blob: fbeae71a1960d1b5ea0e2310c0ed4f8253eced33 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.core;
/// A sequence of UTF-16 code units.
/// Strings are mainly used to represent text. A character may be represented by
/// multiple code points, each code point consisting of one or two code
/// units. For example the Papua New Guinea flag character requires four code
/// units to represent two code points, but should be treated like a single
/// character: "🇵🇬". Platforms that do not support the flag character may show
/// the letters "PG" instead. If the code points are swapped, it instead becomes
/// the Guadeloupe flag "🇬🇵" ("GP").
/// A string can be either single or multiline. Single line strings are
/// written using matching single or double quotes, and multiline strings are
/// written using triple quotes. The following are all valid Dart strings:
/// ```dart
/// 'Single quotes';
/// "Double quotes";
/// 'Double quotes in "single" quotes';
/// "Single quotes in 'double' quotes";
/// '''A
/// multiline
/// string''';
/// """
/// Another
/// multiline
/// string""";
/// ```
/// Strings are immutable. Although you cannot change a string, you can perform
/// an operation on a string which creates a new string:
/// ```dart
/// var string = 'Dart is fun';
/// var newString = string.substring(0, 5);
/// ```
/// You can use the plus (`+`) operator to concatenate strings:
/// ```dart
/// 'Dart ' + 'is ' + 'fun!'; // 'Dart is fun!'
/// ```
/// Adjacent string literals are concatenated automatically:
/// ```dart
/// 'Dart ' 'is ' 'fun!'; // 'Dart is fun!'
/// ```
/// You can use `${}` to interpolate the value of Dart expressions
/// within strings. The curly braces can be omitted when evaluating identifiers:
/// ```dart
/// string = 'dartlang';
/// '$string has ${string.length} letters'; // 'dartlang has 8 letters'
/// ```
/// A string is represented by a sequence of Unicode UTF-16 code units
/// accessible through the [codeUnitAt] or the [codeUnits] members:
/// ```dart
/// string = 'Dart';
/// string.codeUnitAt(0); // 68
/// string.codeUnits; // [68, 97, 114, 116]
/// ```
/// The string representation of code units is accessible through the index
/// operator:
/// ```dart
/// string[0]; // 'D'
/// ```
/// The characters of a string are encoded in UTF-16. Decoding UTF-16, which
/// combines surrogate pairs, yields Unicode code points. Following a similar
/// terminology to Go, we use the name 'rune' for an integer representing a
/// Unicode code point. Use the [runes] property to get the runes of a string:
/// ```dart
/// string.runes.toList(); // [68, 97, 114, 116]
/// ```
/// For a character outside the Basic Multilingual Plane (plane 0) that is
/// composed of a surrogate pair, [runes] combines the pair and returns a
/// single integer. For example, the Unicode character for a
/// musical G-clef ('𝄞') with rune value 0x1D11E consists of a UTF-16 surrogate
/// pair: `0xD834` and `0xDD1E`. Using [codeUnits] returns the surrogate pair,
/// and using `runes` returns their combined value:
/// ```dart
/// var clef = '\u{1D11E}';
/// clef.codeUnits; // [0xD834, 0xDD1E]
/// clef.runes.toList(); // [0x1D11E]
/// ```
/// The `String` class cannot be extended or implemented. Attempting to do so
/// yields a compile-time error.
/// ## Other resources
/// See [StringBuffer] to efficiently build a string incrementally. See
/// [RegExp] to work with regular expressions.
/// Also see:
/// * [Strings and regular expressions](
abstract class String implements Comparable<String>, Pattern {
/// Allocates a new string containing the specified [charCodes].
/// The [charCodes] can be both UTF-16 code units or runes.
/// If a char-code value is 16-bit, it is used as a code unit:
/// ```dart
/// String.fromCharCodes([68]); // 'D'
/// ```
/// If a char-code value is greater than 16-bits, it is decomposed into a
/// surrogate pair:
/// ```dart
/// var clef = String.fromCharCodes([0x1D11E]);
/// clef.codeUnitAt(0); // 0xD834
/// clef.codeUnitAt(1); // 0xDD1E
/// ```
/// If [start] and [end] are provided, only the values of [charCodes]
/// at positions from `start` to, but not including, `end`, are used.
/// The `start` and `end` values must satisfy
/// `0 <= start <= end <= charCodes.length`.
external factory String.fromCharCodes(Iterable<int> charCodes,
[int start = 0, int? end]);
/// Allocates a new string containing the specified [charCode].
/// If the [charCode] can be represented by a single UTF-16 code unit, the new
/// string contains a single code unit. Otherwise, the [length] is 2 and
/// the code units form a surrogate pair. See documentation for
/// [fromCharCodes].
/// Creating a [String] with one half of a surrogate pair is allowed.
external factory String.fromCharCode(int charCode);
/// The string value of the environment declaration [name].
/// Environment declarations are provided by the surrounding system compiling
/// or running the Dart program. Declarations map a string key to a string
/// value.
/// If [name] is not declared in the environment, the result is instead
/// [defaultValue].
/// Example of getting a value:
/// ```
/// const String.fromEnvironment("defaultFloo", defaultValue: "no floo")
/// ```
/// In order to check whether a declaration is there at all, use
/// [bool.hasEnvironment]. Example:
/// ```
/// const maybeDeclared = bool.hasEnvironment("maybeDeclared")
/// ? String.fromEnvironment("maybeDeclared")
/// : null;
/// ```
/// The string value, or lack of a value, associated with a [name]
/// must be consistent across all calls to `String.fromEnvironment`,
/// [int.fromEnvironment], [bool.fromEnvironment] and [bool.hasEnvironment]
/// in a single program.
// The .fromEnvironment() constructors are special in that we do not want
// users to call them using "new". We prohibit that by giving them bodies
// that throw, even though const constructors are not allowed to have bodies.
// Disable those static errors.
//ignore: const_constructor_with_body
//ignore: const_factory
external const factory String.fromEnvironment(String name,
{String defaultValue = ""});
/// The character (as a single-code-unit [String]) at the given [index].
/// The returned string represents exactly one UTF-16 code unit, which may be
/// half of a surrogate pair. A single member of a surrogate pair is an
/// invalid UTF-16 string:
/// ```dart
/// var clef = '\u{1D11E}';
/// // These represent invalid UTF-16 strings.
/// clef[0].codeUnits; // [0xD834]
/// clef[1].codeUnits; // [0xDD1E]
/// ```
/// This method is equivalent to
/// `String.fromCharCode(this.codeUnitAt(index))`.
String operator [](int index);
/// Returns the 16-bit UTF-16 code unit at the given [index].
int codeUnitAt(int index);
/// The length of the string.
/// Returns the number of UTF-16 code units in this string. The number
/// of [runes] might be fewer, if the string contains characters outside
/// the Basic Multilingual Plane (plane 0):
/// ```dart
/// 'Dart'.length; // 4
/// 'Dart'.runes.length; // 4
/// var clef = '\u{1D11E}';
/// clef.length; // 2
/// clef.runes.length; // 1
/// ```
int get length;
/// A hash code derived from the code units of the string.
/// This is compatible with [operator ==]. Strings with the same sequence
/// of code units have the same hash code.
int get hashCode;
/// Whether [other] is a `String` with the same sequence of code units.
/// This method compares each individual code unit of the strings.
/// It does not check for Unicode equivalence.
/// For example, both the following strings represent the string 'Amélie',
/// but due to their different encoding, are not equal:
/// ```dart
/// 'Am\xe9lie' == 'Ame\u{301}lie'; // false
/// ```
/// The first string encodes 'é' as a single unicode code unit (also
/// a single rune), whereas the second string encodes it as 'e' with the
/// combining accent character '◌́'.
bool operator ==(Object other);
/// Compares this string to [other].
/// Returns a negative value if `this` is ordered before `other`,
/// a positive value if `this` is ordered after `other`,
/// or zero if `this` and `other` are equivalent.
/// The ordering is the same as the ordering of the code points at the first
/// position where the two strings differ.
/// If one string is a prefix of the other,
/// then the shorter string is ordered before the longer string.
/// If the strings have exactly the same content, they are equivalent with
/// regard to the ordering.
/// Ordering does not check for Unicode equivalence.
/// The comparison is case sensitive.
int compareTo(String other);
/// Whether this string ends with [other].
/// For example:
/// ```dart
/// 'Dart'.endsWith('t'); // true
/// ```
bool endsWith(String other);
/// Whether this string starts with a match of [pattern].
/// ```dart
/// var string = 'Dart';
/// string.startsWith('D'); // true
/// string.startsWith(RegExp(r'[A-Z][a-z]')); // true
/// ```
/// If [index] is provided, this method checks if the substring starting
/// at that index starts with a match of [pattern]:
/// ```dart
/// string.startsWith('art', 1); // true
/// string.startsWith(RegExp(r'\w{3}')); // true
/// ```
/// [index] must not be negative or greater than [length].
/// A [RegExp] containing '^' does not match if the [index] is greater than
/// zero and the regexp is not multi-line.
/// The pattern works on the string as a whole, and does not extract
/// a substring starting at [index] first:
/// ```dart
/// string.startsWith(RegExp(r'^art'), 1); // false
/// string.startsWith(RegExp(r'art'), 1); // true
/// ```
bool startsWith(Pattern pattern, [int index = 0]);
/// Returns the position of the first match of [pattern] in this string,
/// starting at [start], inclusive:
/// ```dart
/// var string = 'Dartisans';
/// string.indexOf('art'); // 1
/// string.indexOf(RegExp(r'[A-Z][a-z]')); // 0
/// ```
/// Returns -1 if no match is found:
/// ```dart
/// string.indexOf(RegExp(r'dart')); // -1
/// ```
/// The [start] must be non-negative and not greater than [length].
int indexOf(Pattern pattern, [int start = 0]);
/// The starting position of the last match [pattern] in this string.
/// Finds a match of pattern by searching backward starting at [start]:
/// ```dart
/// var string = 'Dartisans';
/// string.lastIndexOf('a'); // 6
/// string.lastIndexOf(RegExp(r'a(r|n)')); // 6
/// ```
/// Returns -1 if [pattern] could not be found in this string.
/// ```dart
/// string.lastIndexOf(RegExp(r'DART')); // -1
/// ```
/// If [start] is omitted, search starts from the end of the string.
/// If supplied, [start] must be non-negative and not greater than [length].
int lastIndexOf(Pattern pattern, [int? start]);
/// Whether this string is empty.
bool get isEmpty;
/// Whether this string is not empty.
bool get isNotEmpty;
/// Creates a new string by concatenating this string with [other].
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// 'dart' + 'lang'; // 'dartlang'
/// ```
String operator +(String other);
/// The substring of this string from [start],inclusive, to [end], exclusive.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// var string = 'dartlang';
/// string.substring(1); // 'artlang'
/// string.substring(1, 4); // 'art'
/// ```
String substring(int start, [int? end]);
/// The string without any leading and trailing whitespace.
/// If the string contains leading or trailing whitespace, a new string with no
/// leading and no trailing whitespace is returned:
/// ```dart
/// '\tDart is fun\n'.trim(); // 'Dart is fun'
/// ```
/// Otherwise, the original string itself is returned:
/// ```dart
/// var str1 = 'Dart';
/// var str2 = str1.trim();
/// identical(str1, str2); // true
/// ```
/// Whitespace is defined by the Unicode White_Space property (as defined in
/// version 6.2 or later) and the BOM character, 0xFEFF.
/// Here is the list of trimmed characters according to Unicode version 6.3:
/// ```
/// 0009..000D ; White_Space # Cc <control-0009>..<control-000D>
/// 0020 ; White_Space # Zs SPACE
/// 0085 ; White_Space # Cc <control-0085>
/// 00A0 ; White_Space # Zs NO-BREAK SPACE
/// 1680 ; White_Space # Zs OGHAM SPACE MARK
/// 2000..200A ; White_Space # Zs EN QUAD..HAIR SPACE
/// 2028 ; White_Space # Zl LINE SEPARATOR
/// 2029 ; White_Space # Zp PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR
/// 202F ; White_Space # Zs NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE
/// 3000 ; White_Space # Zs IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE
/// ```
/// Some later versions of Unicode do not include U+0085 as a whitespace
/// character. Whether it is trimmed depends on the Unicode version
/// used by the system.
String trim();
/// The string without any leading whitespace.
/// As [trim], but only removes leading whitespace.
String trimLeft();
/// The string without any trailing whitespace.
/// As [trim], but only removes trailing whitespace.
String trimRight();
/// Creates a new string by concatenating this string with itself a number
/// of times.
/// The result of `str * n` is equivalent to
/// `str + str + ...`(n times)`... + str`.
/// Returns an empty string if [times] is zero or negative.
String operator *(int times);
/// Pads this string on the left if it is shorter than [width].
/// Returns a new string that prepends [padding] onto this string
/// one time for each position the length is less than [width].
/// If [width] is already smaller than or equal to `this.length`,
/// no padding is added. A negative `width` is treated as zero.
/// If [padding] has length different from 1, the result will not
/// have length `width`. This may be useful for cases where the
/// padding is a longer string representing a single character, like
/// `"&nbsp;"` or `"\u{10002}`".
/// In that case, the user should make sure that `this.length` is
/// the correct measure of the strings length.
String padLeft(int width, [String padding = ' ']);
/// Pads this string on the right if it is shorter than [width].
/// Returns a new string that appends [padding] after this string
/// one time for each position the length is less than [width].
/// If [width] is already smaller than or equal to `this.length`,
/// no padding is added. A negative `width` is treated as zero.
/// If [padding] has length different from 1, the result will not
/// have length `width`. This may be useful for cases where the
/// padding is a longer string representing a single character, like
/// `"&nbsp;"` or `"\u{10002}`".
/// In that case, the user should make sure that `this.length` is
/// the correct measure of the strings length.
String padRight(int width, [String padding = ' ']);
/// Whether this string contains a match of [other].
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// var string = 'Dart strings';
/// string.contains('D'); // true
/// string.contains(RegExp(r'[A-Z]')); // true
/// ```
/// If [startIndex] is provided, this method matches only at or after that
/// index:
/// ```dart
/// string.contains('D', 1); // false
/// string.contains(RegExp(r'[A-Z]'), 1); // false
/// ```
/// The [startIndex] must not be negative or greater than [length].
bool contains(Pattern other, [int startIndex = 0]);
/// Creates a new string with the first occurrence of [from] replaced by [to].
/// Finds the first match of [from] in this string, starting from [startIndex],
/// and creates a new string where that match is replaced with the [to] string.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// '0.0001'.replaceFirst(RegExp(r'0'), ''); // '.0001'
/// '0.0001'.replaceFirst(RegExp(r'0'), '7', 1); // '0.7001'
/// ```
String replaceFirst(Pattern from, String to, [int startIndex = 0]);
/// Replace the first occurrence of [from] in this string.
/// Returns a new string, which is this string
/// except that the first match of [from], starting from [startIndex],
/// is replaced by the result of calling [replace] with the match object.
/// The [startIndex] must be non-negative and no greater than [length].
String replaceFirstMapped(Pattern from, String replace(Match match),
[int startIndex = 0]);
/// Replaces all substrings that match [from] with [replace].
/// Creates a new string in which the non-overlapping substrings matching
/// [from] (the ones iterated by `from.allMatches(thisString)`) are replaced
/// by the literal string [replace].
/// ```dart
/// 'resume'.replaceAll(RegExp(r'e'), 'é'); // 'résumé'
/// ```
/// Notice that the [replace] string is not interpreted. If the replacement
/// depends on the match (for example on a [RegExp]'s capture groups), use
/// the [replaceAllMapped] method instead.
String replaceAll(Pattern from, String replace);
/// Replace all substrings that match [from] by a computed string.
/// Creates a new string in which the non-overlapping substrings that match
/// [from] (the ones iterated by `from.allMatches(thisString)`) are replaced
/// by the result of calling [replace] on the corresponding [Match] object.
/// This can be used to replace matches with new content that depends on the
/// match, unlike [replaceAll] where the replacement string is always the same.
/// The [replace] function is called with the [Match] generated
/// by the pattern, and its result is used as replacement.
/// The function defined below converts each word in a string to simplified
/// 'pig latin' using [replaceAllMapped]:
/// ```dart
/// pigLatin(String words) => words.replaceAllMapped(
/// RegExp(r'\b(\w*?)([aeiou]\w*)', caseSensitive: false),
/// (Match m) => "${m[2]}${m[1]}${m[1]!.isEmpty ? 'way' : 'ay'}");
/// pigLatin('I have a secret now!'); // 'Iway avehay away ecretsay ownay!'
/// ```
String replaceAllMapped(Pattern from, String Function(Match match) replace);
/// Replaces the substring from [start] to [end] with [replacement].
/// Creates a new string equivalent to:
/// ```dart
/// this.substring(0, start) + replacement + this.substring(end)
/// ```
/// The [start] and [end] indices must specify a valid range of this string.
/// That is `0 <= start <= end <= this.length`.
/// If [end] is `null`, it defaults to [length].
String replaceRange(int start, int? end, String replacement);
/// Splits the string at matches of [pattern] and returns a list of substrings.
/// Finds all the matches of `pattern` in this string,
/// and returns the list of the substrings between the matches.
/// ```dart
/// var string = "Hello world!";
/// string.split(" "); // ['Hello', 'world!'];
/// ```
/// Empty matches at the beginning and end of the strings are ignored,
/// and so are empty matches right after another match.
/// ```dart
/// var string = "abba";
/// // Matches: ^^ ^^
/// string.split(RegExp(r"b*")); // ['a', 'a']
/// // not ['', 'a', 'a', '']
/// // not ['a', '', 'a']
/// ```
/// If this string is empty, the result is an empty list if `pattern` matches
/// the empty string, and it is `[""]` if the pattern doesn't match.
/// ```dart
/// var string = '';
/// string.split(''); // []
/// string.split("a"); // ['']
/// ```
/// Splitting with an empty pattern splits the string into single-code unit
/// strings.
/// ```dart
/// var string = 'Pub';
/// string.split(''); // ['P', 'u', 'b']
/// {
/// return String.fromCharCode(unit);
/// }).toList(); // ['P', 'u', 'b']
/// ```
/// Splitting happens at UTF-16 code unit boundaries,
/// and not at rune boundaries:
/// ```dart
/// // String made up of two code units, but one rune.
/// string = '\u{1D11E}';
/// string.split('').length; // 2 surrogate values
/// ```
/// To get a list of strings containing the individual runes of a string,
/// you should not use split. You can instead map each rune to a string
/// as follows:
/// ```dart
/// => String.fromCharCode(rune)).toList();
/// ```
List<String> split(Pattern pattern);
/// Splits the string, converts its parts, and combines them into a new
/// string.
/// The [pattern] is used to split the string
/// into parts and separating matches.
/// Each match is converted to a string by calling [onMatch]. If [onMatch]
/// is omitted, the matched substring is used.
/// Each non-matched part is converted by a call to [onNonMatch]. If
/// [onNonMatch] is omitted, the non-matching substring is used.
/// Then all the converted parts are combined into the resulting string.
/// ```dart
/// 'Eats shoots leaves'.splitMapJoin((RegExp(r'shoots')),
/// onMatch: (m) => '${m[0]!}', // or no onMatch at all
/// onNonMatch: (n) => '*'); // *shoots*
/// ```
String splitMapJoin(Pattern pattern,
{String Function(Match)? onMatch, String Function(String)? onNonMatch});
/// An unmodifiable list of the UTF-16 code units of this string.
List<int> get codeUnits;
/// An [Iterable] of Unicode code-points of this string.
/// If the string contains surrogate pairs, they are combined and returned
/// as one integer by this iterator. Unmatched surrogate halves are treated
/// like valid 16-bit code-units.
Runes get runes;
/// Converts all characters in this string to lower case.
/// If the string is already in all lower case, this method returns `this`.
/// ```dart
/// 'ALPHABET'.toLowerCase(); // 'alphabet'
/// 'abc'.toLowerCase(); // 'abc'
/// ```
/// This function uses the language independent Unicode mapping and thus only
/// works in some languages.
// TODO(floitsch): document better. (See EcmaScript for description).
String toLowerCase();
/// Converts all characters in this string to upper case.
/// If the string is already in all upper case, this method returns `this`.
/// ```dart
/// 'alphabet'.toUpperCase(); // 'ALPHABET'
/// 'ABC'.toUpperCase(); // 'ABC'
/// ```
/// This function uses the language independent Unicode mapping and thus only
/// works in some languages.
// TODO(floitsch): document better. (See EcmaScript for description).
String toUpperCase();
/// The runes (integer Unicode code points) of a [String].
class Runes extends Iterable<int> {
/// The string that this is the runes of.
final String string;
/// Creates a [Runes] iterator for [string].
RuneIterator get iterator => RuneIterator(string);
int get last {
if (string.length == 0) {
throw StateError('No elements.');
int length = string.length;
int code = string.codeUnitAt(length - 1);
if (_isTrailSurrogate(code) && string.length > 1) {
int previousCode = string.codeUnitAt(length - 2);
if (_isLeadSurrogate(previousCode)) {
return _combineSurrogatePair(previousCode, code);
return code;
// Is then code (a 16-bit unsigned integer) a UTF-16 lead surrogate.
bool _isLeadSurrogate(int code) => (code & 0xFC00) == 0xD800;
// Is then code (a 16-bit unsigned integer) a UTF-16 trail surrogate.
bool _isTrailSurrogate(int code) => (code & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00;
// Combine a lead and a trail surrogate value into a single code point.
int _combineSurrogatePair(int start, int end) {
return 0x10000 + ((start & 0x3FF) << 10) + (end & 0x3FF);
/// [Iterator] for reading runes (integer Unicode code points) of a Dart string.
class RuneIterator implements BidirectionalIterator<int> {
/// String being iterated.
final String string;
/// Position before the current code point.
int _position;
/// Position after the current code point.
int _nextPosition;
/// Current code point.
/// If the iterator has hit either end, the [_currentCodePoint] is -1
/// and `_position == _nextPosition`.
int _currentCodePoint = -1;
/// Create an iterator positioned at the beginning of the string.
RuneIterator(String string)
: this.string = string,
_position = 0,
_nextPosition = 0;
/// Create an iterator positioned before the [index]th code unit of the string.
/// When created, there is no [current] value.
/// A [moveNext] will use the rune starting at [index] the current value,
/// and a [movePrevious] will use the rune ending just before [index] as the
/// the current value.
/// The [index] position must not be in the middle of a surrogate pair. string, int index)
: string = string,
_position = index,
_nextPosition = index {
RangeError.checkValueInInterval(index, 0, string.length);
/// Throw an error if the index is in the middle of a surrogate pair.
void _checkSplitSurrogate(int index) {
if (index > 0 &&
index < string.length &&
_isLeadSurrogate(string.codeUnitAt(index - 1)) &&
_isTrailSurrogate(string.codeUnitAt(index))) {
throw ArgumentError('Index inside surrogate pair: $index');
/// The starting position of the current rune in the string.
/// Returns -1 if there is no current rune ([current] is -1).
int get rawIndex => (_position != _nextPosition) ? _position : -1;
/// Resets the iterator to the rune at the specified index of the string.
/// Setting a negative [rawIndex], or one greater than or equal to
/// `string.length`, is an error. So is setting it in the middle of a surrogate
/// pair.
/// Setting the position to the end of the string means that there is no
/// current rune.
void set rawIndex(int rawIndex) {
RangeError.checkValidIndex(rawIndex, string, "rawIndex");
/// Resets the iterator to the given index into the string.
/// After this the [current] value is unset.
/// You must call [moveNext] make the rune at the position current,
/// or [movePrevious] for the last rune before the position.
/// The [rawIndex] must be non-negative and no greater than `string.length`.
/// It must also not be the index of the trailing surrogate of a surrogate
/// pair.
void reset([int rawIndex = 0]) {
RangeError.checkValueInInterval(rawIndex, 0, string.length, "rawIndex");
_position = _nextPosition = rawIndex;
_currentCodePoint = -1;
/// The rune (integer Unicode code point) starting at the current position in
/// the string.
/// The value is -1 if there is no current code point.
int get current => _currentCodePoint;
/// The number of code units comprising the current rune.
/// Returns zero if there is no current rune ([current] is -1).
int get currentSize => _nextPosition - _position;
/// A string containing the current rune.
/// For runes outside the basic multilingual plane, this will be
/// a String of length 2, containing two code units.
/// Returns an empty string if there is no [current] value.
String get currentAsString {
if (_position == _nextPosition) return "";
if (_position + 1 == _nextPosition) return string[_position];
return string.substring(_position, _nextPosition);
bool moveNext() {
_position = _nextPosition;
if (_position == string.length) {
_currentCodePoint = -1;
return false;
int codeUnit = string.codeUnitAt(_position);
int nextPosition = _position + 1;
if (_isLeadSurrogate(codeUnit) && nextPosition < string.length) {
int nextCodeUnit = string.codeUnitAt(nextPosition);
if (_isTrailSurrogate(nextCodeUnit)) {
_nextPosition = nextPosition + 1;
_currentCodePoint = _combineSurrogatePair(codeUnit, nextCodeUnit);
return true;
_nextPosition = nextPosition;
_currentCodePoint = codeUnit;
return true;
bool movePrevious() {
_nextPosition = _position;
if (_position == 0) {
_currentCodePoint = -1;
return false;
int position = _position - 1;
int codeUnit = string.codeUnitAt(position);
if (_isTrailSurrogate(codeUnit) && position > 0) {
int prevCodeUnit = string.codeUnitAt(position - 1);
if (_isLeadSurrogate(prevCodeUnit)) {
_position = position - 1;
_currentCodePoint = _combineSurrogatePair(prevCodeUnit, codeUnit);
return true;
_position = position;
_currentCodePoint = codeUnit;
return true;