blob: e873a1b5b017f1d647782d0616a4ec4ced4de032 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/nullability_suffix.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/listener.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/extensions.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/migratable_ast_info_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_dart.dart';
/// Helper for resolving [ListLiteral]s and [SetOrMapLiteral]s.
class TypedLiteralResolver {
final ResolverVisitor _resolver;
final TypeSystemImpl _typeSystem;
final TypeProviderImpl _typeProvider;
final ErrorReporter _errorReporter;
final MigratableAstInfoProvider _migratableAstInfoProvider;
final bool _strictInference;
final bool _uiAsCodeEnabled;
final bool _isNonNullableByDefault;
factory TypedLiteralResolver(ResolverVisitor resolver, FeatureSet featureSet,
TypeSystemImpl typeSystem, TypeProviderImpl typeProvider,
{MigratableAstInfoProvider migratableAstInfoProvider =
const MigratableAstInfoProvider()}) {
var library = resolver.definingLibrary as LibraryElementImpl;
var analysisOptions = library.context.analysisOptions;
var analysisOptionsImpl = analysisOptions as AnalysisOptionsImpl;
return TypedLiteralResolver._(
featureSet.isEnabled(Feature.control_flow_collections) ||
DynamicTypeImpl get _dynamicType => DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
NullabilitySuffix get _noneOrStarSuffix {
return _isNonNullableByDefault
? NullabilitySuffix.none
void resolveListLiteral(ListLiteral node) {
InterfaceType? listType;
var typeArguments = node.typeArguments?.arguments;
if (typeArguments != null) {
if (typeArguments.length == 1) {
DartType elementType = typeArguments[0].type!;
if (!elementType.isDynamic) {
listType = _typeProvider.listType(elementType);
} else {
listType = _inferListType(node, downwards: true);
if (listType != null) {
DartType elementType = listType.typeArguments[0];
DartType iterableType = _typeProvider.iterableType(elementType);
elementType: elementType, iterableType: iterableType);
InferenceContext.setType(node, listType);
} else {
void resolveSetOrMapLiteral(SetOrMapLiteral node) {
(node as SetOrMapLiteralImpl).becomeUnresolved();
var typeArguments = node.typeArguments?.arguments;
InterfaceType? literalType;
var literalResolution = _computeSetOrMapResolution(node);
if (literalResolution.kind == _LiteralResolutionKind.set) {
if (typeArguments != null && typeArguments.length == 1) {
var elementType = typeArguments[0].type!;
literalType = _typeProvider.setType(elementType);
} else {
literalType =
_inferSetTypeDownwards(node, literalResolution.contextType);
} else if (literalResolution.kind == {
if (typeArguments != null && typeArguments.length == 2) {
var keyType = typeArguments[0].type!;
var valueType = typeArguments[1].type!;
literalType = _typeProvider.mapType(keyType, valueType);
} else {
literalType =
_inferMapTypeDownwards(node, literalResolution.contextType);
} else {
assert(literalResolution.kind == _LiteralResolutionKind.ambiguous);
literalType = null;
if (literalType is InterfaceType) {
List<DartType> typeArguments = literalType.typeArguments;
if (typeArguments.length == 1) {
DartType elementType = literalType.typeArguments[0];
DartType iterableType = _typeProvider.iterableType(elementType);
elementType: elementType, iterableType: iterableType);
if (!_uiAsCodeEnabled &&
_getSetOrMapElements(node).isEmpty &&
node.typeArguments == null &&
node.isMap) {
// The node is really an empty set literal with no type arguments.
} else if (typeArguments.length == 2) {
DartType keyType = typeArguments[0];
DartType valueType = typeArguments[1];
iterableType: literalType, keyType: keyType, valueType: valueType);
node.contextType = literalType;
} else {
node.contextType = null;
DartType _computeElementType(CollectionElement element) {
if (element is Expression) {
return element.typeOrThrow;
} else if (element is ForElement) {
return _computeElementType(element.body);
} else if (element is IfElement) {
var thenElement = element.thenElement;
var elseElement = element.elseElement;
var thenType = _computeElementType(thenElement);
if (elseElement == null) {
return thenType;
var elseType = _computeElementType(elseElement);
return _typeSystem.getLeastUpperBound(thenType, elseType);
} else if (element is MapLiteralEntry) {
// This error will be reported elsewhere.
return _typeProvider.dynamicType;
} else if (element is SpreadElement) {
var expressionType = element.expression.typeOrThrow;
var iterableType = expressionType.asInstanceOf(
if (iterableType != null) {
return iterableType.typeArguments[0];
if (expressionType.isDynamic) {
return _typeProvider.dynamicType;
if (_typeSystem.isNonNullableByDefault) {
if (_typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(expressionType, NeverTypeImpl.instance)) {
return NeverTypeImpl.instance;
if (_typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(expressionType, _typeSystem.nullNone)) {
if (element.isNullAware) {
return NeverTypeImpl.instance;
return _typeProvider.dynamicType;
} else {
if (expressionType.isDartCoreNull) {
if (element.isNullAware) {
return expressionType;
return _typeProvider.dynamicType;
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Report this as an error.
return _typeProvider.dynamicType;
throw StateError('Unhandled element type ${element.runtimeType}');
/// Compute the context type for the given set or map [literal].
_LiteralResolution _computeSetOrMapResolution(SetOrMapLiteral literal) {
_LiteralResolution typeArgumentsResolution =
var contextType = InferenceContext.getContext(literal);
_LiteralResolution contextResolution = _fromContextType(contextType);
_LeafElements elementCounts = _LeafElements(_getSetOrMapElements(literal));
_LiteralResolution elementResolution = elementCounts.resolution;
List<_LiteralResolution> unambiguousResolutions = [];
Set<_LiteralResolutionKind> kinds = <_LiteralResolutionKind>{};
if (typeArgumentsResolution.kind != _LiteralResolutionKind.ambiguous) {
if (contextResolution.kind != _LiteralResolutionKind.ambiguous) {
if (elementResolution.kind != _LiteralResolutionKind.ambiguous) {
if (kinds.length == 2) {
// It looks like it needs to be both a map and a set. Attempt to recover.
if (elementResolution.kind == _LiteralResolutionKind.ambiguous &&
elementResolution.contextType != null) {
return elementResolution;
} else if (typeArgumentsResolution.kind !=
_LiteralResolutionKind.ambiguous &&
typeArgumentsResolution.contextType != null) {
return typeArgumentsResolution;
} else if (contextResolution.kind != _LiteralResolutionKind.ambiguous &&
contextResolution.contextType != null) {
return contextResolution;
} else if (unambiguousResolutions.length >= 2) {
// If there are three resolutions, the last resolution is guaranteed to be
// from the elements, which always has a context type of `null` (when it
// is not ambiguous). So, whether there are 2 or 3 resolutions only the
// first two are potentially interesting.
return unambiguousResolutions[0].contextType == null
? unambiguousResolutions[1]
: unambiguousResolutions[0];
} else if (unambiguousResolutions.length == 1) {
return unambiguousResolutions[0];
} else if (_getSetOrMapElements(literal).isEmpty) {
return _LiteralResolution(,
_typeProvider.mapType(_dynamicType, _dynamicType));
return _LiteralResolution(_LiteralResolutionKind.ambiguous, null);
/// If [contextType] implements `Iterable`, but not `Map`, then *e* is a set
/// literal.
/// If [contextType] implements `Map`, but not `Iterable`, then *e* is a map
/// literal.
_LiteralResolution _fromContextType(DartType? contextType) {
if (contextType != null) {
var unwrappedContextType = _typeSystem.futureOrBase(contextType);
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Find out what the "greatest closure" is and use that
// where [unwrappedContextType] is used below.
var iterableType = unwrappedContextType.asInstanceOf(
var mapType = unwrappedContextType.asInstanceOf(
var isIterable = iterableType != null;
var isMap = mapType != null;
// When `S` implements `Iterable` but not `Map`, `e` is a set literal.
if (isIterable && !isMap) {
return _LiteralResolution(
// When `S` implements `Map` but not `Iterable`, `e` is a map literal.
if (isMap && !isIterable) {
return _LiteralResolution(,
return _LiteralResolution(_LiteralResolutionKind.ambiguous, null);
/// Return the resolution that is indicated by the given [arguments].
_LiteralResolution _fromTypeArguments(List<TypeAnnotation>? arguments) {
if (arguments != null) {
if (arguments.length == 1) {
return _LiteralResolution(_LiteralResolutionKind.set,
} else if (arguments.length == 2) {
return _LiteralResolution(,
_typeProvider.mapType(arguments[0].type!, arguments[1].type!));
return _LiteralResolution(_LiteralResolutionKind.ambiguous, null);
List<CollectionElement> _getListElements(ListLiteral node) =>
List<CollectionElement> _getSetOrMapElements(SetOrMapLiteral node) =>
_InferredCollectionElementTypeInformation _inferCollectionElementType(
CollectionElement? element) {
if (element is Expression) {
return _InferredCollectionElementTypeInformation(
elementType: element.typeOrThrow, keyType: null, valueType: null);
} else if (element is ForElement) {
return _inferCollectionElementType(element.body);
} else if (element is IfElement) {
_InferredCollectionElementTypeInformation thenType =
if (element.elseElement == null) {
return thenType;
_InferredCollectionElementTypeInformation elseType =
return _InferredCollectionElementTypeInformation.forIfElement(
_typeSystem, thenType, elseType);
} else if (element is MapLiteralEntry) {
return _InferredCollectionElementTypeInformation(
elementType: null,
keyType: element.key.staticType,
valueType: element.value.staticType);
} else if (element is SpreadElement) {
var expressionType = element.expression.typeOrThrow;
var iterableType = expressionType.asInstanceOf(
if (iterableType != null) {
return _InferredCollectionElementTypeInformation(
elementType: iterableType.typeArguments[0],
keyType: null,
valueType: null,
var mapType = expressionType.asInstanceOf(
if (mapType != null) {
return _InferredCollectionElementTypeInformation(
elementType: null,
keyType: mapType.typeArguments[0],
valueType: mapType.typeArguments[1],
if (expressionType.isDynamic) {
return _InferredCollectionElementTypeInformation(
elementType: expressionType,
keyType: expressionType,
valueType: expressionType,
if (_typeSystem.isNonNullableByDefault) {
if (_typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(expressionType, NeverTypeImpl.instance)) {
return _InferredCollectionElementTypeInformation(
elementType: NeverTypeImpl.instance,
keyType: NeverTypeImpl.instance,
valueType: NeverTypeImpl.instance,
if (_typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(expressionType, _typeSystem.nullNone)) {
if (element.isNullAware) {
return _InferredCollectionElementTypeInformation(
elementType: NeverTypeImpl.instance,
keyType: NeverTypeImpl.instance,
valueType: NeverTypeImpl.instance,
} else {
if (expressionType.isDartCoreNull && element.isNullAware) {
return _InferredCollectionElementTypeInformation(
elementType: expressionType,
keyType: expressionType,
valueType: expressionType,
return _InferredCollectionElementTypeInformation(
elementType: null,
keyType: null,
valueType: null,
} else {
throw StateError('Unknown element type ${element.runtimeType}');
InterfaceType? _inferListType(ListLiteral node, {bool downwards = false}) {
var contextType = InferenceContext.getContext(node);
var element = _typeProvider.listElement;
var typeParameters = element.typeParameters;
var genericElementType = typeParameters[0].instantiate(
nullabilitySuffix: _noneOrStarSuffix,
List<DartType> elementTypes;
List<ParameterElement> parameters;
if (downwards) {
if (contextType == null) {
return null;
elementTypes = [];
parameters = [];
} else {
// Also use upwards information to infer the type.
elementTypes = _getListElements(node).map(_computeElementType).toList();
var syntheticParameter = ParameterElementImpl.synthetic(
'element', genericElementType, ParameterKind.POSITIONAL);
parameters = List.filled(elementTypes.length, syntheticParameter);
if (_strictInference && parameters.isEmpty && contextType == null) {
// We cannot infer the type of a collection literal with no elements, and
// no context type. If there are any elements, inference has not failed,
// as the types of those elements are considered resolved.
var typeArguments = _typeSystem.inferGenericFunctionOrType(
typeParameters: typeParameters,
parameters: parameters,
declaredReturnType: element.thisType,
argumentTypes: elementTypes,
contextReturnType: contextType,
downwards: downwards,
isConst: node.isConst,
errorReporter: _errorReporter,
errorNode: node,
return element.instantiate(
typeArguments: typeArguments,
nullabilitySuffix: _noneOrStarSuffix,
InterfaceType? _inferMapTypeDownwards(
SetOrMapLiteral node, DartType? contextType) {
if (contextType == null) {
return null;
var element = _typeProvider.mapElement;
var typeArguments = _typeSystem.inferGenericFunctionOrType(
typeParameters: element.typeParameters,
parameters: const [],
declaredReturnType: element.thisType,
argumentTypes: const [],
contextReturnType: contextType,
downwards: true,
isConst: node.isConst,
errorReporter: _errorReporter,
errorNode: node,
return element.instantiate(
typeArguments: typeArguments,
nullabilitySuffix: _noneOrStarSuffix,
DartType _inferSetOrMapLiteralType(SetOrMapLiteral literal) {
var literalImpl = literal as SetOrMapLiteralImpl;
var contextType = literalImpl.contextType;
literalImpl.contextType = null; // Not needed anymore.
List<CollectionElement> elements = _getSetOrMapElements(literal);
List<_InferredCollectionElementTypeInformation> inferredTypes = [];
bool canBeAMap = true;
bool mustBeAMap = false;
bool canBeASet = true;
bool mustBeASet = false;
for (CollectionElement element in elements) {
_InferredCollectionElementTypeInformation inferredType =
canBeAMap = canBeAMap && inferredType.canBeMap;
mustBeAMap = mustBeAMap || inferredType.mustBeMap;
canBeASet = canBeASet && inferredType.canBeSet;
mustBeASet = mustBeASet || inferredType.mustBeSet;
if (canBeASet && mustBeASet) {
return _toSetType(literal, contextType, inferredTypes);
} else if (canBeAMap && mustBeAMap) {
return _toMapType(literal, contextType, inferredTypes);
// Note: according to the spec, the following computations should be based
// on the greatest closure of the context type (unless the context type is
// `_`). In practice, we can just use the context type directly, because
// the only way the greatest closure of the context type could possibly have
// a different subtype relationship to `Iterable<Object>` and
// `Map<Object, Object>` is if the context type is `_`.
if (contextType != null) {
var contextIterableType = contextType.asInstanceOf(
var contextMapType = contextType.asInstanceOf(
var contextIsIterable = contextIterableType != null;
var contextIsMap = contextMapType != null;
// When `S` implements `Iterable` but not `Map`, `e` is a set literal.
if (contextIsIterable && !contextIsMap) {
return _toSetType(literal, contextType, inferredTypes);
// When `S` implements `Map` but not `Iterable`, `e` is a map literal.
if (contextIsMap && !contextIsIterable) {
return _toMapType(literal, contextType, inferredTypes);
// When `e` is of the form `{}` and `S` is undefined, `e` is a map literal.
if (elements.isEmpty && contextType == null) {
return _typeProvider.mapType(
// Ambiguous. We're not going to get any more information to resolve the
// ambiguity. We don't want to make an arbitrary decision at this point
// because it will interfere with future type inference (see
//, so we return a type of `dynamic`.
if (mustBeAMap && mustBeASet) {
CompileTimeErrorCode.AMBIGUOUS_SET_OR_MAP_LITERAL_BOTH, literal);
} else {
return _typeProvider.dynamicType;
InterfaceType? _inferSetTypeDownwards(
SetOrMapLiteral node, DartType? contextType) {
if (contextType == null) {
return null;
var element = _typeProvider.setElement;
var typeArguments = _typeSystem.inferGenericFunctionOrType(
typeParameters: element.typeParameters,
parameters: const [],
declaredReturnType: element.thisType,
argumentTypes: const [],
contextReturnType: contextType,
downwards: true,
isConst: node.isConst,
errorReporter: _errorReporter,
errorNode: node,
return element.instantiate(
typeArguments: typeArguments,
nullabilitySuffix: _noneOrStarSuffix,
void _pushCollectionTypesDown(CollectionElement? element,
{DartType? elementType,
required DartType iterableType,
DartType? keyType,
DartType? valueType}) {
if (element is Expression) {
InferenceContext.setType(element, elementType);
} else if (element is ForElement) {
elementType: elementType,
iterableType: iterableType,
keyType: keyType,
valueType: valueType);
} else if (element is IfElement) {
elementType: elementType,
iterableType: iterableType,
keyType: keyType,
valueType: valueType);
elementType: elementType,
iterableType: iterableType,
keyType: keyType,
valueType: valueType);
} else if (element is MapLiteralEntry) {
InferenceContext.setType(element.key, keyType);
InferenceContext.setType(element.value, valueType);
} else if (element is SpreadElement) {
if (_isNonNullableByDefault && element.isNullAware) {
iterableType = _typeSystem.makeNullable(iterableType);
InferenceContext.setType(element.expression, iterableType);
void _pushCollectionTypesDownToAll(List<CollectionElement> elements,
{DartType? elementType,
required DartType iterableType,
DartType? keyType,
DartType? valueType}) {
for (CollectionElement element in elements) {
elementType: elementType,
iterableType: iterableType,
keyType: keyType,
valueType: valueType);
/// Record that the static type of the given node is the given type.
/// @param expression the node whose type is to be recorded
/// @param type the static type of the node
/// TODO(scheglov) Inline this.
void _recordStaticType(Expression expression, DartType type) {
expression.staticType = type;
// if (type == null) {
// expression.staticType = _dynamicType;
// } else {
// expression.staticType = type;
// if (identical(type, NeverTypeImpl.instance)) {
// _flowAnalysis?.flow?.handleExit();
// }
// }
void _resolveListLiteral2(ListLiteral node) {
var typeArguments = node.typeArguments?.arguments;
// If we have explicit arguments, use them.
if (typeArguments != null) {
DartType elementType = _dynamicType;
if (typeArguments.length == 1) {
elementType = typeArguments[0].type!;
typeArguments: [elementType],
nullabilitySuffix: _noneOrStarSuffix,
DartType listDynamicType = _typeProvider.listType(_dynamicType);
// If there are no type arguments, try to infer some arguments.
var inferred = _inferListType(node);
if (inferred != listDynamicType) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Determine whether we need to make the inferred
// type non-nullable here or whether it will already be non-nullable.
_recordStaticType(node, inferred!);
// If we have no type arguments and couldn't infer any, use dynamic.
_recordStaticType(node, listDynamicType);
void _resolveSetOrMapLiteral2(SetOrMapLiteral node) {
var typeArguments = node.typeArguments?.arguments;
// If we have type arguments, use them.
// TODO(paulberry): this logic seems redundant with
// ResolverVisitor._fromTypeArguments
if (typeArguments != null) {
if (typeArguments.length == 1) {
(node as SetOrMapLiteralImpl).becomeSet();
var elementType = typeArguments[0].type!;
typeArguments: [elementType],
nullabilitySuffix: _noneOrStarSuffix,
} else if (typeArguments.length == 2) {
(node as SetOrMapLiteralImpl).becomeMap();
var keyType = typeArguments[0].type!;
var valueType = typeArguments[1].type!;
typeArguments: [keyType, valueType],
nullabilitySuffix: _noneOrStarSuffix,
// If we get here, then a nonsense number of type arguments were provided,
// so treat it as though no type arguments were provided.
DartType literalType = _inferSetOrMapLiteralType(node);
if (literalType.isDynamic) {
// The literal is ambiguous, and further analysis won't resolve the
// ambiguity. Leave it as neither a set nor a map.
} else if (literalType.element == _typeProvider.mapElement) {
(node as SetOrMapLiteralImpl).becomeMap();
} else {
assert(literalType.element == _typeProvider.setElement);
(node as SetOrMapLiteralImpl).becomeSet();
if (_strictInference &&
_getSetOrMapElements(node).isEmpty &&
InferenceContext.getContext(node) == null) {
// We cannot infer the type of a collection literal with no elements, and
// no context type. If there are any elements, inference has not failed,
// as the types of those elements are considered resolved.
[node.isMap ? 'Map' : 'Set']);
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Decide whether the literalType needs to be made
// non-nullable here or whether that will have happened in
// _inferSetOrMapLiteralType.
_recordStaticType(node, literalType);
DartType _toMapType(SetOrMapLiteral node, DartType? contextType,
List<_InferredCollectionElementTypeInformation> inferredTypes) {
DartType dynamicType = _typeProvider.dynamicType;
var element = _typeProvider.mapElement;
var typeParameters = element.typeParameters;
var genericKeyType = typeParameters[0].instantiate(
nullabilitySuffix: _noneOrStarSuffix,
var genericValueType = typeParameters[1].instantiate(
nullabilitySuffix: _noneOrStarSuffix,
var parameters = <ParameterElement>[];
var argumentTypes = <DartType>[];
for (var i = 0; i < inferredTypes.length; i++) {
'key', genericKeyType, ParameterKind.POSITIONAL));
'value', genericValueType, ParameterKind.POSITIONAL));
argumentTypes.add(inferredTypes[i].keyType ?? dynamicType);
argumentTypes.add(inferredTypes[i].valueType ?? dynamicType);
var typeArguments = _typeSystem.inferGenericFunctionOrType(
typeParameters: typeParameters,
parameters: parameters,
declaredReturnType: element.thisType,
argumentTypes: argumentTypes,
contextReturnType: contextType,
return element.instantiate(
typeArguments: typeArguments,
nullabilitySuffix: _noneOrStarSuffix,
DartType _toSetType(SetOrMapLiteral node, DartType? contextType,
List<_InferredCollectionElementTypeInformation> inferredTypes) {
DartType dynamicType = _typeProvider.dynamicType;
var element = _typeProvider.setElement;
var typeParameters = element.typeParameters;
var genericElementType = typeParameters[0].instantiate(
nullabilitySuffix: _noneOrStarSuffix,
var parameters = <ParameterElement>[];
var argumentTypes = <DartType>[];
for (var i = 0; i < inferredTypes.length; i++) {
'element', genericElementType, ParameterKind.POSITIONAL));
argumentTypes.add(inferredTypes[i].elementType ?? dynamicType);
var typeArguments = _typeSystem.inferGenericFunctionOrType(
typeParameters: typeParameters,
parameters: parameters,
declaredReturnType: element.thisType,
argumentTypes: argumentTypes,
contextReturnType: contextType,
return element.instantiate(
typeArguments: typeArguments,
nullabilitySuffix: _noneOrStarSuffix,
class _InferredCollectionElementTypeInformation {
final DartType? elementType;
final DartType? keyType;
final DartType? valueType;
{this.elementType, this.keyType, this.valueType});
factory _InferredCollectionElementTypeInformation.forIfElement(
TypeSystemImpl typeSystem,
_InferredCollectionElementTypeInformation thenInfo,
_InferredCollectionElementTypeInformation elseInfo) {
if (thenInfo.isDynamic) {
var dynamic = thenInfo.elementType!;
return _InferredCollectionElementTypeInformation(
elementType: _dynamicOrNull(elseInfo.elementType, dynamic),
keyType: _dynamicOrNull(elseInfo.keyType, dynamic),
valueType: _dynamicOrNull(elseInfo.valueType, dynamic));
} else if (elseInfo.isDynamic) {
DartType dynamic = elseInfo.elementType!;
return _InferredCollectionElementTypeInformation(
elementType: _dynamicOrNull(thenInfo.elementType, dynamic),
keyType: _dynamicOrNull(thenInfo.keyType, dynamic),
valueType: _dynamicOrNull(thenInfo.valueType, dynamic));
return _InferredCollectionElementTypeInformation(
elementType: _leastUpperBoundOfTypes(
typeSystem, thenInfo.elementType, elseInfo.elementType),
keyType: _leastUpperBoundOfTypes(
typeSystem, thenInfo.keyType, elseInfo.keyType),
valueType: _leastUpperBoundOfTypes(
typeSystem, thenInfo.valueType, elseInfo.valueType));
bool get canBeMap => keyType != null || valueType != null;
bool get canBeSet => elementType != null;
bool get isDynamic =>
elementType != null &&
elementType!.isDynamic &&
keyType != null &&
keyType!.isDynamic &&
valueType != null &&
bool get mustBeMap => canBeMap && elementType == null;
bool get mustBeSet => canBeSet && keyType == null && valueType == null;
String toString() {
return '($elementType, $keyType, $valueType)';
static DartType? _dynamicOrNull(DartType? type, DartType dynamic) {
if (type == null) {
return null;
return dynamic;
static DartType? _leastUpperBoundOfTypes(
TypeSystemImpl typeSystem, DartType? first, DartType? second) {
if (first == null) {
return second;
} else if (second == null) {
return first;
} else {
return typeSystem.getLeastUpperBound(first, second);
/// A set of counts of the kinds of leaf elements in a collection, used to help
/// disambiguate map and set literals.
class _LeafElements {
/// The number of expressions found in the collection.
int expressionCount = 0;
/// The number of map entries found in the collection.
int mapEntryCount = 0;
/// Initialize a newly created set of counts based on the given collection
/// [elements].
_LeafElements(List<CollectionElement> elements) {
for (CollectionElement element in elements) {
/// Return the resolution suggested by the set elements.
_LiteralResolution get resolution {
if (expressionCount > 0 && mapEntryCount == 0) {
return _LiteralResolution(_LiteralResolutionKind.set, null);
} else if (mapEntryCount > 0 && expressionCount == 0) {
return _LiteralResolution(, null);
return _LiteralResolution(_LiteralResolutionKind.ambiguous, null);
/// Recursively add the given collection [element] to the counts.
void _count(CollectionElement? element) {
if (element is Expression) {
if (_isComplete(element)) {
} else if (element is ForElement) {
} else if (element is IfElement) {
} else if (element is MapLiteralEntry) {
if (_isComplete(element)) {
/// Return `true` if the given collection [element] does not contain any
/// synthetic tokens.
bool _isComplete(CollectionElement element) {
// TODO(paulberry,brianwilkerson): the code below doesn't work because it
// assumes access to token offsets, which aren't available when working with
// expressions resynthesized from summaries. For now we just assume the
// collection element is complete.
return true;
// Token token = element.beginToken;
// int endOffset = element.endToken.offset;
// while (token != null && token.offset <= endOffset) {
// if (token.isSynthetic) {
// return false;
// }
// token =;
// }
// return true;
/// An indication of the way in which a set or map literal should be resolved to
/// be either a set literal or a map literal.
class _LiteralResolution {
/// The kind of collection that the literal should be.
final _LiteralResolutionKind kind;
/// The type that should be used as the inference context when performing type
/// inference for the literal.
DartType? contextType;
/// Initialize a newly created resolution.
_LiteralResolution(this.kind, this.contextType);
String toString() {
return '$kind ($contextType)';
/// The kind of literal to which an unknown literal should be resolved.
enum _LiteralResolutionKind { ambiguous, map, set }