blob: 2953701525d1a2f54fc159b5039bf9b825cc99e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library channel.byte_stream;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/channel/channel.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol.dart';
* Instances of the class [ByteStreamClientChannel] implement a
* [ClientCommunicationChannel] that uses a stream and a sink (typically,
* standard input and standard output) to communicate with servers.
class ByteStreamClientChannel implements ClientCommunicationChannel {
final Stream input;
final IOSink output;
Stream<Response> responseStream;
Stream<Notification> notificationStream;
ByteStreamClientChannel(this.input, this.output) {
Stream jsonStream = input.transform(
(new Utf8Codec()).decoder).transform(
new LineSplitter()).transform(
new JsonStreamDecoder()).where((json) => json is Map).asBroadcastStream();
responseStream = jsonStream.where(
(json) =>
json[Notification.EVENT] ==
null).transform(new ResponseConverter()).asBroadcastStream();
notificationStream = jsonStream.where(
(json) =>
json[Notification.EVENT] !=
null).transform(new NotificationConverter()).asBroadcastStream();
Future close() {
return output.close();
Future<Response> sendRequest(Request request) {
String id =;
output.write(JSON.encode(request.toJson()) + '\n');
return responseStream.firstWhere((Response response) => == id);
* Instances of the class [ByteStreamServerChannel] implement a
* [ServerCommunicationChannel] that uses a stream and a sink (typically,
* standard input and standard output) to communicate with clients.
class ByteStreamServerChannel implements ServerCommunicationChannel {
* Value of [_outputState] indicating that there is no outstanding data in
* [_pendingOutput], and that the most recent flush of [_output] has
* completed.
static const int _STATE_IDLE = 0;
* Value of [_outputState] indicating that there is outstanding data in
* [_pendingOutput], and that the most recent flush of [_output] has
* completed; therefore a microtask has been scheduled to send the data.
static const int _STATE_MICROTASK_PENDING = 1;
* Value of [_outputState] indicating that data has been sent to the
* [_output] stream and flushed, but the flush has not completed, so we must
* wait for it to complete before sending more data. There may or may not be
* outstanding data in [_pendingOutput].
static const int _STATE_FLUSH_PENDING = 2;
final Stream input;
final IOSink _output;
* Completer that will be signalled when the input stream is closed.
final Completer _closed = new Completer();
* State of the output stream (see constants above).
int _outputState = _STATE_IDLE;
* List of strings that need to be sent to [_output] at the next available
* opportunity.
List<String> _pendingOutput = <String>[];
* True if [close] has been called.
bool _closeRequested = false;
ByteStreamServerChannel(this.input, this._output);
* Future that will be completed when the input stream is closed.
Future get closed {
return _closed.future;
void close() {
if (!_closeRequested) {
_closeRequested = true;
if (_outputState == _STATE_IDLE) {
} else {
// Nothing to do. [_flushCompleted] will call _closed.complete() after
// the flush completes.
void listen(void onRequest(Request request), {Function onError, void
onDone()}) {
(new Utf8Codec()).decoder).transform(
new LineSplitter()).listen(
(String data) => _readRequest(data, onRequest),
onError: onError,
onDone: () {
void sendNotification(Notification notification) {
// Don't send any further notifications after the communication channel is
// closed.
if (_closeRequested) {
String jsonEncoding = JSON.encode(notification.toJson());
void sendResponse(Response response) {
// Don't send any further responses after the communication channel is
// closed.
if (_closeRequested) {
String jsonEncoding = JSON.encode(response.toJson());
* Callback invoked after a flush of [_output] completes. Closes the stream
* if necessary. Otherwise schedules additional pending output.
void _flushCompleted(_) {
assert(_outputState == _STATE_FLUSH_PENDING);
if (_pendingOutput.isNotEmpty) {
// Since we've done another flush, stay in _STATE_FLUSH_PENDING.
} else {
_outputState = _STATE_IDLE;
if (_closeRequested) {
* Microtask that writes pending output to the output stream and flushes it.
void _microtask() {
assert(_outputState == _STATE_MICROTASK_PENDING);
_outputState = _STATE_FLUSH_PENDING;
* Send the string [s] to [_output] followed by a newline.
void _outputLine(String s) {
if (_outputState == _STATE_IDLE) {
// Don't send the output just yet; schedule a microtask to do it, so that
// if caller decides to output additional lines, they will get sent in
// the same call to _output.write().
new Future.microtask(_microtask);
* Read a request from the given [data] and use the given function to handle
* the request.
void _readRequest(Object data, void onRequest(Request request)) {
// Ignore any further requests after the communication channel is closed.
if (_closed.isCompleted) {
// Parse the string as a JSON descriptor and process the resulting
// structure as a request.
Request request = new Request.fromString(data);
if (request == null) {
sendResponse(new Response.invalidRequestFormat());