blob: 837025a7baf054e26bf7ea6bb2bdce77c7a2d0b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/element_descriptor.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/element_kind.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart'
show ClassElement, ExtensionElement, PrefixElement;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
/// An object that can be used to determine whether an element is appropriate
/// for a given reference.
class ElementMatcher {
/// The URIs of the libraries that are imported in the library containing the
/// reference.
final List<Uri> importedUris;
/// The components of the element being referenced. The components are ordered
/// from the most local to the most global.
final List<String> components;
/// A list of the kinds of elements that are appropriate for some given
/// location in the code An empty list represents all kinds rather than no
/// kinds.
final List<ElementKind> validKinds;
/// Initialize a newly created matcher representing a reference to an element
/// with the given [name] in a library that imports the [importedUris].
{required this.importedUris,
required this.components,
List<ElementKind>? kinds})
: assert(components.isNotEmpty),
validKinds = kinds ?? const [];
/// Return `true` if this matcher matches the given [element].
bool matches(ElementDescriptor element) {
// Check that the components in the element's name match the node.
// This algorithm is probably too general given that there will currently
// always be either one or two components.
var elementComponents = element.components;
var elementComponentCount = elementComponents.length;
var nodeComponentCount = components.length;
if (nodeComponentCount == elementComponentCount) {
// The component counts are the same, so we can just compare the two
// lists.
for (var i = 0; i < nodeComponentCount; i++) {
if (elementComponents[i] != components[i]) {
return false;
} else if (nodeComponentCount < elementComponentCount) {
// The node has fewer components, which can happen, for example, when we
// can't figure out the class that used to define a field. We treat the
// missing components as wildcards and match the rest.
for (var i = 0; i < nodeComponentCount; i++) {
if (elementComponents[i] != components[i]) {
return false;
} else {
// The node has more components than the element, which can happen when a
// constructor is implicitly renamed because the class was renamed.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Figure out whether we want to support this or
// whether we want to require fix data authors to explicitly include the
// change to the constructor. On the one hand it's more work for the
// author, on the other hand it give us more data so we're less likely to
// make apply a fix in invalid circumstances.
if (elementComponents[0] != components[1]) {
return false;
// Check whether the kind of element matches the possible kinds that the
// node might have.
if (validKinds.isNotEmpty && !validKinds.contains(element.kind)) {
return false;
// Check whether the element is in an imported library.
var libraryUris = element.libraryUris;
for (var importedUri in importedUris) {
if (libraryUris.contains(importedUri)) {
return true;
return false;
/// Return an element matcher that will match the element that is, or should
/// be, associated with the given [node], or `null` if there is no appropriate
/// matcher for the node.
static ElementMatcher? forNode(AstNode? node) {
if (node == null) {
return null;
var importedUris = _importElementsForNode(node);
if (importedUris == null) {
return null;
var components = _componentsForNode(node);
if (components == null) {
return null;
return ElementMatcher(
importedUris: importedUris,
components: components,
kinds: _kindsForNode(node));
/// Return the components of the path of the element associated with the given
/// [node]. The components are ordered from the most local to the most global.
/// For example, for a constructor this would be the name of the constructor
/// followed by the name of the class in which the constructor is declared
/// (with an empty string for the unnamed constructor).
static List<String>? _componentsForNode(AstNode? node) {
if (node is SimpleIdentifier) {
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent is Label && parent.parent is NamedExpression) {
// The parent of the named expression is an argument list. Because we
// don't represent parameters as elements, the element we need to match
// against is the invocation containing those arguments.
return _componentsFromParent(parent.parent!.parent!);
} else if (parent is NamedType && parent.parent is ConstructorName) {
return ['',];
} else if (parent is MethodDeclaration && node == {
return [];
} else if ((parent is MethodInvocation &&
node == parent.methodName &&
!_isPrefix( ||
(parent is PrefixedIdentifier &&
node == parent.identifier &&
!_isPrefix(parent.prefix)) ||
(parent is PropertyAccess &&
node == parent.propertyName &&
!_isPrefix( {
return _componentsFromParent(node);
return _componentsFromIdentifier(node);
} else if (node is PrefixedIdentifier) {
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent is NamedType && parent.parent is ConstructorName) {
return ['',];
return [];
} else if (node is ConstructorName) {
var constructorName =;
if (constructorName != null) {
return [];
} else if (node is NamedType) {
return [];
} else if (node is TypeArgumentList) {
return _componentsFromParent(node);
} else if (node is ArgumentList) {
return _componentsFromParent(node);
var parent = node?.parent;
if (parent is ArgumentList) {
return _componentsFromParent(parent);
return null;
/// Return the components associated with the [identifier] when there is no
/// contextual information.
static List<String> _componentsFromIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier identifier) {
var element = identifier.staticElement;
if (element == null) {
var parent = identifier.parent;
if (parent is AssignmentExpression && identifier == parent.leftHandSide) {
element = parent.writeElement;
if (element != null) {
var enclosingElement = element.enclosingElement;
if (enclosingElement is ClassElement) {
return [,];
} else if (enclosingElement is ExtensionElement) {
var name =;
if (name != null) {
return [, name];
return [];
/// Return the components for the element associated with the given [node] by
/// looking at the parent of the [node].
static List<String>? _componentsFromParent(AstNode node) {
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent is ArgumentList) {
parent = parent.parent;
if (parent is Annotation) {
return [parent.constructorName?.name ?? '',];
} else if (parent is ExtensionOverride) {
return [];
} else if (parent is InstanceCreationExpression) {
var constructorName = parent.constructorName;
return [ ?? '',
} else if (parent is MethodInvocation) {
var methodName = parent.methodName;
var targetName = _nameOfTarget(parent.realTarget);
if (targetName != null) {
return [, targetName];
return _componentsFromIdentifier(methodName);
} else if (parent is PrefixedIdentifier) {
var identifier = parent.identifier;
var targetName = _nameOfTarget(parent.prefix);
if (targetName != null) {
return [, targetName];
return _componentsFromIdentifier(identifier);
} else if (parent is PropertyAccess) {
var propertyName = parent.propertyName;
var targetName = _nameOfTarget(parent.realTarget);
if (targetName != null) {
return [, targetName];
return _componentsFromIdentifier(propertyName);
} else if (parent is RedirectingConstructorInvocation) {
var ancestor = parent.parent;
if (ancestor is ConstructorDeclaration) {
return [parent.constructorName?.name ?? '',];
} else if (parent is SuperConstructorInvocation) {
var ancestor = parent.parent;
if (ancestor is ConstructorDeclaration) {
return [parent.constructorName?.name ?? '',];
return null;
/// Return the URIs of the imports in the library containing the [node], or
/// `null` if the imports can't be determined.
static List<Uri>? _importElementsForNode(AstNode node) {
var root = node.root;
if (root is! CompilationUnit) {
return null;
var importedUris = <Uri>[];
var library = root.declaredElement?.library;
if (library == null) {
return null;
for (var importElement in library.imports) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Filter based on combinators to help avoid making
// invalid suggestions.
var uri = importElement.importedLibrary?.source.uri;
if (uri != null) {
// The [uri] is `null` if the literal string is not a valid URI.
return importedUris;
/// Return `true` if the [node] is a prefix
static bool _isPrefix(AstNode? node) {
return node is SimpleIdentifier && node.staticElement is PrefixElement;
/// Return the kinds of elements that could reasonably be referenced at the
/// location of the [node]. If [child] is not `null` then the [node] is a
/// parent of the [child].
static List<ElementKind>? _kindsForNode(AstNode? node, {AstNode? child}) {
if (node is ConstructorName) {
return const [ElementKind.constructorKind];
} else if (node is ExtensionOverride) {
return const [ElementKind.extensionKind];
} else if (node is InstanceCreationExpression) {
return const [ElementKind.constructorKind];
} else if (node is Label) {
var argumentList = node.parent?.parent;
return _kindsForNode(argumentList?.parent, child: argumentList);
} else if (node is MethodInvocation) {
assert(child != null);
if ( == child) {
return const [
var realTarget = node.realTarget;
if (realTarget != null && !_isPrefix(realTarget)) {
return const [ElementKind.constructorKind, ElementKind.methodKind];
return const [
} else if (node is NamedType) {
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent is ConstructorName && == null) {
return const [ElementKind.classKind, ElementKind.constructorKind];
return const [
} else if (node is PrefixedIdentifier) {
var prefix = node.prefix;
if (prefix == child) {
return const [
} else if (prefix.staticElement is PrefixElement) {
var parent = node.parent;
if ((parent is NamedType && parent.parent is! ConstructorName) ||
(parent is PropertyAccess && == node)) {
return const [
return const [
// If the old class has been removed then this might have been a
// constructor invocation.
ElementKind.functionKind, // tear-off
return const [
ElementKind.functionKind, // tear-off
ElementKind.methodKind, // tear-off
} else if (node is PropertyAccess) {
return const [
ElementKind.functionKind, // tear-off, prefixed
ElementKind.methodKind, // tear-off, prefixed
} else if (node is SimpleIdentifier) {
return _kindsForNode(node.parent, child: node);
return null;
/// Return the name of the class associated with the given [target].
static String? _nameOfTarget(Expression? target) {
if (target is SimpleIdentifier) {
var type = target.staticType;
if (type != null) {
if (type is InterfaceType) {
} else if (type.isDynamic) {
// The name is likely to be undefined.
return null;
} else if (target != null) {
var type = target.staticType;
if (type is InterfaceType) {
return null;
return null;