blob: e7bf5bfa4f38733200b8dceb6b84ca69e1a8f688 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Dart classes representing the souce spans and source files.
library source_maps.span;
import 'dart:utf' show stringToCodepoints;
import 'dart:math' show min, max;
import 'src/utils.dart';
/// A simple class that describe a segment of source text.
abstract class Span implements Comparable {
/// The start location of this span.
final Location start;
/// The end location of this span, exclusive.
final Location end;
/// Url of the source (typically a file) containing this span.
String get sourceUrl => start.sourceUrl;
/// The length of this span, in characters.
int get length => end.offset - start.offset;
/// The source text for this span, if available.
String get text;
/// Whether [text] corresponds to an identifier symbol.
final bool isIdentifier;
Span(this.start, this.end, bool isIdentifier)
: isIdentifier = isIdentifier != null ? isIdentifier : false {
/// Creates a new span that is the union of two existing spans [start] and
/// [end]. Note that the resulting span might contain some positions that were
/// not in either of the original spans if [start] and [end] are disjoint.
Span.union(Span start, Span end)
: start = start.start, end = end.end, isIdentifier = false {
void _checkRange() {
if (start.offset < 0) throw new ArgumentError('start $start must be >= 0');
if (end.offset < start.offset) {
throw new ArgumentError('end $end must be >= start $start');
/// Compares two spans. If the spans are not in the same source, this method
/// generates an error.
int compareTo(Span other) {
int d = start.compareTo(other.start);
return d == 0 ? end.compareTo(other.end) : d;
/// Gets the location in standard printed form `filename:line:column`, where
/// line and column are adjusted by 1 to match the convention in editors.
String get formatLocation => start.formatString;
String getLocationMessage(String message,
{bool useColors: false, String color}) {
return '$formatLocation: $message';
bool operator ==(Span other) =>
sourceUrl == other.sourceUrl && start == other.start && end == other.end;
String toString() => '<$runtimeType: $start $end $formatLocation $text>';
/// A location in the source text
abstract class Location implements Comparable {
/// Url of the source containing this span.
String get sourceUrl;
/// The offset of this location, 0-based.
final int offset;
/// The 0-based line in the source of this location.
int get line;
/// The 0-based column in the source of this location.
int get column;
/// Compares two locations. If the locations are not in the same source, this
/// method generates an error.
int compareTo(Location other) {
if (sourceUrl != other.sourceUrl) {
throw new ArgumentError('can only compare locations of the same source');
return offset - other.offset;
String toString() => '(Location $offset)';
String get formatString => '$sourceUrl:${line + 1}:${column + 1}';
/// Implementation of [Location] with fixed values given at allocation time.
class FixedLocation extends Location {
final String sourceUrl;
final int line;
final int column;
FixedLocation(int offset, this.sourceUrl, this.line, this.column)
: super(offset);
/// Implementation of [Span] where all the values are given at allocation time.
class FixedSpan extends Span {
/// The source text for this span, if available.
final String text;
/// Creates a span which starts and end in the same line.
FixedSpan(String sourceUrl, int start, int line, int column,
{String text: '', bool isIdentifier: false})
: text = text, super(new FixedLocation(start, sourceUrl, line, column),
new FixedLocation(start + text.length, sourceUrl, line,
column + text.length),
/// [Location] with values computed from an underling [SourceFile].
class FileLocation extends Location {
/// The source file containing this location.
final SourceFile file;
String get sourceUrl => file.url;
int get line => file.getLine(offset);
int get column => file.getColumn(line, offset);
FileLocation(this.file, int offset): super(offset);
/// [Span] where values are computed from an underling [SourceFile].
class FileSpan extends Span {
/// The source file containing this span.
final SourceFile file;
/// The source text for this span, if available.
String get text => file.getText(start.offset, end.offset);
factory FileSpan(SourceFile file, int start,
[int end, bool isIdentifier = false]) {
var startLoc = new FileLocation(file, start);
var endLoc = end == null ? startLoc : new FileLocation(file, end);
return new FileSpan.locations(startLoc, endLoc, isIdentifier);
FileSpan.locations(FileLocation start, FileLocation end,
bool isIdentifier)
: file = start.file, super(start, end, isIdentifier);
/// Creates a new span that is the union of two existing spans [start] and
/// [end]. Note that the resulting span might contain some positions that were
/// not in either of the original spans if [start] and [end] are disjoint.
FileSpan.union(FileSpan start, FileSpan end)
: file = start.file, super.union(start, end) {
if (start.file != end.file) {
throw new ArgumentError('start and end must be from the same file');
String getLocationMessage(String message,
{bool useColors: false, String color}) {
return file.getLocationMessage(message, start.offset, end.offset,
useColors: useColors, color: color);
// Constants to determine end-of-lines.
const int _LF = 10;
const int _CR = 13;
// Color constants used for generating messages.
const String _RED_COLOR = '\u001b[31m';
const String _NO_COLOR = '\u001b[0m';
/// Stores information about a source file, to permit computation of the line
/// and column. Also contains a nice default error message highlighting the code
/// location.
class SourceFile {
/// Url where the source file is located.
final String url;
final List<int> _lineStarts;
final List<int> _decodedChars;
SourceFile(this.url, this._lineStarts, this._decodedChars);
SourceFile.text(this.url, String text)
: _lineStarts = <int>[0],
_decodedChars = stringToCodepoints(text) {
for (int i = 0; i < _decodedChars.length; i++) {
var c = _decodedChars[i];
if (c == _CR) {
// Return not followed by newline is treated as a newline
int j = i + 1;
if (j >= _decodedChars.length || _decodedChars[j] != _LF) {
c = _LF;
if (c == _LF) _lineStarts.add(i + 1);
/// Returns a span in this [SourceFile] with the given offsets.
Span span(int start, [int end, bool isIdentifier = false]) =>
new FileSpan(this, start, end, isIdentifier);
/// Returns a location in this [SourceFile] with the given offset.
Location location(int offset) => new FileLocation(this, offset);
/// Gets the 0-based line corresponding to an offset.
int getLine(int offset) => binarySearch(_lineStarts, (o) => o > offset) - 1;
/// Gets the 0-based column corresponding to an offset.
int getColumn(int line, int offset) => offset - _lineStarts[line];
/// Get the offset for a given line and column
int getOffset(int line, int column) =>
_lineStarts[max(min(line, _lineStarts.length - 1), 0)] + column;
/// Gets the text at the given offsets.
String getText(int start, [int end]) =>
new String.fromCharCodes(_decodedChars.sublist(max(start, 0), end));
/// Create a pretty string representation from a span.
String getLocationMessage(String message, int start, int end,
{bool useColors: false, String color}) {
// TODO(jmesserly): it would be more useful to pass in an object that
// controls how the errors are printed. This method is a bit too smart.
var line = getLine(start);
var column = getColumn(line, start);
var src = url == null ? '' : url;
var msg = '$src:${line + 1}:${column + 1}: $message';
if (_decodedChars == null) {
// We don't have any text to include, so exit.
return msg;
var buf = new StringBuffer(msg);
// +1 for 0-indexing, +1 again to avoid the last line
var textLine = getText(getOffset(line, 0), getOffset(line + 1, 0));
column = min(column, textLine.length - 1);
int toColumn = min(column + end - start, textLine.length);
if (useColors) {
if (color == null) {
color = _RED_COLOR;
buf.write(textLine.substring(0, column));
buf.write(textLine.substring(column, toColumn));
} else {
int i = 0;
for (; i < column; i++) {
buf.write(' ');
if (useColors) buf.write(color);
for (; i < toColumn; i++) {
if (useColors) buf.write(_NO_COLOR);
return buf.toString();
/// A convenience type to treat a code segment as if it were a separate
/// [SourceFile]. A [SourceFileSegment] shifts all locations by an offset, which
/// allows you to set source-map locations based on the locations relative to
/// the start of the segment, but that get translated to absolute locations in
/// the original source file.
class SourceFileSegment extends SourceFile {
final int _baseOffset;
final int _baseLine;
final int _baseColumn;
// TODO(sigmund): consider providing an end-offset to correctly truncate
// values passed the end of the segment.
SourceFileSegment(String url, String textSegment, Location startOffset)
: _baseOffset = startOffset.offset,
_baseLine = startOffset.line,
_baseColumn = startOffset.column,
super.text(url, textSegment);
/// Craete a span, where [start] is relative to this segment's base offset.
/// The returned span stores the real offset on the file, so that error
/// messages are reported at the real location.
Span span(int start, [int end, bool isIdentifier = false]) =>
super.span(start + _baseOffset,
end == null ? null : end + _baseOffset, isIdentifier);
/// Create a location, where [offset] relative to this segment's base offset.
/// The returned span stores the real offset on the file, so that error
/// messages are reported at the real location.
Location location(int offset) => super.location(offset + _baseOffset);
/// Return the line on the underlying file associated with the [offset] of the
/// underlying file. This method operates on the real offsets from the
/// original file, so that error messages can be reported accurately.
int getLine(int offset) =>
super.getLine(max(offset - _baseOffset, 0)) + _baseLine;
/// Return the column on the underlying file associated with [line] and
/// [offset], where [line] is absolute from the beginning of the underlying
/// file. This method operates on the real offsets from the original file, so
/// that error messages can be reported accurately.
int getColumn(int line, int offset) {
var col = super.getColumn(line - _baseLine, max(offset - _baseOffset, 0));
return line == _baseLine ? col + _baseColumn : col;
/// Return the offset associated with a line and column. This method operates
/// on the real offsets from the original file, so that error messages can be
/// reported accurately.
int getOffset(int line, int column) =>
super.getOffset(line - _baseLine,
line == _baseLine ? column - _baseColumn : column) + _baseOffset;
/// Retrieve the text associated with the specified range. This method
/// operates on the real offsets from the original file, so that error
/// messages can be reported accurately.
String getText(int start, [int end]) =>
super.getText(start - _baseOffset,
end == null ? null : end - _baseOffset);