blob: 95c1d2b36677624efcbc0aa3b88689fd6bd39050 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library android_extension;
class CanvasElement {
int _height;
int _width;
get height => _height;
get width => _width;
CanvasRenderingContext2D _context2d;
WebGLRenderingContext _context3d;
CanvasElement({int width, int height}) {
_width = (width == null) ? getDeviceScreenWidth() : width;
_height = (height == null) ? getDeviceScreenHeight() : height;
CanvasRenderingContext getContext(String contextId) {
if (contextId == "2d") {
if (_context2d == null) {
_context2d = new CanvasRenderingContext2D(this, _width, _height);
return _context2d;
} else if (contextId == "webgl" ||
contextId == "experimental-webgl") {
if (_context3d == null) {
_context3d = new WebGLRenderingContext(this);
return _context3d;
class CanvasRenderingContext {
final CanvasElement canvas;
// The simplest way to call native code: top-level functions.
int systemRand() native "SystemRand";
void systemSrand(int seed) native "SystemSrand";
void log(String what) native "Log";
int getDeviceScreenWidth() native "GetDeviceScreenWidth";
int getDeviceScreenHeight() native "GetDeviceScreenHeight";
// EGL functions.
void glSwapBuffers() native "SwapBuffers";
// GL functions.
void glAttachShader(int program, int shader) native "GLAttachShader";
void glBindBuffer(int target, int buffer) native "GLBindBuffer";
void glBufferData(int target, List data, int usage) native "GLBufferData";
void glClearColor(num r, num g, num b, num alpha) native "GLClearColor";
void glClearDepth(num depth) native "GLClearDepth";
void glClear(int mask) native "GLClear";
void glCompileShader(int shader) native "GLCompileShader";
int glCreateBuffer() native "GLCreateBuffer";
int glCreateProgram() native "GLCreateProgram";
int glCreateShader(int shaderType) native "GLCreateShader";
void glDrawArrays(int mode, int first, int count) native "GLDrawArrays";
void glEnableVertexAttribArray(int index) native "GLEnableVertexAttribArray";
int glGetAttribLocation(int program, String name) native "GLGetAttribLocation";
int glGetError() native "GLGetError";
int glGetProgramParameter(int program, int param)
native "GLGetProgramParameter";
int glGetShaderParameter(int shader, int param) native "GLGetShaderParameter";
int glGetUniformLocation(int program, String name)
native "GLGetUniformLocation";
void glLinkProgram(int program) native "GLLinkProgram";
void glShaderSource(int shader, String source) native "GLShaderSource";
void glUniform1f(int location, double v0) native "GLUniform1f";
void glUniform2f(int location, double v0, double v1) native "GLUniform2f";
void glUniform3f(int location, double v0, double v1, double v2)
native "GLUniform3f";
void glUniform4f(int location, double v0, double v1, double v2, double v3)
native "GLUniform4f";
void glUniform1i(int location, int v0) native "GLUniform1i";
void glUniform2i(int location, int v0, int v1) native "GLUniform2i";
void glUniform3i(int location, int v0, int v1, int v2) native "GLUniform3i";
void glUniform4i(int location, int v0, int v1, int v2, int v3)
native "GLUniform4i";
void glUniform1fv(int location, List values) native "GLUniform1fv";
void glUniform2fv(int location, List values) native "GLUniform2fv";
void glUniform3fv(int location, List values) native "GLUniform3fv";
void glUniform4fv(int location, List values) native "GLUniform4fv";
void glUniform1iv(int location, List values) native "GLUniform1iv";
void glUniform2iv(int location, List values) native "GLUniform2iv";
void glUniform3iv(int location, List values) native "GLUniform3iv";
void glUniform4iv(int location, List values) native "GLUniform4iv";
void glUseProgram(int program) native "GLUseProgram";
void glVertexAttribPointer(int index, int size, int type, bool normalized,
int stride, int pointer) native "GLVertexAttribPointer";
void glViewport(int x, int y, int width, int height) native "GLViewport";
int glArrayBuffer() native "GLArrayBuffer";
int glColorBufferBit() native "GLColorBufferBit";
int glCompileStatus() native "GLCompileStatus";
int glDeleteStatus() native "GLDeleteStatus";
int glDepthBufferBit() native "GLDepthBufferBit";
int glFloat() native "GLFloat";
int glFragmentShader() native "GLFragmentShader";
int glLinkStatus() native "GLLinkStatus";
int glStaticDraw() native "GLStaticDraw";
int glTriangleStrip() native "GLTriangleStrip";
int glTriangles() native "GLTriangles";
int glTrue() native "GLTrue";
int glValidateStatus() native "GLValidateStatus";
int glVertexShader() native "GLVertexShader";
String glGetShaderInfoLog(int shader) native "GLGetShaderInfoLog";
String glGetProgramInfoLog(int program) native "GLGetProgramInfoLog";
class WebGLRenderingContext extends CanvasRenderingContext {
WebGLRenderingContext(canvas) : super(canvas);
static get ARRAY_BUFFER => glArrayBuffer();
static get COLOR_BUFFER_BIT => glColorBufferBit();
static get COMPILE_STATUS => glCompileStatus();
static get DELETE_STATUS => glDeleteStatus();
static get DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT => glDepthBufferBit();
static get FLOAT => glFloat();
static get FRAGMENT_SHADER => glFragmentShader();
static get LINK_STATUS => glLinkStatus();
static get STATIC_DRAW => glStaticDraw();
static get TRUE => glTrue();
static get TRIANGLE_STRIP => glTriangleStrip();
static get TRIANGLES => glTriangles();
static get VALIDATE_STATUS => glValidateStatus();
static get VERTEX_SHADER => glVertexShader();
attachShader(program, shader) => glAttachShader(program, shader);
bindBuffer(target, buffer) => glBindBuffer(target, buffer);
bufferData(target, data, usage) => glBufferData(target, data, usage);
clearColor(r, g, b, alpha) => glClearColor(r, g, b, alpha);
clearDepth(depth) => glClearDepth(depth);
clear(mask) => glClear(mask);
compileShader(shader) => glCompileShader(shader);
createBuffer() => glCreateBuffer();
createProgram() => glCreateProgram();
createShader(shaderType) => glCreateShader(shaderType);
drawArrays(mode, first, count) => glDrawArrays(mode, first, count);
enableVertexAttribArray(index) => glEnableVertexAttribArray(index);
getAttribLocation(program, name) => glGetAttribLocation(program, name);
getError() => glGetError();
getProgramParameter(program, name) {
var rtn = glGetProgramParameter(program, name);
if (name == DELETE_STATUS ||
name == LINK_STATUS ||
return (rtn == 0) ? false : true;
return rtn;
getShaderParameter(shader, name) {
var rtn = glGetShaderParameter(shader, name);
if (name == DELETE_STATUS || name == COMPILE_STATUS) {
return (rtn == 0) ? false : true;
return rtn;
getUniformLocation(program, name) => glGetUniformLocation(program, name);
linkProgram(program) => glLinkProgram(program);
shaderSource(shader, source) => glShaderSource(shader, source);
uniform1f(location, v0) => glUniform1f(location, v0);
uniform2f(location, v0, v1) => glUniform2f(location, v0, v1);
uniform3f(location, v0, v1, v2) => glUniform3f(location, v0, v1, v2);
uniform4f(location, v0, v1, v2, v3) => glUniform4f(location, v0, v1, v2, v3);
uniform1i(location, v0) => glUniform1i(location, v0);
uniform2i(location, v0, v1) => glUniform2i(location, v0, v1);
uniform3i(location, v0, v1, v2) => glUniform3i(location, v0, v1, v2);
uniform4i(location, v0, v1, v2, v3) => glUniform4i(location, v0, v1, v2, v3);
uniform1fv(location, values) => glUniform1fv(location, values);
uniform2fv(location, values) => glUniform2fv(location, values);
uniform3fv(location, values) => glUniform3fv(location, values);
uniform4fv(location, values) => glUniform4fv(location, values);
uniform1iv(location, values) => glUniform1iv(location, values);
uniform2iv(location, values) => glUniform2iv(location, values);
uniform3iv(location, values) => glUniform3iv(location, values);
uniform4iv(location, values) => glUniform4iv(location, values);
useProgram(program) => glUseProgram(program);
vertexAttribPointer(index, size, type, normalized, stride, pointer) =>
glVertexAttribPointer(index, size, type, normalized, stride, pointer);
viewport(x, y, width, height) => glViewport(x, y, width, height);
getShaderInfoLog(shader) => glGetShaderInfoLog(shader);
getProgramInfoLog(program) => glGetProgramInfoLog(program);
// TODO(vsm): Kill.
noSuchMethod(invocation) {
throw new Exception('Unimplemented ${invocation.memberName}');
// Simple audio support.
void playBackground(String path) native "PlayBackground";
void stopBackground() native "StopBackground";
// Set up print().
get _printClosure => (s) {
try {
} catch (_) {
// Temp hack for compat with WebGL.
class Float32Array extends List<double> {
Float32Array.fromList(List a) {
// 2D canvas support
int C2DSetWidth(int handle, int width)
native "C2DSetWidth";
int C2DSetHeight(int handle, int height)
native "C2DSetHeight";
double C2DSetGlobalAlpha(int handle, double globalAlpha)
native "C2DSetGlobalAlpha";
void C2DSetFillStyle(int handle, fs)
native "C2DSetFillStyle";
String C2DSetFont(int handle, String font)
native "C2DSetFont";
void C2DSetGlobalCompositeOperation(int handle, String op)
native "C2DSetGlobalCompositeOperation";
C2DSetLineCap(int handle, String lc)
native "C2DSetLineCap";
C2DSetLineJoin(int handle, String lj)
native "C2DSetLineJoin";
C2DSetLineWidth(int handle, double w)
native "C2DSetLineWidth";
C2DSetMiterLimit(int handle, double limit)
native "C2DSetMiterLimit";
C2DSetShadowBlur(int handle, double blur)
native "C2DSetShadowBlur";
C2DSetShadowColor(int handle, String color)
native "C2DSetShadowColor";
C2DSetShadowOffsetX(int handle, double offset)
native "C2DSetShadowOffsetX";
C2DSetShadowOffsetY(int handle, double offset)
native "C2DSetShadowOffsetY";
void C2DSetStrokeStyle(int handle, ss)
native "C2DSetStrokeStyle";
String C2DSetTextAlign(int handle, String align)
native "C2DSetTextAlign";
String C2DSetTextBaseline(int handle, String baseline)
native "C2DSetTextBaseline";
C2DGetBackingStorePixelRatio(int handle)
native "C2DGetBackingStorePixelRatio";
void C2DSetImageSmoothingEnabled(int handle, bool ise)
native "C2DSetImageSmoothingEnabled";
void C2DSetLineDash(int handle, List v)
native "C2DSetLineDash";
C2DSetLineDashOffset(int handle, int v)
native "C2DSetLineDashOffset";
void C2DArc(int handle, double x, double y, double radius,
double startAngle, double endAngle, [bool anticlockwise = false])
native "C2DArc";
void C2DArcTo(int handle, double x1, double y1,
double x2, double y2, double radius)
native "C2DArcTo";
void C2DArcTo2(int handle, double x1, double y1,
double x2, double y2, double radiusX,
double radiusY, double rotation)
native "C2DArcTo2";
void C2DBeginPath(int handle)
native "C2DBeginPath";
void C2DBezierCurveTo(int handle, double cp1x, double cp1y,
double cp2x, double cp2y, double x, double y)
native "C2DBezierCurveTo";
void C2DClearRect(int handle, double x, double y, double w, double h)
native "C2DClearRect";
void C2DClip(int handle)
native "C2DClip";
void C2DClosePath(int handle)
native "C2DClosePath";
ImageData C2DCreateImageDataFromDimensions(int handle, num w, num h)
native "C2DCreateImageDataFromDimensions";
void C2DDrawImage(int handle, String src_url,
int sx, int sy,
bool has_src_dimensions, int sw, int sh,
int dx, int dy,
bool has_dst_dimensions, int dw, int dh)
native "C2DDrawImage";
void C2DFill(int handle)
native "C2DFill";
void C2DFillRect(int handle, double x, double y, double w, double h)
native "C2DFillRect";
void C2DFillText(int handle, String text, double x, double y, double maxWidth)
native "C2DFillText";
ImageData C2DGetImageData(num sx, num sy, num sw, num sh)
native "C2DGetImageData";
void C2DLineTo(int handle, double x, double y)
native "C2DLineTo";
double C2DMeasureText(int handle, String text)
native "C2DMeasureText";
void C2DMoveTo(int handle, double x, double y)
native "C2DMoveTo";
void C2DPutImageData(int handle, ImageData imagedata, double dx, double dy)
native "C2DPutImageData";
void C2DQuadraticCurveTo(int handle, double cpx, double cpy, double x, double y)
native "C2DQuadraticCurveTo";
void C2DRect(int handle, double x, double y, double w, double h)
native "C2DRect";
void C2DRestore(int handle)
native "C2DRestore";
void C2DRotate(int handle, double a)
native "C2DRotate";
void C2DSave(int handle)
native "C2DSave";
void C2DScale(int handle, double sx, double sy)
native "C2DScale";
void C2DSetTransform(int handle, double m11, double m12,
double m21, double m22, double dx, double dy)
native "C2DSetTransform";
void C2DStroke(int handle)
native "C2DStroke";
void C2DStrokeRect(int handle, double x, double y, double w, double h)
native "C2DStrokeRect";
void C2DStrokeText(int handle, String text, double x, double y, double maxWidth)
native "C2DStrokeText";
void C2DTransform(int handle, double m11, double m12,
double m21, double m22, double dx, double dy)
native "C2DTransform";
void C2DTranslate(int handle, double x, double y)
native "C2DTranslate";
void C2DCreateNativeContext(int handle, int width, int height)
native "C2DCreateNativeContext";
class ElementEvents {
final List load;
: load =new List() {
class ImageElement {
ElementEvents on;
String _src;
int _width;
int _height;
get src => _src;
set src(String v) {
_src = v;
for (var e in on.load) {
get width => _width;
set width(int widthp) => _width = widthp;
get height => _height;
set height(int heightp) => _height = heightp;
ImageElement({String srcp, int widthp, int heightp})
: on = new ElementEvents(),
_src = srcp,
_width = widthp,
_height = heightp {
class ImageData {
final Uint8ClampedArray data;
final int height;
final int width;
ImageData(this.height, this.width,;
class TextMetrics {
final num width;
class CanvasRenderingContext2D extends CanvasRenderingContext {
// TODO(gram): We need to support multiple contexts, for cached content
// prerendered to an offscreen buffer. For this we will use handles, with
// handle 0 being the physical display.
static int _next_handle = 0;
int _handle = 0;
int _width, _height;
set width(int w) { _width = C2DSetWidth(_handle, w); }
get width => _width;
set height(int h) { _height = C2DSetHeight(_handle, h); }
get height => _height;
CanvasRenderingContext2D(canvas, width, height) : super(canvas) {
_width = width;
_height = height;
C2DCreateNativeContext(_handle = _next_handle++, width, height);
double _alpha = 1.0;
set globalAlpha(numa) {
_alpha = C2DSetGlobalAlpha(_handle, a.toDouble());
get globalAlpha => _alpha;
// TODO(gram): make sure we support compound assignments like:
// fillStyle = strokeStyle = "red"
var _fillStyle = "#000";
set fillStyle(fs) {
C2DSetFillStyle(_handle, _fillStyle = fs);
get fillStyle => _fillStyle;
String _font = "10px sans-serif";
set font(String f) { _font = C2DSetFont(_handle, f); }
get font => _font;
String _globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
set globalCompositeOperation(String o) =>
C2DSetGlobalCompositeOperation(_handle, _globalCompositeOperation = o);
get globalCompositeOperation => _globalCompositeOperation;
String _lineCap = "butt"; // "butt", "round", "square"
get lineCap => _lineCap;
set lineCap(String lc) => C2DSetLineCap(_handle, _lineCap = lc);
int _lineDashOffset = 0;
get lineDashOffset => _lineDashOffset;
set lineDashOffset(num v) {
_lineDashOffset = v.toInt();
C2DSetLineDashOffset(_handle, _lineDashOffset);
String _lineJoin = "miter"; // "round", "bevel", "miter"
get lineJoin => _lineJoin;
set lineJoin(String lj) => C2DSetLineJoin(_handle, _lineJoin = lj);
num _lineWidth = 1.0;
get lineWidth => _lineWidth;
set lineWidth(num w) {
C2DSetLineWidth(_handle, w.toDouble());
_lineWidth = w;
num _miterLimit = 10.0; // (default 10)
get miterLimit => _miterLimit;
set miterLimit(num limit) {
C2DSetMiterLimit(_handle, limit.toDouble());
_miterLimit = limit;
num _shadowBlur;
get shadowBlur => _shadowBlur;
set shadowBlur(num blur) {
_shadowBlur = blur;
C2DSetShadowBlur(_handle, blur.toDouble());
String _shadowColor;
get shadowColor => _shadowColor;
set shadowColor(String color) =>
C2DSetShadowColor(_handle, _shadowColor = color);
num _shadowOffsetX;
get shadowOffsetX => _shadowOffsetX;
set shadowOffsetX(num offset) {
_shadowOffsetX = offset;
C2DSetShadowOffsetX(_handle, offset.toDouble());
num _shadowOffsetY;
get shadowOffsetY => _shadowOffsetY;
set shadowOffsetY(num offset) {
_shadowOffsetY = offset;
C2DSetShadowOffsetY(_handle, offset.toDouble());
var _strokeStyle = "#000";
get strokeStyle => _strokeStyle;
set strokeStyle(ss) {
C2DSetStrokeStyle(_handle, _strokeStyle = ss);
String _textAlign = "start";
get textAlign => _textAlign;
set textAlign(String a) { _textAlign = C2DSetTextAlign(_handle, a); }
String _textBaseline = "alphabetic";
get textBaseline => _textBaseline;
set textBaseline(String b) { _textBaseline = C2DSetTextBaseline(_handle, b); }
get webkitBackingStorePixelRatio => C2DGetBackingStorePixelRatio(_handle);
bool _webkitImageSmoothingEnabled;
get webkitImageSmoothingEnabled => _webkitImageSmoothingEnabled;
set webkitImageSmoothingEnabled(bool v) =>
C2DSetImageSmoothingEnabled(_webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = v);
get webkitLineDash => lineDash;
set webkitLineDash(List v) => lineDash = v;
get webkitLineDashOffset => lineDashOffset;
set webkitLineDashOffset(num v) => lineDashOffset = v;
// Methods
void arc(num x, num y, num radius, num a1, num a2, bool anticlockwise) {
if (radius < 0) {
// throw IndexSizeError
} else {
C2DArc(_handle, x.toDouble(), y.toDouble(), radius.toDouble(), a1.toDouble(), a2.toDouble(), anticlockwise);
// Note - looking at the Dart docs it seems Dart doesn't support
// the second form in the browser.
void arcTo(num x1, num y1, num x2, num y2,
num radiusX, [num radiusY, num rotation]) {
if (radiusY == null) {
C2DArcTo(_handle, x1.toDouble(), y1.toDouble(),
x2.toDouble(), y2.toDouble(), radiusX.toDouble());
} else {
C2DArcTo2(_handle, x1.toDouble(), y1.toDouble(),
x2.toDouble(), y2.toDouble(),
radiusX.toDouble(), radiusY.toDouble(),
void beginPath() => C2DBeginPath(_handle);
void bezierCurveTo(num cp1x, num cp1y, num cp2x, num cp2y,
num x, num y) =>
C2DBezierCurveTo(_handle, cp1x.toDouble(), cp1y.toDouble(),
cp2x.toDouble(), cp2y.toDouble(),
x.toDouble(), y.toDouble());
void clearRect(num x, num y, num w, num h) =>
C2DClearRect(_handle, x.toDouble(), y.toDouble(), w.toDouble(), h.toDouble());
void clip() => C2DClip(_handle);
void closePath() => C2DClosePath(_handle);
ImageData createImageData(var imagedata_OR_sw, [num sh = null]) {
if (sh == null) {
throw new Exception('Unimplemented createImageData(imagedata)');
} else {
return C2DCreateImageDataFromDimensions(_handle, imagedata_OR_sw, sh);
CanvasGradient createLinearGradient(num x0, num y0, num x1, num y1) {
throw new Exception('Unimplemented createLinearGradient');
CanvasPattern createPattern(canvas_OR_image, String repetitionType) {
throw new Exception('Unimplemented createPattern');
CanvasGradient createRadialGradient(num x0, num y0, num x1, num y1, num r1) {
throw new Exception('Unimplemented createRadialGradient');
void drawImage(ImageElement image, num x1, num y1,
[num w1, num h1, num x2, num y2, num w2, num h2]) {
var w = (image.width == null) ? 0 : image.width;
var h = (image.height == null) ? 0 : image.height;
if (!?w1) { // drawImage(image, dx, dy)
C2DDrawImage(_handle, image.src, 0, 0, false, w, h,
x1.toInt(), y1.toInt(), false, 0, 0);
} else if (!?x2) { // drawImage(image, dx, dy, dw, dh)
C2DDrawImage(_handle, image.src, 0, 0, false, w, h,
x1.toInt(), y1.toInt(), true, w1.toInt(), h1.toInt());
} else { // drawImage(image, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh)
C2DDrawImage(_handle, image.src,
x1.toInt(), y1.toInt(), true, w1.toInt(), h1.toInt(),
x2.toInt(), y2.toInt(), true, w2.toInt(), h2.toInt());
void fill() => C2DFill(_handle);
void fillRect(num x, num y, num w, num h) =>
C2DFillRect(_handle, x.toDouble(), y.toDouble(),
w.toDouble(), h.toDouble());
void fillText(String text, num x, num y, [num maxWidth = -1]) =>
C2DFillText(_handle, text, x.toDouble(), y.toDouble(),
ImageData getImageData(num sx, num sy, num sw, num sh) =>
C2DGetImageData(sx, sy, sw, sh);
List<double> _lineDash = null;
List<num> getLineDash() {
if (_lineDash == null) return [];
return _lineDash; // TODO(gram): should we return a copy?
bool isPointInPath(num x, num y) {
throw new Exception('Unimplemented isPointInPath');
void lineTo(num x, num y) {
C2DLineTo(_handle, x.toDouble(), y.toDouble());
TextMetrics measureText(String text) {
double w = C2DMeasureText(_handle, text);
return new TextMetrics(w);
void moveTo(num x, num y) =>
C2DMoveTo(_handle, x.toDouble(), y.toDouble());
void putImageData(ImageData imagedata, num dx, num dy,
[num dirtyX, num dirtyY, num dirtyWidth, num dirtyHeight]) {
if (dirtyX != null || dirtyY != null) {
throw new Exception('Unimplemented putImageData');
} else {
C2DPutImageData(_handle, imagedata, dx, dy);
void quadraticCurveTo(num cpx, num cpy, num x, num y) =>
C2DQuadraticCurveTo(_handle, cpx.toDouble(), cpy.toDouble(),
x.toDouble(), y.toDouble());
void rect(num x, num y, num w, num h) =>
C2DRect(_handle, x.toDouble(), y.toDouble(), w.toDouble(), h.toDouble());
void restore() => C2DRestore(_handle);
void rotate(num angle) => C2DRotate(_handle, angle.toDouble());
void save() => C2DSave(_handle);
void scale(num x, num y) => C2DScale(_handle, x.toDouble(), y.toDouble());
void setFillColorHsl(int h, num s, num l, [num a = 1]) {
throw new Exception('Unimplemented setFillColorHsl');
void setFillColorRgb(int r, int g, int b, [num a = 1]) {
throw new Exception('Unimplemented setFillColorRgb');
void setLineDash(List<num> dash) {
var valid = true;
var new_dash;
if (dash.length % 2 == 1) {
new_dash = new List<double>(2 * dash.length);
for (int i = 0; i < dash.length; i++) {
double v = dash[i].toDouble();
if (v < 0) {
valid = false;
new_dash[i] = new_dash[i + dash.length] = v;
} else {
new_dash = new List<double>(dash.length);
for (int i = 0; i < dash.length; i++) {
double v = dash[i].toDouble();
if (v < 0) {
valid = false;
new_dash[i] = v;
if (valid) {
C2DSetLineDash(_handle, _lineDash = new_dash);
void setStrokeColorHsl(int h, num s, num l, [num a = 1]) {
throw new Exception('Unimplemented setStrokeColorHsl');
void setStrokeColorRgb(int r, int g, int b, [num a = 1]) {
throw new Exception('Unimplemented setStrokeColorRgb');
void setTransform(num m11, num m12, num m21, num m22, num dx, num dy) =>
C2DSetTransform(_handle, m11.toDouble(), m12.toDouble(),
m21.toDouble(), m22.toDouble(),
dx.toDouble(), dy.toDouble());
void stroke() => C2DStroke(_handle);
void strokeRect(num x, num y, num w, num h, [num lineWidth]) =>
C2DStrokeRect(_handle, x.toDouble(), y.toDouble(), w.toDouble(), h.toDouble());
void strokeText(String text, num x, num y, [num maxWidth = -1]) =>
C2DStrokeText(_handle, text, x.toDouble(), y.toDouble(),
void transform(num m11, num m12, num m21, num m22, num dx, num dy) =>
C2DTransform(_handle, m11.toDouble(), m12.toDouble(),
m21.toDouble(), m22.toDouble(),
dx.toDouble(), dy.toDouble());
void translate(num x, num y) =>
C2DTranslate(_handle, x.toDouble(), y.toDouble());
ImageData webkitGetImageDataHD(num sx, num sy, num sw, num sh) {
throw new Exception('Unimplemented webkitGetImageDataHD');
void webkitPutImageDataHD(ImageData imagedata, num dx, num dy,
[num dirtyX, num dirtyY,
num dirtyWidth, num dirtyHeight]) {
throw new Exception('Unimplemented webkitGetImageDataHD');
// TODO(vsm): Kill.
noSuchMethod(invocation) {
throw new Exception('Unimplemented/unknown ${invocation.memberName}');