blob: d5e5c6ceafd4062f0da5a9ce152ad7f2e1908ea1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Slot is an abstraction that describes an readable (and possibly writeable)
// location within an object.
// In general slots follow the memory model for normal Dart fields - but can
// also be used to describe locations that don't have corresponding Field
// object, i.e. fields within native objects like arrays or contexts.
// Slot objects created by the compiler have an identity. If two slots F and G
// are different then compiler assumes that store into F can't alias a load
// from G and vice versa.
// All slots can be split into 4 categories:
// - slots for fields of native classes (Array, Closure, etc);
// - slots for type arguments;
// - slots for captured variable;
// - slots for normal Dart fields (e.g. those that Field object).
#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/compile_type.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/locations.h"
#include "vm/thread.h"
namespace dart {
class LocalScope;
class LocalVariable;
class ParsedFunction;
// The list of slots that correspond to nullable boxed fields of native objects
// in the following format:
// V(class_name, underlying_type, field_name, exact_type, FINAL|VAR)
// - class_name and field_name specify the name of the host class and the name
// of the field respectively;
// - underlying_type: the Raw class which holds the field;
// - exact_type specifies exact type of the field (any load from this field
// would only yield instances of this type);
// - the last component specifies whether field behaves like a final field
// (i.e. initialized once at construction time and does not change after
// that) or like a non-final field.
V(Function, FunctionLayout, signature, FunctionType, FINAL) \
V(Context, ContextLayout, parent, Context, FINAL) \
V(Closure, ClosureLayout, instantiator_type_arguments, TypeArguments, FINAL) \
V(Closure, ClosureLayout, delayed_type_arguments, TypeArguments, FINAL) \
V(Closure, ClosureLayout, function_type_arguments, TypeArguments, FINAL) \
V(ClosureData, ClosureDataLayout, default_type_arguments, TypeArguments, \
V(Type, TypeLayout, arguments, TypeArguments, FINAL) \
V(FunctionType, FunctionTypeLayout, type_parameters, TypeArguments, FINAL) \
V(WeakProperty, WeakPropertyLayout, key, Dynamic, VAR) \
V(WeakProperty, WeakPropertyLayout, value, Dynamic, VAR)
// The list of slots that correspond to non-nullable boxed fields of native
// objects in the following format:
// V(class_name, underlying_type, field_name, exact_type, FINAL|VAR)
// - class_name and field_name specify the name of the host class and the name
// of the field respectively;
// - underlying_type: the Raw class which holds the field;
// - exact_type specifies exact type of the field (any load from this field
// would only yield instances of this type);
// - the last component specifies whether field behaves like a final field
// (i.e. initialized once at construction time and does not change after
// that) or like a non-final field.
V(Array, ArrayLayout, length, Smi, FINAL) \
V(Closure, ClosureLayout, function, Function, FINAL) \
V(Closure, ClosureLayout, context, Context, FINAL) \
V(Closure, ClosureLayout, hash, Context, VAR) \
V(ClosureData, ClosureDataLayout, default_type_arguments_info, Smi, FINAL) \
V(Function, FunctionLayout, data, Dynamic, FINAL) \
V(Function, FunctionLayout, parameter_names, Array, FINAL) \
V(FunctionType, FunctionTypeLayout, parameter_types, Array, FINAL) \
V(GrowableObjectArray, GrowableObjectArrayLayout, length, Smi, VAR) \
V(GrowableObjectArray, GrowableObjectArrayLayout, data, Array, VAR) \
V(TypedDataBase, TypedDataBaseLayout, length, Smi, FINAL) \
V(TypedDataView, TypedDataViewLayout, offset_in_bytes, Smi, FINAL) \
V(TypedDataView, TypedDataViewLayout, data, Dynamic, FINAL) \
V(String, StringLayout, length, Smi, FINAL) \
V(LinkedHashMap, LinkedHashMapLayout, index, TypedDataUint32Array, VAR) \
V(LinkedHashMap, LinkedHashMapLayout, data, Array, VAR) \
V(LinkedHashMap, LinkedHashMapLayout, hash_mask, Smi, VAR) \
V(LinkedHashMap, LinkedHashMapLayout, used_data, Smi, VAR) \
V(LinkedHashMap, LinkedHashMapLayout, deleted_keys, Smi, VAR) \
V(ArgumentsDescriptor, ArrayLayout, type_args_len, Smi, FINAL) \
V(ArgumentsDescriptor, ArrayLayout, positional_count, Smi, FINAL) \
V(ArgumentsDescriptor, ArrayLayout, count, Smi, FINAL) \
V(ArgumentsDescriptor, ArrayLayout, size, Smi, FINAL) \
V(PointerBase, PointerBaseLayout, data_field, Dynamic, FINAL) \
V(TypeArguments, TypeArgumentsLayout, length, Smi, FINAL) \
V(TypeParameter, TypeParameterLayout, bound, Dynamic, FINAL) \
V(TypeParameter, TypeParameterLayout, name, Dynamic, FINAL) \
V(UnhandledException, UnhandledExceptionLayout, exception, Dynamic, FINAL) \
V(UnhandledException, UnhandledExceptionLayout, stacktrace, Dynamic, FINAL)
// List of slots that correspond to unboxed fields of native objects in the
// following format:
// V(class_name, underlying_type, field_name, representation, FINAL|VAR)
// - class_name and field_name specify the name of the host class and the name
// of the field respectively;
// - underlying_type: the Raw class which holds the field;
// - representation specifies the representation of the bits stored within
// the unboxed field (minus the kUnboxed prefix);
// - the last component specifies whether field behaves like a final field
// (i.e. initialized once at construction time and does not change after
// that) or like a non-final field.
// Note: As the underlying field is unboxed, these slots cannot be nullable.
V(Function, FunctionLayout, kind_tag, Uint32, FINAL) \
V(Function, FunctionLayout, packed_fields, Uint32, FINAL) \
V(FunctionType, FunctionTypeLayout, packed_fields, Uint32, FINAL) \
V(TypeParameter, TypeParameterLayout, flags, Uint8, FINAL)
// For uses that do not need the exact_type (boxed) or representation (unboxed)
// or whether a boxed native slot is nullable. (Generally, such users only need
// the class name, the underlying type, and/or the field name.)
// Slot is an abstraction that describes an readable (and possibly writeable)
// location within an object.
// Slot objects returned by Slot::Get* methods have identity and can be
// compared by pointer. If two slots are different they must not alias.
// If two slots can alias - they must be represented by identical
// slot object.
class Slot : public ZoneAllocated {
// clang-format off
enum class Kind : uint8_t {
// Native slots are identified by their kind - each native slot has its own.
#define DECLARE_KIND(ClassName, __, FieldName, ___, ____) \
// A slot used to store type arguments.
// A slot at a specific [index] in a [RawTypeArgument] vector.
// A slot corresponding to an array element at given offset.
// Only used during allocation sinking and in MaterializeObjectInstr.
// A slot within a Context object that contains a value of a captured
// local variable.
// A slot that corresponds to a Dart field (has corresponding Field object).
// clang-format on
static const char* KindToCString(Kind k);
static bool ParseKind(const char* str, Kind* k);
// Returns a slot that represents length field for the given [array_cid].
static const Slot& GetLengthFieldForArrayCid(intptr_t array_cid);
// Return a slot that represents type arguments field at the given offset
// or for the given class.
// We do not distinguish type argument fields within disjoint
// class hierarchies: type argument fields at the same offset would be
// represented by the same Slot object. Type argument slots are final
// so disambiguating type arguments fields does not improve alias analysis.
static const Slot& GetTypeArgumentsSlotAt(Thread* thread, intptr_t offset);
static const Slot& GetTypeArgumentsSlotFor(Thread* thread, const Class& cls);
// Returns a slot at a specific [index] in a [RawTypeArgument] vector.
static const Slot& GetTypeArgumentsIndexSlot(Thread* thread, intptr_t index);
// Returns a slot corresponding to an array element at [offset_in_bytes].
static const Slot& GetArrayElementSlot(Thread* thread,
intptr_t offset_in_bytes);
// Returns a slot that represents the given captured local variable.
static const Slot& GetContextVariableSlotFor(Thread* thread,
const LocalVariable& var);
// Returns a slot that represents the given Dart field.
static const Slot& Get(const Field& field,
const ParsedFunction* parsed_function);
// Convenience getters for native slots.
#define DEFINE_GETTER(ClassName, UnderlyingType, FieldName, __, ___) \
static const Slot& ClassName##_##FieldName() { \
return GetNativeSlot(Kind::k##ClassName##_##FieldName); \
Kind kind() const { return kind_; }
bool IsDartField() const { return kind() == Kind::kDartField; }
bool IsLocalVariable() const { return kind() == Kind::kCapturedVariable; }
bool IsTypeArguments() const { return kind() == Kind::kTypeArguments; }
bool IsArgumentOfType() const { return kind() == Kind::kTypeArgumentsIndex; }
bool IsArrayElement() const { return kind() == Kind::kArrayElement; }
const char* Name() const;
intptr_t offset_in_bytes() const { return offset_in_bytes_; }
// Currently returns the representation of unboxed native fields and kTagged
// for most other types of fields. One special case: fields marked as
// containing non-nullable ints in AOT kernel, which have the kUnboxedInt64
// representation.
Representation representation() const { return representation_; }
bool is_immutable() const { return IsImmutableBit::decode(flags_); }
intptr_t nullable_cid() const { return cid_; }
bool is_nullable() const { return IsNullableBit::decode(flags_); }
// Returns true if properties of this slot were based on the guarded state
// of the corresponding Dart field.
bool is_guarded_field() const { return IsGuardedBit::decode(flags_); }
// Static type of the slots if any.
// A value that is read from the slot is guaranteed to be assignable to its
// static type.
const AbstractType& static_type() const;
// More precise type information about values that can be read from this slot.
CompileType ComputeCompileType() const;
const Field& field() const {
ASSERT(data_ != nullptr);
return *DataAs<const Field>();
bool Equals(const Slot* other) const;
intptr_t Hashcode() const;
bool IsIdentical(const Slot& other) const { return this == &other; }
bool IsContextSlot() const {
return kind() == Kind::kCapturedVariable || kind() == Kind::kContext_parent;
friend class FlowGraphDeserializer; // For GetNativeSlot.
Slot(Kind kind,
int8_t bits,
ClassIdTagType cid,
intptr_t offset_in_bytes,
const void* data,
const AbstractType* static_type,
Representation representation)
: kind_(kind),
static_type_(static_type) {}
Slot(const Slot& other)
: Slot(other.kind_,
other.representation_) {}
using IsImmutableBit = BitField<int8_t, bool, 0, 1>;
using IsNullableBit = BitField<int8_t, bool, IsImmutableBit::kNextBit, 1>;
using IsGuardedBit = BitField<int8_t, bool, IsNullableBit::kNextBit, 1>;
template <typename T>
const T* DataAs() const {
return static_cast<const T*>(data_);
// There is a fixed statically known number of native slots so we cache
// them statically.
static AcqRelAtomic<Slot*> native_fields_;
static const Slot& GetNativeSlot(Kind kind);
const Kind kind_;
const int8_t flags_; // is_immutable, is_nullable
const ClassIdTagType cid_; // Concrete cid of a value or kDynamicCid.
const intptr_t offset_in_bytes_;
const Representation representation_;
// Kind dependent data:
// - name as a Dart String object for local variables;
// - name as a C string for native slots;
// - Field object for Dart fields;
const void* data_;
const AbstractType* static_type_;
friend class SlotCache;
} // namespace dart