blob: 6517f20d62700b24f8d9b5a1c909733e8eb11792 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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// Verify that we don't leave in binary int operations that do not throw and
// have a calculated range of a single value, but instead replace the operation
// with that constant value.
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'package:vm/testing/il_matchers.dart';
int testUnsignedTruncatingDivision(Iterable i) => i.length ~/ 32;
void matchIL$testUnsignedTruncatingDivision(FlowGraph graph) {
match.block('Graph', [
if (is32BitConfiguration) ...[
'c5' << match.UnboxedConstant(value: 5, representation: 'int32'),
] else ...[
'c32' << match.UnboxedConstant(value: 32, representation: 'int64'),
match.block('Function', [
'it' << match.Parameter(index: 0),
'len' << match.LoadField('it', slot: 'GrowableObjectArray.length'),
if (is32BitConfiguration) ...[
// 32-bit architectures don't handle 64-bit truncated division natively.
// However, for powers of two, the runtime call
// m ~/ 2^n
// gets replaced with
// (m + ((m >> 63) & (2^n - 1))) >> n
// which works for both signed and unsigned values.
// In this specific case, with m = len and 2^n = 32,
// (len + ((len >> 63) & 31)) >> 5
// However, the numerator len has a non-negative range since it's
// retrieved from the length slot of an Iterable. This means (len >> 63)
// is guaranteed to be 0, and the compiler should simplify this to
// len >> 5
'unboxed_len' << match.UnboxInt32('len'),
'retval_32' << match.BinaryInt32Op('unboxed_len', 'c5', op_kind: '>>'),
'retval' << match.IntConverter('retval_32', from: 'int32', to: 'int64'),
] else ...[
// 64-bit architectures do handle 64-bit truncated division natively,
// so it's just a single operation there.
'unboxed_len' << match.UnboxInt64('len'),
'retval' << match.BinaryInt64Op('unboxed_len', 'c32', op_kind: '~/'),
void main(List<String> args) {
final len = args.isEmpty ? 100 : int.parse(args.first);
final list = List.generate(len, (i) => len - i);
Expect.equals(len ~/ 32, testUnsignedTruncatingDivision(list));