blob: 5d77a5c8bc7944b24da693713285736f9c0454ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library barback.asset_graph;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'asset.dart';
import 'asset_id.dart';
import 'asset_provider.dart';
import 'errors.dart';
import 'change_batch.dart';
import 'phase.dart';
import 'transformer.dart';
/// The main build dependency manager.
/// For any given input file, it can tell which output files are affected by
/// it, and vice versa.
class AssetGraph {
final AssetProvider _provider;
final _phases = <Phase>[];
Stream<BuildResult> get results =>;
final _resultsController = new StreamController<BuildResult>.broadcast();
/// A future that completes when the currently running build process finishes.
/// If no build it in progress, is `null`.
Future _processDone;
ChangeBatch _sourceChanges;
/// Creates a new [AssetGraph].
/// It loads source assets using [provider] and then uses [transformerPhases]
/// to generate output files from them.
//TODO(rnystrom): Better way of specifying transformers and their ordering.
Iterable<Iterable<Transformer>> transformerPhases) {
// Flatten the phases to a list so we can traverse backwards to wire up
// each phase to its next.
transformerPhases = transformerPhases.toList();
// Each phase writes its outputs as inputs to the next phase after it.
// Add a phase at the end for the final outputs of the last phase.
Phase nextPhase = null;
for (var transformers in transformerPhases.reversed) {
nextPhase = new Phase(this, _phases.length, transformers.toList(),
_phases.insert(0, nextPhase);
/// Gets the asset identified by [id].
/// If [id] is for a generated or transformed asset, this will wait until
/// it has been created and return it. If the asset cannot be found, throws
/// [AssetNotFoundException].
Future<Asset> getAssetById(AssetId id) {
// TODO(rnystrom): Waiting for the entire build to complete is unnecessary
// in some cases. Should optimize:
// * [id] may be generated before the compilation is finished. We should
// be able to quickly check whether there are any more in-place
// transformations that can be run on it. If not, we can return it early.
// * If everything is compiled, something that didn't output [id] is
// dirtied, and then [id] is requested, we can return it immediately,
// since anything overwriting it at that point is an error.
// * If [id] has never been generated and all active transformers provide
// metadata about the file names of assets it can emit, we can prove that
// none of them can emit [id] and fail early.
return _waitForProcess().then((_) {
// Each phase's inputs are the outputs of the previous phase. Find the
// last phase that contains the asset. Since the last phase has no
// transformers, this will find the latest output for that id.
// TODO(rnystrom): Currently does not omit assets that are actually used
// as inputs for transformers. This means you can request and get an
// asset that should be "consumed" because it's used to generate the
// real asset you care about. Need to figure out how we want to handle
// that and what use cases there are related to it.
for (var i = _phases.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var node = _phases[i].inputs[id];
if (node != null) {
// By the time we get here, the asset should have been built.
assert(node.asset != null);
return node.asset;
// Couldn't find it.
throw new AssetNotFoundException(id);
/// Adds [sources] to the graph's known set of source assets.
/// Begins applying any transforms that can consume any of the sources. If a
/// given source is already known, it is considered modified and all
/// transforms that use it will be re-applied.
void updateSources(Iterable<AssetId> sources) {
if (_sourceChanges == null) _sourceChanges = new ChangeBatch();
/// Removes [removed] from the graph's known set of source assets.
void removeSources(Iterable<AssetId> removed) {
if (_sourceChanges == null) _sourceChanges = new ChangeBatch();
/// Reports a process result with the given error then throws it.
void reportError(error) {
_resultsController.add(new BuildResult(error));
/// Starts the build process asynchronously if there is work to be done.
/// Returns a future that completes with the background processing is done.
/// If there is no work to do, returns a future that completes immediately.
/// All errors that occur during processing will be caught (and routed to the
/// [results] stream) before they get to the returned future, so it is safe
/// to discard it.
Future _waitForProcess() {
if (_processDone != null) return _processDone;
return _processDone = _process().then((_) {
// Report the build completion.
// TODO(rnystrom): Put some useful data in here.
_resultsController.add(new BuildResult());
}).catchError((error) {
// If we get here, it's an unexpected error. Runtime errors like missing
// assets should be handled earlier. Errors from transformers or other
// external code that barback calls into should be caught at that API
// boundary.
// On the off chance we get here, pipe the error to the results stream
// as an error. That will let applications handle it without it appearing
// in the same path as "normal" errors that get reported.
}).whenComplete(() {
_processDone = null;
/// Starts the background processing.
/// Returns a future that completes when all assets have been processed.
Future _process() {
return _processSourceChanges().then((_) {
// Find the first phase that has work to do and do it.
var future;
for (var phase in _phases) {
future = phase.process();
if (future != null) break;
// If all phases are done and no new updates have come in, we're done.
if (future == null) {
// If changes have come in, start over.
if (_sourceChanges != null) return _process();
// Otherwise, everything is done.
// Process that phase and then loop onto the next.
return future.then((_) => _process());
/// Processes the current batch of changes to source assets.
Future _processSourceChanges() {
// Always pump the event loop. This ensures a bunch of synchronous source
// changes are processed in a single batch even when the first one starts
// the build process.
return new Future(() {
if (_sourceChanges == null) return null;
// Take the current batch to ensure it doesn't get added to while we're
// processing it.
var changes = _sourceChanges;
_sourceChanges = null;
var updated = new Map<AssetId, Asset>();
var futures = [];
for (var id in changes.updated) {
// TODO(rnystrom): Catch all errors from provider and route to results.
futures.add(_provider.getAsset(id).then((asset) {
updated[id] = asset;
}).catchError((error) {
if (error is AssetNotFoundException) {
// Handle missing asset errors like regular missing assets.
} else {
// It's an unexpected error, so rethrow it.
throw error;
return Future.wait(futures).then((_) {
_phases.first.updateInputs(updated, changes.removed);
/// Used to report build results back from the asynchronous build process
/// running in the background.
class BuildResult {
/// The error that occurred, or `null` if the result is not an error.
final error;
/// `true` if this result is for a successful build.
bool get succeeded => error == null;