blob: 0f4a101c598fbe7f8be857409349c0a386e6aa8a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/constant/value.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
/// Provide common functionality shared by the various TypeProvider
/// implementations.
abstract class TypeProviderBase implements TypeProvider {
List<InterfaceType> get nonSubtypableTypes => <InterfaceType>[
bool isObjectGetter(String id) {
PropertyAccessorElement element = objectType.element.getGetter(id);
return (element != null && !element.isStatic);
bool isObjectMember(String id) {
return isObjectGetter(id) || isObjectMethod(id);
bool isObjectMethod(String id) {
MethodElement element = objectType.element.getMethod(id);
return (element != null && !element.isStatic);
class TypeProviderImpl extends TypeProviderBase {
final NullabilitySuffix _nullabilitySuffix;
final LibraryElement _coreLibrary;
final LibraryElement _asyncLibrary;
InterfaceType _boolType;
InterfaceType _deprecatedType;
InterfaceType _doubleType;
InterfaceType _functionType;
InterfaceType _futureDynamicType;
InterfaceType _futureNullType;
InterfaceType _futureOrNullType;
InterfaceType _futureOrType;
InterfaceType _futureType;
InterfaceType _intType;
InterfaceType _iterableDynamicType;
InterfaceType _iterableObjectType;
InterfaceType _iterableType;
InterfaceType _listType;
InterfaceType _mapType;
InterfaceType _mapObjectObjectType;
DartObjectImpl _nullObject;
InterfaceType _nullType;
InterfaceType _numType;
InterfaceType _objectType;
InterfaceType _setType;
InterfaceType _stackTraceType;
InterfaceType _streamDynamicType;
InterfaceType _streamType;
InterfaceType _stringType;
InterfaceType _symbolType;
InterfaceType _typeType;
/// Initialize a newly created type provider to provide the types defined in
/// the given [coreLibrary] and [asyncLibrary].
LibraryElement coreLibrary,
LibraryElement asyncLibrary, {
NullabilitySuffix nullabilitySuffix =,
}) : _nullabilitySuffix = nullabilitySuffix,
_coreLibrary = coreLibrary,
_asyncLibrary = asyncLibrary;
InterfaceType get boolType {
_boolType ??= _getType(_coreLibrary, "bool");
return _boolType;
DartType get bottomType {
if (_nullabilitySuffix == NullabilitySuffix.none) {
return BottomTypeImpl.instance;
return BottomTypeImpl.instanceLegacy;
InterfaceType get deprecatedType {
_deprecatedType ??= _getType(_coreLibrary, "Deprecated");
return _deprecatedType;
InterfaceType get doubleType {
_doubleType ??= _getType(_coreLibrary, "double");
return _doubleType;
DartType get dynamicType => DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
InterfaceType get functionType {
_functionType ??= _getType(_coreLibrary, "Function");
return _functionType;
InterfaceType get futureDynamicType {
_futureDynamicType ??= futureType.instantiate(<DartType>[dynamicType]);
return _futureDynamicType;
InterfaceType get futureNullType {
_futureNullType ??= futureType.instantiate(<DartType>[nullType]);
return _futureNullType;
InterfaceType get futureOrNullType {
_futureOrNullType ??= futureOrType.instantiate(<DartType>[nullType]);
return _futureOrNullType;
InterfaceType get futureOrType {
_futureOrType ??= _getType(_asyncLibrary, "FutureOr");
return _futureOrType;
InterfaceType get futureType {
_futureType ??= _getType(_asyncLibrary, "Future");
return _futureType;
InterfaceType get intType {
_intType ??= _getType(_coreLibrary, "int");
return _intType;
InterfaceType get iterableDynamicType {
_iterableDynamicType ??= iterableType.instantiate(<DartType>[dynamicType]);
return _iterableDynamicType;
InterfaceType get iterableObjectType {
_iterableObjectType ??= iterableType.instantiate(<DartType>[objectType]);
return _iterableObjectType;
InterfaceType get iterableType {
_iterableType ??= _getType(_coreLibrary, "Iterable");
return _iterableType;
InterfaceType get listType {
_listType ??= _getType(_coreLibrary, "List");
return _listType;
InterfaceType get mapObjectObjectType {
return _mapObjectObjectType ??=
mapType.instantiate(<DartType>[objectType, objectType]);
InterfaceType get mapType {
_mapType ??= _getType(_coreLibrary, "Map");
return _mapType;
DartType get neverType => BottomTypeImpl.instance;
DartObjectImpl get nullObject {
if (_nullObject == null) {
_nullObject = new DartObjectImpl(nullType, NullState.NULL_STATE);
return _nullObject;
InterfaceType get nullType {
_nullType ??= _getType(_coreLibrary, "Null");
return _nullType;
InterfaceType get numType {
_numType ??= _getType(_coreLibrary, "num");
return _numType;
InterfaceType get objectType {
_objectType ??= _getType(_coreLibrary, "Object");
return _objectType;
InterfaceType get setType {
return _setType ??= _getType(_coreLibrary, "Set");
InterfaceType get stackTraceType {
_stackTraceType ??= _getType(_coreLibrary, "StackTrace");
return _stackTraceType;
InterfaceType get streamDynamicType {
_streamDynamicType ??= streamType.instantiate(<DartType>[dynamicType]);
return _streamDynamicType;
InterfaceType get streamType {
_streamType ??= _getType(_asyncLibrary, "Stream");
return _streamType;
InterfaceType get stringType {
_stringType ??= _getType(_coreLibrary, "String");
return _stringType;
InterfaceType get symbolType {
_symbolType ??= _getType(_coreLibrary, "Symbol");
return _symbolType;
InterfaceType get typeType {
_typeType ??= _getType(_coreLibrary, "Type");
return _typeType;
VoidType get voidType => VoidTypeImpl.instance;
TypeProviderImpl withNullability(NullabilitySuffix nullabilitySuffix) {
if (_nullabilitySuffix == nullabilitySuffix) {
return this;
return TypeProviderImpl(_coreLibrary, _asyncLibrary,
nullabilitySuffix: nullabilitySuffix);
/// Return the type with the given [name] from the given [library], or
/// throw a [StateError] if there is no class with the given name.
InterfaceType _getType(LibraryElement library, String name) {
var element = library.getType(name);
if (element == null) {
throw StateError('No definition of type $name');
var typeArguments = const <DartType>[];
var typeParameters = element.typeParameters;
if (typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
typeArguments = {
return TypeParameterTypeImpl(
nullabilitySuffix: _nullabilitySuffix,
}).toList(growable: false);
return InterfaceTypeImpl.explicit(
nullabilitySuffix: _nullabilitySuffix,