blob: 48ca97b689fcce6822cf59f598095bca36a7e4b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/macros/api.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/macros/executor.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/macros/isolate_mirrors_executor/isolate_mirrors_executor.dart';
import 'package:test/fake.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
late MacroExecutor executor;
setUp(() async {
executor = await IsolateMirrorMacroExecutor.start();
tearDown(() {
test('can load macros and create instances', () async {
var clazzId = await executor.loadMacro(
// Tests run from the root of the repo.
expect(clazzId, isNotNull, reason: 'Can load a macro.');
var instanceId =
await executor.instantiateMacro(clazzId, '', Arguments([], {}));
expect(instanceId, isNotNull,
reason: 'Can create an instance with no arguments.');
instanceId =
await executor.instantiateMacro(clazzId, '', Arguments([1, 2], {}));
expect(instanceId, isNotNull,
reason: 'Can create an instance with positional arguments.');
instanceId = await executor.instantiateMacro(
clazzId, 'named', Arguments([], {'x': 1, 'y': 2}));
expect(instanceId, isNotNull,
reason: 'Can create an instance with named arguments.');
var definitionResult = await executor.executeDefinitionsPhase(
isAbstract: false,
isExternal: false,
isGetter: false,
isSetter: false,
name: 'foo',
namedParameters: [],
positionalParameters: [],
_TypeAnnotation(Code.fromString('String'), isNullable: false),
typeParameters: [],
expect(definitionResult.augmentations, hasLength(1));
augment String foo() {
print('x: 1, y: 2');
return augment super();
class _FakeClassIntrospector with Fake implements ClassIntrospector {}
class _FakeTypeResolver with Fake implements TypeResolver {}
class _FakeTypeDeclarationResolver
with Fake
implements TypeDeclarationResolver {}
class _FunctionDeclaration implements FunctionDeclaration {
final bool isAbstract;
final bool isExternal;
final bool isGetter;
final bool isSetter;
final String name;
final Iterable<ParameterDeclaration> namedParameters;
final Iterable<ParameterDeclaration> positionalParameters;
final TypeAnnotation returnType;
final Iterable<TypeParameterDeclaration> typeParameters;
required this.isAbstract,
required this.isExternal,
required this.isGetter,
required this.isSetter,
required this.namedParameters,
required this.positionalParameters,
required this.returnType,
required this.typeParameters,
class _TypeAnnotation implements TypeAnnotation {
final Code code;
final bool isNullable;
_TypeAnnotation(this.code, {required this.isNullable});
extension _ on Code {
StringBuffer debugString([StringBuffer? buffer]) {
buffer ??= StringBuffer();
for (var part in parts) {
if (part is Code) {
} else {
return buffer;