blob: cd3ee4ad56d5108a7bea28b98c0d61e420773756 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library _isolate_helper;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection' show Queue, HashMap;
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:_js_helper' show
import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show DART_CLOSURE_TO_JS,
import 'dart:_interceptors' show JSExtendableArray;
* Called by the compiler to support switching
* between isolates when we get a callback from the DOM.
_callInIsolate(_IsolateContext isolate, Function function) {
var result = isolate.eval(function);;
return result;
* Called by the compiler to fetch the current isolate context.
_IsolateContext _currentIsolate() => _globalState.currentContext;
* Wrapper that takes the dart entry point and runs it within an isolate. The
* dart2js compiler will inject a call of the form
* [: startRootIsolate(main); :] when it determines that this wrapping
* is needed. For single-isolate applications (e.g. hello world), this
* call is not emitted.
void startRootIsolate(entry) {
_globalState = new _Manager(entry);
// Don't start the main loop again, if we are in a worker.
if (_globalState.isWorker) return;
final rootContext = new _IsolateContext();
_globalState.rootContext = rootContext;
// BUG(5151491): Setting currentContext should not be necessary, but
// because closures passed to the DOM as event handlers do not bind their
// isolate automatically we try to give them a reasonable context to live in
// by having a "default" isolate (the first one created).
_globalState.currentContext = rootContext;
if (entry is _MainFunctionArgs) {
rootContext.eval(() { entry([]); });
} else if (entry is _MainFunctionArgsMessage) {
rootContext.eval(() { entry([], null); });
} else {
Inserted from lib/isolate/dart2js/isolateimpl.dart
* Concepts used here:
* "manager" - A manager contains one or more isolates, schedules their
* execution, and performs other plumbing on their behalf. The isolate
* present at the creation of the manager is designated as its "root isolate".
* A manager may, for example, be implemented on a web Worker.
* [_Manager] - State present within a manager (exactly once, as a global).
* [_ManagerStub] - A handle held within one manager that allows interaction
* with another manager. A target manager may be addressed by zero or more
* [_ManagerStub]s.
* TODO(ahe): The _ManagerStub concept is broken. It was an attempt
* to create a common interface between the native Worker class and
* _MainManagerStub.
* A native object that is shared across isolates. This object is visible to all
* isolates running under the same manager (either UI or background web worker).
* This is code that is intended to 'escape' the isolate boundaries in order to
* implement the semantics of isolates in JavaScript. Without this we would have
* been forced to implement more code (including the top-level event loop) in
* JavaScript itself.
// TODO(eub, sigmund): move the "manager" to be entirely in JS.
// Running any Dart code outside the context of an isolate gives it
// the chance to break the isolate abstraction.
_Manager get _globalState => JS("_Manager", "init.globalState");
set _globalState(_Manager val) {
JS("void", "init.globalState = #", val);
/** State associated with the current manager. See [globalState]. */
// TODO(sigmund): split in multiple classes: global, thread, main-worker states?
class _Manager {
/** Next available isolate id within this [_Manager]. */
int nextIsolateId = 0;
/** id assigned to this [_Manager]. */
int currentManagerId = 0;
* Next available manager id. Only used by the main manager to assign a unique
* id to each manager created by it.
int nextManagerId = 1;
/** Context for the currently running [Isolate]. */
_IsolateContext currentContext = null;
/** Context for the root [Isolate] that first run in this [_Manager]. */
_IsolateContext rootContext = null;
/** The top-level event loop. */
_EventLoop topEventLoop;
/** Whether this program is running from the command line. */
bool fromCommandLine;
/** Whether this [_Manager] is running as a web worker. */
bool isWorker;
/** Whether we support spawning web workers. */
bool supportsWorkers;
* Whether to use web workers when implementing isolates. Set to false for
* debugging/testing.
bool get useWorkers => supportsWorkers;
* Whether to use the web-worker JSON-based message serialization protocol. By
* default this is only used with web workers. For debugging, you can force
* using this protocol by changing this field value to [:true:].
bool get needSerialization => useWorkers;
* Registry of isolates. Isolates must be registered if, and only if, receive
* ports are alive. Normally no open receive-ports means that the isolate is
* dead, but DOM callbacks could resurrect it.
Map<int, _IsolateContext> isolates;
/** Reference to the main [_Manager]. Null in the main [_Manager] itself. */
_MainManagerStub mainManager;
/// Registry of active Web Workers. Only used in the main [_Manager].
Map<int, dynamic /* Worker */> managers;
/** The entry point given by [startRootIsolate]. */
final Function entry;
_Manager(this.entry) {
topEventLoop = new _EventLoop();
isolates = new Map<int, _IsolateContext>();
managers = new Map<int, dynamic>();
if (isWorker) { // "if we are not the main manager ourself" is the intent.
mainManager = new _MainManagerStub();
void _nativeDetectEnvironment() {
bool isWindowDefined = globalWindow != null;
bool isWorkerDefined = globalWorker != null;
isWorker = !isWindowDefined && globalPostMessageDefined;
supportsWorkers = isWorker
|| (isWorkerDefined && IsolateNatives.thisScript != null);
fromCommandLine = !isWindowDefined && !isWorker;
void _nativeInitWorkerMessageHandler() {
var function = JS('',
"function (e) { #(#, e); }",
JS("void", r"#.onmessage = #", globalThis, function);
// We define dartPrint so that the implementation of the Dart
// print method knows what to call.
// TODO(ngeoffray): Should we forward to the main isolate? What if
// it exited?
JS('void', r'#.dartPrint = function (object) {}', globalThis);
* Close the worker running this code if all isolates are done and
* there is no active timer.
void maybeCloseWorker() {
if (isWorker
&& isolates.isEmpty
&& topEventLoop.activeTimerCount == 0) {
mainManager.postMessage(_serializeMessage({'command': 'close'}));
/** Context information tracked for each isolate. */
class _IsolateContext implements IsolateContext {
/** Current isolate id. */
final int id = _globalState.nextIsolateId++;
/** Registry of receive ports currently active on this isolate. */
final Map<int, RawReceivePortImpl> ports = new Map<int, RawReceivePortImpl>();
/** Registry of weak receive ports currently active on this isolate. */
final Set<int> weakPorts = new Set<int>();
/** Holds isolate globals (statics and top-level properties). */
// native object containing all globals of an isolate.
final isolateStatics = JS_CREATE_ISOLATE();
final RawReceivePortImpl controlPort = new RawReceivePortImpl._controlPort();
final Capability pauseCapability = new Capability();
// TODO(lrn): Store these in single "pausestate" object, so they don't take
// up as much room when not pausing.
bool isPaused = false;
List<_IsolateEvent> delayedEvents = [];
Set<Capability> pauseTokens = new Set();
_IsolateContext() {
this.registerWeak(controlPort._id, controlPort);
void addPause(Capability authentification, Capability resume) {
if (pauseCapability != authentification) return;
if (pauseTokens.add(resume) && !isPaused) {
isPaused = true;
void removePause(Capability resume) {
if (!isPaused) return;
if (pauseTokens.isEmpty) {
while(delayedEvents.isNotEmpty) {
_IsolateEvent event = delayedEvents.removeLast();
isPaused = false;
* Run [code] in the context of the isolate represented by [this].
dynamic eval(Function code) {
var old = _globalState.currentContext;
_globalState.currentContext = this;
var result = null;
try {
result = code();
} finally {
_globalState.currentContext = old;
if (old != null) old._setGlobals();
return result;
void _setGlobals() {
void handleControlMessage(message) {
switch (message[0]) {
case "pause":
addPause(message[1], message[2]);
case "resume":
print("UNKOWN MESSAGE: $message");
/** Looks up a port registered for this isolate. */
RawReceivePortImpl lookup(int portId) => ports[portId];
void _addRegistration(int portId, RawReceivePortImpl port) {
if (ports.containsKey(portId)) {
throw new Exception("Registry: ports must be registered only once.");
ports[portId] = port;
/** Registers a port on this isolate. */
void register(int portId, RawReceivePortImpl port) {
_addRegistration(portId, port);
* Registers a weak port on this isolate.
* The port does not keep the isolate active.
void registerWeak(int portId, RawReceivePortImpl port) {
_addRegistration(portId, port);
_updateGlobalState() {
if (ports.length - weakPorts.length > 0) {
_globalState.isolates[id] = this; // indicate this isolate is active
} else {
_globalState.isolates.remove(id); // indicate this isolate is not active
/** Unregister a port on this isolate. */
void unregister(int portId) {
/** Represent the event loop on a javascript thread (DOM or worker). */
class _EventLoop {
final Queue<_IsolateEvent> events = new Queue<_IsolateEvent>();
int activeTimerCount = 0;
void enqueue(isolate, fn, msg) {
events.addLast(new _IsolateEvent(isolate, fn, msg));
void prequeue(_IsolateEvent event) {
_IsolateEvent dequeue() {
if (events.isEmpty) return null;
return events.removeFirst();
void checkOpenReceivePortsFromCommandLine() {
if (_globalState.rootContext != null
&& _globalState.isolates.containsKey(
&& _globalState.fromCommandLine
&& _globalState.rootContext.ports.isEmpty) {
// We want to reach here only on the main [_Manager] and only
// on the command-line. In the browser the isolate might
// still be alive due to DOM callbacks, but the presumption is
// that on the command-line, no future events can be injected
// into the event queue once it's empty. Node has setTimeout
// so this presumption is incorrect there. We think(?) that
// in d8 this assumption is valid.
throw new Exception("Program exited with open ReceivePorts.");
/** Process a single event, if any. */
bool runIteration() {
final event = dequeue();
if (event == null) {
return false;
return true;
* Runs multiple iterations of the run-loop. If possible, each iteration is
* run asynchronously.
void _runHelper() {
if (globalWindow != null) {
// Run each iteration from the browser's top event loop.
void next() {
if (!runIteration()) return;;
} else {
// Run synchronously until no more iterations are available.
while (runIteration()) {}
* Call [_runHelper] but ensure that worker exceptions are propragated.
void run() {
if (!_globalState.isWorker) {
} else {
try {
} catch (e, trace) {
{'command': 'error', 'msg': '$e\n$trace' }));
/** An event in the top-level event queue. */
class _IsolateEvent {
_IsolateContext isolate;
Function fn;
String message;
_IsolateEvent(this.isolate, this.fn, this.message);
void process() {
if (isolate.isPaused) {
/** A stub for interacting with the main manager. */
class _MainManagerStub {
void postMessage(msg) {
// "self" is a way to refer to the global context object that
// works in HTML pages and in Web Workers. It does not work in d8
// and Firefox jsshell, because that would have been too easy.
// See:
// and:
JS("void", r"self.postMessage(#)", msg);
const String _SPAWNED_SIGNAL = "spawned";
var globalThis = Primitives.computeGlobalThis();
var globalWindow = JS('', "#.window", globalThis);
var globalWorker = JS('', "#.Worker", globalThis);
bool globalPostMessageDefined =
JS('', "#.postMessage !== (void 0)", globalThis);
typedef _MainFunction();
typedef _MainFunctionArgs(args);
typedef _MainFunctionArgsMessage(args, message);
class IsolateNatives {
static String thisScript = computeThisScript();
/// Associates an ID with a native worker object.
static final Expando<int> workerIds = new Expando<int>();
* The src url for the script tag that loaded this code. Used to create
* JavaScript workers.
static String computeThisScript() {
var currentScript = JS('', r'init.currentScript');
if (currentScript != null) {
return JS('String', 'String(#.src)', currentScript);
if (Primitives.isD8) return computeThisScriptD8();
if (Primitives.isJsshell) return computeThisScriptJsshell();
return null;
static String computeThisScriptJsshell() {
return JS('String|Null', 'thisFilename()');
static String computeThisScriptD8() {
// TODO(ahe): The following is for supporting D8. We should move this code
// to a helper library that is only loaded when testing on D8.
var stack = JS('String|Null', 'new Error().stack');
if (stack == null) {
// According to Internet Explorer documentation, the stack
// property is not set until the exception is thrown. The stack
// property was not provided until IE10.
stack = JS('String|Null',
'(function() {'
'try { throw new Error() } catch(e) { return e.stack }'
if (stack == null) throw new UnsupportedError('No stack trace');
var pattern, matches;
// This pattern matches V8, Chrome, and Internet Explorer stack
// traces that look like this:
// Error
// at methodName (URI:LINE:COLUMN)
pattern = JS('',
r'new RegExp("^ *at [^(]*\\((.*):[0-9]*:[0-9]*\\)$", "m")');
matches = JS('JSExtendableArray|Null', '#.match(#)', stack, pattern);
if (matches != null) return JS('String', '#[1]', matches);
// This pattern matches Firefox stack traces that look like this:
// methodName@URI:LINE
pattern = JS('', r'new RegExp("^[^@]*@(.*):[0-9]*$", "m")');
matches = JS('JSExtendableArray|Null', '#.match(#)', stack, pattern);
if (matches != null) return JS('String', '#[1]', matches);
throw new UnsupportedError('Cannot extract URI from "$stack"');
* Assume that [e] is a browser message event and extract its message data.
* We don't import the dom explicitly so, when workers are disabled, this
* library can also run on top of nodejs.
static _getEventData(e) => JS("", "", e);
* Process messages on a worker, either to control the worker instance or to
* pass messages along to the isolate running in the worker.
static void _processWorkerMessage(/* Worker */ sender, e) {
var msg = _deserializeMessage(_getEventData(e));
switch (msg['command']) {
case 'start':
_globalState.currentManagerId = msg['id'];
String functionName = msg['functionName'];
Function entryPoint = (functionName == null)
? _globalState.entry
: _getJSFunctionFromName(functionName);
var args = msg['args'];
var message = _deserializeMessage(msg['msg']);
var isSpawnUri = msg['isSpawnUri'];
var replyTo = _deserializeMessage(msg['replyTo']);
var context = new _IsolateContext();
_globalState.topEventLoop.enqueue(context, () {
_startIsolate(entryPoint, args, message, isSpawnUri, replyTo);
}, 'worker-start');
// Make sure we always have a current context in this worker.
// TODO(7907): This is currently needed because we're using
// Timers to implement Futures, and this isolate library
// implementation uses Futures. We should either stop using
// Futures in this library, or re-adapt if Futures get a
// different implementation.
_globalState.currentContext = context;;
case 'spawn-worker':
_spawnWorker(msg['functionName'], msg['uri'],
msg['args'], msg['msg'],
msg['isSpawnUri'], msg['replyPort']);
case 'message':
SendPort port = msg['port'];
// If the port has been closed, we ignore the message.
if (port != null) {
case 'close':
JS('void', '#.terminate()', sender);;
case 'log':
case 'print':
if (_globalState.isWorker) {
_serializeMessage({'command': 'print', 'msg': msg}));
} else {
case 'error':
throw msg['msg'];
/** Log a message, forwarding to the main [_Manager] if appropriate. */
static _log(msg) {
if (_globalState.isWorker) {
_serializeMessage({'command': 'log', 'msg': msg }));
} else {
try {
} catch (e, trace) {
throw new Exception(trace);
static void _consoleLog(msg) {
JS("void", r"#.console.log(#)", globalThis, msg);
static _getJSFunctionFromName(String functionName) {
return JS("", "init.globalFunctions[#]()", functionName);
* Get a string name for the function, if possible. The result for
* anonymous functions is browser-dependent -- it may be "" or "anonymous"
* but you should probably not count on this.
static String _getJSFunctionName(Function f) {
return (f is Closure) ? JS("String|Null", r'#.$name', f) : null;
/** Create a new JavaScript object instance given its constructor. */
static dynamic _allocate(var ctor) {
return JS("", "new #()", ctor);
static Future<List> spawnFunction(void topLevelFunction(message),
message) {
final name = _getJSFunctionName(topLevelFunction);
if (name == null) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"only top-level functions can be spawned.");
return spawn(name, null, null, message, false, false);
static Future<List> spawnUri(Uri uri, List<String> args, message) {
return spawn(null, uri.toString(), args, message, false, true);
// TODO(sigmund): clean up above, after we make the new API the default:
/// If [uri] is `null` it is replaced with the current script.
static Future<List> spawn(String functionName, String uri,
List<String> args, message,
bool isLight, bool isSpawnUri) {
// Assume that the compiled version of the Dart file lives just next to the
// dart file.
// TODO(floitsch): support precompiled version of dart2js output.
if (uri != null && uri.endsWith(".dart")) uri += ".js";
ReceivePort port = new ReceivePort();
Future<List> result = port.first.then((msg) {
assert(msg[0] == _SPAWNED_SIGNAL);
return msg;
SendPort signalReply = port.sendPort;
if (_globalState.useWorkers && !isLight) {
_startWorker(functionName, uri, args, message, isSpawnUri, signalReply);
} else {
functionName, uri, args, message, isSpawnUri, signalReply);
return result;
static void _startWorker(
String functionName, String uri,
List<String> args, message,
bool isSpawnUri,
SendPort replyPort) {
if (_globalState.isWorker) {
'command': 'spawn-worker',
'functionName': functionName,
'args': args,
'msg': message,
'uri': uri,
'isSpawnUri': isSpawnUri,
'replyPort': replyPort}));
} else {
_spawnWorker(functionName, uri, args, message, isSpawnUri, replyPort);
static void _startNonWorker(
String functionName, String uri,
List<String> args, message,
bool isSpawnUri,
SendPort replyPort) {
// TODO(eub): support IE9 using an iframe -- Dart issue 1702.
if (uri != null) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"Currently spawnUri is not supported without web workers.");
_globalState.topEventLoop.enqueue(new _IsolateContext(), () {
final func = _getJSFunctionFromName(functionName);
_startIsolate(func, args, message, isSpawnUri, replyPort);
}, 'nonworker start');
static void _startIsolate(Function topLevel,
List<String> args, message,
bool isSpawnUri,
SendPort replyTo) {
_IsolateContext context = JS_CURRENT_ISOLATE_CONTEXT();
// The isolate's port does not keep the isolate open.
if (!isSpawnUri) {
} else if (topLevel is _MainFunctionArgsMessage) {
topLevel(args, message);
} else if (topLevel is _MainFunctionArgs) {
} else {
* Spawns an isolate in a worker. [factoryName] is the Javascript constructor
* name for the isolate entry point class.
static void _spawnWorker(functionName, String uri,
List<String> args, message,
bool isSpawnUri,
SendPort replyPort) {
if (uri == null) uri = thisScript;
final worker = JS('var', 'new Worker(#)', uri);
var processWorkerMessageTrampoline =
JS('', 'function(e) { #(#, e); }',
JS('void', '#.onmessage = #', worker, processWorkerMessageTrampoline);
var workerId = _globalState.nextManagerId++;
// We also store the id on the worker itself so that we can unregister it.
workerIds[worker] = workerId;
_globalState.managers[workerId] = worker;
JS('void', '#.postMessage(#)', worker, _serializeMessage({
'command': 'start',
'id': workerId,
// Note: we serialize replyPort twice because the child worker needs to
// first deserialize the worker id, before it can correctly deserialize
// the port (port deserialization is sensitive to what is the current
// workerId).
'replyTo': _serializeMessage(replyPort),
'args': args,
'msg': _serializeMessage(message),
'isSpawnUri': isSpawnUri,
'functionName': functionName }));
Inserted from lib/isolate/dart2js/ports.dart
/** Common functionality to all send ports. */
abstract class _BaseSendPort implements SendPort {
/** Id for the destination isolate. */
final int _isolateId;
const _BaseSendPort(this._isolateId);
void _checkReplyTo(SendPort replyTo) {
if (replyTo != null
&& replyTo is! _NativeJsSendPort
&& replyTo is! _WorkerSendPort) {
throw new Exception("SendPort.send: Illegal replyTo port type");
void send(var message);
bool operator ==(var other);
int get hashCode;
/** A send port that delivers messages in-memory via native JavaScript calls. */
class _NativeJsSendPort extends _BaseSendPort implements SendPort {
final RawReceivePortImpl _receivePort;
const _NativeJsSendPort(this._receivePort, int isolateId) : super(isolateId);
void send(var message) {
// Check that the isolate still runs and the port is still open
final isolate = _globalState.isolates[_isolateId];
if (isolate == null) return;
if (_receivePort._isClosed) return;
// We force serialization/deserialization as a simple way to ensure
// isolate communication restrictions are respected between isolates that
// live in the same worker. [_NativeJsSendPort] delivers both messages
// from the same worker and messages from other workers. In particular,
// messages sent from a worker via a [_WorkerSendPort] are received at
// [_processWorkerMessage] and forwarded to a native port. In such cases,
// here we'll see [_globalState.currentContext == null].
final shouldSerialize = _globalState.currentContext != null
&& != _isolateId;
var msg = message;
if (shouldSerialize) {
msg = _serializeMessage(msg);
if (isolate.controlPort == _receivePort) {
_globalState.topEventLoop.enqueue(isolate, () {
if (!_receivePort._isClosed) {
if (shouldSerialize) {
msg = _deserializeMessage(msg);
}, 'receive $message');
bool operator ==(var other) => (other is _NativeJsSendPort) &&
(_receivePort == other._receivePort);
int get hashCode => _receivePort._id;
/** A send port that delivers messages via worker.postMessage. */
// TODO(eub): abstract this for iframes.
class _WorkerSendPort extends _BaseSendPort implements SendPort {
final int _workerId;
final int _receivePortId;
const _WorkerSendPort(this._workerId, int isolateId, this._receivePortId)
: super(isolateId);
void send(var message) {
final workerMessage = _serializeMessage({
'command': 'message',
'port': this,
'msg': message});
if (_globalState.isWorker) {
// Communication from one worker to another go through the
// main worker.
} else {
// Deliver the message only if the worker is still alive.
/* Worker */ var manager = _globalState.managers[_workerId];
if (manager != null) {
JS('void', '#.postMessage(#)', manager, workerMessage);
bool operator ==(var other) {
return (other is _WorkerSendPort) &&
(_workerId == other._workerId) &&
(_isolateId == other._isolateId) &&
(_receivePortId == other._receivePortId);
int get hashCode {
// TODO(sigmund): use a standard hash when we get one available in corelib.
return (_workerId << 16) ^ (_isolateId << 8) ^ _receivePortId;
class RawReceivePortImpl implements RawReceivePort {
static int _nextFreeId = 1;
final int _id;
Function _handler;
bool _isClosed = false;
RawReceivePortImpl(this._handler) : _id = _nextFreeId++ {
_globalState.currentContext.register(_id, this);
RawReceivePortImpl.weak(this._handler) : _id = _nextFreeId++ {
_globalState.currentContext.registerWeak(_id, this);
// Creates the control port of an isolate.
// This is created before the isolate context object itself,
// so it cannot access the static _nextFreeId field.
RawReceivePortImpl._controlPort() : _handler = null, _id = 0;
void set handler(Function newHandler) {
_handler = newHandler;
void close() {
if (_isClosed) return;
_isClosed = true;
_handler = null;
void _add(dataEvent) {
if (_isClosed) return;
SendPort get sendPort {
return new _NativeJsSendPort(this,;
class ReceivePortImpl extends Stream implements ReceivePort {
final RawReceivePort _rawPort;
StreamController _controller;
ReceivePortImpl() : this.fromRawReceivePort(new RawReceivePortImpl(null));
: this.fromRawReceivePort(new RawReceivePortImpl.weak(null));
ReceivePortImpl.fromRawReceivePort(this._rawPort) {
_controller = new StreamController(onCancel: close, sync: true);
_rawPort.handler = _controller.add;
StreamSubscription listen(void onData(var event),
{Function onError,
void onDone(),
bool cancelOnError}) {
return, onError: onError, onDone: onDone,
cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
void close() {
SendPort get sendPort => _rawPort.sendPort;
Inserted from lib/isolate/dart2js/messages.dart
// Defines message visitors, serialization, and deserialization.
/** Serialize [message] (or simulate serialization). */
_serializeMessage(message) {
if (_globalState.needSerialization) {
return new _JsSerializer().traverse(message);
} else {
return new _JsCopier().traverse(message);
/** Deserialize [message] (or simulate deserialization). */
_deserializeMessage(message) {
if (_globalState.needSerialization) {
return new _JsDeserializer().deserialize(message);
} else {
// Nothing more to do.
return message;
class _JsSerializer extends _Serializer {
_JsSerializer() : super() { _visited = new _JsVisitedMap(); }
visitSendPort(SendPort x) {
if (x is _NativeJsSendPort) return visitNativeJsSendPort(x);
if (x is _WorkerSendPort) return visitWorkerSendPort(x);
throw "Illegal underlying port $x";
visitCapability(Capability x) {
if (x is CapabilityImpl) {
return ['capability', x._id];
throw "Capability not serializable: $x";
visitNativeJsSendPort(_NativeJsSendPort port) {
return ['sendport', _globalState.currentManagerId,
port._isolateId, port._receivePort._id];
visitWorkerSendPort(_WorkerSendPort port) {
return ['sendport', port._workerId, port._isolateId, port._receivePortId];
class _JsCopier extends _Copier {
_JsCopier() : super() { _visited = new _JsVisitedMap(); }
visitSendPort(SendPort x) {
if (x is _NativeJsSendPort) return visitNativeJsSendPort(x);
if (x is _WorkerSendPort) return visitWorkerSendPort(x);
throw "Illegal underlying port $x";
visitCapability(Capability x) {
if (x is CapabilityImpl) {
return new CapabilityImpl._internal(x._id);
throw "Capability not serializable: $x";
SendPort visitNativeJsSendPort(_NativeJsSendPort port) {
return new _NativeJsSendPort(port._receivePort, port._isolateId);
SendPort visitWorkerSendPort(_WorkerSendPort port) {
return new _WorkerSendPort(
port._workerId, port._isolateId, port._receivePortId);
class _JsDeserializer extends _Deserializer {
SendPort deserializeSendPort(List list) {
int managerId = list[1];
int isolateId = list[2];
int receivePortId = list[3];
// If two isolates are in the same manager, we use NativeJsSendPorts to
// deliver messages directly without using postMessage.
if (managerId == _globalState.currentManagerId) {
var isolate = _globalState.isolates[isolateId];
if (isolate == null) return null; // Isolate has been closed.
var receivePort = isolate.lookup(receivePortId);
if (receivePort == null) return null; // Port has been closed.
return new _NativeJsSendPort(receivePort, isolateId);
} else {
return new _WorkerSendPort(managerId, isolateId, receivePortId);
Capability deserializeCapability(List list) {
return new CapabilityImpl._internal(list[1]);
class _JsVisitedMap implements _MessageTraverserVisitedMap {
List tagged;
/** Retrieves any information stored in the native object [object]. */
operator[](var object) {
return _getAttachedInfo(object);
/** Injects some information into the native [object]. */
void operator[]=(var object, var info) {
_setAttachedInfo(object, info);
/** Get ready to rumble. */
void reset() {
assert(tagged == null);
tagged = new List();
/** Remove all information injected in the native objects. */
void cleanup() {
for (int i = 0, length = tagged.length; i < length; i++) {
tagged = null;
void _clearAttachedInfo(var o) {
JS("void", "#['__MessageTraverser__attached_info__'] = #", o, null);
void _setAttachedInfo(var o, var info) {
JS("void", "#['__MessageTraverser__attached_info__'] = #", o, info);
_getAttachedInfo(var o) {
return JS("", "#['__MessageTraverser__attached_info__']", o);
// only visible for testing purposes
// TODO(sigmund): remove once we can disable privacy for testing (bug #1882)
class TestingOnly {
static copy(x) {
return new _JsCopier().traverse(x);
// only visible for testing purposes
static serialize(x) {
_Serializer serializer = new _JsSerializer();
_Deserializer deserializer = new _JsDeserializer();
return deserializer.deserialize(serializer.traverse(x));
Inserted from lib/isolate/serialization.dart
class _MessageTraverserVisitedMap {
operator[](var object) => null;
void operator[]=(var object, var info) { }
void reset() { }
void cleanup() { }
/** Abstract visitor for dart objects that can be sent as isolate messages. */
abstract class _MessageTraverser {
_MessageTraverserVisitedMap _visited;
_MessageTraverser() : _visited = new _MessageTraverserVisitedMap();
/** Visitor's entry point. */
traverse(var x) {
if (isPrimitive(x)) return visitPrimitive(x);
var result;
try {
result = _dispatch(x);
} finally {
return result;
_dispatch(var x) {
// This code likely fails for user classes implementing
// SendPort and Capability because it assumes the internal classes.
if (isPrimitive(x)) return visitPrimitive(x);
if (x is List) return visitList(x);
if (x is Map) return visitMap(x);
if (x is SendPort) return visitSendPort(x);
if (x is Capability) return visitCapability(x);
// Overridable fallback.
return visitObject(x);
visitList(List x);
visitMap(Map x);
visitSendPort(SendPort x);
visitCapability(Capability x);
visitObject(Object x) {
// TODO(floitsch): make this a real exception. (which one)?
throw "Message serialization: Illegal value $x passed";
static bool isPrimitive(x) {
return (x == null) || (x is String) || (x is num) || (x is bool);
/** A visitor that recursively copies a message. */
class _Copier extends _MessageTraverser {
visitPrimitive(x) => x;
List visitList(List list) {
List copy = _visited[list];
if (copy != null) return copy;
int len = list.length;
// TODO(floitsch): we loose the generic type of the List.
copy = new List(len);
_visited[list] = copy;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
copy[i] = _dispatch(list[i]);
return copy;
Map visitMap(Map map) {
Map copy = _visited[map];
if (copy != null) return copy;
// TODO(floitsch): we loose the generic type of the map.
copy = new Map();
_visited[map] = copy;
map.forEach((key, val) {
copy[_dispatch(key)] = _dispatch(val);
return copy;
visitSendPort(SendPort x) => throw new UnimplementedError();
visitCapability(Capability x) => throw new UnimplementedError();
/** Visitor that serializes a message as a JSON array. */
class _Serializer extends _MessageTraverser {
int _nextFreeRefId = 0;
visitPrimitive(x) => x;
visitList(List list) {
int copyId = _visited[list];
if (copyId != null) return ['ref', copyId];
int id = _nextFreeRefId++;
_visited[list] = id;
var jsArray = _serializeList(list);
// TODO(floitsch): we are losing the generic type.
return ['list', id, jsArray];
visitMap(Map map) {
int copyId = _visited[map];
if (copyId != null) return ['ref', copyId];
int id = _nextFreeRefId++;
_visited[map] = id;
var keys = _serializeList(map.keys.toList());
var values = _serializeList(map.values.toList());
// TODO(floitsch): we are losing the generic type.
return ['map', id, keys, values];
_serializeList(List list) {
int len = list.length;
// Use a growable list because we do not add extra properties on
// them.
var result = new List()..length = len;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
result[i] = _dispatch(list[i]);
return result;
visitSendPort(SendPort x) => throw new UnimplementedError();
visitCapability(Capability x) => throw new UnimplementedError();
/** Deserializes arrays created with [_Serializer]. */
abstract class _Deserializer {
Map<int, dynamic> _deserialized;
static bool isPrimitive(x) {
return (x == null) || (x is String) || (x is num) || (x is bool);
deserialize(x) {
if (isPrimitive(x)) return x;
// TODO(floitsch): this should be new HashMap<int, dynamic>()
_deserialized = new HashMap();
return _deserializeHelper(x);
_deserializeHelper(x) {
if (isPrimitive(x)) return x;
assert(x is List);
switch (x[0]) {
case 'ref': return _deserializeRef(x);
case 'list': return _deserializeList(x);
case 'map': return _deserializeMap(x);
case 'sendport': return deserializeSendPort(x);
case 'capability': return deserializeCapability(x);
default: return deserializeObject(x);
_deserializeRef(List x) {
int id = x[1];
var result = _deserialized[id];
assert(result != null);
return result;
List _deserializeList(List x) {
int id = x[1];
// We rely on the fact that Dart-lists are directly mapped to Js-arrays.
List dartList = x[2];
_deserialized[id] = dartList;
int len = dartList.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
dartList[i] = _deserializeHelper(dartList[i]);
return dartList;
Map _deserializeMap(List x) {
Map result = new Map();
int id = x[1];
_deserialized[id] = result;
List keys = x[2];
List values = x[3];
int len = keys.length;
assert(len == values.length);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var key = _deserializeHelper(keys[i]);
var value = _deserializeHelper(values[i]);
result[key] = value;
return result;
deserializeSendPort(List x);
deserializeCapability(List x);
deserializeObject(List x) {
// TODO(floitsch): Use real exception (which one?).
throw "Unexpected serialized object";
class TimerImpl implements Timer {
final bool _once;
bool _inEventLoop = false;
int _handle;
TimerImpl(int milliseconds, void callback())
: _once = true {
if (milliseconds == 0 && (!hasTimer() || _globalState.isWorker)) {
void internalCallback() {
_handle = null;
// Setting _handle to something different from null indicates that the
// callback has not been run. Hence, the choice of 1 is arbitrary.
_handle = 1;
// This makes a dependency between the async library and the
// event loop of the isolate library. The compiler makes sure
// that the event loop is compiled if [Timer] is used.
// TODO(7907): In case of web workers, we need to use the event
// loop instead of setTimeout, to make sure the futures get executed in
// order.
_globalState.currentContext, internalCallback, 'timer');
_inEventLoop = true;
} else if (hasTimer()) {
void internalCallback() {
_handle = null;
_handle = JS('int', '#.setTimeout(#, #)',
convertDartClosureToJS(internalCallback, 0),
} else {
assert(milliseconds > 0);
throw new UnsupportedError("Timer greater than 0.");
TimerImpl.periodic(int milliseconds, void callback(Timer timer))
: _once = false {
if (hasTimer()) {
_handle = JS('int', '#.setInterval(#, #)',
convertDartClosureToJS(() { callback(this); }, 0),
} else {
throw new UnsupportedError("Periodic timer.");
void cancel() {
if (hasTimer()) {
if (_inEventLoop) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Timer in event loop cannot be canceled.");
if (_handle == null) return;
if (_once) {
JS('void', '#.clearTimeout(#)', globalThis, _handle);
} else {
JS('void', '#.clearInterval(#)', globalThis, _handle);
_handle = null;
} else {
throw new UnsupportedError("Canceling a timer.");
bool get isActive => _handle != null;
bool hasTimer() => JS('', '#.setTimeout', globalThis) != null;
* Implementation class for [Capability].
* It has the same name to make it harder for users to distinguish.
class CapabilityImpl implements Capability {
/** Internal random secret identifying the capability. */
final int _id;
CapabilityImpl() : this._internal(random64());
int get hashCode {
// Thomas Wang 32 bit Mix.
// (via
int hash = _id;
hash = (hash >> 0) ^ (hash ~/ 0x100000000); // To 32 bit from ~64.
hash = (~hash + (hash << 15)) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
hash ^= hash >> 12;
hash = (hash * 5) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
hash ^= hash >> 4;
hash = (hash * 2057) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
hash ^= hash >> 16;
return hash;
bool operator==(Object other) {
if (identical(other, this)) return true;
if (other is CapabilityImpl) {
return identical(_id, other._id);
return false;