blob: 4c260b9d6b8ef5fe2a617354cfe1bf76416e750c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'c_types.dart';
import 'structs_by_value_tests_configuration.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// The test type determines how to convert the arguments into return values
/// such that the caller knows what to check.
enum TestType {
/// Tested by getting all the individual fields out of the structs and
/// summing their values.
/// Tested by passing assigning the arguments to the struct fields.
/// Tested by returning the struct passed in.
extension on FunctionType {
TestType get testType {
if (arguments.containsComposites && returnValue is FundamentalType) {
return TestType.structArguments;
if (returnValue is CompositeType && argumentTypes.contains(returnValue)) {
return TestType.structReturnArgument;
if (returnValue is StructType) {
if (arguments.length == (returnValue as CompositeType).members.length) {
return TestType.structReturn;
if (returnValue is UnionType) {
if (arguments.length == 1) {
return TestType.structReturn;
throw Exception("Unknown test type: $this");
/// We use the class structure as an algebraic data type in order to keep the
/// relevant parts of the code generation closer together.
extension on CType {
/// The part of the cout expression after `std::cout` and before the `;`.
String coutExpression(String variableName) {
switch (this.runtimeType) {
case FundamentalType:
if (this == uint8 || this == int8) {
return "<< static_cast<int>($variableName)";
return "<< $variableName";
case StructType:
case UnionType:
final this_ = this as CompositeType;
return this_.members.coutExpression("$variableName.");
case FixedLengthArrayType:
final this_ = this as FixedLengthArrayType;
final indices = [for (var i = 0; i < this_.length; i += 1) i];
String result = '<< "["';
result += indices
.map((i) => this_.elementType.coutExpression("$variableName[$i]"))
.join('<< ", "');
result += '<< "]"';
return result.trimCouts();
throw Exception("Not implemented for ${this.runtimeType}");
/// A statement recursively outputting all members.
String coutStatement(String variableName) {
final coutExpr = this.coutExpression(variableName);
return 'std::cout << "$variableName = " $coutExpr << "\\n";';
extension on List<Member> {
/// The part of the cout expression after `std::cout` and before the `;`.
String coutExpression([String namePrefix = ""]) {
String result = '<< "("';
result += this
.map((m) => m.type.coutExpression("$namePrefix${}"))
.join('<< ", "');
result += '<< ")"';
return result.trimCouts();
extension on CType {
/// A list of statements adding all members recurisvely to `result`.
/// Both valid in Dart and C.
String addToResultStatements(String variableName) {
switch (this.runtimeType) {
case FundamentalType:
final this_ = this as FundamentalType;
final boolToInt = this_.isBool ? ' ? 1 : 0' : '';
return "result += $variableName$boolToInt;\n";
case StructType:
final this_ = this as StructType;
return this_.members.addToResultStatements("$variableName.");
case UnionType:
final this_ = this as UnionType;
final member = this_.members.first;
return member.type
case FixedLengthArrayType:
final this_ = this as FixedLengthArrayType;
final indices = [for (var i = 0; i < this_.length; i += 1) i];
return indices
.map((i) =>
throw Exception("Not implemented for ${this.runtimeType}");
extension on List<Member> {
/// A list of statements adding all members recurisvely to `result`.
/// Both valid in Dart and C.
String addToResultStatements([String namePrefix = ""]) {
return map((m) => m.type.addToResultStatements("$namePrefix${}"))
extension on CType {
/// A list of statements recursively assigning all members with [a].
/// Both valid in Dart and C.
String assignValueStatements(ArgumentValueAssigner a, String variableName) {
switch (this.runtimeType) {
case FundamentalType:
final this_ = this as FundamentalType;
return "$variableName = ${a.nextValue(this_)};\n";
case StructType:
final this_ = this as StructType;
return this_.members.assignValueStatements(a, "$variableName.");
case UnionType:
final this_ = this as UnionType;
final member = this_.members.first;
return member.type
.assignValueStatements(a, "$variableName.${}");
case FixedLengthArrayType:
final this_ = this as FixedLengthArrayType;
final indices = [for (var i = 0; i < this_.length; i += 1) i];
return indices
.map((i) =>
this_.elementType.assignValueStatements(a, "$variableName[$i]"))
throw Exception("Not implemented for ${this.runtimeType}");
/// A list of statements recursively coping all members from [source].
/// Both valid in Dart and C.
String copyValueStatements(String source, String destination) {
switch (this.runtimeType) {
case FundamentalType:
return "$destination = $source;\n";
case StructType:
final this_ = this as StructType;
return this_.members.copyValueStatements("$source.", "$destination.");
throw Exception("Not implemented for ${this.runtimeType}");
extension on List<Member> {
/// A list of statements recursively assigning all members with [a].
/// Both valid in Dart and C.
String assignValueStatements(ArgumentValueAssigner a,
[String namePrefix = ""]) {
return map((m) => m.type.assignValueStatements(a, "$namePrefix${}"))
/// A list of statements recursively coping all members from [source].
/// Both valid in Dart and C.
String copyValueStatements([sourcePrefix = "", destinationPrefix = ""]) {
return map((m) => m.type.copyValueStatements(
"$sourcePrefix${}", "$destinationPrefix${}")).join();
/// A helper class that assigns values to fundamental types.
/// Also keeps track of a sum of all values, to be used for testing the result.
class ArgumentValueAssigner {
int i = 1;
int sum = 0;
String nextValue(FundamentalType type) {
int argumentValue = i;
if (type.isBool) {
argumentValue = argumentValue % 2;
if (type.isSigned && i % 2 == 0) {
argumentValue = -argumentValue;
sum += argumentValue;
if (type.isFloatingPoint) {
return argumentValue.toDouble().toString();
} else if (type.isInteger) {
return argumentValue.toString();
} else if (type.isBool) {
return argumentValue == 1 ? 'true' : 'false';
throw 'Unknown type $type';
String sumValue(FundamentalType type) {
if (type.isFloatingPoint) {
return sum.toDouble().toString();
} else {
return sum.toString();
extension on CType {
/// A list of Dart statements recursively allocating all members.
String dartAllocateStatements(String variableName) {
switch (this.runtimeType) {
case FundamentalType:
return "${dartType} ${variableName};\n";
case StructType:
case UnionType:
return """
final ${variableName}Pointer = calloc<$dartType>();
final ${dartType} ${variableName} = ${variableName}Pointer.ref;
throw Exception("Not implemented for ${this.runtimeType}");
/// A list of Dart statements allocating as zero or nullptr.
String dartAllocateZeroStatements(String variableName,
{bool structsAsPointers = false}) {
switch (this.runtimeType) {
case FundamentalType:
final this_ = this as FundamentalType;
if (this_.isInteger) {
return "${dartType} ${variableName} = 0;\n";
if (this_.isFloatingPoint) {
return "${dartType} ${variableName} = 0.0;\n";
if (this_.isBool) {
return "${dartType} ${variableName} = false;\n";
throw 'Unknown type $this_';
case StructType:
case UnionType:
if (structsAsPointers) {
return "Pointer<${dartType}> ${variableName}Pointer = nullptr;\n";
} else {
return "${dartType} ${variableName} = Pointer<${dartType}>.fromAddress(0).ref;\n";
throw Exception("Not implemented for ${this.runtimeType}");
extension on List<Member> {
/// A list of Dart statements recursively allocating all members.
String dartAllocateStatements([String namePrefix = ""]) {
return map((m) => m.type.dartAllocateStatements("$namePrefix${}"))
/// A list of Dart statements as zero or nullptr.
String dartAllocateZeroStatements(String namePrefix) {
return map((m) => m.type.dartAllocateZeroStatements("$namePrefix${}"))
extension on CType {
/// A list of Dart statements recursively freeing all members.
String dartFreeStatements(String variableName) {
switch (this.runtimeType) {
case FundamentalType:
return "";
case StructType:
case UnionType:
return "${variableName}Pointer);\n";
throw Exception("Not implemented for ${this.runtimeType}");
extension on List<Member> {
/// A list of Dart statements recursively freeing all members.
String dartFreeStatements([String namePrefix = ""]) {
return map((m) => m.type.dartFreeStatements("$namePrefix${}")).join();
extension on CType {
/// A list of C statements recursively allocating all members.
String cAllocateStatements(String variableName) {
switch (this.runtimeType) {
case FundamentalType:
return "${cType} ${variableName};\n";
case StructType:
case UnionType:
return "${cType} ${variableName} = {};\n";
throw Exception("Not implemented for ${this.runtimeType}");
extension on List<Member> {
/// A list of C statements recursively allocating all members.
String cAllocateStatements([String namePrefix = ""]) {
return map((m) => m.type.cAllocateStatements("$namePrefix${}"))
extension on CType {
/// A list of Dart statements recursively checking all members.
String dartExpectsStatements(String expected, String actual) {
switch (this.runtimeType) {
case FundamentalType:
final this_ = this as FundamentalType;
if (this_.isInteger) {
return "Expect.equals(${expected}, ${actual});";
if (this_.isFloatingPoint) {
return "Expect.approxEquals(${expected}, ${actual});";
if (this_.isBool) {
return "Expect.equals(${expected} % 2 != 0, ${actual});";
throw 'Unexpected type $this_';
case StructType:
final this_ = this as StructType;
return this_.members.dartExpectsStatements("$expected.", "$actual.");
case FixedLengthArrayType:
final this_ = this as FixedLengthArrayType;
return """
for (int i = 0; i < ${this_.length}; i++){
${this_.elementType.dartExpectsStatements("$expected[i]", "$actual[i]")}
throw Exception("Not implemented for ${this.runtimeType}");
extension on List<Member> {
/// A list of Dart statements recursively checking all members.
String dartExpectsStatements(
[String expectedPrefix = "", String actualPrefix = ""]) {
return map((m) => m.type.dartExpectsStatements(
"$expectedPrefix${}", "$actualPrefix${}")).join();
extension on CType {
/// A list of C statements recursively checking all members.
String cExpectsStatements(String expected, String actual) {
switch (this.runtimeType) {
case FundamentalType:
final this_ = this as FundamentalType;
if (this_.isInteger || this_.isBool) {
return "CHECK_EQ(${expected}, ${actual});";
return "CHECK_APPROX(${expected}, ${actual});";
case StructType:
final this_ = this as StructType;
return this_.members.cExpectsStatements("$expected.", "$actual.");
case FixedLengthArrayType:
final this_ = this as FixedLengthArrayType;
return """
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < ${this_.length}; i++){
${this_.elementType.cExpectsStatements("$expected[i]", "$actual[i]")}
throw Exception("Not implemented for ${this.runtimeType}");
/// A list of C statements recursively checking all members for zero.
String cExpectsZeroStatements(String actual) {
switch (this.runtimeType) {
case FundamentalType:
final this_ = this as FundamentalType;
if (this_.isInteger || this_.isBool) {
return "CHECK_EQ(0, ${actual});";
return "CHECK_APPROX(0.0, ${actual});";
case StructType:
final this_ = this as StructType;
return this_.members.cExpectsZeroStatements("$actual.");
case FixedLengthArrayType:
final this_ = this as FixedLengthArrayType;
return """
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < ${this_.length}; i++){
throw Exception("Not implemented for ${this.runtimeType}");
extension on List<Member> {
/// A list of C statements recursively checking all members.
String cExpectsStatements(
[String expectedPrefix = "", String actualPrefix = ""]) {
return map((m) => m.type.cExpectsStatements(
"$expectedPrefix${}", "$actualPrefix${}")).join();
/// A list of C statements recursively checking all members for zero.
String cExpectsZeroStatements([String actualPrefix = ""]) {
return map((m) => m.type.cExpectsZeroStatements("$actualPrefix${}"))
extension on CType {
/// Expression denoting the first FundamentalType field.
/// Both valid in Dart and C.
String firstArgumentName(String variableName) {
switch (this.runtimeType) {
case FundamentalType:
return variableName;
case StructType:
case UnionType:
final this_ = this as CompositeType;
return this_.members.firstArgumentName("$variableName.");
case FixedLengthArrayType:
final this_ = this as FixedLengthArrayType;
return this_.elementType.firstArgumentName("$variableName[0]");
throw Exception("Not implemented for ${this.runtimeType}");
extension on List<Member> {
/// Expression denoting the first FundamentalType field.
/// Both valid in Dart and C.
String firstArgumentName([String prefix = ""]) {
return this[0].type.firstArgumentName("$prefix${this[0].name}");
extension on CompositeType {
String dartClass({required bool isNnbd}) {
final self = this;
final packingAnnotation = (self is StructType) && self.hasPacking
? "@Packed(${self.packing})"
: "";
String dartFields = "";
for (final member in members) {
dartFields += "${member.dartStructField(isNnbd)}\n\n";
String toStringBody = {
if (m.type is FixedLengthArrayType) {
int dimensionNumber = 0;
String inlineFor = "";
String read =;
String closing = "";
for (final dimension in (m.type as FixedLengthArrayType).dimensions) {
final i = "i$dimensionNumber";
inlineFor += "[for (var $i = 0; $i < $dimension; $i += 1)";
read += "[$i]";
closing += "]";
return "\$\{$inlineFor $read $closing\}";
return "\$\{${}\}";
}).join(", ");
return """
class $name extends $dartSuperClass {
String toString() => "($toStringBody)";
String get cDefinition {
final self = this;
final packingPragmaPush = (self is StructType) && self.hasPacking
? "#pragma pack(push, ${self.packing})"
: "";
final packingPragmaPop =
(self is StructType) && self.hasPacking ? "#pragma pack(pop)" : "";
String cFields = "";
for (final member in members) {
cFields += " ${member.cStructField}\n";
return """
$cKeyword $name {
extension on FunctionType {
String dartCallCode({bool isLeaf: false}) {
final a = ArgumentValueAssigner();
final assignValues = arguments.assignValueStatements(a);
final argumentFrees = arguments.dartFreeStatements();
final argumentNames = =>", ");
String expects;
switch (testType) {
case TestType.structArguments:
// Check against sum value.
final expectedResult = a.sumValue(returnValue as FundamentalType);
expects = returnValue.dartExpectsStatements(expectedResult, "result");
case TestType.structReturn:
// Check against input arguments.
expects = arguments.dartExpectsStatements("", "result.");
case TestType.structReturnArgument:
expects = returnValue.dartExpectsStatements(, "result");
final namePostfix = isLeaf ? "Leaf" : "";
return """
final $dartName$namePostfix =
ffiTestFunctions.lookupFunction<$dartCType, $dartType>(
"$cName"${isLeaf ? ", isLeaf:true" : ""});
void $dartTestName$namePostfix() {
final result = $dartName$namePostfix($argumentNames);
print("result = \$result");
String dartCallbackCode({required bool isNnbd}) {
final argumentss = => "${a.type.dartType} ${}").join(", ");
final prints = => "\$\{${}\}").join(", ");
bool structsAsPointers = false;
String assignReturnGlobal = "";
String buildReturnValue = "";
String returnValueType = returnValue.dartType;
String result = 'result';
if (returnValueType == 'bool') {
// We can't sum a bool;
returnValueType = 'int';
result = 'result % 2 != 0';
switch (testType) {
case TestType.structArguments:
// Sum all input values.
buildReturnValue = """
$returnValueType result = 0;
assignReturnGlobal = "${dartName}Result = $result;";
case TestType.structReturn:
// Allocate a struct.
buildReturnValue = """
final resultPointer = calloc<${returnValue.dartType}>();
final result = resultPointer.ref;
${arguments.copyValueStatements("${dartName}_", "result.")}
assignReturnGlobal = "${dartName}ResultPointer = resultPointer;";
structsAsPointers = true;
case TestType.structReturnArgument:
buildReturnValue = """
${returnValue.cType} result = ${dartName}_${};
assignReturnGlobal = "${dartName}Result = result;";
final globals = arguments.dartAllocateZeroStatements("${dartName}_");
final copyToGlobals = => '${dartName}_${} = ${};').join("\n");
// Simulate assigning values the same way as in C, so that we know what the
// final return value should be.
final a = ArgumentValueAssigner();
String afterCallbackExpects = "";
String afterCallbackFrees = "";
switch (testType) {
case TestType.structArguments:
// Check that the input structs are still available.
// Check against sum value.
final expectedResult = a.sumValue(returnValue as FundamentalType);
afterCallbackExpects =
returnValue.dartExpectsStatements(expectedResult, "result");
case TestType.structReturn:
// We're passing allocating structs in [buildReturnValue].
afterCallbackFrees =
case TestType.structReturnArgument:
String returnNull = "";
if (!isNnbd) {
returnNull = """
if (${arguments.firstArgumentName()} == $returnNullValue) {
print("returning null!");
return null;
return """
typedef ${cName}Type = $dartCType;
// Global variables to be able to test inputs after callback returned.
// Result variable also global, so we can delete it after the callback.
${returnValue.dartAllocateZeroStatements("${dartName}Result", structsAsPointers: structsAsPointers)}
${returnValue.dartType} ${dartName}CalculateResult() {
return $result;
${returnValue.dartType} $dartName($argumentss) {
// In legacy mode, possibly return null.
// In both nnbd and legacy mode, possibly throw.
if (${arguments.firstArgumentName()} == $throwExceptionValue ||
${arguments.firstArgumentName()} == $returnNullValue) {
throw Exception("$cName throwing on purpose!");
final result = ${dartName}CalculateResult();
print(\"result = \$result\");
return result;
void ${dartName}AfterCallback() {
final result = ${dartName}CalculateResult();
print(\"after callback result = \$result\");
String get dartCallbackTestConstructor {
String exceptionalReturn = "";
if (returnValue is FundamentalType) {
final returnValue_ = returnValue as FundamentalType;
if (returnValue_.isFloatingPoint) {
exceptionalReturn = ", 0.0";
} else if (returnValue_.isInteger) {
exceptionalReturn = ", 0";
} else if (returnValue_.isBool) {
exceptionalReturn = ", false";
} else {
throw 'Unexpected type $returnValue_';
return """
String get cCallCode {
String body = "";
String returnValueType = returnValue.cType;
String returnStatement = 'return result;';
if (returnValueType == 'bool') {
// We can't sum in a bool.
returnValueType = 'uint64_t';
returnStatement = 'return result % 2 != 0;';
switch (testType) {
case TestType.structArguments:
body = """
$returnValueType result = 0;
case TestType.structReturn:
body = """
$returnValueType result = {};
${arguments.copyValueStatements("", "result.")}
case TestType.structReturnArgument:
body = """
$returnValueType result = ${};
final argumentss = => "${e.type.cType} ${}").join(", ");
return """
// Used for testing structs and unions by value.
DART_EXPORT ${returnValue.cType} $cName($argumentss) {
std::cout << \"$cName\" ${arguments.coutExpression()} << \"\\n\";
String get cCallbackCode {
final a = ArgumentValueAssigner();
final argumentAllocations = arguments.cAllocateStatements();
final assignValues = arguments.assignValueStatements(a);
final argumentss = => "${e.type.cType} ${}").join(", ");
final argumentNames = =>", ");
String expects = "";
String expectsZero = "";
switch (testType) {
case TestType.structArguments:
// Check against sum value.
final returnValue_ = returnValue as FundamentalType;
final expectedResult = a.sumValue(returnValue_);
expects = returnValue.cExpectsStatements(expectedResult, "result");
expectsZero = returnValue.cExpectsZeroStatements("result");
case TestType.structReturn:
// Check against input statements.
expects = arguments.cExpectsStatements("", "result.");
expectsZero = arguments.cExpectsZeroStatements("result.");
case TestType.structReturnArgument:
// Check against input struct fields.
expects =
returnValue.cExpectsStatements(, "result");
expectsZero = returnValue.cExpectsZeroStatements("result");
return """
// Used for testing structs and unions by value.
DART_EXPORT intptr_t
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(whitespace/parens)
${returnValue.cType} (*f)($argumentss)) {
std::cout << \"Calling Test$cName(\" ${arguments.coutExpression()} << \")\\n\";
${returnValue.cType} result = f($argumentNames);
// Pass argument that will make the Dart callback throw.
${arguments.firstArgumentName()} = $throwExceptionValue;
result = f($argumentNames);
// Pass argument that will make the Dart callback return null.
${arguments.firstArgumentName()} = $returnNullValue;
result = f($argumentNames);
return 0;
/// Some value between 0 and 127 (works in every native type).
const throwExceptionValue = 42;
/// Some value between 0 and 127 (works in every native type).
const returnNullValue = 84;
const dart2dot9 = '''
// @dart = 2.9
headerCommon({required int copyrightYear}) {
final year = copyrightYear;
return """
// Copyright (c) $year, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file has been automatically generated. Please do not edit it manually.
// Generated by tests/ffi/generator/structs_by_value_tests_generator.dart.""";
headerDartCompound({required bool isNnbd, required int copyrightYear}) {
final dartVersion = isNnbd ? '' : dart2dot9;
return """
${headerCommon(copyrightYear: copyrightYear)}
import 'dart:ffi';
// Reuse the AbiSpecificInts.
import 'abi_specific_ints.dart';
String compoundsPath({required bool isNnbd}) {
final folder = isNnbd ? 'ffi' : 'ffi_2';
return Platform.script
Future<void> writeDartCompounds() async {
await Future.wait([true, false].map((isNnbd) async {
final StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
buffer.write(headerDartCompound(isNnbd: isNnbd, copyrightYear: 2021));
buffer.writeAll( => e.dartClass(isNnbd: isNnbd)));
final path = compoundsPath(isNnbd: isNnbd);
await File(path).writeAsString(buffer.toString());
await runProcess("dart", ["format", path]);
headerDartCallTest({required bool isNnbd, required int copyrightYear}) {
final dartVersion = isNnbd ? '' : dart2dot9;
return """
${headerCommon(copyrightYear: copyrightYear)}
// SharedObjects=ffi_test_functions
// VMOptions=
// VMOptions=--deterministic --optimization-counter-threshold=5
// VMOptions=--use-slow-path
// VMOptions=--use-slow-path --stacktrace-every=100
import 'dart:ffi';
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import "package:ffi/ffi.dart";
// Reuse the AbiSpecificInts.
import 'abi_specific_ints.dart';
import 'dylib_utils.dart';
// Reuse the compound classes.
import 'function_structs_by_value_generated_compounds.dart';
final ffiTestFunctions = dlopenPlatformSpecific("ffi_test_functions");
Future<void> writeDartCallTest({required bool isLeaf}) async {
await Future.wait([true, false].map((isNnbd) async {
final StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
isNnbd: isNnbd, copyrightYear: isLeaf ? 2021 : 2020));
final suffix = isLeaf ? 'Leaf' : '';
void main() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
${ => "${e.dartTestName}$suffix();").join("\n")}
buffer.writeAll( => e.dartCallCode(isLeaf: isLeaf)));
final path = callTestPath(isNnbd: isNnbd, isLeaf: isLeaf);
await File(path).writeAsString(buffer.toString());
await runProcess("dart", ["format", path]);
String callTestPath({required bool isNnbd, required bool isLeaf}) {
final folder = isNnbd ? 'ffi' : 'ffi_2';
final suffix = isLeaf ? '_leaf' : '';
return Platform.script
headerDartCallbackTest({required bool isNnbd, required int copyrightYear}) {
final dartVersion = isNnbd ? '' : dart2dot9;
return """
${headerCommon(copyrightYear: copyrightYear)}
// SharedObjects=ffi_test_functions
// VMOptions=
// VMOptions=--deterministic --optimization-counter-threshold=10
// VMOptions=--use-slow-path
// VMOptions=--use-slow-path --stacktrace-every=100
import 'dart:ffi';
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import "package:ffi/ffi.dart";
// Reuse the AbiSpecificInts.
import 'abi_specific_ints.dart';
import 'callback_tests_utils.dart';
import 'dylib_utils.dart';
// Reuse the compound classes.
import 'function_structs_by_value_generated_compounds.dart';
final ffiTestFunctions = dlopenPlatformSpecific("ffi_test_functions");
void main() {
testCases.forEach((t) {
print("==== Running " +;;
Future<void> writeDartCallbackTest() async {
await Future.wait([true, false].map((isNnbd) async {
final StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
buffer.write(headerDartCallbackTest(isNnbd: isNnbd, copyrightYear: 2020));
final testCases = [
${ => e.dartCallbackTestConstructor).join("\n")}
buffer.writeAll( => e.dartCallbackCode(isNnbd: isNnbd)));
final path = callbackTestPath(isNnbd: isNnbd);
await File(path).writeAsString(buffer.toString());
await runProcess("dart", ["format", path]);
String callbackTestPath({required bool isNnbd}) {
final folder = isNnbd ? "ffi" : "ffi_2";
return Platform.script
headerC({required int copyrightYear}) {
return """
${headerCommon(copyrightYear: copyrightYear)}
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#if defined(_WIN32)
#define DART_EXPORT extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
#define DART_EXPORT \\
extern "C" __attribute__((visibility("default"))) __attribute((used))
namespace dart {
#define CHECK(X) \\
if (!(X)) { \\
fprintf(stderr, "%s\\n", "Check failed: " #X); \\
return 1; \\
#define CHECK_EQ(X, Y) CHECK((X) == (Y))
// Works for positive, negative and zero.
CHECK(((EXPECTED * 0.99) <= (ACTUAL) && (EXPECTED * 1.01) >= (ACTUAL)) || \\
((EXPECTED * 0.99) >= (ACTUAL) && (EXPECTED * 1.01) <= (ACTUAL)))
const footerC = """
} // namespace dart
Future<void> writeC() async {
final StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
buffer.write(headerC(copyrightYear: 2020));
buffer.writeAll( => e.cDefinition));
buffer.writeAll( => e.cCallCode));
buffer.writeAll( => e.cCallbackCode));
await File(ccPath).writeAsString(buffer.toString());
await runProcess("clang-format", ["-i", ccPath]);
final ccPath = Platform.script
void printUsage() {
Generates structs by value tests.
- $ccPath
- ${compoundsPath(isNnbd: true)}
- ${callbackTestPath(isNnbd: true)}
- ${callTestPath(isNnbd: true, isLeaf: false)}
- ${callTestPath(isNnbd: true, isLeaf: true)}
- ${compoundsPath(isNnbd: false)}
- ${callbackTestPath(isNnbd: false)}
- ${callTestPath(isNnbd: false, isLeaf: false)}
- ${callTestPath(isNnbd: false, isLeaf: true)}
void main(List<String> arguments) async {
if (arguments.length != 0) {
await Future.wait([
writeDartCallTest(isLeaf: false),
writeDartCallTest(isLeaf: true),
Future<void> runProcess(String executable, List<String> arguments) async {
final commandString = [executable, ...arguments].join(' ');
stdout.writeln('Running `$commandString`.');
final process = await Process.start(
runInShell: true,
includeParentEnvironment: true,
).then((process) {
process.stdout.forEach((data) => stdout.add(data));
process.stderr.forEach((data) => stderr.add(data));
return process;
final exitCode = await process.exitCode;
if (exitCode != 0) {
final message = 'Command `$commandString` failed with exit code $exitCode.';
throw Exception(message);
stdout.writeln('Command `$commandString` done.');