blob: dc39f654b982b24f416d8e9e9c16203c29f2507e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/error/hint_codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'non_hint_code_driver_test.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
/// Tests marked with this annotation fail because they test features that
/// were implemented in Analyzer, but are intentionally not included into
/// the Dart 2.0 plan, or disabled for Dart 2.0 altogether.
const notForDart2 = const Object();
/// Tests marked with this annotations fail because we either have not triaged
/// them, or know that this is an analyzer problem.
const potentialAnalyzerProblem = const Object();
/// Tests marked with this annotation fail because of a Fasta problem.
class FastaProblem {
const FastaProblem(String issueUri);
class NonHintCodeTest_Kernel extends NonHintCodeTest_Driver {
bool get enableKernelDriver => true;
bool get useCFE => true;
test_deprecatedAnnotationUse_namedParameter_inDefiningFunction() {
// Failed assertion: line 215 pos 14: 'node.parent is PartOfDirective ||
// node.parent is EnumConstantDeclaration': is not true.
return super
test_deprecatedAnnotationUse_namedParameter_inNestedLocalFunction() {
// Failed assertion: line 215 pos 14: 'node.parent is PartOfDirective ||
// node.parent is EnumConstantDeclaration': is not true.
return super
test_deprecatedAnnotationUse_namedParameter_inDefiningMethod() {
// Failed assertion: line 215 pos 14: 'node.parent is PartOfDirective ||
// node.parent is EnumConstantDeclaration': is not true.
return super.test_deprecatedAnnotationUse_namedParameter_inDefiningMethod();
test_deprecatedAnnotationUse_namedParameter_inDefiningLocalFunction() {
// Failed to resolve 1 nodes
return super
test_deprecatedMemberUse_inDeprecatedLibrary() async {
// LibraryAnalyzer is not applying resolution data to annotations on
// directives.
await super.test_deprecatedMemberUse_inDeprecatedLibrary();
test_undefinedOperator_binaryExpression_inSubtype() async {
await super.test_undefinedOperator_binaryExpression_inSubtype();
test_undefinedOperator_indexBoth_inSubtype() async {
await super.test_undefinedOperator_indexBoth_inSubtype();
test_undefinedOperator_indexGetter_inSubtype() async {
await super.test_undefinedOperator_indexGetter_inSubtype();
test_undefinedOperator_indexSetter_inSubtype() async {
await super.test_undefinedOperator_indexSetter_inSubtype();
test_unnecessaryCast_generics() async {
// Overridden because type inference now produces more information and there
// should now be a hint, where there wasn't one before.
Source source = addSource(r'''
import 'dart:async';
Future<int> f() => new Future.value(0);
void g(bool c) {
(c ? f(): new Future.value(0) as Future<int>).then((int value) {});
await computeAnalysisResult(source);
assertErrors(source, [HintCode.UNNECESSARY_CAST]);
test_unusedImport_annotationOnDirective() async {
// TODO(scheglov) We don't yet parse annotations on import directives.
fail('This test fails in checked mode (indirectly)');
// await super.test_unusedImport_annotationOnDirective();
test_overrideOnNonOverridingField_inSuperclass() {
// Expected 1 errors of type
return super.test_overrideOnNonOverridingField_inSuperclass();
test_overrideOnNonOverridingField_inInterface() {
// Expected 1 errors of type
return super.test_overrideOnNonOverridingField_inInterface();
test_unusedImport_metadata() async {
await super.test_unusedImport_metadata();