA);
typeName.type = null;
_resolveNode(typeName, [classA]);
expect(typeName.type, classA.type);
test_visitTypeName_noParameters_noArguments_undefined() async {
SimpleIdentifier id = AstTestFactory.identifier3("unknown")
..staticElement = new _StaleElement();
TypeName typeName = astFactory.typeName(id, null);
_resolveNode(typeName, []);
expect(typeName.type, DynamicTypeImpl.instance);
expect(, null);
test_visitTypeName_parameters_arguments() async {
ClassElement classA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A", ["E"]);
ClassElement classB = ElementFactory.classElement2("B");
TypeName typeName =
AstTestFactory.typeName(classA, [AstTestFactory.typeName(classB)]);
typeName.type = null;
_resolveNode(typeName, [classA, classB]);
InterfaceType resultType = typeName.type as InterfaceType;
expect(resultType.element, same(classA));
List<DartType> resultArguments = resultType.typeArguments;
expect(resultArguments, hasLength(1));
expect(resultArguments[0], classB.type);
test_visitTypeName_parameters_noArguments() async {
var tpE = ElementFactory.typeParameterElement('E');
tpE.defaultType = DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
ClassElement classA =
ElementFactory.classElement3(name: 'A', typeParameters: [tpE]);
TypeName typeName = AstTestFactory.typeName(classA);
typeName.type = null;
_resolveNode(typeName, [classA]);
InterfaceType resultType = typeName.type as InterfaceType;
expect(resultType.element, same(classA));
List<DartType> resultArguments = resultType.typeArguments;
expect(resultArguments, hasLength(1));
expect(resultArguments[0], same(DynamicTypeImpl.instance));
test_visitTypeName_prefixed_noParameters_noArguments_undefined() async {
SimpleIdentifier prefix = AstTestFactory.identifier3("unknownPrefix")
..staticElement = new _StaleElement();
SimpleIdentifier suffix = AstTestFactory.identifier3("unknownSuffix")
..staticElement = new _StaleElement();
TypeName typeName =
astFactory.typeName(AstTestFactory.identifier(prefix, suffix), null);
_resolveNode(typeName, []);
expect(typeName.type, DynamicTypeImpl.instance);
expect(prefix.staticElement, null);
expect(suffix.staticElement, null);
test_visitTypeName_void() async {
ClassElement classA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
TypeName typeName = AstTestFactory.typeName4("void");
_resolveNode(typeName, [classA]);
expect(typeName.type, same(VoidTypeImpl.instance));
* Analyze the given catch clause and assert that the types of the parameters have been set to the
* given types. The types can be null if the catch clause does not have the corresponding
* parameter.
* @param node the catch clause to be analyzed
* @param exceptionType the expected type of the exception parameter
* @param stackTraceType the expected type of the stack trace parameter
* @param definedElements the elements that are to be defined in the scope in which the element is
* being resolved
void _resolveCatchClause(
CatchClause node, DartType exceptionType, InterfaceType stackTraceType,
[List<Element> definedElements]) {
_resolveNode(node, definedElements);
SimpleIdentifier exceptionParameter = node.exceptionParameter;
if (exceptionParameter != null) {
expect(exceptionParameter.staticType, exceptionType);
SimpleIdentifier stackTraceParameter = node.stackTraceParameter;
if (stackTraceParameter != null) {
expect(stackTraceParameter.staticType, stackTraceType);
* Return the type associated with the given parameter after the static type analyzer has computed
* a type for it.
* @param node the parameter with which the type is associated
* @param definedElements the elements that are to be defined in the scope in which the element is
* being resolved
* @return the type associated with the parameter
DartType _resolveFormalParameter(FormalParameter node,
[List<Element> definedElements]) {
_resolveNode(node, definedElements);
return (node.identifier.staticElement as ParameterElement).type;
* Return the element associated with the given identifier after the resolver has resolved the
* identifier.
* @param node the expression to be resolved
* @param definedElements the elements that are to be defined in the scope in which the element is
* being resolved
* @return the element to which the expression was resolved
void _resolveNode(AstNode node, [List<Element> definedElements]) {
if (definedElements != null) {
for (Element element in definedElements) {
* Parse the given [code], build elements and resolve in the
* [TypeResolverMode.local] mode. The [code] is allowed to use only the type
* named `A`.
void _resolveTypeModeLocal(
String code, AstNode getNodeToResolve(CompilationUnit unit)) {
CompilationUnit unit = parseCompilationUnit2(code);
var unitElement = new CompilationUnitElementImpl();
// Build API elements.
var holder = new ElementHolder();
unit.accept(new ElementBuilder(holder, unitElement));
// Prepare for resolution.
LibraryScope libraryScope;
TypeResolverVisitor visitor;
AnalysisContext context = TestAnalysisContext();
var source = getFile('/test.dart').createSource();
// TODO(paulberry): make it possible to override the feature set so we can
// test NNBD features.
var featureSet = FeatureSet.forTesting(sdkVersion: '2.2.2');
var libraryElement = new LibraryElementImpl.forNode(
context, null, null, featureSet.isEnabled(Feature.non_nullable))
..definingCompilationUnit = unitElement;
libraryScope = new LibraryScope(libraryElement);
visitor = new TypeResolverVisitor(
libraryElement, source, _typeProvider, _listener,
featureSet: featureSet,
nameScope: libraryScope,
mode: TypeResolverMode.local);
// Define top-level types.
ClassElementImpl A = ElementFactory.classElement2('A');
// Perform resolution.
AstNode nodeToResolve = getNodeToResolve(unit);
class _RootScope extends Scope {
Element internalLookup(Identifier identifier, String name,
LibraryElement referencingLibrary) =>
* Represents an element left over from a previous resolver run.
* A _StaleElement should always be replaced with either null or a new Element.
class _StaleElement extends ElementImpl {
_StaleElement() : super("_StaleElement", -1);
get kind => throw "_StaleElement's kind shouldn't be accessed";
T accept<T>(_) => throw "_StaleElement shouldn't be visited";