blob: a50097524bb6f077cc7c2210d6f12d362e363670 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analyzer.src.generated.type_system;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart' show AstNode;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart' show Keyword, TokenType;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/listener.dart' show ErrorReporter;
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/member.dart' show TypeParameterMember;
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart'
show StrongModeCode, CompileTimeErrorCode;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart'
show AnalysisContext, AnalysisOptionsImpl;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart' show TypeProvider;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_dart.dart' show ParameterKind;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
* `void`, `dynamic`, and `Object` are all equivalent. However, this makes
* LUB/GLB indeterministic. Therefore, for the cases of LUB/GLB, we have some
* types which are more top than others.
* So, `void` < `Object` < `dynamic` for the purposes of LUB and GLB.
* This is expressed by their topiness (higher = more toppy).
int _getTopiness(DartType t) {
assert(_isTop(t), 'only Top types have a topiness');
// Highest top
if (t.isVoid) return 3;
if (t.isDynamic) return 2;
if (t.isObject) return 1;
if (t.isDartAsyncFutureOr)
return -3 + _getTopiness((t as InterfaceType).typeArguments[0]);
// Lowest top
assert(false, 'a Top type without a defined topiness');
// Try to ensure that if this happens, its less toppy than an actual Top type.
return -100000;
bool _isBottom(DartType t) {
return t.isBottom ||
t.isDartCoreNull ||
identical(t, UnknownInferredType.instance);
bool _isTop(DartType t) {
if (t.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
return _isTop((t as InterfaceType).typeArguments[0]);
return t.isDynamic ||
t.isObject ||
t.isVoid ||
identical(t, UnknownInferredType.instance);
/// Tracks upper and lower type bounds for a set of type parameters.
/// This class is used by calling [isSubtypeOf]. When it encounters one of
/// the type parameters it is inferring, it will record the constraint, and
/// optimistically assume the constraint will be satisfied.
/// For example if we are inferring type parameter A, and we ask if
/// `A <: num`, this will record that A must be a subytpe of `num`. It also
/// handles cases when A appears as part of the structure of another type, for
/// example `Iterable<A> <: Iterable<num>` would infer the same constraint
/// (due to covariant generic types) as would `() -> A <: () -> num`. In
/// contrast `(A) -> void <: (num) -> void`.
/// Once the lower/upper bounds are determined, [infer] should be called to
/// finish the inference. It will instantiate a generic function type with the
/// inferred types for each type parameter.
/// It can also optionally compute a partial solution, in case some of the type
/// parameters could not be inferred (because the constraints cannot be
/// satisfied), or bail on the inference when this happens.
/// As currently designed, an instance of this class should only be used to
/// infer a single call and discarded immediately afterwards.
class GenericInferrer {
final StrongTypeSystemImpl _typeSystem;
final TypeProvider typeProvider;
final Map<TypeParameterElement, List<_TypeConstraint>> constraints;
/// Buffer recording constraints recorded while performing a recursive call to
/// [_matchSubtypeOf] that might fail, so that any constraints recorded during
/// the failed match can be rewound.
final _undoBuffer = <_TypeConstraint>[];
GenericInferrer(this.typeProvider, this._typeSystem,
Iterable<TypeParameterElement> typeFormals)
: constraints = new HashMap(
equals: (x, y) => x.location == y.location,
hashCode: (x) => x.location.hashCode) {
for (var formal in typeFormals) {
constraints[formal] = [];
/// Apply an argument constraint, which asserts that the [argument] staticType
/// is a subtype of the [parameterType].
void constrainArgument(
DartType argumentType, DartType parameterType, String parameterName,
{DartType genericType}) {
var origin = new _TypeConstraintFromArgument(
argumentType, parameterType, parameterName,
genericType: genericType);
tryMatchSubtypeOf(argumentType, parameterType, origin, covariant: false);
/// Constrain a universal function type [fnType] used in a context
/// [contextType].
void constrainGenericFunctionInContext(
FunctionType fnType, DartType contextType) {
var origin = new _TypeConstraintFromFunctionContext(fnType, contextType);
// Since we're trying to infer the instantiation, we want to ignore type
// formals as we check the parameters and return type.
var inferFnType =
tryMatchSubtypeOf(inferFnType, contextType, origin, covariant: true);
/// Apply a return type constraint, which asserts that the [declaredType]
/// is a subtype of the [contextType].
void constrainReturnType(DartType declaredType, DartType contextType) {
var origin = new _TypeConstraintFromReturnType(declaredType, contextType);
tryMatchSubtypeOf(declaredType, contextType, origin, covariant: true);
/// Given the constraints that were given by calling [isSubtypeOf], find the
/// instantiation of the generic function that satisfies these constraints.
/// If [downwardsInferPhase] is set, we are in the first pass of inference,
/// pushing context types down. At that point we are allowed to push down
/// `?` to precisely represent an unknown type. If [downwardsInferPhase] is
/// false, we are on our final inference pass, have all available information
/// including argument types, and must not conclude `?` for any type formal.
T infer<T extends ParameterizedType>(
T genericType, List<TypeParameterElement> typeFormals,
{bool considerExtendsClause: true,
ErrorReporter errorReporter,
AstNode errorNode,
bool downwardsInferPhase: false}) {
var fnTypeParams = TypeParameterTypeImpl.getTypes(typeFormals);
// Initialize the inferred type array.
// In the downwards phase, they all start as `?` to offer reasonable
// degradation for f-bounded type parameters.
var inferredTypes = new List<DartType>.filled(
fnTypeParams.length, UnknownInferredType.instance);
var _inferTypeParameter = downwardsInferPhase
? _inferTypeParameterFromContext
: _inferTypeParameterFromAll;
for (int i = 0; i < fnTypeParams.length; i++) {
TypeParameterType typeParam = fnTypeParams[i];
var typeParamBound = typeParam.bound;
_TypeConstraint extendsClause;
if (considerExtendsClause && !typeParamBound.isDynamic) {
extendsClause = new _TypeConstraint.fromExtends(typeParam,
typeParam.bound.substitute2(inferredTypes, fnTypeParams));
inferredTypes[i] =
_inferTypeParameter(constraints[typeParam.element], extendsClause);
// If the downwards infer phase has failed, we'll catch this in the upwards
// phase later on.
if (downwardsInferPhase) {
return genericType.instantiate(inferredTypes) as T;
// Check the inferred types against all of the constraints.
var knownTypes = new HashMap<TypeParameterType, DartType>(
equals: (x, y) => x.element == y.element,
hashCode: (x) => x.element.hashCode);
for (int i = 0; i < fnTypeParams.length; i++) {
TypeParameterType typeParam = fnTypeParams[i];
var constraints = this.constraints[typeParam.element];
var typeParamBound =
typeParam.bound.substitute2(inferredTypes, fnTypeParams);
var inferred = inferredTypes[i];
bool success =
constraints.every((c) => c.isSatisifedBy(_typeSystem, inferred));
if (success && !typeParamBound.isDynamic) {
// If everything else succeeded, check the `extends` constraint.
var extendsConstraint =
new _TypeConstraint.fromExtends(typeParam, typeParamBound);
success = extendsConstraint.isSatisifedBy(_typeSystem, inferred);
if (!success) {
[typeParam, _formatError(typeParam, inferred, constraints)]);
// Heuristic: even if we failed, keep the erroneous type.
// It should satisfy at least some of the constraints (e.g. the return
// context). If we fall back to instantiateToBounds, we'll typically get
// more errors (e.g. because `dynamic` is the most common bound).
if (UnknownInferredType.isKnown(inferred)) {
knownTypes[typeParam] = inferred;
// Use instantiate to bounds to finish things off.
var hasError = new List<bool>.filled(fnTypeParams.length, false);
var result = _typeSystem.instantiateToBounds(genericType,
hasError: hasError, knownTypes: knownTypes) as T;
// Report any errors from instantiateToBounds.
for (int i = 0; i < hasError.length; i++) {
if (hasError[i]) {
TypeParameterType typeParam = fnTypeParams[i];
var typeParamBound =
typeParam.bound.substitute2(inferredTypes, fnTypeParams);
// TODO(jmesserly): improve this error message.
?.reportErrorForNode(StrongModeCode.COULD_NOT_INFER, errorNode, [
"\nRecursive bound cannot be instantiated: '$typeParamBound'."
"\nConsider passing explicit type argument(s) "
"to the generic.\n\n'"
return result;
/// Tries to make [i1] a subtype of [i2] and accumulate constraints as needed.
/// The return value indicates whether the match was successful. If it was
/// unsuccessful, any constraints that were accumulated during the match
/// attempt have been rewound (see [_rewindConstraints]).
bool tryMatchSubtypeOf(DartType t1, DartType t2, _TypeConstraintOrigin origin,
{bool covariant}) {
int previousRewindBufferLength = _undoBuffer.length;
bool success = _matchSubtypeOf(t1, t2, null, origin, covariant: covariant);
if (!success) {
return success;
/// Choose the bound that was implied by the return type, if any.
/// Which bound this is depends on what positions the type parameter
/// appears in. If the type only appears only in a contravariant position,
/// we will choose the lower bound instead.
/// For example given:
/// Func1<T, bool> makeComparer<T>(T x) => (T y) => x() == y;
/// main() {
/// Func1<num, bool> t = makeComparer/* infer <num> */(42);
/// print(t(42.0)); /// false, no error.
/// }
/// The constraints we collect are:
/// * `num <: T`
/// * `int <: T`
/// ... and no upper bound. Therefore the lower bound is the best choice.
DartType _chooseTypeFromConstraints(Iterable<_TypeConstraint> constraints,
{bool toKnownType: false}) {
DartType lower = UnknownInferredType.instance;
DartType upper = UnknownInferredType.instance;
for (var constraint in constraints) {
// Given constraints:
// L1 <: T <: U1
// L2 <: T <: U2
// These can be combined to produce:
// LUB(L1, L2) <: T <: GLB(U1, U2).
// This can then be done for all constraints in sequence.
// This resulting constraint may be unsatisfiable; in that case inference
// will fail.
upper = _getGreatestLowerBound(upper, constraint.upperBound);
lower = _typeSystem.getLeastUpperBound(lower, constraint.lowerBound);
// Prefer the known bound, if any.
// Otherwise take whatever bound has partial information, e.g. `Iterable<?>`
// For both of those, prefer the lower bound (arbitrary heuristic).
if (UnknownInferredType.isKnown(lower)) {
return lower;
if (UnknownInferredType.isKnown(upper)) {
return upper;
if (!identical(UnknownInferredType.instance, lower)) {
return toKnownType ? _typeSystem.lowerBoundForType(lower) : lower;
if (!identical(UnknownInferredType.instance, upper)) {
return toKnownType ? _typeSystem.upperBoundForType(upper) : upper;
return lower;
String _formatError(TypeParameterType typeParam, DartType inferred,
Iterable<_TypeConstraint> constraints) {
var intro = "Tried to infer '$inferred' for '$typeParam'"
" which doesn't work:";
var constraintsByOrigin = <_TypeConstraintOrigin, List<_TypeConstraint>>{};
for (var c in constraints) {
constraintsByOrigin.putIfAbsent(c.origin, () => []).add(c);
// Only report unique constraint origins.
Iterable<_TypeConstraint> isSatisified(bool expected) => constraintsByOrigin
.where((l) =>
l.every((c) => c.isSatisifedBy(_typeSystem, inferred)) == expected)
.expand((i) => i);
String unsatisified = _formatConstraints(isSatisified(false));
String satisified = _formatConstraints(isSatisified(true));
if (satisified.isNotEmpty) {
satisified = "\nThe type '$inferred' was inferred from:\n$satisified";
return '\n\n$intro\n$unsatisified$satisified\n\n'
'Consider passing explicit type argument(s) to the generic.\n\n';
/// This is first calls strong mode's GLB, but if it fails to find anything
/// (i.e. returns the bottom type), we kick in a few additional rules:
/// - `GLB(FutureOr<A>, B)` is defined as:
/// - `GLB(FutureOr<A>, FutureOr<B>) == FutureOr<GLB(A, B)>`
/// - `GLB(FutureOr<A>, Future<B>) == Future<GLB(A, B)>`
/// - else `GLB(FutureOr<A>, B) == GLB(A, B)`
/// - `GLB(A, FutureOr<B>) == GLB(FutureOr<A>, B)` (defined above),
/// - else `GLB(A, B) == Null`
DartType _getGreatestLowerBound(DartType t1, DartType t2) {
var result = _typeSystem.getGreatestLowerBound(t1, t2);
if (result.isBottom) {
// See if we can do better by considering FutureOr rules.
if (t1 is InterfaceType && t1.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
var t1TypeArg = t1.typeArguments[0];
if (t2 is InterfaceType) {
// GLB(FutureOr<A>, FutureOr<B>) == FutureOr<GLB(A, B)>
if (t2.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
var t2TypeArg = t2.typeArguments[0];
return typeProvider.futureOrType
.instantiate([_getGreatestLowerBound(t1TypeArg, t2TypeArg)]);
// GLB(FutureOr<A>, Future<B>) == Future<GLB(A, B)>
if (t2.isDartAsyncFuture) {
var t2TypeArg = t2.typeArguments[0];
return typeProvider.futureType
.instantiate([_getGreatestLowerBound(t1TypeArg, t2TypeArg)]);
// GLB(FutureOr<A>, B) == GLB(A, B)
return _getGreatestLowerBound(t1TypeArg, t2);
if (t2 is InterfaceType && t2.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
// GLB(A, FutureOr<B>) == GLB(FutureOr<A>, B)
return _getGreatestLowerBound(t2, t1);
// TODO(jmesserly): fix this rule once we support non-nullable types.
return typeProvider.nullType;
return result;
DartType _inferTypeParameterFromAll(
List<_TypeConstraint> constraints, _TypeConstraint extendsClause) {
// See if we already fixed this type from downwards inference.
// If so, then we aren't allowed to change it based on argument types.
DartType t = _inferTypeParameterFromContext(
constraints.where((c) => c.isDownwards), extendsClause);
if (UnknownInferredType.isKnown(t)) {
// Remove constraints that aren't downward ones; we'll ignore these for
// error reporting, because inference already succeeded.
constraints.removeWhere((c) => !c.isDownwards);
return t;
if (extendsClause != null) {
constraints = constraints.toList()..add(extendsClause);
var choice = _chooseTypeFromConstraints(constraints, toKnownType: true);
return choice;
DartType _inferTypeParameterFromContext(
Iterable<_TypeConstraint> constraints, _TypeConstraint extendsClause) {
DartType t = _chooseTypeFromConstraints(constraints);
if (UnknownInferredType.isUnknown(t)) {
return t;
// If we're about to make our final choice, apply the extends clause.
// This gives us a chance to refine the choice, in case it would violate
// the `extends` clause. For example:
// Object obj = math.min/*<infer Object, error>*/(1, 2);
// If we consider the `T extends num` we conclude `<num>`, which works.
if (extendsClause != null) {
constraints = constraints.toList()..add(extendsClause);
return _chooseTypeFromConstraints(constraints);
return t;
/// Tries to make [i1] a subtype of [i2] and accumulate constraints as needed.
/// The return value indicates whether the match was successful. If it was
/// unsuccessful, the caller is responsible for ignoring any constraints that
/// were accumulated (see [_rewindConstraints]).
bool _matchInterfaceSubtypeOf(InterfaceType i1, InterfaceType i2,
Set<Element> visited, _TypeConstraintOrigin origin,
{bool covariant}) {
if (identical(i1, i2)) {
return true;
if (i1.element == i2.element) {
List<DartType> tArgs1 = i1.typeArguments;
List<DartType> tArgs2 = i2.typeArguments;
assert(tArgs1.length == tArgs2.length);
for (int i = 0; i < tArgs1.length; i++) {
if (!_matchSubtypeOf(tArgs1[i], tArgs2[i], visited, origin,
covariant: covariant)) {
return false;
return true;
if (i1.isObject) {
return false;
// Guard against loops in the class hierarchy
// TODO(jmesserly): this function isn't guarding against anything (it's not
// passsing down `visitedSet`, so adding the element has no effect).
// If that's fixed, it breaks inference tests for types like
// `Iterable<Iterable<?>>` matched aganinst `List<List<int>>`.
// The fix is for type arguments (above) to not pass down `visited`, similar
// to how _isInterfaceSubtypeOf does not pass down `visited` for type
// arguments.
bool guardedInterfaceSubtype(InterfaceType t1) {
var visitedSet = visited ?? new HashSet<Element>();
if (visitedSet.add(t1.element)) {
bool matched = _matchInterfaceSubtypeOf(t1, i2, visited, origin,
covariant: covariant);
return matched;
} else {
// In the case of a recursive type parameter, consider the subtype
// match to have failed.
return false;
// We don't need to search the entire class hierarchy, since a given
// subclass can't appear multiple times with different generic parameters.
// So shortcut to the first match found.
// We don't need undo logic here because if the classes don't match, nothing
// is added to the constraint set.
if (guardedInterfaceSubtype(i1.superclass)) return true;
for (final parent in i1.interfaces) {
if (guardedInterfaceSubtype(parent)) return true;
for (final parent in i1.mixins) {
if (guardedInterfaceSubtype(parent)) return true;
return false;
/// Assert that [t1] will be a subtype of [t2], and returns if the constraint
/// can be satisfied.
/// [covariant] must be true if [t1] is a declared type of the generic
/// function and [t2] is the context type, or false if the reverse. For
/// example [covariant] is used when [t1] is the declared return type
/// and [t2] is the context type. Contravariant would be used if [t1] is the
/// argument type (i.e. passed in to the generic function) and [t2] is the
/// declared parameter type.
/// [origin] indicates where the constraint came from, for example an argument
/// or return type.
bool _matchSubtypeOf(DartType t1, DartType t2, Set<Element> visited,
_TypeConstraintOrigin origin,
{bool covariant}) {
if (covariant && t1 is TypeParameterType) {
var constraints = this.constraints[t1.element];
if (constraints != null) {
if (!identical(t2, UnknownInferredType.instance)) {
var constraint = new _TypeConstraint(origin, t1, upper: t2);
return true;
if (!covariant && t2 is TypeParameterType) {
var constraints = this.constraints[t2.element];
if (constraints != null) {
if (!identical(t1, UnknownInferredType.instance)) {
var constraint = new _TypeConstraint(origin, t2, lower: t1);
return true;
if (identical(t1, t2)) {
return true;
// TODO(jmesserly): this logic is taken from subtype.
bool matchSubtype(DartType t1, DartType t2) {
return _matchSubtypeOf(t1, t2, null, origin, covariant: covariant);
// Handle FutureOr<T> union type.
if (t1 is InterfaceType && t1.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
var t1TypeArg = t1.typeArguments[0];
if (t2 is InterfaceType && t2.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
var t2TypeArg = t2.typeArguments[0];
// FutureOr<A> <: FutureOr<B> iff A <: B
return matchSubtype(t1TypeArg, t2TypeArg);
// given t1 is Future<A> | A, then:
// (Future<A> | A) <: t2 iff Future<A> <: t2 and A <: t2.
var t1Future = typeProvider.futureType.instantiate([t1TypeArg]);
return matchSubtype(t1Future, t2) && matchSubtype(t1TypeArg, t2);
if (t2 is InterfaceType && t2.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
// given t2 is Future<A> | A, then:
// t1 <: (Future<A> | A) iff t1 <: Future<A> or t1 <: A
var t2TypeArg = t2.typeArguments[0];
var t2Future = typeProvider.futureType.instantiate([t2TypeArg]);
// First we try matching `t1 <: Future<A>`. If that succeeds *and*
// records at least one constraint, then we proceed using that constraint.
var previousRewindBufferLength = _undoBuffer.length;
var success =
tryMatchSubtypeOf(t1, t2Future, origin, covariant: covariant);
if (_undoBuffer.length != previousRewindBufferLength) {
// Trying to match `t1 <: Future<A>` succeeded and recorded constraints,
// so those are the constraints we want.
return true;
} else {
// Either `t1 <: Future<A>` failed to match, or it matched trivially
// without recording any constraints (e.g. because t1 is `Null`). We
// want constraints, because they let us do more precise inference, so
// go ahead and try matching `t1 <: A` to see if it records any
// constraints.
if (tryMatchSubtypeOf(t1, t2TypeArg, origin, covariant: covariant)) {
// Trying to match `t1 <: A` succeeded. If it recorded constraints,
// those are the constraints we want. If it didn't, then there's no
// way we're going to get any constraints. So either way, we want to
// return `true` since the match suceeded and the constraints we want
// (if any) have been recorded.
return true;
} else {
// Trying to match `t1 <: A` failed. So there's no way we are going
// to get any constraints. Just return `success` to indicate whether
// the match succeeded.
return success;
// S <: T where S is a type variable
// T is not dynamic or object (handled above)
// True if T == S
// Or true if bound of S is S' and S' <: T
if (t1 is TypeParameterType) {
// Guard against recursive type parameters
// TODO(jmesserly): this function isn't guarding against anything (it's
// not passsing down `visitedSet`, so adding the element has no effect).
bool guardedSubtype(DartType t1, DartType t2) {
var visitedSet = visited ?? new HashSet<Element>();
if (visitedSet.add(t1.element)) {
bool matched = matchSubtype(t1, t2);
return matched;
} else {
// In the case of a recursive type parameter, consider the subtype
// match to have failed.
return false;
if (t2 is TypeParameterType && t1.definition == t2.definition) {
return guardedSubtype(t1.bound, t2.bound);
return guardedSubtype(t1.bound, t2);
if (t2 is TypeParameterType) {
return false;
if (_isBottom(t1) || _isTop(t2)) return true;
if (t1 is InterfaceType && t2 is InterfaceType) {
return _matchInterfaceSubtypeOf(t1, t2, visited, origin,
covariant: covariant);
if (t1 is FunctionType && t2 is FunctionType) {
return FunctionTypeImpl.relate(
t1, t2, matchSubtype, _typeSystem.instantiateToBounds,
parameterRelation: (p1, p2) {
return _matchSubtypeOf(p2.type, p1.type, null, origin,
covariant: !covariant);
// Type parameter bounds are invariant.
boundsRelation: (t1, t2, p1, p2) =>
matchSubtype(t1, t2) && matchSubtype(t2, t1));
if (t1 is FunctionType && t2 == typeProvider.functionType) {
return true;
return false;
/// Un-does constraints that were gathered by a failed match attempt, until
/// [_undoBuffer] has length [previousRewindBufferLength].
/// The intended usage is that the caller should record the length of
/// [_undoBuffer] before attempting to make a match. Then, if the match
/// fails, pass the recorded length to this method to erase any constraints
/// that were recorded during the failed match.
void _rewindConstraints(int previousRewindBufferLength) {
while (_undoBuffer.length > previousRewindBufferLength) {
var constraint = _undoBuffer.removeLast();
var element = constraint.typeParameter.element;
assert(identical(constraints[element].last, constraint));
static String _formatConstraints(Iterable<_TypeConstraint> constraints) {
List<List<String>> lineParts =
new Set<_TypeConstraintOrigin>.from( => c.origin))
.map((o) => o.formatError())
int prefixMax = => p[0].length).fold(0, math.max);
// Use a set to prevent identical message lines.
// (It's not uncommon for the same constraint to show up in a few places.)
var messageLines = new Set<String>.from( {
var prefix = parts[0];
var middle = parts[1];
var prefixPad = ' ' * (prefixMax - prefix.length);
var middlePad = ' ' * (prefixMax);
var end = "";
if (parts.length > 2) {
end = '\n $middlePad ${parts[2]}';
return ' $prefix$prefixPad $middle$end';
return messageLines.join('\n');
* Implementation of [TypeSystem] using the strong mode rules.
class StrongTypeSystemImpl extends TypeSystem {
static bool _comparingTypeParameterBounds = false;
* True if declaration casts should be allowed, otherwise false.
* This affects the behavior of [isAssignableTo].
final bool declarationCasts;
* True if implicit casts should be allowed, otherwise false.
* This affects the behavior of [isAssignableTo].
final bool implicitCasts;
* A list of non-nullable type names (e.g., 'int', 'bool', etc.).
final List<String> nonnullableTypes;
final TypeProvider typeProvider;
{this.declarationCasts: true,
this.implicitCasts: true,
this.nonnullableTypes: AnalysisOptionsImpl.NONNULLABLE_TYPES});
bool get isStrong => true;
/// Returns true iff the type [t] accepts function types, and requires an
/// implicit coercion if interface types with a `call` method are passed in.
/// This is true for:
/// - all function types
/// - the special type `Function` that is a supertype of all function types
/// - `FutureOr<T>` where T is one of the two cases above.
/// Note that this returns false if [t] is a top type such as Object.
bool acceptsFunctionType(DartType t) {
if (t == null) return false;
if (t.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
return acceptsFunctionType((t as InterfaceType).typeArguments[0]);
return t is FunctionType || t.isDartCoreFunction;
bool anyParameterType(FunctionType ft, bool predicate(DartType t)) {
return ft.parameters.any((p) => predicate(p.type));
/// Given a type t, if t is an interface type with a call method
/// defined, return the function type for the call method, otherwise
/// return null.
FunctionType getCallMethodType(DartType t) {
if (t is InterfaceType) {
return t.lookUpInheritedMethod("call")?.type;
return null;
/// Computes the greatest lower bound of [type1] and [type2].
DartType getGreatestLowerBound(DartType type1, DartType type2) {
// The greatest lower bound relation is reflexive.
if (identical(type1, type2)) {
return type1;
// For any type T, GLB(?, T) == T.
if (identical(type1, UnknownInferredType.instance)) {
return type2;
if (identical(type2, UnknownInferredType.instance)) {
return type1;
// For the purpose of GLB, we say some Tops are subtypes (less toppy) than
// the others. Return the least toppy.
if (_isTop(type1) && _isTop(type2)) {
return _getTopiness(type1) < _getTopiness(type2) ? type1 : type2;
// The GLB of top and any type is just that type.
// Also GLB of bottom and any type is bottom.
if (_isTop(type1) || _isBottom(type2)) {
return type2;
if (_isTop(type2) || _isBottom(type1)) {
return type1;
// Function types have structural GLB.
if (type1 is FunctionType && type2 is FunctionType) {
return _functionGreatestLowerBound(type1, type2);
// Otherwise, the GLB of two types is one of them it if it is a subtype of
// the other.
if (isSubtypeOf(type1, type2)) {
return type1;
if (isSubtypeOf(type2, type1)) {
return type2;
// No subtype relation, so no known GLB.
return typeProvider.bottomType;
* Compute the least supertype of [type], which is known to be an interface
* type.
* In the event that the algorithm fails (which might occur due to a bug in
* the analyzer), `null` is returned.
DartType getLeastNullableSupertype(InterfaceType type) {
// compute set of supertypes
List<InterfaceType> s = InterfaceTypeImpl
.computeSuperinterfaceSet(type, strong: true)
return InterfaceTypeImpl.computeTypeAtMaxUniqueDepth(s);
* Compute the least upper bound of two types.
DartType getLeastUpperBound(DartType type1, DartType type2) {
if (isNullableType(type1) && isNonNullableType(type2)) {
assert(type2 is InterfaceType);
type2 = getLeastNullableSupertype(type2 as InterfaceType);
if (isNullableType(type2) && isNonNullableType(type1)) {
assert(type1 is InterfaceType);
type1 = getLeastNullableSupertype(type1 as InterfaceType);
return super.getLeastUpperBound(type1, type2);
* Given a generic function type `F<T0, T1, ... Tn>` and a context type C,
* infer an instantiation of F, such that `F<S0, S1, ..., Sn>` <: C.
* This is similar to [inferGenericFunctionOrType], but the return type is also
* considered as part of the solution.
* If this function is called with a [contextType] that is also
* uninstantiated, or a [fnType] that is already instantiated, it will have
* no effect and return [fnType].
FunctionType inferFunctionTypeInstantiation(
FunctionType contextType, FunctionType fnType,
{ErrorReporter errorReporter, AstNode errorNode}) {
if (contextType.typeFormals.isNotEmpty || fnType.typeFormals.isEmpty) {
return fnType;
// Create a TypeSystem that will allow certain type parameters to be
// inferred. It will optimistically assume these type parameters can be
// subtypes (or supertypes) as necessary, and track the constraints that
// are implied by this.
var inferrer = new GenericInferrer(typeProvider, this, fnType.typeFormals);
inferrer.constrainGenericFunctionInContext(fnType, contextType);
// Infer and instantiate the resulting type.
return inferrer.infer(fnType, fnType.typeFormals,
errorReporter: errorReporter, errorNode: errorNode);
/// Infers a generic type, function, method, or list/map literal
/// instantiation, using the downward context type as well as the argument
/// types if available.
/// For example, given a function type with generic type parameters, this
/// infers the type parameters from the actual argument types, and returns the
/// instantiated function type.
/// Concretely, given a function type with parameter types P0, P1, ... Pn,
/// result type R, and generic type parameters T0, T1, ... Tm, use the
/// argument types A0, A1, ... An to solve for the type parameters.
/// For each parameter Pi, we want to ensure that Ai <: Pi. We can do this by
/// running the subtype algorithm, and when we reach a type parameter Tj,
/// recording the lower or upper bound it must satisfy. At the end, all
/// constraints can be combined to determine the type.
/// All constraints on each type parameter Tj are tracked, as well as where
/// they originated, so we can issue an error message tracing back to the
/// argument values, type parameter "extends" clause, or the return type
/// context.
T inferGenericFunctionOrType<T extends ParameterizedType>(
T genericType,
List<ParameterElement> parameters,
List<DartType> argumentTypes,
DartType returnContextType,
{ErrorReporter errorReporter,
AstNode errorNode,
bool downwards: false}) {
// TODO(jmesserly): expose typeFormals on ParameterizedType.
List<TypeParameterElement> typeFormals = typeFormalsAsElements(genericType);
if (typeFormals.isEmpty) {
return genericType;
// Create a TypeSystem that will allow certain type parameters to be
// inferred. It will optimistically assume these type parameters can be
// subtypes (or supertypes) as necessary, and track the constraints that
// are implied by this.
var inferrer = new GenericInferrer(typeProvider, this, typeFormals);
DartType declaredReturnType =
genericType is FunctionType ? genericType.returnType : genericType;
if (returnContextType != null) {
inferrer.constrainReturnType(declaredReturnType, returnContextType);
for (int i = 0; i < argumentTypes.length; i++) {
// Try to pass each argument to each parameter, recording any type
// parameter bounds that were implied by this assignment.
argumentTypes[i], parameters[i].type, parameters[i].name,
genericType: genericType);
return inferrer.infer(genericType, typeFormals,
errorReporter: errorReporter,
errorNode: errorNode,
downwardsInferPhase: downwards);
* Given a [DartType] [type], if [type] is an uninstantiated
* parameterized type then instantiate the parameters to their
* bounds. See the issue for the algorithm description.
* TODO(scheglov) Move this method to elements for classes, typedefs,
* and generic functions; compute lazily and cache.
DartType instantiateToBounds(DartType type,
{List<bool> hasError, Map<TypeParameterType, DartType> knownTypes}) {
List<TypeParameterElement> typeFormals = typeFormalsAsElements(type);
List<DartType> arguments = instantiateTypeFormalsToBounds(typeFormals,
hasError: hasError, knownTypes: knownTypes);
if (arguments == null) {
return type;
return instantiateType(type, arguments);
* Given uninstantiated [typeFormals], instantiate them to their bounds.
* See the issue for the algorithm description.
List<DartType> instantiateTypeFormalsToBounds(
List<TypeParameterElement> typeFormals,
{List<bool> hasError,
Map<TypeParameterType, DartType> knownTypes}) {
int count = typeFormals.length;
if (count == 0) {
return null;
Set<TypeParameterType> all = new Set<TypeParameterType>();
// all ground
Map<TypeParameterType, DartType> defaults = knownTypes ?? {};
// not ground
Map<TypeParameterType, DartType> partials = {};
for (TypeParameterElement typeParameterElement in typeFormals) {
TypeParameterType typeParameter = typeParameterElement.type;
if (!defaults.containsKey(typeParameter)) {
if (typeParameter.bound == null) {
defaults[typeParameter] = DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
} else {
partials[typeParameter] = typeParameter.bound;
List<TypeParameterType> getFreeParameters(DartType rootType) {
List<TypeParameterType> parameters = null;
Set<DartType> visitedTypes = new HashSet<DartType>();
void appendParameters(DartType type) {
if (visitedTypes.contains(type)) {
if (type is TypeParameterType && all.contains(type)) {
parameters ??= <TypeParameterType>[];
} else if (type is ParameterizedType) {
return parameters;
bool hasProgress = true;
while (hasProgress) {
hasProgress = false;
for (TypeParameterType parameter in partials.keys) {
DartType value = partials[parameter];
List<TypeParameterType> freeParameters = getFreeParameters(value);
if (freeParameters == null) {
defaults[parameter] = value;
hasProgress = true;
} else if (freeParameters.every(defaults.containsKey)) {
defaults[parameter] = value.substitute2(
defaults.values.toList(), defaults.keys.toList());
hasProgress = true;
// If we stopped making progress, and not all types are ground,
// then the whole type is malbounded and an error should be reported
// if errors are requested, and a partially completed type should
// be returned.
if (partials.isNotEmpty) {
if (hasError != null) {
hasError[0] = true;
var domain = defaults.keys.toList();
var range = defaults.values.toList();
// Build a substitution Phi mapping each uncompleted type variable to
// dynamic, and each completed type variable to its default.
for (TypeParameterType parameter in partials.keys) {
// Set the default for an uncompleted type variable (T extends B)
// to be Phi(B)
for (TypeParameterType parameter in partials.keys) {
defaults[parameter] = partials[parameter].substitute2(range, domain);
List<DartType> orderedArguments = => defaults[p.type]).toList();
return orderedArguments;
bool isAssignableTo(DartType fromType, DartType toType,
{bool isDeclarationCast = false}) {
// An actual subtype
if (isSubtypeOf(fromType, toType)) {
return true;
// A call method tearoff
if (fromType is InterfaceType && acceptsFunctionType(toType)) {
var callMethodType = getCallMethodType(fromType);
if (callMethodType != null && isAssignableTo(callMethodType, toType)) {
return true;
if (isDeclarationCast) {
if (!declarationCasts) {
return false;
} else if (!implicitCasts) {
return false;
// Don't allow implicit downcasts between function types
// and call method objects, as these will almost always fail.
if (fromType is FunctionType && getCallMethodType(toType) != null) {
return false;
// Don't allow a non-generic function where a generic one is expected. The
// former wouldn't know how to handle type arguments being passed to it.
// TODO(rnystrom): This same check also exists in FunctionTypeImpl.relate()
// but we don't always reliably go through that code path. This should be
// cleaned up to avoid the redundancy.
if (fromType is FunctionType &&
toType is FunctionType &&
fromType.typeFormals.isEmpty &&
toType.typeFormals.isNotEmpty) {
return false;
// If the subtype relation goes the other way, allow the implicit
// downcast.
if (isSubtypeOf(toType, fromType)) {
// TODO(leafp,jmesserly): we emit warnings/hints for these in
// src/task/strong/checker.dart, which is a bit inconsistent. That
// code should be handled into places that use isAssignableTo, such as
// ErrorVerifier.
return true;
return false;
bool isGroundType(DartType t) {
// TODO(leafp): Revisit this.
if (t is TypeParameterType) {
return false;
if (_isTop(t)) {
return true;
if (t is FunctionType) {
if (!_isTop(t.returnType) ||
anyParameterType(t, (pt) => !_isBottom(pt))) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
if (t is InterfaceType) {
List<DartType> typeArguments = t.typeArguments;
for (DartType typeArgument in typeArguments) {
if (!_isTop(typeArgument)) return false;
return true;
// We should not see any other type aside from malformed code.
return false;
bool isMoreSpecificThan(DartType t1, DartType t2) => isSubtypeOf(t1, t2);
/// Check if [type] is in a set of preselected non-nullable types.
/// [FunctionType]s are always nullable.
bool isNonNullableType(DartType type) {
return !isNullableType(type);
/// Opposite of [isNonNullableType].
bool isNullableType(DartType type) {
return type is FunctionType ||
/// Check that [f1] is a subtype of [f2] for a member override.
/// This is different from the normal function subtyping in two ways:
/// - we know the function types are strict arrows,
/// - it allows opt-in covariant parameters.
bool isOverrideSubtypeOf(FunctionType f1, FunctionType f2) {
return FunctionTypeImpl.relate(f1, f2, isSubtypeOf, instantiateToBounds,
parameterRelation: isOverrideSubtypeOfParameter,
// Type parameter bounds are invariant.
boundsRelation: (t1, t2, p1, p2) =>
isSubtypeOf(t1, t2) && isSubtypeOf(t2, t1));
/// Check that parameter [p2] is a subtype of [p1], given that we are
/// checking `f1 <: f2` where `p1` is a parameter of `f1` and `p2` is a
/// parameter of `f2`.
/// Parameters are contravariant, so we must check `p2 <: p1` to
/// determine if `f1 <: f2`. This is used by [isOverrideSubtypeOf].
bool isOverrideSubtypeOfParameter(ParameterElement p1, ParameterElement p2) {
return isSubtypeOf(p2.type, p1.type) ||
p1.isCovariant && isSubtypeOf(p1.type, p2.type);
bool isSubtypeOf(DartType t1, DartType t2) {
if (identical(t1, t2)) {
return true;
// The types are void, dynamic, bottom, interface types, function types,
// FutureOr<T> and type parameters.
// We proceed by eliminating these different classes from consideration.
// Trivially true.
// Note that `?` is treated as a top and a bottom type during inference,
// so it's also covered here.
if (_isTop(t2) || _isBottom(t1)) {
return true;
// Trivially false.
if (_isTop(t1) || _isBottom(t2)) {
return false;
// Handle FutureOr<T> union type.
if (t1 is InterfaceType && t1.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
var t1TypeArg = t1.typeArguments[0];
if (t2 is InterfaceType && t2.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
var t2TypeArg = t2.typeArguments[0];
// FutureOr<A> <: FutureOr<B> iff A <: B
return isSubtypeOf(t1TypeArg, t2TypeArg);
// given t1 is Future<A> | A, then:
// (Future<A> | A) <: t2 iff Future<A> <: t2 and A <: t2.
var t1Future = typeProvider.futureType.instantiate([t1TypeArg]);
return isSubtypeOf(t1Future, t2) && isSubtypeOf(t1TypeArg, t2);
if (t2 is InterfaceType && t2.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
// given t2 is Future<A> | A, then:
// t1 <: (Future<A> | A) iff t1 <: Future<A> or t1 <: A
var t2TypeArg = t2.typeArguments[0];
var t2Future = typeProvider.futureType.instantiate([t2TypeArg]);
return isSubtypeOf(t1, t2Future) || isSubtypeOf(t1, t2TypeArg);
// S <: T where S is a type variable
// T is not dynamic or object (handled above)
// True if T == S
// Or true if bound of S is S' and S' <: T
if (t1 is TypeParameterType) {
if (t2 is TypeParameterType &&
t1.definition == t2.definition &&
_typeParameterBoundsSubtype(t1.bound, t2.bound, true)) {
return true;
DartType bound = t1.element.bound;
return bound == null
? false
: _typeParameterBoundsSubtype(bound, t2, false);
if (t2 is TypeParameterType) {
return false;
// We've eliminated void, dynamic, bottom, type parameters, and FutureOr.
// The only cases are the combinations of interface type and function type.
// A function type can only subtype an interface type if
// the interface type is Function
if (t1 is FunctionType && t2 is InterfaceType) {
return t2.isDartCoreFunction;
if (t1 is InterfaceType && t2 is FunctionType) return false;
// Two interface types
if (t1 is InterfaceType && t2 is InterfaceType) {
return _isInterfaceSubtypeOf(t1, t2, null);
return _isFunctionSubtypeOf(t1, t2);
/// Given a [type] T that may have an unknown type `?`, returns a type
/// R such that R <: T for any type substituted for `?`.
/// In practice this will always replace `?` with either bottom or top
/// (dynamic), depending on the position of `?`.
DartType lowerBoundForType(DartType type) {
return _substituteForUnknownType(type, lowerBound: true);
DartType refineBinaryExpressionType(DartType leftType, TokenType operator,
DartType rightType, DartType currentType) {
if (leftType is TypeParameterType &&
leftType.element.bound == typeProvider.numType) {
if (rightType == leftType || rightType == typeProvider.intType) {
if (operator == TokenType.PLUS ||
operator == TokenType.MINUS ||
operator == TokenType.STAR ||
operator == TokenType.PLUS_EQ ||
operator == TokenType.MINUS_EQ ||
operator == TokenType.STAR_EQ) {
return leftType;
if (rightType == typeProvider.doubleType) {
if (operator == TokenType.PLUS ||
operator == TokenType.MINUS ||
operator == TokenType.STAR ||
operator == TokenType.SLASH) {
return typeProvider.doubleType;
return currentType;
return super
.refineBinaryExpressionType(leftType, operator, rightType, currentType);
DartType tryPromoteToType(DartType to, DartType from) {
// Allow promoting to a subtype, for example:
// f(Base b) {
// if (b is SubTypeOfBase) {
// // promote `b` to SubTypeOfBase for this block
// }
// }
// This allows the variable to be used wherever the supertype (here `Base`)
// is expected, while gaining a more precise type.
if (isSubtypeOf(to, from)) {
return to;
// For a type parameter `T extends U`, allow promoting the upper bound
// `U` to `S` where `S <: U`, yielding a type parameter `T extends S`.
if (from is TypeParameterType) {
if (isSubtypeOf(to, from.resolveToBound(DynamicTypeImpl.instance))) {
return new TypeParameterMember(from.element, null, to).type;
return null;
/// Given a [type] T that may have an unknown type `?`, returns a type
/// R such that T <: R for any type substituted for `?`.
/// In practice this will always replace `?` with either bottom or top
/// (dynamic), depending on the position of `?`.
DartType upperBoundForType(DartType type) {
return _substituteForUnknownType(type);
* Compute the greatest lower bound of function types [f] and [g].
* The spec rules for GLB on function types, informally, are pretty simple:
* - If a parameter is required in both, it stays required.
* - If a positional parameter is optional or missing in one, it becomes
* optional.
* - Named parameters are unioned together.
* - For any parameter that exists in both functions, use the LUB of them as
* the resulting parameter type.
* - Use the GLB of their return types.
DartType _functionGreatestLowerBound(FunctionType f, FunctionType g) {
// Calculate the LUB of each corresponding pair of parameters.
List<ParameterElement> parameters = [];
bool hasPositional = false;
bool hasNamed = false;
String name, DartType fType, DartType gType, ParameterKind kind) {
DartType paramType;
if (fType != null && gType != null) {
// If both functions have this parameter, include both of their types.
paramType = getLeastUpperBound(fType, gType);
} else {
paramType = fType ?? gType;
parameters.add(new ParameterElementImpl.synthetic(name, paramType, kind));
// TODO(rnystrom): Right now, this assumes f and g do not have any type
// parameters. Revisit that in the presence of generic methods.
List<DartType> fRequired = f.normalParameterTypes;
List<DartType> gRequired = g.normalParameterTypes;
// We need some parameter names for in the synthesized function type.
List<String> fRequiredNames = f.normalParameterNames;
List<String> gRequiredNames = g.normalParameterNames;
// Parameters that are required in both functions are required in the
// result.
int requiredCount = math.min(fRequired.length, gRequired.length);
for (int i = 0; i < requiredCount; i++) {
addParameter(fRequiredNames[i], fRequired[i], gRequired[i],
// Parameters that are optional or missing in either end up optional.
List<DartType> fPositional = f.optionalParameterTypes;
List<DartType> gPositional = g.optionalParameterTypes;
List<String> fPositionalNames = f.optionalParameterNames;
List<String> gPositionalNames = g.optionalParameterNames;
int totalPositional = math.max(fRequired.length + fPositional.length,
gRequired.length + gPositional.length);
for (int i = requiredCount; i < totalPositional; i++) {
// Find the corresponding positional parameters (required or optional) at
// this index, if there is one.
DartType fType;
String fName;
if (i < fRequired.length) {
fType = fRequired[i];
fName = fRequiredNames[i];
} else if (i < fRequired.length + fPositional.length) {
fType = fPositional[i - fRequired.length];
fName = fPositionalNames[i - fRequired.length];
DartType gType;
String gName;
if (i < gRequired.length) {
gType = gRequired[i];
gName = gRequiredNames[i];
} else if (i < gRequired.length + gPositional.length) {
gType = gPositional[i - gRequired.length];
gName = gPositionalNames[i - gRequired.length];
// The loop should not let us go past both f and g's positional params.
assert(fType != null || gType != null);
addParameter(fName ?? gName, fType, gType, ParameterKind.POSITIONAL);
hasPositional = true;
// Union the named parameters together.
Map<String, DartType> fNamed = f.namedParameterTypes;
Map<String, DartType> gNamed = g.namedParameterTypes;
for (String name in fNamed.keys.toSet()..addAll(gNamed.keys)) {
addParameter(name, fNamed[name], gNamed[name], ParameterKind.NAMED);
hasNamed = true;
// Edge case. Dart does not support functions with both optional positional
// and named parameters. If we would synthesize that, give up.
if (hasPositional && hasNamed) return typeProvider.bottomType;
// Calculate the GLB of the return type.
DartType returnType = getGreatestLowerBound(f.returnType, g.returnType);
return new FunctionElementImpl.synthetic(parameters, returnType).type;
DartType _functionParameterBound(DartType f, DartType g) =>
getGreatestLowerBound(f, g);
/// Given a type return its name prepended with the URI to its containing
/// library and separated by a comma.
String _getTypeFullyQualifiedName(DartType type) {
return "${type?.element?.library?.identifier},$type";
* This currently does not implement a very complete least upper bound
* algorithm, but handles a couple of the very common cases that are
* causing pain in real code. The current algorithm is:
* 1. If either of the types is a supertype of the other, return it.
* This is in fact the best result in this case.
* 2. If the two types have the same class element, then take the
* pointwise least upper bound of the type arguments. This is again
* the best result, except that the recursive calls may not return
* the true least upper bounds. The result is guaranteed to be a
* well-formed type under the assumption that the input types were
* well-formed (and assuming that the recursive calls return
* well-formed types).
* 3. Otherwise return the spec-defined least upper bound. This will
* be an upper bound, might (or might not) be least, and might
* (or might not) be a well-formed type.
* TODO(leafp): Use matchTypes or something similar here to handle the
* case where one of the types is a superclass (but not supertype) of
* the other, e.g. LUB(Iterable<double>, List<int>) = Iterable<num>
* TODO(leafp): Figure out the right final algorithm and implement it.
DartType _interfaceLeastUpperBound(InterfaceType type1, InterfaceType type2) {
if (isSubtypeOf(type1, type2)) {
return type2;
if (isSubtypeOf(type2, type1)) {
return type1;
if (type1.element == type2.element) {
List<DartType> tArgs1 = type1.typeArguments;
List<DartType> tArgs2 = type2.typeArguments;
assert(tArgs1.length == tArgs2.length);
List<DartType> tArgs = new List(tArgs1.length);
for (int i = 0; i < tArgs1.length; i++) {
tArgs[i] = getLeastUpperBound(tArgs1[i], tArgs2[i]);
InterfaceTypeImpl lub = new InterfaceTypeImpl(type1.element);
lub.typeArguments = tArgs;
return lub;
return InterfaceTypeImpl.computeLeastUpperBound(type1, type2,
strong: isStrong) ??
/// Check that [f1] is a subtype of [f2].
bool _isFunctionSubtypeOf(FunctionType f1, FunctionType f2) {
return FunctionTypeImpl.relate(f1, f2, isSubtypeOf, instantiateToBounds,
parameterRelation: (p1, p2) => isSubtypeOf(p2.type, p1.type),
// Type parameter bounds are invariant.
boundsRelation: (t1, t2, p1, p2) =>
isSubtypeOf(t1, t2) && isSubtypeOf(t2, t1));
bool _isInterfaceSubtypeOf(
InterfaceType i1, InterfaceType i2, Set<ClassElement> visitedTypes) {
// Note: we should never reach `_isInterfaceSubtypeOf` with `i2 == Object`,
// because top types are eliminated before `isSubtypeOf` calls this.
if (identical(i1, i2) || i2.isObject) {
return true;
// Object cannot subtype anything but itself (handled above).
if (i1.isObject) {
return false;
ClassElement i1Element = i1.element;
if (i1Element == i2.element) {
List<DartType> tArgs1 = i1.typeArguments;
List<DartType> tArgs2 = i2.typeArguments;
assert(tArgs1.length == tArgs2.length);
for (int i = 0; i < tArgs1.length; i++) {
DartType t1 = tArgs1[i];
DartType t2 = tArgs2[i];
if (!isSubtypeOf(t1, t2)) {
return false;
return true;
// Classes types cannot subtype `Function` or vice versa.
if (i1.isDartCoreFunction || i2.isDartCoreFunction) {
return false;
// Guard against loops in the class hierarchy.
// Dart 2 does not allow multiple implementations of the same generic type
// with different type arguments. So we can track just the class element
// to find cycles, rather than tracking the full interface type.
visitedTypes ??= new HashSet<ClassElement>();
if (!visitedTypes.add(i1Element)) return false;
if (_isInterfaceSubtypeOf(i1.superclass, i2, visitedTypes)) {
return true;
for (final parent in i1.interfaces) {
if (_isInterfaceSubtypeOf(parent, i2, visitedTypes)) {
return true;
for (final parent in i1.mixins) {
if (_isInterfaceSubtypeOf(parent, i2, visitedTypes)) {
return true;
return false;
DartType _substituteForUnknownType(DartType type, {bool lowerBound: false}) {
if (identical(type, UnknownInferredType.instance)) {
if (lowerBound) {
// TODO(jmesserly): this should be the bottom type, once i can be
// reified.
return typeProvider.nullType;
return typeProvider.dynamicType;
if (type is InterfaceTypeImpl) {
// Generic types are covariant, so keep the constraint direction.
var newTypeArgs = _transformList(type.typeArguments,
(t) => _substituteForUnknownType(t, lowerBound: lowerBound));
if (identical(type.typeArguments, newTypeArgs)) return type;
return new InterfaceTypeImpl(type.element, type.prunedTypedefs)
..typeArguments = newTypeArgs;
if (type is FunctionType) {
var parameters = type.parameters;
var returnType = type.returnType;
var newParameters = _transformList(parameters, (ParameterElement p) {
// Parameters are contravariant, so flip the constraint direction.
var newType =
_substituteForUnknownType(p.type, lowerBound: !lowerBound);
return new ParameterElementImpl.synthetic(
// ignore: deprecated_member_use,
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
// Return type is covariant.
var newReturnType =
_substituteForUnknownType(returnType, lowerBound: lowerBound);
if (identical(parameters, newParameters) &&
identical(returnType, newReturnType)) {
return type;
return new FunctionTypeImpl.synthetic(
newReturnType, type.typeFormals, newParameters);
return type;
bool _typeParameterBoundsSubtype(
DartType t1, DartType t2, bool recursionValue) {
if (_comparingTypeParameterBounds) {
return recursionValue;
_comparingTypeParameterBounds = true;
try {
return isSubtypeOf(t1, t2);
} finally {
_comparingTypeParameterBounds = false;
* This currently just implements a simple least upper bound to
* handle some common cases. It also avoids some termination issues
* with the naive spec algorithm. The least upper bound of two types
* (at least one of which is a type parameter) is computed here as:
* 1. If either type is a supertype of the other, return it.
* 2. If the first type is a type parameter, replace it with its bound,
* with recursive occurrences of itself replaced with Object.
* The second part of this should ensure termination. Informally,
* each type variable instantiation in one of the arguments to the
* least upper bound algorithm now strictly reduces the number
* of bound variables in scope in that argument position.
* 3. If the second type is a type parameter, do the symmetric operation
* to #2.
* It's not immediately obvious why this is symmetric in the case that both
* of them are type parameters. For #1, symmetry holds since subtype
* is antisymmetric. For #2, it's clearly not symmetric if upper bounds of
* bottom are allowed. Ignoring this (for various reasons, not least
* of which that there's no way to write it), there's an informal
* argument (that might even be right) that you will always either
* end up expanding both of them or else returning the same result no matter
* which order you expand them in. A key observation is that
* identical(expand(type1), type2) => subtype(type1, type2)
* and hence the contra-positive.
* TODO(leafp): Think this through and figure out what's the right
* definition. Be careful about termination.
* I suspect in general a reasonable algorithm is to expand the innermost
* type variable first. Alternatively, you could probably choose to treat
* it as just an instance of the interface type upper bound problem, with
* the "inheritance" chain extended by the bounds placed on the variables.
DartType _typeParameterLeastUpperBound(DartType type1, DartType type2) {
if (isSubtypeOf(type1, type2)) {
return type2;
if (isSubtypeOf(type2, type1)) {
return type1;
if (type1 is TypeParameterType) {
type1 = type1
.substitute2([typeProvider.objectType], [type1]);
return getLeastUpperBound(type1, type2);
// We should only be called when at least one of the types is a
// TypeParameterType
type2 = type2
.substitute2([typeProvider.objectType], [type2]);
return getLeastUpperBound(type1, type2);
static List<T> _transformList<T>(List<T> list, T f(T t)) {
List<T> newList = null;
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
var item = list[i];
var newItem = f(item);
if (!identical(item, newItem)) {
newList ??= new List.from(list);
newList[i] = newItem;
return newList ?? list;
* The interface `TypeSystem` defines the behavior of an object representing
* the type system. This provides a common location to put methods that act on
* types but may need access to more global data structures, and it paves the
* way for a possible future where we may wish to make the type system
* pluggable.
abstract class TypeSystem {
* Whether the type system is strong or not.
bool get isStrong;
* The provider of types for the system
TypeProvider get typeProvider;
List<InterfaceType> gatherMixinSupertypeConstraints(
ClassElement mixinElement) {
var mixinSupertypeConstraints = <InterfaceType>[];
void addIfGeneric(InterfaceType type) {
if (type.element.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
return mixinSupertypeConstraints;
* Compute the least upper bound of two types.
DartType getLeastUpperBound(DartType type1, DartType type2) {
// The least upper bound relation is reflexive.
if (identical(type1, type2)) {
return type1;
// For any type T, LUB(?, T) == T.
if (identical(type1, UnknownInferredType.instance)) {
return type2;
if (identical(type2, UnknownInferredType.instance)) {
return type1;
// For the purpose of LUB, we say some Tops are subtypes (less toppy) than
// the others. Return the most toppy.
if (_isTop(type1) && _isTop(type2)) {
return _getTopiness(type1) > _getTopiness(type2) ? type1 : type2;
// The least upper bound of top and any type T is top.
// The least upper bound of bottom and any type T is T.
if (_isTop(type1) || _isBottom(type2)) {
return type1;
if (_isTop(type2) || _isBottom(type1)) {
return type2;
if (type1 is TypeParameterType || type2 is TypeParameterType) {
return _typeParameterLeastUpperBound(type1, type2);
// In Dart 1, the least upper bound of a function type and an interface type
// T is the least upper bound of Function and T.
// In Dart 2, the result is `Function` iff T is `Function`, otherwise the
// result is `Object`.
if (type1 is FunctionType && type2 is InterfaceType) {
if (isStrong) {
return type2.isDartCoreFunction ? type2 : typeProvider.objectType;
type1 = typeProvider.functionType;
if (type2 is FunctionType && type1 is InterfaceType) {
if (isStrong) {
return type1.isDartCoreFunction ? type1 : typeProvider.objectType;
type2 = typeProvider.functionType;
// At this point type1 and type2 should both either be interface types or
// function types.
if (type1 is InterfaceType && type2 is InterfaceType) {
return _interfaceLeastUpperBound(type1, type2);
if (type1 is FunctionType && type2 is FunctionType) {
return _functionLeastUpperBound(type1, type2);
// Should never happen. As a defensive measure, return the dynamic type.
return typeProvider.dynamicType;
* Given a [DartType] [type], instantiate it with its bounds.
* The behavior of this method depends on the type system, for example, in
* classic Dart `dynamic` will be used for all type arguments, whereas
* strong mode prefers the actual bound type if it was specified.
DartType instantiateToBounds(DartType type, {List<bool> hasError});
* Given a [DartType] [type] and a list of types
* [typeArguments], instantiate the type formals with the
* provided actuals. If [type] is not a parameterized type,
* no instantiation is done.
DartType instantiateType(DartType type, List<DartType> typeArguments) {
if (type is ParameterizedType) {
return type.instantiate(typeArguments);
} else {
return type;
* Given uninstantiated [typeFormals], instantiate them to their bounds.
List<DartType> instantiateTypeFormalsToBounds(
List<TypeParameterElement> typeFormals,
{List<bool> hasError});
* Return `true` if the [leftType] is assignable to the [rightType] (that is,
* if leftType <==> rightType).
bool isAssignableTo(DartType leftType, DartType rightType,
{bool isDeclarationCast = false});
* Return `true` if the [leftType] is more specific than the [rightType]
* (that is, if leftType << rightType), as defined in the Dart language spec.
* In strong mode, this is equivalent to [isSubtypeOf].
bool isMoreSpecificThan(DartType leftType, DartType rightType);
* Return `true` if the [leftType] is a subtype of the [rightType] (that is,
* if leftType <: rightType).
bool isSubtypeOf(DartType leftType, DartType rightType);
/// Attempts to find the appropriate substitution for [typeParameters] that can
/// be applied to [src] to make it equal to [dest]. If no such substitution can
/// be found, `null` is returned.
InterfaceType matchSupertypeConstraints(
ClassElement mixinElement, List<DartType> srcs, List<DartType> dests) {
var typeParameters = mixinElement.typeParameters;
var inferrer = new GenericInferrer(typeProvider, this, typeParameters);
for (int i = 0; i < srcs.length; i++) {
inferrer.constrainReturnType(srcs[i], dests[i]);
inferrer.constrainReturnType(dests[i], srcs[i]);
var result = inferrer.infer(mixinElement.type, typeParameters,
considerExtendsClause: false);
for (int i = 0; i < srcs.length; i++) {
if (!srcs[i]
.substitute2(result.typeArguments, mixinElement.type.typeArguments)
.isEquivalentTo(dests[i])) {
// Failed to find an appropriate substitution
return null;
return result;
* Searches the superinterfaces of [type] for implementations of [genericType]
* and returns the most specific type argument used for that generic type.
* For example, given [type] `List<int>` and [genericType] `Iterable<T>`,
* returns [int].
* Returns `null` if [type] does not implement [genericType].
// TODO(jmesserly): this is very similar to code used for flattening futures.
// The only difference is, because of a lack of TypeProvider, the other method
// has to match the Future type by its name and library. Here was are passed
// in the correct type.
DartType mostSpecificTypeArgument(DartType type, DartType genericType) {
if (type is! InterfaceType) return null;
// Walk the superinterface hierarchy looking for [genericType].
List<DartType> candidates = <DartType>[];
HashSet<ClassElement> visitedClasses = new HashSet<ClassElement>();
void recurse(InterfaceType interface) {
if (interface.element == genericType.element &&
interface.typeArguments.isNotEmpty) {
if (visitedClasses.add(interface.element)) {
if (interface.superclass != null) {
// Since the interface may be implemented multiple times with different
// type arguments, choose the best one.
return InterfaceTypeImpl.findMostSpecificType(candidates, this);
* Attempts to make a better guess for the type of a binary with the given
* [operator], given that resolution has so far produced the [currentType].
DartType refineBinaryExpressionType(DartType leftType, TokenType operator,
DartType rightType, DartType currentType) {
// bool
if (operator == TokenType.AMPERSAND_AMPERSAND ||
operator == TokenType.BAR_BAR ||
operator == TokenType.EQ_EQ ||
operator == TokenType.BANG_EQ) {
return typeProvider.boolType;
DartType intType = typeProvider.intType;
if (leftType == intType) {
// int op double
if (operator == TokenType.MINUS ||
operator == TokenType.PERCENT ||
operator == TokenType.PLUS ||
operator == TokenType.STAR ||
operator == TokenType.MINUS_EQ ||
operator == TokenType.PERCENT_EQ ||
operator == TokenType.PLUS_EQ ||
operator == TokenType.STAR_EQ) {
DartType doubleType = typeProvider.doubleType;
if (rightType == doubleType) {
return doubleType;
// int op int
if (operator == TokenType.MINUS ||
operator == TokenType.PERCENT ||
operator == TokenType.PLUS ||
operator == TokenType.STAR ||
operator == TokenType.TILDE_SLASH ||
operator == TokenType.MINUS_EQ ||
operator == TokenType.PERCENT_EQ ||
operator == TokenType.PLUS_EQ ||
operator == TokenType.STAR_EQ ||
operator == TokenType.TILDE_SLASH_EQ) {
if (rightType == intType) {
return intType;
// default
return currentType;
* Tries to promote from the first type from the second type, and returns the
* promoted type if it succeeds, otherwise null.
* In the Dart 1 type system, it is not possible to promote from or to
* `dynamic`, and we must be promoting to a more specific type, see
* [isMoreSpecificThan]. Also it will always return the promote [to] type or
* null.
* In strong mode, this can potentially return a different type, see
* the override in [StrongTypeSystemImpl].
DartType tryPromoteToType(DartType to, DartType from);
* Given a [DartType] type, return the [TypeParameterElement]s corresponding
* to its formal type parameters (if any).
* @param type the type whose type arguments are to be returned
* @return the type arguments associated with the given type
List<TypeParameterElement> typeFormalsAsElements(DartType type) {
if (type is FunctionType) {
return type.typeFormals;
} else if (type is InterfaceType) {
return type.typeParameters;
} else {
return TypeParameterElement.EMPTY_LIST;
* Given a [DartType] type, return the [DartType]s corresponding
* to its formal type parameters (if any).
* @param type the type whose type arguments are to be returned
* @return the type arguments associated with the given type
List<DartType> typeFormalsAsTypes(DartType type) =>
* Compute the least upper bound of function types [f] and [g].
* The spec rules for LUB on function types, informally, are pretty simple
* (though unsound):
* - If the functions don't have the same number of required parameters,
* always return `Function`.
* - Discard any optional named or positional parameters the two types do not
* have in common.
* - Compute the LUB of each corresponding pair of parameter and return types.
* Return a function type with those types.
DartType _functionLeastUpperBound(FunctionType f, FunctionType g) {
// TODO(rnystrom): Right now, this assumes f and g do not have any type
// parameters. Revisit that in the presence of generic methods.
List<DartType> fRequired = f.normalParameterTypes;
List<DartType> gRequired = g.normalParameterTypes;
// We need some parameter names for in the synthesized function type, so
// arbitrarily use f's.
List<String> fRequiredNames = f.normalParameterNames;
List<String> fPositionalNames = f.optionalParameterNames;
// If F and G differ in their number of required parameters, then the
// least upper bound of F and G is Function.
if (fRequired.length != gRequired.length) {
return typeProvider.functionType;
// Calculate the LUB of each corresponding pair of parameters.
List<ParameterElement> parameters = [];
for (int i = 0; i < fRequired.length; i++) {
parameters.add(new ParameterElementImpl.synthetic(
_functionParameterBound(fRequired[i], gRequired[i]),
List<DartType> fPositional = f.optionalParameterTypes;
List<DartType> gPositional = g.optionalParameterTypes;
// Ignore any extra optional positional parameters if one has more than the
// other.
int length = math.min(fPositional.length, gPositional.length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
parameters.add(new ParameterElementImpl.synthetic(
_functionParameterBound(fPositional[i], gPositional[i]),
Map<String, DartType> fNamed = f.namedParameterTypes;
Map<String, DartType> gNamed = g.namedParameterTypes;
for (String name in fNamed.keys.toSet()..retainAll(gNamed.keys)) {
parameters.add(new ParameterElementImpl.synthetic(
_functionParameterBound(fNamed[name], gNamed[name]),
// Calculate the LUB of the return type.
DartType returnType = getLeastUpperBound(f.returnType, g.returnType);
return new FunctionElementImpl.synthetic(parameters, returnType).type;
* Calculates the appropriate upper or lower bound of a pair of parameters
* for two function types whose least upper bound is being calculated.
* In spec mode, this uses least upper bound, which... doesn't really make
* much sense. Strong mode overrides this to use greatest lower bound.
DartType _functionParameterBound(DartType f, DartType g) =>
getLeastUpperBound(f, g);
* Given two [InterfaceType]s [type1] and [type2] return their least upper
* bound in a type system specific manner.
DartType _interfaceLeastUpperBound(InterfaceType type1, InterfaceType type2);
* Given two [DartType]s [type1] and [type2] at least one of which is a
* [TypeParameterType], return their least upper bound in a type system
* specific manner.
DartType _typeParameterLeastUpperBound(DartType type1, DartType type2);
* Create either a strong mode or regular type system based on context.
static TypeSystem create(AnalysisContext context) {
var options = context.analysisOptions as AnalysisOptionsImpl;
return options.strongMode
? new StrongTypeSystemImpl(context.typeProvider,
declarationCasts: options.declarationCasts,
implicitCasts: options.implicitCasts,
nonnullableTypes: options.nonnullableTypes)
: new TypeSystemImpl(context.typeProvider);
* Implementation of [TypeSystem] using the rules in the Dart specification.
class TypeSystemImpl extends TypeSystem {
final TypeProvider typeProvider;
bool get isStrong => false;
* Instantiate a parameterized type using `dynamic` for all generic
* parameters. Returns the type unchanged if there are no parameters.
DartType instantiateToBounds(DartType type, {List<bool> hasError}) {
List<DartType> typeFormals = typeFormalsAsTypes(type);
int count = typeFormals.length;
if (count > 0) {
List<DartType> typeArguments =
new List<DartType>.filled(count, DynamicTypeImpl.instance);
return instantiateType(type, typeArguments);
return type;
List<DartType> instantiateTypeFormalsToBounds(
List<TypeParameterElement> typeFormals,
{List<bool> hasError}) {
return null;
bool isAssignableTo(DartType leftType, DartType rightType,
{bool isDeclarationCast = false}) {
return leftType.isAssignableTo(rightType);
bool isMoreSpecificThan(DartType t1, DartType t2) =>
bool isSubtypeOf(DartType leftType, DartType rightType) {
return leftType.isSubtypeOf(rightType);
DartType tryPromoteToType(DartType to, DartType from) {
// Declared type should not be "dynamic".
// Promoted type should not be "dynamic".
// Promoted type should be more specific than declared.
if (!from.isDynamic && !to.isDynamic && to.isMoreSpecificThan(from)) {
return to;
} else {
return null;
DartType _interfaceLeastUpperBound(InterfaceType type1, InterfaceType type2) {
InterfaceType result =
InterfaceTypeImpl.computeLeastUpperBound(type1, type2);
return result ?? typeProvider.dynamicType;
DartType _typeParameterLeastUpperBound(DartType type1, DartType type2) {
type1 = type1.resolveToBound(typeProvider.objectType);
type2 = type2.resolveToBound(typeProvider.objectType);
return getLeastUpperBound(type1, type2);
/// A type that is being inferred but is not currently known.
/// This type will only appear in a downward inference context for type
/// parameters that we do not know yet. Notationally it is written `?`, for
/// example `List<?>`. This is distinct from `List<dynamic>`. These types will
/// never appear in the final resolved AST.
class UnknownInferredType extends TypeImpl {
static final UnknownInferredType instance = new UnknownInferredType._();
: super(UnknownInferredTypeElement.instance, Keyword.DYNAMIC.lexeme);
int get hashCode => 1;
bool get isDynamic => true;
bool operator ==(Object object) => identical(object, this);
void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Set<TypeImpl> types) {
bool isMoreSpecificThan(DartType type,
[bool withDynamic = false, Set<Element> visitedElements]) {
// T is S
if (identical(this, type)) {
return true;
// else
return withDynamic;
bool isSubtypeOf(DartType type) => true;
bool isSupertypeOf(DartType type) => true;
TypeImpl pruned(List<FunctionTypeAliasElement> prune) => this;
DartType substitute2(
List<DartType> argumentTypes, List<DartType> parameterTypes,
[List<FunctionTypeAliasElement> prune]) {
int length = parameterTypes.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (parameterTypes[i] == this) {
return argumentTypes[i];
return this;
/// Given a [type] T, return true if it does not have an unknown type `?`.
static bool isKnown(DartType type) => !isUnknown(type);
/// Given a [type] T, return true if it has an unknown type `?`.
static bool isUnknown(DartType type) {
if (identical(type, UnknownInferredType.instance)) {
return true;
if (type is InterfaceTypeImpl) {
return type.typeArguments.any(isUnknown);
if (type is FunctionType) {
return isUnknown(type.returnType) ||
type.parameters.any((p) => isUnknown(p.type));
return false;
/// The synthetic element for [UnknownInferredType].
class UnknownInferredTypeElement extends ElementImpl
implements TypeDefiningElement {
static final UnknownInferredTypeElement instance =
new UnknownInferredTypeElement._();
UnknownInferredTypeElement._() : super(Keyword.DYNAMIC.lexeme, -1) {
setModifier(Modifier.SYNTHETIC, true);
ElementKind get kind => ElementKind.DYNAMIC;
UnknownInferredType get type => UnknownInferredType.instance;
T accept<T>(ElementVisitor visitor) => null;
/// A constraint on a type parameter that we're inferring.
class _TypeConstraint extends _TypeRange {
/// The type parameter that is constrained by [lowerBound] or [upperBound].
final TypeParameterType typeParameter;
/// Where this constraint comes from, used for error messages.
/// See [toString].
final _TypeConstraintOrigin origin;
_TypeConstraint(this.origin, this.typeParameter,
{DartType upper, DartType lower})
: super(upper: upper, lower: lower);
_TypeConstraint.fromExtends(TypeParameterType type, DartType extendsType)
: this(new _TypeConstraintFromExtendsClause(type, extendsType), type,
upper: extendsType);
bool get isDownwards => origin is! _TypeConstraintFromArgument;
bool isSatisifedBy(TypeSystem ts, DartType type) =>
ts.isSubtypeOf(lowerBound, type) && ts.isSubtypeOf(type, upperBound);
/// Converts this constraint to a message suitable for a type inference error.
String toString() => !identical(upperBound, UnknownInferredType.instance)
? "'$typeParameter' must extend '$upperBound'"
: "'$lowerBound' must extend '$typeParameter'";
class _TypeConstraintFromArgument extends _TypeConstraintOrigin {
final DartType argumentType;
final DartType parameterType;
final String parameterName;
final DartType genericType;
this.argumentType, this.parameterType, this.parameterName,
formatError() {
// TODO(jmesserly): we should highlight the span. That would be more useful.
// However in summary code it doesn't look like the AST node with span is
// available.
String prefix;
if (( == "List" || == "Map") &&
genericType?.element?.library?.isDartCore == true) {
// This will become:
// "List element"
// "Map key"
// "Map value"
prefix = "${} $parameterName";
} else {
prefix = "Parameter '$parameterName'";
return [
"declared as '$parameterType'",
"but argument is '$argumentType'."
class _TypeConstraintFromExtendsClause extends _TypeConstraintOrigin {
final TypeParameterType typeParam;
final DartType extendsType;
_TypeConstraintFromExtendsClause(this.typeParam, this.extendsType);
formatError() {
return [
"Type parameter '$typeParam'",
"declared to extend '$extendsType'."
class _TypeConstraintFromFunctionContext extends _TypeConstraintOrigin {
final DartType contextType;
final DartType functionType;
_TypeConstraintFromFunctionContext(this.functionType, this.contextType);
formatError() {
return [
"Function type",
"declared as '$functionType'",
"used where '$contextType' is required."
class _TypeConstraintFromReturnType extends _TypeConstraintOrigin {
final DartType contextType;
final DartType declaredType;
_TypeConstraintFromReturnType(this.declaredType, this.contextType);
formatError() {
return [
"Return type",
"declared as '$declaredType'",
"used where '$contextType' is required."
/// The origin of a type constraint, for the purposes of producing a human
/// readable error message during type inference as well as determining whether
/// the constraint was used to fix the type parameter or not.
abstract class _TypeConstraintOrigin {
List<String> formatError();
class _TypeRange {
/// The upper bound of the type parameter. In other words, T <: upperBound.
/// In Dart this can be written as `<T extends UpperBoundType>`.
/// In inference, this can happen as a result of parameters of function type.
/// For example, consider a signature like:
/// T reduce<T>(List<T> values, T f(T x, T y));
/// and a call to it like:
/// reduce(values, (num x, num y) => ...);
/// From the function expression's parameters, we conclude `T <: num`. We may
/// still be able to conclude a different [lower] based on `values` or
/// the type of the elided `=> ...` body. For example:
/// reduce(['x'], (num x, num y) => 'hi');
/// Here the [lower] will be `String` and the upper bound will be `num`,
/// which cannot be satisfied, so this is ill typed.
final DartType upperBound;
/// The lower bound of the type parameter. In other words, lowerBound <: T.
/// This kind of constraint cannot be expressed in Dart, but it applies when
/// we're doing inference. For example, consider a signature like:
/// T pickAtRandom<T>(T x, T y);
/// and a call to it like:
/// pickAtRandom(1, 2.0)
/// when we see the first parameter is an `int`, we know that `int <: T`.
/// When we see `double` this implies `double <: T`.
/// Combining these constraints results in a lower bound of `num`.
/// In general, we choose the lower bound as our inferred type, so we can
/// offer the most constrained (strongest) result type.
final DartType lowerBound;
_TypeRange({DartType lower, DartType upper})
: lowerBound = lower ?? UnknownInferredType.instance,
upperBound = upper ?? UnknownInferredType.instance;
/// Formats the typeRange as a string suitable for unit testing.
/// For example, if [typeName] is 'T' and the range has bounds int and Object
/// respectively, the returned string will be 'int <: T <: Object'.
String format(String typeName) {
var lowerString = identical(lowerBound, UnknownInferredType.instance)
? ''
: '$lowerBound <: ';
var upperString = identical(upperBound, UnknownInferredType.instance)
? ''
: ' <: $upperBound';
return '$lowerString$typeName$upperString';
String toString() => format('(type)');