remove some unused dartdev benchmarks

Change-Id: I75118d2a18ae3bbea25647c9c59e3d4e4aaf809d
Reviewed-by: Ben Konyi <>
Commit-Queue: Devon Carew <>
diff --git a/pkg/dartdev/benchmark/bench.dart b/pkg/dartdev/benchmark/bench.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index abfeaff..0000000
--- a/pkg/dartdev/benchmark/bench.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:convert';
-import 'dart:io' as io;
-import 'package:args/args.dart';
-import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
-List<Benchmark> benchmarks = [
-  DartStartup(),
-  DartRunStartup(),
-  SdkSize(),
-void main(List<String> args) async {
-  ArgParser argParser = _createArgParser();
-  ArgResults argResults;
-  try {
-    argResults = argParser.parse(args);
-  } on FormatException catch (e) {
-    print(e.message);
-    print('');
-    printUsage(argParser, includeDescription: false);
-    io.exit(1);
-  }
-  if (argResults['help'] || argResults.arguments.isEmpty) {
-    printUsage(argParser);
-    io.exit(0);
-  }
-  if (!argResults.wasParsed('dart-sdk')) {
-    print('No value passed for `dart-sdk`.');
-    print('');
-    printUsage(argParser);
-    io.exit(1);
-  }
-  if (!argResults.wasParsed('run')) {
-    print('No value passed for `run`.');
-    print('');
-    printUsage(argParser);
-    io.exit(1);
-  }
-  Context context = Context(argResults['dart-sdk']);
-  String benchmarkName = argResults['run'];
-  Benchmark benchmark = benchmarks.singleWhere((b) => == benchmarkName);
-  BenchmarkResult result = await;
-  print(result.toJson());
-  io.exit(0);
-void printUsage(ArgParser argParser, {bool includeDescription = true}) {
-  print('usage: dart bin/bench.dart <options>');
-  print('');
-  if (includeDescription) {
-    print('Run benchmarks for the dartdev tool.');
-    print('');
-  }
-  print('Options:');
-  print(argParser.usage);
-ArgParser _createArgParser() {
-  ArgParser argParser = ArgParser(usageLineLength: io.stdout.terminalColumns);
-  argParser.addFlag(
-    'help',
-    abbr: 'h',
-    negatable: false,
-    help: 'Print this usage information.',
-  );
-  argParser.addOption(
-    'dart-sdk',
-    valueHelp: 'sdk path',
-    help: 'The path to the Dart SDK to use for benchmarking.',
-  );
-  argParser.addOption(
-    'run',
-    valueHelp: 'benchmark',
-    allowed: =>,
-    allowedHelp: {
-      for (var benchmark in benchmarks) benchmark.description,
-    },
-    help: 'The benchmark to run.',
-  );
-  return argParser;
-abstract class Benchmark {
-  final String id;
-  final String description;
-  Benchmark(, this.description);
-  Future<BenchmarkResult> run(Context context);
-class DartStartup extends Benchmark {
-  DartStartup()
-      : super(
-          'script-startup',
-          'Benchmark the startup time of a minimal Dart script (μs).',
-        );
-  @override
-  Future<BenchmarkResult> run(Context context) async {
-    // setup
-    io.Directory dir = io.Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('dartdev');
-    io.File file = io.File('${dir.path}/hello.dart');
-    file.writeAsStringSync('void main() => print(\'hello\');');
-    // perform the benchmark
-    Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch()..start();
-    io.Process.runSync(
-      '${context.sdkPath}/bin/dart',
-      [file.absolute.path],
-    );
-    timer.stop();
-    // cleanup
-    dir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
-    // report the result
-    int micros = timer.elapsedMicroseconds;
-    return BenchmarkResult(
-      id: id,
-      value: micros,
-      units: 'microseconds',
-      userDescription: '${(micros / 1000.0).toStringAsFixed(2)}ms',
-    );
-  }
-class DartRunStartup extends Benchmark {
-  DartRunStartup()
-      : super(
-          'run-script-startup',
-          'Benchmark the startup time of a minimal Dart script, executed with '
-              '`dart run` (μs).',
-        );
-  @override
-  Future<BenchmarkResult> run(Context context) async {
-    // setup
-    io.Directory dir = io.Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('dartdev');
-    io.File file = io.File('${dir.path}/hello.dart');
-    file.writeAsStringSync('void main() => print(\'hello\');');
-    // perform the benchmark
-    Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch()..start();
-    io.Process.runSync(
-      '${context.sdkPath}/bin/dart',
-      ['run', file.absolute.path],
-    );
-    timer.stop();
-    // cleanup
-    dir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
-    // report the result
-    int micros = timer.elapsedMicroseconds;
-    return BenchmarkResult(
-      id: id,
-      value: micros,
-      units: 'microseconds',
-      userDescription: '${(micros / 1000.0).toStringAsFixed(2)}ms',
-    );
-  }
-class SdkSize extends Benchmark {
-  SdkSize()
-      : super(
-          'sdk-size',
-          'Benchmark the compressed size of the Dart SDK (bytes).',
-        );
-  @override
-  Future<BenchmarkResult> run(Context context) async {
-    // setup
-    io.Directory tempDir = io.Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('dartdev');
-    // perform the benchmark
-    io.File sdkArchive = compress(io.Directory(context.sdkPath), tempDir);
-    int bytes = sdkArchive.lengthSync();
-    // cleanup
-    tempDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
-    // report the result
-    return BenchmarkResult(
-      id: id,
-      value: bytes,
-      units: 'bytes',
-      userDescription: '${(bytes / (1024.0 * 1024.0)).toStringAsFixed(1)}MB',
-    );
-  }
-  io.File compress(io.Directory sourceDir, io.Directory targetDir) {
-    String name = sourceDir.path.substring(sourceDir.path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
-    io.File outFile = io.File('${targetDir.absolute.path}/$');
-    if (io.Platform.isMacOS || io.Platform.isLinux) {
-      io.Process.runSync('zip', [
-        '-r',
-        '-9', // optimized for compressed size
-        outFile.absolute.path,
-        sourceDir.absolute.path,
-      ]);
-    } else {
-      throw Exception('platform not supported: ${io.Platform.operatingSystem}');
-    }
-    return outFile;
-  }
-class Context {
-  final String sdkPath;
-  Context(this.sdkPath);
-class BenchmarkResult {
-  final String id;
-  final int value;
-  final String units;
-  final String userDescription;
-  BenchmarkResult({
-    @required,
-    @required this.value,
-    @required this.units,
-    @required this.userDescription,
-  });
-  String toJson() {
-    Map m = {
-      'id': id,
-      'value': value,
-      'units': units,
-      'userDescription': userDescription,
-    };
-    return JsonEncoder.withIndent('  ').convert(m);
-  }