blob: 36ef8fddc903c50911eb35386a9851eb5144bc02 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* A stress test for the analysis server.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:analysis_server/protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/listener.dart' as error;
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/scanner/reader.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/scanner/scanner.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/util/glob.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import '../utilities/git.dart';
import '../utilities/logger.dart';
import '../utilities/server.dart';
import 'operation.dart';
* Run the simulation based on the given command-line [arguments].
Future<Null> main(List<String> arguments) async {
Driver driver = new Driver();
* The driver class that runs the simulation.
class Driver {
* The value of the [OVERLAY_STYLE_OPTION_NAME] indicating that modifications
* to a file should be represented by an add overlay, followed by zero or more
* change overlays, followed by a remove overlay.
static String CHANGE_OVERLAY_STYLE = 'change';
* The name of the command-line flag that will print help text.
static String HELP_FLAG_NAME = 'help';
* The value of the [OVERLAY_STYLE_OPTION_NAME] indicating that modifications
* to a file should be represented by an add overlay, followed by zero or more
* additional add overlays, followed by a remove overlay.
static String MULTIPLE_ADD_OVERLAY_STYLE = 'multipleAdd';
* The name of the command-line option used to specify the style of
* interaction to use when making `analysis.updateContent` requests.
static String OVERLAY_STYLE_OPTION_NAME = 'overlay-style';
* The name of the pubspec file.
static const String PUBSPEC_FILE_NAME = 'pubspec.yaml';
* The name of the branch used to clean-up after making temporary changes.
static const String TEMP_BRANCH_NAME = 'temp';
* The name of the command-line flag that will cause verbose output to be
* produced.
static String VERBOSE_FLAG_NAME = 'verbose';
* The style of interaction to use for analysis.updateContent requests.
OverlayStyle overlayStyle;
* The absolute path of the repository.
String repositoryPath;
* The absolute paths to the analysis roots.
List<String> analysisRoots;
* The git repository.
GitRepository repository;
* The connection to the analysis server.
Server server;
* A list of the glob patterns used to identify the files being analyzed by
* the server.
List<Glob> fileGlobs;
* An object gathering statistics about the simulation.
Statistics statistics;
* A flag indicating whether verbose output should be provided.
bool verbose = false;
* The logger to which verbose logging data will be written.
Logger logger;
* Initialize a newly created driver.
Driver() {
statistics = new Statistics(this);
* Allow the output from the server to be read and processed.
Future<Null> readServerOutput() async {
await new Future.delayed(new Duration(milliseconds: 2));
* Run the simulation based on the given command-line arguments ([args]).
Future<Null> run(List<String> args) async {
// Process the command-line arguments.
if (!_processCommandLine(args)) {
return null;
if (verbose) {
stdout.writeln('-' * 80);
// Simulate interactions with the server.
await _runSimulation();
// Print out statistics gathered while performing the simulation.
if (verbose) {
stdout.writeln('-' * 80);
if (verbose) {
return null;
* Create and return a parser that can be used to parse the command-line
* arguments.
ArgParser _createArgParser() {
ArgParser parser = new ArgParser();
abbr: 'h',
help: 'Print usage information',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false);
'The style of interaction to use for analysis.updateContent requests',
allowedHelp: {
CHANGE_OVERLAY_STYLE: '<add> <change>* <remove>',
defaultsTo: 'change');
abbr: 'v',
help: 'Produce verbose output for debugging',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false);
return parser;
* Add source edits to the given [fileEdit] based on the given [blobDiff].
void _createSourceEdits(FileEdit fileEdit, BlobDiff blobDiff) {
LineInfo info = fileEdit.lineInfo;
for (DiffHunk hunk in blobDiff.hunks) {
int srcStart = info.getOffsetOfLine(hunk.srcLine);
int srcEnd = info.getOffsetOfLine(
math.min(hunk.srcLine + hunk.removeLines.length, info.lineCount - 1));
String addedText = _join(hunk.addLines);
// Create the source edits.
List<int> breakOffsets = _getBreakOffsets(addedText);
int breakCount = breakOffsets.length;
List<SourceEdit> sourceEdits = <SourceEdit>[];
if (breakCount == 0) {
.add(new SourceEdit(srcStart, srcEnd - srcStart + 1, addedText));
} else {
int previousOffset = breakOffsets[0];
String string = addedText.substring(0, previousOffset);
.add(new SourceEdit(srcStart, srcEnd - srcStart + 1, string));
String reconstruction = string;
for (int i = 1; i < breakCount; i++) {
int offset = breakOffsets[i];
string = addedText.substring(previousOffset, offset);
reconstruction += string;
sourceEdits.add(new SourceEdit(srcStart + previousOffset, 0, string));
previousOffset = offset;
string = addedText.substring(previousOffset);
reconstruction += string;
sourceEdits.add(new SourceEdit(srcStart + previousOffset, 0, string));
if (reconstruction != addedText) {
throw new AssertionError();
* Return the absolute paths of all of the pubspec files in all of the
* analysis roots.
Iterable<String> _findPubspecsInAnalysisRoots() {
List<String> pubspecFiles = <String>[];
for (String directoryPath in analysisRoots) {
Directory directory = new Directory(directoryPath);
List<FileSystemEntity> children =
directory.listSync(recursive: true, followLinks: false);
for (FileSystemEntity child in children) {
String filePath = child.path;
if (path.basename(filePath) == PUBSPEC_FILE_NAME) {
return pubspecFiles;
* Return a list of offsets into the given [text] that represent good places
* to break the text when building edits.
List<int> _getBreakOffsets(String text) {
List<int> breakOffsets = <int>[];
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(null, new CharSequenceReader(text),
Token token = scanner.tokenize();
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Randomize. Sometimes add zero (0) as a break point.
while (token.type != TokenType.EOF) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Break inside comments?
// Token comment = token.precedingComments;
int offset = token.offset;
int length = token.length;
if (token.type == TokenType.IDENTIFIER && length > 3) {
breakOffsets.add(offset + (length ~/ 2));
token =;
return breakOffsets;
* Join the given [lines] into a single string.
String _join(List<String> lines) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
return buffer.toString();
* Process the command-line [arguments]. Return `true` if the simulation
* should be run.
bool _processCommandLine(List<String> args) {
ArgParser parser = _createArgParser();
ArgResults results;
try {
results = parser.parse(args);
} catch (exception) {
return false;
if (results[HELP_FLAG_NAME]) {
return false;
String overlayStyleValue = results[OVERLAY_STYLE_OPTION_NAME];
if (overlayStyleValue == CHANGE_OVERLAY_STYLE) {
overlayStyle = OverlayStyle.change;
} else if (overlayStyleValue == MULTIPLE_ADD_OVERLAY_STYLE) {
overlayStyle = OverlayStyle.multipleAdd;
if (results[VERBOSE_FLAG_NAME]) {
verbose = true;
logger = new Logger(stdout);
List<String> arguments =;
if (arguments.length < 2) {
return false;
repositoryPath = path.normalize(arguments[0]);
repository = new GitRepository(repositoryPath, logger: logger);
analysisRoots = arguments
.map((String analysisRoot) => path.normalize(analysisRoot))
for (String analysisRoot in analysisRoots) {
if (repositoryPath != analysisRoot &&
!path.isWithin(repositoryPath, analysisRoot)) {
'Analysis roots must be contained within the repository: $analysisRoot');
return false;
return true;
* Replay the changes in each commit.
Future<Null> _replayChanges() async {
// Get the revision history of the repo.
LinearCommitHistory history = repository.getCommitHistory();
statistics.commitCount = history.commitIds.length;
LinearCommitHistoryIterator iterator = history.iterator();
try {
// Iterate over the history, applying changes.
bool firstCheckout = true;
ErrorMap expectedErrors = null;
Iterable<String> changedPubspecs;
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
// Checkout the commit on which the changes are based.
String commit = iterator.srcCommit;
if (expectedErrors != null) {
// ErrorMap actualErrors =
await server.computeErrorMap(server.analyzedDartFiles);
// String difference = expectedErrors.expectErrorMap(actualErrors);
// if (difference != null) {
// stdout.write('Mismatched errors after commit ');
// stdout.writeln(commit);
// stdout.writeln();
// stdout.writeln(difference);
// return;
// }
if (firstCheckout) {
changedPubspecs = _findPubspecsInAnalysisRoots();
server.sendAnalysisSetAnalysisRoots(analysisRoots, []);
firstCheckout = false;
} else {
await readServerOutput();
expectedErrors = await server.computeErrorMap(server.analyzedDartFiles);
for (String filePath in changedPubspecs) {
// Apply the changes.
CommitDelta commitDelta =;
commitDelta.filterDiffs(analysisRoots, fileGlobs);
if (commitDelta.hasDiffs) {
await _replayDiff(commitDelta);
changedPubspecs = commitDelta.filesMatching(PUBSPEC_FILE_NAME);
} finally {
// Ensure that the repository is left at the most recent commit.
if (history.commitIds.length > 0) {
await readServerOutput();
* Replay the changes between two commits, as represented by the given
* [commitDelta].
Future<Null> _replayDiff(CommitDelta commitDelta) async {
List<FileEdit> editList = <FileEdit>[];
for (DiffRecord record in commitDelta.diffRecords) {
FileEdit edit = new FileEdit(overlayStyle, record);
_createSourceEdits(edit, record.getBlobDiff());
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Randomize.
// Randomly select operations from different files to simulate a user
// editing multiple files simultaneously.
for (FileEdit edit in editList) {
List<String> currentFile = <String>[edit.filePath];
AnalysisService.FOLDING: currentFile,
AnalysisService.HIGHLIGHTS: currentFile,
AnalysisService.IMPLEMENTED: currentFile,
AnalysisService.NAVIGATION: currentFile,
AnalysisService.OCCURRENCES: currentFile,
AnalysisService.OUTLINE: currentFile,
AnalysisService.OVERRIDES: currentFile
for (ServerOperation operation in edit.getOperations()) {
await readServerOutput();
* Run `pub` on the pubspec with the given [filePath].
void _runPub(String filePath) {
String directoryPath = path.dirname(filePath);
if (new Directory(directoryPath).existsSync()) {
'/Users/brianwilkerson/Dev/dart/dart-sdk/bin/pub', ['get'],
workingDirectory: directoryPath);
* Run the simulation by starting up a server and sending it requests.
Future<Null> _runSimulation() async {
server = new Server(logger: logger);
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
statistics.stopwatch = stopwatch;
await server.start();
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Get the list of glob patterns from the server after
// an API for getting them has been implemented.
fileGlobs = <Glob>[
new Glob(path.context.separator, '**.dart'),
new Glob(path.context.separator, '**.html'),
new Glob(path.context.separator, '**.htm'),
new Glob(path.context.separator, '**/.analysisOptions')
try {
await _replayChanges();
} finally {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) This needs to be moved into a Zone in order to
// ensure that it is always run.
* Display usage information, preceded by the [errorMessage] if one is given.
void _showUsage(ArgParser parser, [String errorMessage = null]) {
if (errorMessage != null) {
Usage: replay [options...] repositoryPath analysisRoot...
Uses the commit history of the git repository at the given repository path to
simulate the development of a code base while using the analysis server to
analyze the code base.
The repository path must be the absolute path of a directory containing a git
There must be at least one analysis root, and all of the analysis roots must be
the absolute path of a directory contained within the repository directory. The
analysis roots represent the portions of the repository that will be analyzed by
the analysis server.
* A representation of the edits to be applied to a single file.
class FileEdit {
* The style of interaction to use for analysis.updateContent requests.
OverlayStyle overlayStyle;
* The absolute path of the file to be edited.
String filePath;
* The content of the file before any edits have been applied.
String content;
* The line info for the file before any edits have been applied.
LineInfo lineInfo;
* The lists of source edits, one list for each hunk being edited.
List<List<SourceEdit>> editLists = <List<SourceEdit>>[];
* The current content of the file. This field is only used if the overlay
* style is [OverlayStyle.multipleAdd].
String currentContent;
* Initialize a collection of edits to be associated with the file at the
* given [filePath].
FileEdit(this.overlayStyle, DiffRecord record) {
filePath = record.srcPath;
if (record.isAddition) {
content = '';
lineInfo = new LineInfo(<int>[0]);
} else if (record.isCopy || record.isRename || record.isTypeChange) {
throw new ArgumentError('Unhandled change of type ${record.status}');
} else {
content = new File(filePath).readAsStringSync();
lineInfo = new LineInfo(StringUtilities.computeLineStarts(content));
currentContent = content;
* Add a list of source edits that, taken together, transform a single hunk in
* the file.
void addSourceEdits(List<SourceEdit> sourceEdits) {
* Return a list of operations to be sent to the server.
List<ServerOperation> getOperations() {
List<ServerOperation> operations = <ServerOperation>[];
void addUpdateContent(var overlay) {
operations.add(new Analysis_UpdateContent(filePath, overlay));
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Randomize.
// Make the order of edits random. Doing so will require updating the
// offsets of edits after the selected edit point.
addUpdateContent(new AddContentOverlay(content));
for (List<SourceEdit> editList in editLists.reversed) {
for (SourceEdit edit in editList.reversed) {
var overlay = null;
if (overlayStyle == OverlayStyle.change) {
overlay = new ChangeContentOverlay([edit]);
} else if (overlayStyle == OverlayStyle.multipleAdd) {
currentContent = edit.apply(currentContent);
overlay = new AddContentOverlay(currentContent);
} else {
throw new StateError(
'Failed to handle overlay style = $overlayStyle');
if (overlay != null) {
addUpdateContent(new RemoveContentOverlay());
return operations;
* The possible styles of interaction to use for analysis.updateContent requests.
enum OverlayStyle { change, multipleAdd }
* A set of statistics related to the execution of the simulation.
class Statistics {
* The driver driving the simulation.
final Driver driver;
* The stopwatch being used to time the simulation.
Stopwatch stopwatch;
* The total number of commits in the repository.
int commitCount;
* The number of commits in the repository that touched one of the files in
* one of the analysis roots.
int commitsWithChangeInRootCount = 0;
* The total number of edits that were applied.
int editCount = 0;
* Initialize a newly created set of statistics.
* Print the statistics to [stdout].
void print() {
stdout.write('Replay commits in ');
stdout.write(' replay took ');
stdout.write(' analysis roots = ');
stdout.write(' number of commits = ');
stdout.write(' number of commits with a change in an analysis root = ');
stdout.write(' number of edits = ');
* Return a textual representation of the given duration, represented in
* [milliseconds].
String _printTime(int milliseconds) {
int seconds = milliseconds ~/ 1000;
milliseconds -= seconds * 1000;
int minutes = seconds ~/ 60;
seconds -= minutes * 60;
int hours = minutes ~/ 60;
minutes -= hours * 60;
if (hours > 0) {
return '$hours:$minutes:$seconds.$milliseconds';
} else if (minutes > 0) {
return '$minutes:$seconds.$milliseconds';
return '$seconds.$milliseconds';