blob: 2ef19a1640320216c989f13910e2688099ffbb8d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of js_backend;
/// [ConstantCompilerTask] for compilation of constants for the JavaScript
/// backend.
/// Since this task needs to distinguish between frontend and backend constants
/// the actual compilation of the constants is forwarded to a
/// [DartConstantCompiler] for the frontend interpretation of the constants and
/// to a [JavaScriptConstantCompiler] for the backend interpretation.
class JavaScriptConstantTask extends ConstantCompilerTask {
DartConstantCompiler dartConstantCompiler;
JavaScriptConstantCompiler jsConstantCompiler;
JavaScriptConstantTask(Compiler compiler)
: this.dartConstantCompiler = new DartConstantCompiler(compiler),
this.jsConstantCompiler =
new JavaScriptConstantCompiler(compiler),
String get name => 'ConstantHandler';
Constant getConstantForVariable(VariableElement element) {
return dartConstantCompiler.getConstantForVariable(element);
Constant compileConstant(VariableElement element) {
return measure(() {
Constant result = dartConstantCompiler.compileConstant(element);
return result;
void compileVariable(VariableElement element) {
measure(() {
Constant compileNode(Node node, TreeElements elements) {
return measure(() {
Constant result =
dartConstantCompiler.compileNode(node, elements);
jsConstantCompiler.compileNode(node, elements);
return result;
Constant compileMetadata(MetadataAnnotation metadata,
Node node,
TreeElements elements) {
return measure(() {
Constant constant =
dartConstantCompiler.compileMetadata(metadata, node, elements);
jsConstantCompiler.compileMetadata(metadata, node, elements);
return constant;
* The [JavaScriptConstantCompiler] is used to keep track of compile-time
* constants, initializations of global and static fields, and default values of
* optional parameters for the JavaScript interpretation of constants.
class JavaScriptConstantCompiler extends ConstantCompilerBase
implements BackendConstantEnvironment {
/** Set of all registered compiled constants. */
final Set<Constant> compiledConstants = new Set<Constant>();
// TODO(johnniwinther): Move this to the backend constant handler.
/** Caches the statics where the initial value cannot be eagerly compiled. */
final Set<VariableElement> lazyStatics = new Set<VariableElement>();
// Constants computed for constant expressions.
final Map<Node, Constant> nodeConstantMap = new Map<Node, Constant>();
// Constants computed for metadata.
final Map<MetadataAnnotation, Constant> metadataConstantMap =
new Map<MetadataAnnotation, Constant>();
JavaScriptConstantCompiler(Compiler compiler)
Constant compileVariableWithDefinitions(VariableElement element,
TreeElements definitions,
{bool isConst: false}) {
if (!isConst && lazyStatics.contains(element)) {
return null;
Constant value = super.compileVariableWithDefinitions(
element, definitions, isConst: isConst);
if (!isConst && value == null) {
return value;
void addCompileTimeConstantForEmission(Constant constant) {
* Returns an [Iterable] of static non final fields that need to be
* initialized. The fields list must be evaluated in order since they might
* depend on each other.
Iterable<VariableElement> getStaticNonFinalFieldsForEmission() {
return initialVariableValues.keys.where((element) {
return element.kind == ElementKind.FIELD &&
!element.isInstanceMember &&
!element.modifiers.isFinal &&
// The const fields are all either emitted elsewhere or inlined.
List<VariableElement> getLazilyInitializedFieldsForEmission() {
return new List<VariableElement>.from(lazyStatics);
* Returns a list of constants topologically sorted so that dependencies
* appear before the dependent constant. [preSortCompare] is a comparator
* function that gives the constants a consistent order prior to the
* topological sort which gives the constants an ordering that is less
* sensitive to perturbations in the source code.
List<Constant> getConstantsForEmission([preSortCompare]) {
// We must emit dependencies before their uses.
Set<Constant> seenConstants = new Set<Constant>();
List<Constant> result = new List<Constant>();
void addConstant(Constant constant) {
if (!seenConstants.contains(constant)) {
List<Constant> sorted = compiledConstants.toList();
if (preSortCompare != null) {
return result;
Constant getInitialValueFor(VariableElement element) {
Constant initialValue = initialVariableValues[element.declaration];
if (initialValue == null) {
compiler.internalError(element, "No initial value for given element.");
return initialValue;
Constant compileNode(Node node, TreeElements elements) {
return compileNodeWithDefinitions(node, elements);
Constant compileNodeWithDefinitions(Node node,
TreeElements definitions,
{bool isConst: true}) {
Constant constant = nodeConstantMap[node];
if (constant != null) {
return constant;
constant =
super.compileNodeWithDefinitions(node, definitions, isConst: isConst);
if (constant != null) {
nodeConstantMap[node] = constant;
return constant;
Constant getConstantForNode(Node node, TreeElements definitions) {
Constant constant = nodeConstantMap[node];
if (constant != null) {
return constant;
return definitions.getConstant(node);
Constant getConstantForMetadata(MetadataAnnotation metadata) {
return metadataConstantMap[metadata];
Constant compileMetadata(MetadataAnnotation metadata,
Node node,
TreeElements elements) {
Constant constant = super.compileMetadata(metadata, node, elements);
metadataConstantMap[metadata] = constant;
return constant;
Constant createTypeConstant(TypeDeclarationElement element) {
DartType elementType = element.rawType;
DartType constantType =
return new TypeConstant(elementType, constantType);