blob: ff10b22d2680c509636e101a1dd5cec0a49128de [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/analysis_context.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/declared_variables.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/uri_converter.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/exception/exception.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
/// A consistent view of the results of analyzing one or more files.
/// The methods in this class that return analysis results will throw an
/// [InconsistentAnalysisException] if the result to be returned might be
/// inconsistent with any previously returned results.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class AnalysisSession {
/// The analysis context that created this session.
AnalysisContext get analysisContext;
/// The declared environment variables.
DeclaredVariables get declaredVariables;
/// Return the [ResourceProvider] that is used to access the file system.
ResourceProvider get resourceProvider;
/// Return the URI converter used to convert between URI's and file paths.
UriConverter get uriConverter;
/// Return a future that will complete with information about the errors
/// contained in the file with the given absolute, normalized [path].
/// If the file cannot be analyzed by this session, then the result will have
/// a result state indicating the nature of the problem.
Future<ErrorsResult> getErrors(String path);
/// Return information about the file at the given absolute, normalized
/// [path].
FileResult getFile(String path);
/// Return a future that will complete with the library element representing
/// the library with the given [uri].
Future<LibraryElement> getLibraryByUri(String uri);
/// Return information about the results of parsing units of the library file
/// with the given absolute, normalized [path].
/// Throw [ArgumentError] if the given [path] is not the defining compilation
/// unit for a library (that is, is a part of a library).
ParsedLibraryResult getParsedLibrary(String path);
/// Return information about the results of parsing units of the library file
/// with the given library [element].
/// Throw [ArgumentError] if the [element] was not produced by this session.
ParsedLibraryResult getParsedLibraryByElement(LibraryElement element);
/// Return information about the results of parsing the file with the given
/// absolute, normalized [path].
ParsedUnitResult getParsedUnit(String path);
/// Return a future that will complete with information about the results of
/// resolving all of the files in the library with the given absolute,
/// normalized [path].
/// Throw [ArgumentError] if the given [path] is not the defining compilation
/// unit for a library (that is, is a part of a library).
Future<ResolvedLibraryResult> getResolvedLibrary(String path);
/// Return a future that will complete with information about the results of
/// resolving all of the files in the library with the library [element].
/// Throw [ArgumentError] if the [element] was not produced by this session.
Future<ResolvedLibraryResult> getResolvedLibraryByElement(
LibraryElement element);
/// Return a future that will complete with information about the results of
/// resolving the file with the given absolute, normalized [path].
@Deprecated('Use getResolvedUnit2() instead')
Future<ResolvedUnitResult> getResolvedUnit(String path);
/// Return a future that will complete with information about the results of
/// resolving the file with the given absolute, normalized [path].
Future<SomeResolvedUnitResult> getResolvedUnit2(String path);
/// Return a future that will complete with the source kind of the file with
/// the given absolute, normalized [path]. If the path does not represent a
/// file or if the kind of the file cannot be determined, then the future will
/// complete with [SourceKind.UNKNOWN].
/// TODO(migration): should not be nullable
Future<SourceKind?> getSourceKind(String path);
/// Return a future that will complete with information about the results of
/// building the element model for the file with the given absolute,
/// normalized [path].
@Deprecated('Use getUnitElement2() instead')
Future<UnitElementResult> getUnitElement(String path);
/// Return a future that will complete with information about the results of
/// building the element model for the file with the given absolute,
/// normalized [path].
Future<SomeUnitElementResult> getUnitElement2(String path);
/// Return a future that will complete with the signature for the file with
/// the given absolute, normalized [path], or `null` if the file cannot be
/// analyzed. This is the same signature returned in the result from
/// [getUnitElement2].
/// The signature is based on the APIs of the files of the library (including
/// the file itself), and the transitive closure of files imported and
/// exported by the library. If the signature of a file has not changed, then
/// there have been no changes that would cause any files that depend on it to
/// need to be re-analyzed.
Future<String> getUnitElementSignature(String path);
/// The exception thrown by an [AnalysisSession] if a result is requested that
/// might be inconsistent with any previously returned results.
class InconsistentAnalysisException extends AnalysisException {
: super('Requested result might be inconsistent with previously '
'returned results');