| // Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| part of js_backend.namer; |
| |
| abstract class _MinifiedFieldNamer implements Namer { |
| _FieldNamingRegistry get fieldRegistry; |
| |
| // Returns a minimal name for the field that is globally unique along |
| // the given element's class inheritance chain. |
| // |
| // The inheritance scope based naming might not yield a name. For instance, |
| // this could be because the field belongs to a mixin. In such a case this |
| // will return `null` and a normal field name has to be used. |
| jsAst.Name _minifiedInstanceFieldPropertyName(FieldEntity element) { |
| if (_nativeData.hasFixedBackendName(element)) { |
| return new StringBackedName(_nativeData.getFixedBackendName(element)); |
| } |
| |
| _FieldNamingScope names; |
| if (element is JRecordField) { |
| names = new _FieldNamingScope.forBox(element.box, fieldRegistry); |
| } else { |
| ClassEntity cls = element.enclosingClass; |
| names = new _FieldNamingScope.forClass(cls, _closedWorld, fieldRegistry); |
| } |
| |
| if (names.containsField(element)) { |
| return names[element]; |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Encapsulates the global state of field naming. |
| * |
| * The field naming registry allocates names to be used along a path in the |
| * inheritance hierarchy of fields, starting with the object class. The actual |
| * hierarchy is encoded using instances of [_FieldNamingScope]. |
| */ |
| class _FieldNamingRegistry { |
| final Namer namer; |
| |
| final Map<Entity, _FieldNamingScope> scopes = |
| new Map<Entity, _FieldNamingScope>(); |
| |
| final Map<Entity, jsAst.Name> globalNames = new Map<Entity, jsAst.Name>(); |
| |
| int globalCount = 0; |
| |
| final List<jsAst.Name> nameStore = new List<jsAst.Name>(); |
| |
| _FieldNamingRegistry(this.namer); |
| |
| // Returns the name to be used for a field with distance [index] from the |
| // root of the object hierarchy. The distance thereby is computed as the |
| // number of fields preceding the current field in its classes inheritance |
| // chain. |
| // |
| // The implementation assumes that names are requedsted in order, that is the |
| // name at position i+1 is requested after the name at position i was |
| // requested. |
| jsAst.Name getName(int index) { |
| if (index >= nameStore.length) { |
| // The namer usually does not use certain names as they clash with |
| // existing properties on JS objects (see [_reservedNativeProperties]). |
| // However, some of them are really short and safe to use for fields. |
| // Thus, we shortcut the namer to use those first. |
| assert(index == nameStore.length); |
| if (index < MinifyNamer._reservedNativeProperties.length && |
| MinifyNamer._reservedNativeProperties[index].length <= 2) { |
| nameStore.add( |
| new StringBackedName(MinifyNamer._reservedNativeProperties[index])); |
| } else { |
| nameStore.add(namer.getFreshName(namer.instanceScope, "field$index")); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return nameStore[index]; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * A [_FieldNamingScope] encodes a node in the inheritance tree of the current |
| * class hierarchy. The root node typically is the node corresponding to the |
| * `Object` class. It is used to assign a unique name to each field of a class. |
| * Unique here means unique wrt. all fields along the path back to the root. |
| * This is achieved at construction time via the [_fieldNameCounter] field that |
| * counts the number of fields on the path to the root node that have been |
| * encountered so far. |
| * |
| * Obviously, this only works if no fields are added to a parent node after its |
| * children have added their first field. |
| */ |
| class _FieldNamingScope { |
| final _FieldNamingScope superScope; |
| final Entity container; |
| final Map<Entity, jsAst.Name> names = new Maplet<Entity, jsAst.Name>(); |
| final _FieldNamingRegistry registry; |
| |
| /// Naming counter used for fields of ordinary classes. |
| int _fieldNameCounter; |
| |
| /// The number of fields along the superclass chain that use inheritance |
| /// based naming, including the ones allocated for this scope. |
| int get inheritanceBasedFieldNameCounter => _fieldNameCounter; |
| |
| /// The number of locally used fields. Depending on the naming source |
| /// (e.g. inheritance based or globally unique for mixixns) this |
| /// might be different from [inheritanceBasedFieldNameCounter]. |
| int get _localFieldNameCounter => _fieldNameCounter; |
| void set _localFieldNameCounter(int val) { |
| _fieldNameCounter = val; |
| } |
| |
| factory _FieldNamingScope.forClass( |
| ClassEntity cls, JClosedWorld world, _FieldNamingRegistry registry) { |
| _FieldNamingScope result = registry.scopes[cls]; |
| if (result != null) return result; |
| |
| if (world.isUsedAsMixin(cls)) { |
| result = new _MixinFieldNamingScope.mixin(cls, registry); |
| } else { |
| var superclass = world.elementEnvironment.getSuperClass(cls); |
| if (superclass == null) { |
| result = new _FieldNamingScope.rootScope(cls, registry); |
| } else { |
| _FieldNamingScope superScope = |
| new _FieldNamingScope.forClass(superclass, world, registry); |
| if (world.elementEnvironment.isMixinApplication(cls)) { |
| result = |
| new _MixinFieldNamingScope.mixedIn(cls, superScope, registry); |
| } else { |
| result = new _FieldNamingScope.inherit(cls, superScope, registry); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| world.elementEnvironment.forEachClassMember(cls, |
| (ClassEntity declarer, MemberEntity member) { |
| if (member.isField && member.isInstanceMember) result.add(member); |
| }); |
| |
| registry.scopes[cls] = result; |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| factory _FieldNamingScope.forBox(Local box, _FieldNamingRegistry registry) { |
| return registry.scopes |
| .putIfAbsent(box, () => new _BoxFieldNamingScope(box, registry)); |
| } |
| |
| _FieldNamingScope.rootScope(this.container, this.registry) |
| : superScope = null, |
| _fieldNameCounter = 0; |
| |
| _FieldNamingScope.inherit(this.container, this.superScope, this.registry) { |
| _fieldNameCounter = superScope.inheritanceBasedFieldNameCounter; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Checks whether [name] is already used in the current scope chain. |
| */ |
| _isNameUnused(jsAst.Name name) { |
| return !names.values.contains(name) && |
| ((superScope == null) || superScope._isNameUnused(name)); |
| } |
| |
| jsAst.Name _nextName() => registry.getName(_localFieldNameCounter++); |
| |
| jsAst.Name operator [](Entity field) { |
| jsAst.Name name = names[field]; |
| if (name == null && superScope != null) return superScope[field]; |
| return name; |
| } |
| |
| void add(Entity field) { |
| if (names.containsKey(field)) return; |
| |
| jsAst.Name value = _nextName(); |
| assert(_isNameUnused(value), failedAt(field)); |
| names[field] = value; |
| } |
| |
| bool containsField(Entity field) => names.containsKey(field); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Field names for mixins have two constraints: They need to be unique in the |
| * hierarchy of each application of a mixin and they need to be the same for |
| * all applications of a mixin. To achieve this, we use global naming for |
| * mixins from the same name pool as fields and add a `$` at the end to ensure |
| * they do not collide with normal field names. The `$` sign is typically used |
| * as a separator between method names and argument counts and does not appear |
| * in generated names themselves. |
| */ |
| class _MixinFieldNamingScope extends _FieldNamingScope { |
| int get _localFieldNameCounter => registry.globalCount; |
| void set _localFieldNameCounter(int val) { |
| registry.globalCount = val; |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| Map<Entity, jsAst.Name> get names => registry.globalNames; |
| |
| _MixinFieldNamingScope.mixin(ClassEntity cls, _FieldNamingRegistry registry) |
| : super.rootScope(cls, registry); |
| |
| _MixinFieldNamingScope.mixedIn(ClassEntity container, |
| _FieldNamingScope superScope, _FieldNamingRegistry registry) |
| : super.inherit(container, superScope, registry); |
| |
| jsAst.Name _nextName() { |
| jsAst.Name proposed = super._nextName(); |
| return new CompoundName([proposed, Namer._literalDollar]); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * [BoxFieldElement] fields work differently in that they do not belong to an |
| * actual class but an anonymous box associated to a [Local]. As there is no |
| * inheritance chain, we do not need to compute fields a priori but can assign |
| * names on the fly. |
| */ |
| class _BoxFieldNamingScope extends _FieldNamingScope { |
| _BoxFieldNamingScope(Local box, _FieldNamingRegistry registry) |
| : super.rootScope(box, registry); |
| |
| @override |
| bool containsField(_) => true; |
| |
| jsAst.Name operator [](Entity field) { |
| if (!names.containsKey(field)) add(field); |
| return names[field]; |
| } |
| } |