blob: 40c3d2895ad19fc5144e90bdb39d539a02142bf0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library js_backend.native_data;
import '../common.dart';
import '../common_elements.dart' show ElementEnvironment;
import '../elements/entities.dart';
import '../native/behavior.dart' show NativeBehavior;
import '../util/util.dart';
/// Basic information for native classes and js-interop libraries and classes.
/// This information is computed during loading using [NativeBasicDataBuilder].
abstract class NativeBasicData {
/// Returns `true` if [cls] corresponds to a native JavaScript class.
/// A class is marked as native either through the `@Native(...)` annotation
/// allowed for internal libraries or via the typed JavaScriptInterop
/// mechanism allowed for user libraries.
bool isNativeClass(ClassEntity element);
/// Returns the list of non-directive native tag words for [cls].
List<String> getNativeTagsOfClass(ClassEntity cls);
/// Returns `true` if [cls] has a `!nonleaf` tag word.
bool hasNativeTagsForcedNonLeaf(ClassEntity cls);
/// Returns `true` if [element] or any of its superclasses is native.
bool isNativeOrExtendsNative(ClassEntity element);
/// Returns `true` if js interop features are used.
bool get isJsInteropUsed;
/// Returns `true` if [element] is a JsInterop library.
bool isJsInteropLibrary(LibraryEntity element);
/// Returns `true` if [element] is a JsInterop class.
bool isJsInteropClass(ClassEntity element);
/// Returns `true` if [element] is a JsInterop member.
bool isJsInteropMember(MemberEntity element);
/// Additional element information for native classes and methods and js-interop
/// methods.
/// This information is computed during resolution using [NativeDataBuilder].
abstract class NativeData extends NativeBasicData {
/// Returns `true` if [element] corresponds to a native JavaScript member.
/// A member is marked as native either through the native mechanism
/// (`@Native(...)` or the `native` pseudo keyword) allowed for internal
/// libraries or via the typed JavaScriptInterop mechanism allowed for user
/// libraries.
bool isNativeMember(MemberEntity element);
/// Returns the [NativeBehavior] for calling the native [method].
NativeBehavior getNativeMethodBehavior(FunctionEntity method);
/// Returns the [NativeBehavior] for reading from the native [field].
NativeBehavior getNativeFieldLoadBehavior(FieldEntity field);
/// Returns the [NativeBehavior] for writing to the native [field].
NativeBehavior getNativeFieldStoreBehavior(FieldEntity field);
/// Returns `true` if the name of [element] is fixed for the generated
/// JavaScript.
bool hasFixedBackendName(MemberEntity element);
/// Computes the name for [element] to use in the generated JavaScript. This
/// is either given through a native annotation or a js interop annotation.
String getFixedBackendName(MemberEntity element);
/// Computes the name prefix for [element] to use in the generated JavaScript.
/// For static and top-level members and constructors this is based on the
/// JavaScript names for the library and/or the enclosing class.
String getFixedBackendMethodPath(FunctionEntity element);
/// Returns `true` if [element] is a JsInterop method.
bool isJsInteropMember(MemberEntity element);
/// Returns the explicit js interop name for library [element].
String getJsInteropLibraryName(LibraryEntity element);
/// Returns `true` if [element] has an `@Anonymous` annotation.
bool isAnonymousJsInteropClass(ClassEntity element);
/// Returns the explicit js interop name for class [element].
String getJsInteropClassName(ClassEntity element);
/// Returns the explicit js interop name for member [element].
String getJsInteropMemberName(MemberEntity element);
/// Apply JS$ escaping scheme to convert possible escaped Dart names into
/// JS names.
String computeUnescapedJSInteropName(String name);
abstract class NativeBasicDataBuilder {
/// Sets the native tag info for [cls].
/// The tag info string contains comma-separated 'words' which are either
/// dispatch tags (having JavaScript identifier syntax) and directives that
/// begin with `!`.
void setNativeClassTagInfo(ClassEntity cls, String tagInfo);
/// Marks [element] as an explicit part of js interop.
/// If [name] is provided, it sets the explicit js interop name for the
/// library [element], other the js interop name is expected to be computed
/// later.
void markAsJsInteropLibrary(LibraryEntity element, {String name});
/// Marks [element] as an explicit part of js interop.
/// If [name] is provided, it sets the explicit js interop name for the
/// class [element], other the js interop name is expected to be computed
/// later.
void markAsJsInteropClass(ClassEntity element,
{String name, bool isAnonymous: false});
/// Marks [element] as an explicit part of js interop and sets the explicit js
/// interop [name] for the member [element].
void markAsJsInteropMember(MemberEntity element, String name);
/// Creates the [NativeBasicData] object for the data collected in this
/// builder.
NativeBasicData close(ElementEnvironment environment);
abstract class NativeDataBuilder {
/// Registers the [behavior] for calling the native [method].
void setNativeMethodBehavior(FunctionEntity method, NativeBehavior behavior);
/// Registers the [behavior] for reading from the native [field].
void setNativeFieldLoadBehavior(FieldEntity field, NativeBehavior behavior);
/// Registers the [behavior] for writing to the native [field].
void setNativeFieldStoreBehavior(FieldEntity field, NativeBehavior behavior);
/// Marks [element] as an explicit part of JsInterop. The js interop name is
/// expected to be computed later.
void markAsJsInteropMember(MemberEntity element);
/// Sets the native [name] for the member [element]. This name is used for
/// [element] in the generated JavaScript.
void setNativeMemberName(MemberEntity element, String name);
/// Sets the explicit js interop [name] for the library [element].
void setJsInteropLibraryName(LibraryEntity element, String name);
/// Marks [element] as having an `@Anonymous` annotation.
void markJsInteropClassAsAnonymous(ClassEntity element);
/// Sets the explicit js interop [name] for the class [element].
void setJsInteropClassName(ClassEntity element, String name);
/// Sets the explicit js interop [name] for the member [element].
void setJsInteropMemberName(MemberEntity element, String name);
/// Closes this builder and creates the resulting [NativeData] object.
NativeData close();
class NativeBasicDataBuilderImpl implements NativeBasicDataBuilder {
bool _closed = false;
/// Tag info for native JavaScript classes names. See
/// [setNativeClassTagInfo].
Map<ClassEntity, NativeClassTag> nativeClassTagInfo =
<ClassEntity, NativeClassTag>{};
/// The JavaScript libraries implemented via typed JavaScript interop.
Map<LibraryEntity, String> jsInteropLibraries = <LibraryEntity, String>{};
/// The JavaScript classes implemented via typed JavaScript interop.
Map<ClassEntity, String> jsInteropClasses = <ClassEntity, String>{};
/// JavaScript interop classes annotated with `@anonymous`
Set<ClassEntity> anonymousJsInteropClasses = new Set<ClassEntity>();
/// The JavaScript members implemented via typed JavaScript interop.
Map<MemberEntity, String> jsInteropMembers = <MemberEntity, String>{};
/// Sets the native tag info for [cls].
/// The tag info string contains comma-separated 'words' which are either
/// dispatch tags (having JavaScript identifier syntax) and directives that
/// begin with `!`.
void setNativeClassTagInfo(ClassEntity cls, String tagText) {
"NativeBasicDataBuilder is closed. "
"Trying to mark $cls as a native class."));
// TODO(johnniwinther): Assert that this is only called once. The memory
// compiler copies pre-processed elements into a new compiler through
// [Compiler.onLibraryScanned] and thereby causes multiple calls to this
// method.
nativeClassTagInfo[cls] == null ||
nativeClassTagInfo[cls].text == tagText,
"Native tag info set inconsistently on $cls: "
"Existing tag info '${nativeClassTagInfo[cls]}', "
"new tag info '$tagText'."));
nativeClassTagInfo[cls] = new NativeClassTag(tagText);
void markAsJsInteropLibrary(LibraryEntity element, {String name}) {
"NativeBasicDataBuilder is closed. "
"Trying to mark $element as a js-interop library."));
jsInteropLibraries[element] = name;
void markAsJsInteropClass(ClassEntity element,
{String name, bool isAnonymous: false}) {
"NativeBasicDataBuilder is closed. "
"Trying to mark $element as a js-interop class."));
jsInteropClasses[element] = name;
if (isAnonymous) {
void markAsJsInteropMember(MemberEntity element, String name) {
"NativeBasicDataBuilder is closed. "
"Trying to mark $element as a js-interop member."));
jsInteropMembers[element] = name;
NativeBasicData close(ElementEnvironment environment) {
_closed = true;
return new NativeBasicDataImpl(
void reopenForTesting() {
_closed = false;
class NativeBasicDataImpl implements NativeBasicData {
final ElementEnvironment _env;
/// Tag info for native JavaScript classes names. See
/// [setNativeClassTagInfo].
final Map<ClassEntity, NativeClassTag> nativeClassTagInfo;
/// The JavaScript libraries implemented via typed JavaScript interop.
final Map<LibraryEntity, String> jsInteropLibraries;
/// The JavaScript classes implemented via typed JavaScript interop.
final Map<ClassEntity, String> jsInteropClasses;
/// JavaScript interop classes annotated with `@anonymous`
final Set<ClassEntity> anonymousJsInteropClasses;
/// The JavaScript members implemented via typed JavaScript interop.
final Map<MemberEntity, String> jsInteropMembers;
bool isNativeClass(ClassEntity element) {
if (isJsInteropClass(element)) return true;
return nativeClassTagInfo.containsKey(element);
List<String> getNativeTagsOfClass(ClassEntity cls) {
return nativeClassTagInfo[cls].names;
bool hasNativeTagsForcedNonLeaf(ClassEntity cls) {
return nativeClassTagInfo[cls].isNonLeaf;
bool get isJsInteropUsed =>
jsInteropLibraries.isNotEmpty || jsInteropClasses.isNotEmpty;
bool isJsInteropLibrary(LibraryEntity element) {
return jsInteropLibraries.containsKey(element);
bool isJsInteropClass(ClassEntity element) {
return jsInteropClasses.containsKey(element);
bool _isJsInteropMember(MemberEntity element) {
return jsInteropMembers.containsKey(element);
bool isJsInteropMember(MemberEntity element) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Share this with [NativeDataImpl.isJsInteropMember].
if (element.isFunction ||
element.isConstructor ||
element.isGetter ||
element.isSetter) {
FunctionEntity function = element;
if (!function.isExternal) return false;
if (_isJsInteropMember(function)) return true;
if (function.enclosingClass != null) {
return isJsInteropClass(function.enclosingClass);
if (function.isTopLevel) {
return isJsInteropLibrary(function.library);
return false;
} else {
return _isJsInteropMember(element);
bool isNativeOrExtendsNative(ClassEntity element) {
if (element == null) return false;
if (isNativeClass(element) || isJsInteropClass(element)) {
return true;
return isNativeOrExtendsNative(_env.getSuperClass(element));
class NativeDataBuilderImpl implements NativeDataBuilder {
final NativeBasicDataImpl _nativeBasicData;
/// The JavaScript names for native JavaScript elements implemented.
Map<MemberEntity, String> nativeMemberName = <MemberEntity, String>{};
/// Cache for [NativeBehavior]s for calling native methods.
Map<FunctionEntity, NativeBehavior> nativeMethodBehavior =
<FunctionEntity, NativeBehavior>{};
/// Cache for [NativeBehavior]s for reading from native fields.
Map<MemberEntity, NativeBehavior> nativeFieldLoadBehavior =
<FieldEntity, NativeBehavior>{};
/// Cache for [NativeBehavior]s for writing to native fields.
Map<MemberEntity, NativeBehavior> nativeFieldStoreBehavior =
<FieldEntity, NativeBehavior>{};
/// The JavaScript names for libraries implemented via typed JavaScript
/// interop.
final Map<LibraryEntity, String> jsInteropLibraries;
/// JavaScript interop classes annotated with `@anonymous`
final Set<ClassEntity> anonymousJsInteropClasses;
/// The JavaScript names for classes implemented via typed JavaScript
/// interop.
final Map<ClassEntity, String> jsInteropClasses;
/// The JavaScript names for members implemented via typed JavaScript
/// interop.
final Map<MemberEntity, String> jsInteropMembers;
: jsInteropLibraries = _nativeBasicData.jsInteropLibraries,
jsInteropClasses = _nativeBasicData.jsInteropClasses,
anonymousJsInteropClasses = _nativeBasicData.anonymousJsInteropClasses,
jsInteropMembers = _nativeBasicData.jsInteropMembers;
/// Sets the native [name] for the member [element]. This name is used for
/// [element] in the generated JavaScript.
void setNativeMemberName(MemberEntity element, String name) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Avoid setting this more than once. The enqueuer
// might enqueue [element] several times (before processing it) and computes
// name on each call to `internalAddToWorkList`.
nativeMemberName[element] == null || nativeMemberName[element] == name,
"Native member name set inconsistently on $element: "
"Existing name '${nativeMemberName[element]}', "
"new name '$name'."));
nativeMemberName[element] = name;
/// Registers the [behavior] for calling the native [method].
void setNativeMethodBehavior(FunctionEntity method, NativeBehavior behavior) {
nativeMethodBehavior[method] = behavior;
/// Registers the [behavior] for reading from the native [field].
void setNativeFieldLoadBehavior(FieldEntity field, NativeBehavior behavior) {
nativeFieldLoadBehavior[field] = behavior;
/// Registers the [behavior] for writing to the native [field].
void setNativeFieldStoreBehavior(FieldEntity field, NativeBehavior behavior) {
nativeFieldStoreBehavior[field] = behavior;
/// Sets the explicit js interop [name] for the library [element].
void setJsInteropLibraryName(LibraryEntity element, String name) {
'Library $element is not js interop but given a js interop name.'));
jsInteropLibraries[element] = name;
void markJsInteropClassAsAnonymous(ClassEntity element) {
/// Sets the explicit js interop [name] for the class [element].
void setJsInteropClassName(ClassEntity element, String name) {
'Class $element is not js interop but given a js interop name.'));
jsInteropClasses[element] = name;
void markAsJsInteropMember(MemberEntity element) {
jsInteropMembers[element] = null;
/// Sets the explicit js interop [name] for the member [element].
void setJsInteropMemberName(MemberEntity element, String name) {
'Member $element is not js interop but given a js interop name.'));
jsInteropMembers[element] = name;
NativeData close() => new NativeDataImpl(
class NativeDataImpl implements NativeData, NativeBasicDataImpl {
/// Prefix used to escape JS names that are not valid Dart names
/// when using JSInterop.
static const String _jsInteropEscapePrefix = r'JS$';
final NativeBasicDataImpl _nativeBasicData;
/// The JavaScript names for native JavaScript elements implemented.
final Map<MemberEntity, String> nativeMemberName;
/// Cache for [NativeBehavior]s for calling native methods.
final Map<FunctionEntity, NativeBehavior> nativeMethodBehavior;
/// Cache for [NativeBehavior]s for reading from native fields.
final Map<MemberEntity, NativeBehavior> nativeFieldLoadBehavior;
/// Cache for [NativeBehavior]s for writing to native fields.
final Map<MemberEntity, NativeBehavior> nativeFieldStoreBehavior;
/// The JavaScript names for libraries implemented via typed JavaScript
/// interop.
final Map<LibraryEntity, String> jsInteropLibraries;
/// JavaScript interop classes annotated with `@anonymous`
final Set<ClassEntity> anonymousJsInteropClasses;
/// The JavaScript names for classes implemented via typed JavaScript
/// interop.
final Map<ClassEntity, String> jsInteropClasses;
/// The JavaScript names for members implemented via typed JavaScript
/// interop.
final Map<MemberEntity, String> jsInteropMembers;
bool isAnonymousJsInteropClass(ClassEntity element) {
return anonymousJsInteropClasses.contains(element);
/// Returns `true` if [cls] is a native class.
bool isNativeClass(ClassEntity element) =>
/// Returns the list of non-directive native tag words for [cls].
List<String> getNativeTagsOfClass(ClassEntity cls) =>
/// Returns `true` if [cls] has a `!nonleaf` tag word.
bool hasNativeTagsForcedNonLeaf(ClassEntity cls) =>
bool get isJsInteropUsed => _nativeBasicData.isJsInteropUsed;
/// Returns `true` if [element] is a JsInterop library.
bool isJsInteropLibrary(LibraryEntity element) =>
/// Returns `true` if [element] is a JsInterop class.
bool isJsInteropClass(ClassEntity element) =>
/// Returns `true` if [element] or any of its superclasses is native.
bool isNativeOrExtendsNative(ClassEntity element) =>
/// Returns the explicit js interop name for library [element].
String getJsInteropLibraryName(LibraryEntity element) {
return jsInteropLibraries[element];
/// Returns the explicit js interop name for class [element].
String getJsInteropClassName(ClassEntity element) {
return jsInteropClasses[element];
/// Returns the explicit js interop name for member [element].
String getJsInteropMemberName(MemberEntity element) {
return jsInteropMembers[element];
/// Returns `true` if [element] is explicitly marked as part of JsInterop.
bool _isJsInteropMember(MemberEntity element) {
return jsInteropMembers.containsKey(element);
/// Returns `true` if [element] is a JsInterop method.
bool isJsInteropMember(MemberEntity element) {
if (element.isFunction ||
element.isConstructor ||
element.isGetter ||
element.isSetter) {
FunctionEntity function = element;
if (!function.isExternal) return false;
if (_isJsInteropMember(function)) return true;
if (function.enclosingClass != null) {
return isJsInteropClass(function.enclosingClass);
if (function.isTopLevel) {
return isJsInteropLibrary(function.library);
return false;
} else {
return _isJsInteropMember(element);
/// Returns `true` if the name of [element] is fixed for the generated
/// JavaScript.
bool hasFixedBackendName(MemberEntity element) {
return isJsInteropMember(element) || nativeMemberName.containsKey(element);
/// Computes the name for [element] to use in the generated JavaScript. This
/// is either given through a native annotation or a js interop annotation.
String getFixedBackendName(MemberEntity element) {
String name = nativeMemberName[element];
if (name == null && isJsInteropMember(element)) {
// If an element isJsInterop but _isJsInterop is false that means it is
// considered interop as the parent class is interop.
name = element.isConstructor
? _jsClassNameHelper(element.enclosingClass)
: _jsMemberNameHelper(element);
nativeMemberName[element] = name;
return name;
String _jsLibraryNameHelper(LibraryEntity element) {
String jsInteropName = getJsInteropLibraryName(element);
if (jsInteropName != null && jsInteropName.isNotEmpty) return jsInteropName;
return 'self';
String _jsClassNameHelper(ClassEntity element) {
String jsInteropName = getJsInteropClassName(element);
if (jsInteropName != null && jsInteropName.isNotEmpty) return jsInteropName;
return computeUnescapedJSInteropName(;
String _jsMemberNameHelper(MemberEntity element) {
String jsInteropName = jsInteropMembers[element];
!(jsInteropMembers.containsKey(element) && jsInteropName == null),
'Member $element is js interop but js interop name has not yet '
'been computed.'));
if (jsInteropName != null && jsInteropName.isNotEmpty) {
return jsInteropName;
return computeUnescapedJSInteropName(;
/// Returns a JavaScript path specifying the context in which
/// [element.fixedBackendName] should be evaluated. Only applicable for
/// elements using typed JavaScript interop.
/// For example: fixedBackendPath for the static method createMap in the
/// Map class of the JavaScript library would have path
/// "goog.maps.Map".
String getFixedBackendMethodPath(FunctionEntity element) {
if (!isJsInteropMember(element)) return null;
if (element.isInstanceMember) return 'this';
if (element.isConstructor) {
return _fixedBackendClassPath(element.enclosingClass);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if (element.enclosingClass != null) {
return sb.toString();
String _fixedBackendClassPath(ClassEntity element) {
if (!isJsInteropClass(element)) return null;
return _jsLibraryNameHelper(element.library);
/// Returns `true` if [element] is a native member of a native class.
bool isNativeMember(MemberEntity element) {
if (isJsInteropMember(element)) return true;
return nativeMemberName.containsKey(element);
/// Returns the [NativeBehavior] for calling the native [method].
NativeBehavior getNativeMethodBehavior(FunctionEntity method) {
"No native method behavior has been computed for $method."));
return nativeMethodBehavior[method];
/// Returns the [NativeBehavior] for reading from the native [field].
NativeBehavior getNativeFieldLoadBehavior(FieldEntity field) {
"No native field load behavior has been "
"computed for $field."));
return nativeFieldLoadBehavior[field];
/// Returns the [NativeBehavior] for writing to the native [field].
NativeBehavior getNativeFieldStoreBehavior(FieldEntity field) {
"No native field store behavior has been computed for $field."));
return nativeFieldStoreBehavior[field];
/// Apply JS$ escaping scheme to convert possible escaped Dart names into
/// JS names.
String computeUnescapedJSInteropName(String name) {
return name.startsWith(_jsInteropEscapePrefix)
? name.substring(_jsInteropEscapePrefix.length)
: name;
Map<ClassEntity, NativeClassTag> get nativeClassTagInfo =>
ElementEnvironment get _env => _nativeBasicData._env;
class NativeClassTag {
final List<String> names;
final bool isNonLeaf;
factory NativeClassTag(String tagText) {
List<String> tags = tagText.split(',');
List<String> names = tags.where((s) => !s.startsWith('!')).toList();
bool isNonLeaf = tags.contains('!nonleaf');
return new NativeClassTag.internal(names, isNonLeaf);
NativeClassTag.internal(this.names, this.isNonLeaf);
String get text {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if (isNonLeaf) {
if (names.isNotEmpty) {
return sb.toString();
int get hashCode => Hashing.listHash(names, isNonLeaf.hashCode);
bool operator ==(other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! NativeClassTag) return false;
return equalElements(names, other.names) && isNonLeaf == other.isNonLeaf;
String toString() => text;