blob: a1f2845adefaa8a08d73d5d6aa3c96791cba6932 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
[ $compiler == none && $runtime == drt ]
*: Skip # running co19 tests on content_shell would make our dartium cycle-times very long
[ $compiler == none && $runtime == dartium && $mode == debug && $system == windows ]
Language/15_Types/4_Interface_Types_A11_t01: Skip # Issue 16343
Language/15_Types/4_Interface_Types_A11_t02: Skip # Issue 16343
[ $compiler == none && $runtime == dartium ]
Language/07_Classes/6_Constructors/1_Generative_Constructors_A09_t01: Pass, Fail # Issue 13719: Please triage this failure.
Language/14_Libraries_and_Scripts/3_Parts_A02_t02: Pass, Timeout # Issue 13719: Please triage this failure.
Language/14_Libraries_and_Scripts/4_Scripts_A03_t03: Pass # Issue 14478: This should break.
LibTest/async/Completer/completeError_A02_t01: Pass, Fail # Issue 13719: Please triage this failure.
LibTest/core/int/operator_left_shift_A01_t02: Pass, Fail # Issue 13719: Please triage this failure.
LibTest/isolate/ReceivePort/toSendPort_A01_t02: Pass, Fail # Issue 13719: Please triage this failure.
LibTest/isolate/SendPort/send_A02_t01: Fail # Issue 13921
LibTest/isolate/SendPort/send_A02_t04: Fail # Issue 13921
LibTest/isolate/SendPort/send_A02_t05: Fail # Issue 13921
LibTest/isolate/SendPort/send_A02_t06: Fail # Issue 13921
LibTest/isolate/Isolate/spawnUri_A01_t01: RuntimeError # co19-roll r672: Please triage this failure
LibTest/isolate/Isolate/spawnUri_A01_t02: Timeout # co19-roll r672: Please triage this failure
LibTest/isolate/Isolate/spawnUri_A01_t03: Timeout # co19-roll r672: Please triage this failure
LibTest/isolate/Isolate/spawnUri_A01_t04: RuntimeError # co19-roll r672: Please triage this failure
LibTest/isolate/Isolate/spawnUri_A01_t05: RuntimeError # co19-roll r672: Please triage this failure
LibTest/isolate/Isolate/spawnUri_A02_t01: RuntimeError # co19-roll r672: Please triage this failure
LibTest/isolate/Isolate/spawnUri_A02_t04: Pass, Timeout # Please triage this failure
LibTest/isolate/RawReceivePort/RawReceivePort_A01_t01: RuntimeError # co19-roll r672: Please triage this failure
LibTest/isolate/RawReceivePort/RawReceivePort_A01_t02: RuntimeError # co19-roll r672: Please triage this failure
LibTest/isolate/RawReceivePort/close_A01_t01: RuntimeError # co19-roll r672: Please triage this failure
Language/12_Expressions/13_Spawning_an_Isolate_A01_t01: RuntimeError # co19-roll r667: Please triage this failure
LibTest/isolate/Isolate/spawn_A01_t01: RuntimeError # co19-roll r667: Please triage this failure
LibTest/isolate/Isolate/spawn_A01_t02: RuntimeError # co19-roll r667: Please triage this failure
LibTest/isolate/Isolate/spawn_A01_t03: RuntimeError # co19-roll r667: Please triage this failure
LibTest/isolate/Isolate/spawn_A01_t04: RuntimeError # co19-roll r667: Please triage this failure
LibTest/isolate/Isolate/spawn_A01_t05: RuntimeError # co19-roll r667: Please triage this failure
[ $compiler == none && $runtime == dartium && $checked ]
LibTest/core/List/removeAt_A02_t01: Fail # co19-roll r641: Please triage this failure