blob: af6b3afae91ef893664ba602c024dedfb54f55ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
* Store of bytes associated with string keys and a hash.
* Each key must be not longer than 100 characters and consist of only `[a-z]`,
* `[0-9]`, `.` and `_` characters. The key cannot be an empty string, the
* literal `.`, or contain the sequence `..`.
* Note that associations are not guaranteed to be persistent. The value
* associated with a key can change or become `null` at any point in time.
abstract class CiderByteStore {
* Return the bytes associated with the errors for given [key] and [signature].
* Return `null` if the association does not exist.
List<int> get(String key, List<int> signature);
* Associate the given [bytes] with the [key] and [digest].
void put(String key, List<int> signature, List<int> bytes);
class CiderMemoryByteStore implements CiderByteStore {
final Map<String, _CiderCacheEntry> _map = {};
List<int> get(String key, List<int> signature) {
var entry = _map[key];
if (entry != null &&
const ListEquality().equals(entry.signature, signature)) {
return entry.bytes;
return null;
void put(String key, List<int> signature, List<int> bytes) {
_map[key] = _CiderCacheEntry(signature, bytes);
class _CiderCacheEntry {
final List<int> signature;
final List<int> bytes;
_CiderCacheEntry(this.signature, this.bytes);