blob: 57f3848ce07266110543b350b0995cc2726535fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// VMOptions=--optimization_counter_threshold=5
// Basic null-aware operator test that invokes the optimizing compiler.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
class C {
var f;
m(a) => a;
bomb() {'Should not be executed');
return 100;
getNull() => null;
test() {
var c;
var d = new C(5) as C?;
Expect.equals(null, c?.m(bomb()));
Expect.equals(null, getNull()?.anything(bomb()));
Expect.equals(1, d?.m(1));
var c2 = new C(1) as C?;
Expect.equals(1, c2?.f);
Expect.equals(null, c?.v);
Expect.equals(10, c ?? 10);
Expect.equals(d, d ?? bomb());
var list = [[3]] as List<List<int>>?;
list?.expand((i) => i).toList()[0]);
Expect.equals(null, (null as dynamic)?.expand((i) => i)?.toList());
var e;
// The assignment to e is not executed since d != null.
d ??= e ??= new C(100);
Expect.equals(null, e);
e ??= new C(100);
Expect.equals(100, e?.f);
e?.f ??= 200;
Expect.equals(100, e?.f);
e.f = null;
e?.f ??= 200;
Expect.equals(200, e?.f);
c?.f ??= 400;
Expect.equals(null, c?.f);
Expect.equals(null, c?.f++);
Expect.equals(201, e.f);
var five = 5 as int?;
var x = five ?? bomb();
// Check that instructions without result do not crash.
test2() {
var c;
class Bar {
String? s;
class Foo {
Bar? _bar;
String? str;
Foo(this._bar) : str = _bar?.s;
// Check that ?? isn't incorrectly optimized as non-nullable
// (DDC regression test)
test3() {
List? n = null;
var func = n?.add;
var result = func ?? 1;
Expect.equals(result, 1);
String? x = null;
Expect.equals(x?.split(',') ?? 'hello', 'hello');
main() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Expect.equals(null, new Foo(new Bar()).str);