blob: 48bbed7e4d7dba16614854f71b592a2375ee2daa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.incremental_compiler;
import 'dart:async' show Completer;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/scanner/abstract_scanner.dart'
show ScannerConfiguration;
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/experimental_flags.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/front_end.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/base/nnbd_mode.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/fasta_codes.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/source/source_loader.dart';
import 'package:kernel/binary/ast_from_binary.dart'
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart'
show ClassHierarchy, ClosedWorldClassHierarchy;
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart' show CoreTypes;
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart'
import 'package:kernel/canonical_name.dart'
show CanonicalNameError, CanonicalNameSdkError;
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart' as kernel show Combinator;
import 'package:kernel/target/changed_structure_notifier.dart'
show ChangedStructureNotifier;
import 'package:package_config/package_config.dart' show Package, PackageConfig;
import '../api_prototype/file_system.dart' show FileSystem, FileSystemEntity;
import '../api_prototype/incremental_kernel_generator.dart'
show IncrementalKernelGenerator, isLegalIdentifier;
import '../api_prototype/memory_file_system.dart' show MemoryFileSystem;
import 'builder/builder.dart' show Builder;
import 'builder/class_builder.dart' show ClassBuilder;
import 'builder/field_builder.dart' show FieldBuilder;
import 'builder/library_builder.dart' show LibraryBuilder;
import 'builder/name_iterator.dart' show NameIterator;
import 'builder/type_builder.dart' show TypeBuilder;
import 'builder/type_declaration_builder.dart' show TypeDeclarationBuilder;
import 'builder_graph.dart' show BuilderGraph;
import 'combinator.dart' show Combinator;
import 'compiler_context.dart' show CompilerContext;
import 'dill/dill_class_builder.dart' show DillClassBuilder;
import 'dill/dill_library_builder.dart' show DillLibraryBuilder;
import 'dill/dill_target.dart' show DillTarget;
import 'export.dart' show Export;
import 'import.dart' show Import;
import 'incremental_serializer.dart' show IncrementalSerializer;
import 'scope.dart' show Scope;
import 'source/source_class_builder.dart' show SourceClassBuilder;
import 'util/error_reporter_file_copier.dart' show saveAsGzip;
import 'util/experiment_environment_getter.dart' show getExperimentEnvironment;
import 'util/textual_outline.dart' show textualOutline;
import 'hybrid_file_system.dart' show HybridFileSystem;
import 'kernel/kernel_builder.dart' show ClassHierarchyBuilder;
import 'kernel/internal_ast.dart' show VariableDeclarationImpl;
import 'kernel/kernel_target.dart' show KernelTarget;
import 'library_graph.dart' show LibraryGraph;
import 'source/source_library_builder.dart'
show ImplicitLanguageVersion, SourceLibraryBuilder;
import 'ticker.dart' show Ticker;
import 'uri_translator.dart' show UriTranslator;
final Uri dartFfiUri = Uri.parse("dart:ffi");
class IncrementalCompiler implements IncrementalKernelGenerator {
final CompilerContext context;
final Ticker ticker;
final bool resetTicker;
final bool outlineOnly;
bool trackNeededDillLibraries = false;
Set<Library>? neededDillLibraries;
Set<Uri?> invalidatedUris = new Set<Uri?>();
DillTarget? dillLoadedData;
List<LibraryBuilder>? platformBuilders;
Map<Uri, LibraryBuilder>? userBuilders;
final Uri? initializeFromDillUri;
Component? componentToInitializeFrom;
bool initializedFromDill = false;
bool initializedIncrementalSerializer = false;
Uri? previousPackagesUri;
Map<String, Package>? previousPackagesMap;
Map<String, Package>? currentPackagesMap;
bool hasToCheckPackageUris = false;
final bool initializedForExpressionCompilationOnly;
bool computeDeltaRunOnce = false;
Map<Uri, List<DiagnosticMessageFromJson>> remainingComponentProblems =
new Map<Uri, List<DiagnosticMessageFromJson>>();
List<Component>? modulesToLoad;
IncrementalSerializer? incrementalSerializer;
static final Uri debugExprUri =
new Uri(scheme: "org-dartlang-debug", path: "synthetic_debug_expression");
IncrementalKernelTarget? userCode;
Set<Library>? previousSourceBuilders;
/// Guard against multiple computeDelta calls at the same time (possibly
/// caused by lacking awaits etc).
Completer<dynamic>? currentlyCompiling;
this.context, this.componentToInitializeFrom,
[bool? outlineOnly, this.incrementalSerializer])
: ticker = context.options.ticker,
resetTicker = true,
initializeFromDillUri = null,
this.outlineOnly = outlineOnly ?? false,
this.initializedForExpressionCompilationOnly = false {
bool? outlineOnly,
: ticker = context.options.ticker,
resetTicker = true,
componentToInitializeFrom = null,
this.outlineOnly = outlineOnly ?? false,
this.initializedForExpressionCompilationOnly = false {
this.context, this.componentToInitializeFrom,
[bool? resetTicker])
: ticker = context.options.ticker,
this.resetTicker = resetTicker ?? true,
initializeFromDillUri = null,
this.outlineOnly = false,
this.incrementalSerializer = null,
this.initializedForExpressionCompilationOnly = true {
void enableExperimentsBasedOnEnvironment({Set<String>? enabledExperiments}) {
// Note that these are all experimental. Use at your own risk.
enabledExperiments ??= getExperimentEnvironment();
// Currently there's no live experiments.
void setExperimentalFeaturesForTesting(Set<String> features) {
enableExperimentsBasedOnEnvironment(enabledExperiments: features);
Future<Component> computeDelta(
{List<Uri>? entryPoints, bool fullComponent: false}) async {
while (currentlyCompiling != null) {
await currentlyCompiling!.future;
currentlyCompiling = new Completer();
if (resetTicker) {
entryPoints ??= context.options.inputs;
return context.runInContext<Component>((CompilerContext c) async {
if (computeDeltaRunOnce && initializedForExpressionCompilationOnly) {
throw new StateError("Initialized for expression compilation: "
"cannot do another general compile.");
computeDeltaRunOnce = true;
// Initial setup: Load platform, initialize from dill or component etc.
UriTranslator uriTranslator = await setupPackagesAndUriTranslator(c);
IncrementalCompilerData data =
await ensurePlatformAndInitialize(uriTranslator, c);
// Figure out what to keep and what to throw away.
Set<Uri?> invalidatedUris = this.invalidatedUris.toSet();
ReusageResult? reusedResult =
computeReusedLibraries(invalidatedUris, uriTranslator, entryPoints!);
// Use the reused libraries to re-write entry-points.
if (reusedResult.arePartsUsedAsEntryPoints()) {
for (int i = 0; i < entryPoints!.length; i++) {
Uri entryPoint = entryPoints![i];
Uri? redirect =
if (redirect != null) {
entryPoints![i] = redirect;
// Experimental invalidation initialization (e.g. figure out if we can).
ExperimentalInvalidation? experimentalInvalidation =
await initializeExperimentalInvalidation(reusedResult, c);
experimentalInvalidation?.missingSources.length ?? 0);
// Cleanup: After (potentially) removing builders we have stuff to cleanup
// to not leak, and we might need to re-create the dill target.
cleanupRemovedBuilders(reusedResult, uriTranslator);
recreateDillTargetIfPackageWasUpdated(uriTranslator, c);
ClassHierarchy? hierarchy = userCode?.loader.hierarchy;
cleanupHierarchy(hierarchy, experimentalInvalidation, reusedResult);
List<LibraryBuilder> reusedLibraries = reusedResult.reusedLibraries;
reusedResult = null;
// TODO(jensj): Given the code below, [userCode] is assumed always to be
// non-null.
if (userCode != null) {
ticker.logMs("Decided to reuse ${reusedLibraries.length}"
" of ${userCode!} libraries");
// For modular compilation we can be asked to load components and track
// which libraries we actually use for the compilation. Set that up now.
await loadEnsureLoadedComponents(reusedLibraries);
// For each computeDelta call we create a new userCode object which needs
// to be setup, and in the case of experimental invalidation some of the
// builders needs to be patched up.
IncrementalKernelTarget? userCodeOld = userCode;
setupNewUserCode(c, uriTranslator, hierarchy, reusedLibraries,
experimentalInvalidation, entryPoints!.first);
Map<LibraryBuilder, List<LibraryBuilder>>? rebuildBodiesMap =
experimentalInvalidation, uriTranslator);
entryPoints = userCode!.setEntryPoints(entryPoints!);
await userCode!.loader.buildOutlines();
experimentalInvalidation, rebuildBodiesMap);
rebuildBodiesMap = null;
// Checkpoint: Build the actual outline.
// Note that the [Component] is not the "full" component.
// It is a component consisting of all newly compiled libraries and all
// libraries loaded from .dill files or directly from components.
// Technically, it's the combination of userCode.loader.libraries and
// dillLoadedData.loader.libraries.
Component? componentWithDill = await userCode!.buildOutlines();
if (!outlineOnly) {
// Checkpoint: Build the actual bodies.
componentWithDill =
await userCode!.buildComponent(verify: c.options.verify);
hierarchy ??= userCode!.loader.hierarchy;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (hierarchy != null) {
if (userCode!.classHierarchyChanges != null) {
hierarchy.applyTreeChanges([], [], userCode!.classHierarchyChanges!);
if (userCode!.classMemberChanges != null) {
findDescendants: true);
// Perform actual dill usage tracking.
// If we actually got a result we can throw away the old userCode and the
// list of invalidated uris.
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (componentWithDill != null) {
hasToCheckPackageUris = false;
userCodeOld = null;
// Compute which libraries to output and which (previous) errors/warnings
// we have to reissue. In the process do some cleanup too.
List<Library> compiledLibraries =
new List<Library>.from(userCode!.loader.libraries);
Map<Uri, Source> uriToSource = componentWithDill.uriToSource;
experimentalInvalidation, compiledLibraries, uriToSource);
List<Library> outputLibraries =
data.component != null || fullComponent,
List<String> problemsAsJson = reissueComponentProblems(componentWithDill);
// If we didn't get a result, go back to the previous one so expression
// calculation has the potential to work.
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (componentWithDill == null) {
userCode = userCodeOld;
dillLoadedData!.loader.currentSourceLoader = userCode!.loader;
} else {
previousSourceBuilders =
await convertSourceLibraryBuildersToDill(experimentalInvalidation);
experimentalInvalidation = null;
// Output result.
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
Procedure? mainMethod = componentWithDill == null
? data.component?.mainMethod
: componentWithDill.mainMethod;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode? compiledMode = componentWithDill == null
? data.component?.mode
: componentWithDill.mode;
Component result =
new Component(libraries: outputLibraries, uriToSource: uriToSource))
..setMainMethodAndMode(mainMethod?.reference, true, compiledMode!)
..problemsAsJson = problemsAsJson;
// We're now done. Allow any waiting compile to start.
Completer<dynamic> currentlyCompilingLocal = currentlyCompiling!;
currentlyCompiling = null;
return result;
/// Convert every SourceLibraryBuilder to a DillLibraryBuilder.
/// As we always do this, this will only be the new ones.
/// If doing experimental invalidation that means that some of the old dill
/// library builders might have links (via export scopes) to the
/// source builders and they will thus be patched up here too.
/// Returns the set of Libraries that now has new (dill) builders.
Future<Set<Library>> convertSourceLibraryBuildersToDill(
ExperimentalInvalidation? experimentalInvalidation) async {
bool changed = false;
Set<Library> newDillLibraryBuilders = new Set<Library>();
userBuilders ??= <Uri, LibraryBuilder>{};
Map<LibraryBuilder, List<LibraryBuilder>>? convertedLibraries;
for (MapEntry<Uri, LibraryBuilder> entry
in userCode! {
if (entry.value is SourceLibraryBuilder) {
SourceLibraryBuilder builder = entry.value as SourceLibraryBuilder;
DillLibraryBuilder dillBuilder =
userCode![entry.key] = dillBuilder;
userBuilders![entry.key] = dillBuilder;
if (userCode!.loader.first == builder) {
userCode!.loader.first = dillBuilder;
changed = true;
if (experimentalInvalidation != null) {
convertedLibraries ??=
new Map<LibraryBuilder, List<LibraryBuilder>>();
convertedLibraries[builder] = [dillBuilder];
if (changed) {
// We suppress finalization errors because they have already been
// reported.
await dillLoadedData!.buildOutlines(suppressFinalizationErrors: true);
userCode!, dillLoadedData!;
if (experimentalInvalidation != null) {
/// If doing experimental invalidation that means that some of the old
/// dill library builders might have links (via export scopes) to the
/// source builders. Patch that up.
// Maps from old library builder to map of new content.
Map<LibraryBuilder, Map<String, Builder>>? replacementMap = {};
// Maps from old library builder to map of new content.
Map<LibraryBuilder, Map<String, Builder>>? replacementSettersMap = {};
convertedLibraries!, replacementMap, replacementSettersMap);
for (LibraryBuilder builder
in experimentalInvalidation.originalNotReusedLibraries) {
DillLibraryBuilder dillBuilder = builder as DillLibraryBuilder;
if (dillBuilder.isBuilt) {
.patchUpScope(replacementMap, replacementSettersMap);
// Clear cached calculations that points (potential) to now replaced
// things.
for (Builder builder in dillBuilder.scope.localMembers) {
if (builder is DillClassBuilder) {
replacementMap = null;
replacementSettersMap = null;
userCode!.loader.referenceFromIndex = null;
convertedLibraries = null;
experimentalInvalidation = null;
if (userBuilders!.isEmpty) userBuilders = null;
return newDillLibraryBuilders;
bool _checkEquivalentScopes(Map<Uri, LibraryBuilder> sourceLibraries,
Map<Uri, LibraryBuilder> dillLibraries) {
sourceLibraries.forEach((Uri uri, LibraryBuilder sourceLibraryBuilder) {
if (sourceLibraryBuilder is SourceLibraryBuilder) {
DillLibraryBuilder dillLibraryBuilder =
dillLibraries[uri] as DillLibraryBuilder;
_hasEquivalentScopes(sourceLibraryBuilder, dillLibraryBuilder) ==
_hasEquivalentScopes(sourceLibraryBuilder, dillLibraryBuilder));
return true;
String? _hasEquivalentScopes(SourceLibraryBuilder sourceLibraryBuilder,
DillLibraryBuilder dillLibraryBuilder) {
bool isEquivalent = true;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.writeln('Mismatch on ${sourceLibraryBuilder.importUri}:');
.forEachLocalMember((String name, Builder sourceBuilder) {
Builder? dillBuilder =
dillLibraryBuilder.exportScope.lookupLocalMember(name, setter: false);
if (dillBuilder == null) {
if ((name == 'dynamic' || name == 'Never') &&
sourceLibraryBuilder.importUri == Uri.parse('dart:core')) {
// The source library builder for dart:core has synthetically
// injected builders for `dynamic` and `Never` which do not have
// corresponding classes in the AST.
sb.writeln('No dill builder for ${name}: $sourceBuilder');
isEquivalent = false;
.forEachLocalMember((String name, Builder dillBuilder) {
Builder? sourceBuilder = sourceLibraryBuilder.exportScope
.lookupLocalMember(name, setter: false);
if (sourceBuilder == null) {
sb.writeln('No source builder for ${name}: $dillBuilder');
isEquivalent = false;
.forEachLocalSetter((String name, Builder sourceBuilder) {
Builder? dillBuilder =
dillLibraryBuilder.exportScope.lookupLocalMember(name, setter: true);
if (dillBuilder == null) {
sb.writeln('No dill builder for ${name}=: $sourceBuilder');
isEquivalent = false;
.forEachLocalSetter((String name, Builder dillBuilder) {
Builder? sourceBuilder = sourceLibraryBuilder.exportScope
.lookupLocalMember(name, setter: true);
if (sourceBuilder == null) {
sourceBuilder = sourceLibraryBuilder.exportScope
.lookupLocalMember(name, setter: false);
if (sourceBuilder is FieldBuilder && sourceBuilder.isAssignable) {
// Assignable fields can be lowered into a getter and setter.
sb.writeln('No source builder for ${name}=: $dillBuilder');
isEquivalent = false;
if (isEquivalent) {
return null;
return sb.toString();
/// Compute which libraries to output and which (previous) errors/warnings we
/// have to reissue. In the process do some cleanup too.
List<Library> calculateOutputLibrariesAndIssueLibraryProblems(
bool fullComponent,
List<Library> compiledLibraries,
List<Uri> entryPoints,
List<LibraryBuilder> reusedLibraries,
ClassHierarchy hierarchy,
UriTranslator uriTranslator,
Map<Uri, Source> uriToSource,
CompilerContext c) {
List<Library> outputLibraries;
Set<Library> allLibraries;
if (fullComponent) {
outputLibraries = computeTransitiveClosure(compiledLibraries, entryPoints,
reusedLibraries, hierarchy, uriTranslator, uriToSource);
allLibraries = outputLibraries.toSet();
if (!c.options.omitPlatform) {
for (int i = 0; i < platformBuilders!.length; i++) {
Library lib = platformBuilders![i].library;
} else {
outputLibraries = <Library>[];
allLibraries = computeTransitiveClosure(
reissueLibraryProblems(allLibraries, compiledLibraries);
return outputLibraries;
/// If doing experimental compilation, make sure [compiledLibraries] and
/// [uriToSource] looks as they would have if we hadn't done experimental
/// compilation, i.e. before this call [compiledLibraries] might only contain
/// the single Library we compiled again, but after this call, it will also
/// contain all the libraries that would normally have been recompiled.
/// This might be a temporary thing, but we need to figure out if the VM
/// can (always) work with only getting the actually rebuild stuff.
void experimentalCompilationPostCompilePatchup(
ExperimentalInvalidation? experimentalInvalidation,
List<Library> compiledLibraries,
Map<Uri, Source> uriToSource) {
if (experimentalInvalidation != null) {
// uriToSources are created in the outline stage which we skipped for
// some of the libraries.
for (Uri uri in experimentalInvalidation.missingSources) {
// TODO(jensj): KernelTargets "link" takes some "excludeSource"
// setting into account.
uriToSource[uri] = CompilerContext.current.uriToSource[uri]!;
/// Perform dill usage tracking if asked. Use the marking on dill builders as
/// well as the class hierarchy to figure out which dill libraries was
/// actually used by the compilation.
void performDillUsageTracking(ClassHierarchy hierarchy) {
if (trackNeededDillLibraries) {
// Which dill builders were built?
neededDillLibraries = new Set<Library>();
for (LibraryBuilder builder in dillLoadedData! {
if (builder is DillLibraryBuilder) {
if (builder.isBuiltAndMarked) {
hierarchy, userCode!.loader.builderHierarchy);
/// Fill in the replacement maps that describe the replacements that need to
/// happen because of experimental invalidation.
void experimentalInvalidationFillReplacementMaps(
Map<LibraryBuilder, List<LibraryBuilder>> rebuildBodiesMap,
Map<LibraryBuilder, Map<String, Builder>> replacementMap,
Map<LibraryBuilder, Map<String, Builder>> replacementSettersMap) {
for (MapEntry<LibraryBuilder, List<LibraryBuilder>> entry
in rebuildBodiesMap.entries) {
Map<String, Builder> childReplacementMap = {};
Map<String, Builder> childReplacementSettersMap = {};
List<LibraryBuilder> builders = rebuildBodiesMap[entry.key]!;
replacementMap[entry.key] = childReplacementMap;
replacementSettersMap[entry.key] = childReplacementSettersMap;
for (LibraryBuilder builder in builders) {
NameIterator iterator = builder.nameIterator;
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
Builder childBuilder = iterator.current;
String name =;
Map<String, Builder> map;
if (childBuilder.isSetter) {
map = childReplacementSettersMap;
} else {
map = childReplacementMap;
"Unexpected double-entry for $name in ${builder.importUri} "
"(org from ${entry.key.importUri}): $childBuilder and "
map[name] = childBuilder;
/// When doing experimental invalidation, we have some builders that needs to
/// be rebuild special, namely they have to be [] with
/// references from the original [Library] for things to work.
Map<LibraryBuilder, List<LibraryBuilder>>
ExperimentalInvalidation? experimentalInvalidation,
UriTranslator uriTranslator) {
// Any builder(s) in [rebuildBodies] should be semi-reused: Create source
// builders based on the underlying libraries.
// Maps from old library builder to list of new library builder(s).
Map<LibraryBuilder, List<LibraryBuilder>> rebuildBodiesMap =
new Map<LibraryBuilder, List<LibraryBuilder>>.identity();
if (experimentalInvalidation != null) {
for (LibraryBuilder library in experimentalInvalidation.rebuildBodies) {
LibraryBuilder newBuilder = userCode!, -1,
accessor: userCode!.loader.first,
fileUri: library.fileUri,
referencesFrom: library.library);
List<LibraryBuilder> builders = [newBuilder];
rebuildBodiesMap[library] = builders;
for (LibraryPart part in {
// We need to pass the reference to make any class, procedure etc
// overwrite correctly, but the library itself should not be
// over written as the library for parts are temporary "fake"
// libraries.
Uri partUri = getPartUri(library.importUri, part);
Uri? fileUri =
getPartFileUri(library.library.fileUri, part, uriTranslator);
LibraryBuilder newPartBuilder = userCode!, -1,
accessor: library,
fileUri: fileUri,
referencesFrom: library.library,
referenceIsPartOwner: true);
return rebuildBodiesMap;
/// When doing experimental invalidation we have to patch up the scopes of the
/// the libraries we're not recompiling but should have recompiled if we
/// didn't do anything special.
void experimentalInvalidationPatchUpScopes(
ExperimentalInvalidation? experimentalInvalidation,
Map<LibraryBuilder, List<LibraryBuilder>> rebuildBodiesMap) {
if (experimentalInvalidation != null) {
// Maps from old library builder to map of new content.
Map<LibraryBuilder, Map<String, Builder>> replacementMap = {};
// Maps from old library builder to map of new content.
Map<LibraryBuilder, Map<String, Builder>> replacementSettersMap = {};
rebuildBodiesMap, replacementMap, replacementSettersMap);
for (LibraryBuilder builder
in experimentalInvalidation.originalNotReusedLibraries) {
if (builder is SourceLibraryBuilder) {
for (Import import in builder.imports) {
assert(import.importer == builder);
List<LibraryBuilder>? replacements =
if (replacements != null) {
import.imported = replacements.first;
if (import.prefixBuilder?.exportScope != null) {
Scope scope = import.prefixBuilder!.exportScope;
scope.patchUpScope(replacementMap, replacementSettersMap);
for (Export export in builder.exports) {
assert(export.exporter == builder);
List<LibraryBuilder>? replacements =
if (replacements != null) {
export.exported = replacements.first;
.patchUpScope(replacementMap, replacementSettersMap);
.patchUpScope(replacementMap, replacementSettersMap);
Iterator<Builder> iterator = builder.iterator;
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
Builder childBuilder = iterator.current;
if (childBuilder is SourceClassBuilder) {
TypeBuilder? typeBuilder = childBuilder.supertypeBuilder;
replacementMap, replacementSettersMap, typeBuilder);
typeBuilder = childBuilder.mixedInTypeBuilder;
replacementMap, replacementSettersMap, typeBuilder);
if (childBuilder.onTypes != null) {
for (typeBuilder in childBuilder.onTypes!) {
replacementMap, replacementSettersMap, typeBuilder);
if (childBuilder.interfaceBuilders != null) {
for (typeBuilder in childBuilder.interfaceBuilders!) {
replacementMap, replacementSettersMap, typeBuilder);
} else if (builder is DillLibraryBuilder) {
DillLibraryBuilder dillBuilder = builder;
// There's only something to patch up if it was build already.
if (dillBuilder.isBuilt) {
.patchUpScope(replacementMap, replacementSettersMap);
} else {
throw new StateError(
"Unexpected builder: $builder (${builder.runtimeType})");
IncrementalKernelTarget createIncrementalKernelTarget(
FileSystem fileSystem,
bool includeComments,
DillTarget dillTarget,
UriTranslator uriTranslator) {
return new IncrementalKernelTarget(
fileSystem, includeComments, dillTarget, uriTranslator);
/// Create a new [userCode] object, and add the reused builders to it.
void setupNewUserCode(
CompilerContext c,
UriTranslator uriTranslator,
ClassHierarchy? hierarchy,
List<LibraryBuilder> reusedLibraries,
ExperimentalInvalidation? experimentalInvalidation,
Uri firstEntryPoint) {
userCode = createIncrementalKernelTarget(
new HybridFileSystem(
new MemoryFileSystem(
new Uri(scheme: "org-dartlang-debug", path: "/")),
userCode!.loader.hierarchy = hierarchy;
dillLoadedData!.loader.currentSourceLoader = userCode!.loader;
// Re-use the libraries we've deemed re-usable.
List<bool> seenModes = [false, false, false, false];
for (LibraryBuilder library in reusedLibraries) {
seenModes[library.library.nonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.index] = true;
userCode![library.importUri] = library;
if (library.importUri.scheme == "dart" &&
library.importUri.path == "core") {
userCode!.loader.coreLibrary = library;
// Check compilation mode up against what we've seen here and set
// `hasInvalidNnbdModeLibrary` accordingly.
if (c.options.isExperimentEnabledGlobally(ExperimentalFlag.nonNullable)) {
switch (c.options.nnbdMode) {
case NnbdMode.Weak:
// Don't expect strong or invalid.
if (seenModes[NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Strong.index] ||
seenModes[NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Invalid.index]) {
userCode!.loader.hasInvalidNnbdModeLibrary = true;
case NnbdMode.Strong:
// Don't expect weak or invalid.
if (seenModes[NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Weak.index] ||
seenModes[NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Invalid.index]) {
userCode!.loader.hasInvalidNnbdModeLibrary = true;
case NnbdMode.Agnostic:
// Don't expect strong, weak or invalid.
if (seenModes[NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Strong.index] ||
seenModes[NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Weak.index] ||
seenModes[NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Invalid.index]) {
userCode!.loader.hasInvalidNnbdModeLibrary = true;
} else {
// Don't expect strong or invalid.
if (seenModes[NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Strong.index] ||
seenModes[NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Invalid.index]) {
userCode!.loader.hasInvalidNnbdModeLibrary = true;
// The entry point(s) has to be set first for loader.first to be setup
// correctly. If the first one is in the rebuildBodies, we have to add it
// from there first.
Uri firstEntryPointImportUri =
userCode!.getEntryPointUri(firstEntryPoint, issueProblem: false);
bool wasFirstSet = false;
if (experimentalInvalidation != null) {
for (LibraryBuilder library in experimentalInvalidation.rebuildBodies) {
if (library.importUri == firstEntryPointImportUri) {
userCode!, -1,
accessor: userCode!.loader.first,
fileUri: library.fileUri,
referencesFrom: library.library);
wasFirstSet = true;
if (!wasFirstSet) {
userCode!, -1,
accessor: userCode!.loader.first,
fileUri: firstEntryPointImportUri != firstEntryPoint
? firstEntryPoint
: null);
if (userCode!.loader.first == null &&
userCode![firstEntryPointImportUri] != null) {
userCode!.loader.first =
/// When tracking used libraries we mark them when we use them. To track
/// correctly we have to unmark before the next iteration to not have too much
/// marked and therefore incorrectly marked something as used when it is not.
void resetTrackingOfUsedLibraries(ClassHierarchy? hierarchy) {
if (trackNeededDillLibraries) {
// Reset dill loaders and kernel class hierarchy.
for (LibraryBuilder builder in dillLoadedData! {
if (builder is DillLibraryBuilder) {
if (builder.isBuiltAndMarked) {
// Clear cached calculations in classes which upon calculation can
// mark things as needed.
for (Builder builder in builder.scope.localMembers) {
if (builder is DillClassBuilder) {
builder.isBuiltAndMarked = false;
if (hierarchy is ClosedWorldClassHierarchy) {
/// Cleanup the hierarchy to no longer reference libraries that we are
/// invalidating (or would normally have invalidated if we hadn't done any
/// experimental invalidation).
void cleanupHierarchy(
ClassHierarchy? hierarchy,
ExperimentalInvalidation? experimentalInvalidation,
ReusageResult reusedResult) {
if (hierarchy != null) {
List<Library> removedLibraries = <Library>[];
// TODO(jensj): For now remove all the original from the class hierarchy
// to avoid the class hierarchy getting confused.
if (experimentalInvalidation != null) {
for (LibraryBuilder builder
in experimentalInvalidation.originalNotReusedLibraries) {
Library lib = builder.library;
for (LibraryBuilder builder in reusedResult.notReusedLibraries) {
Library lib = builder.library;
hierarchy.applyTreeChanges(removedLibraries, const [], const []);
/// If the package uris needs to be re-checked the uri translator has changed,
/// and the [DillTarget] needs to get the new uri translator. We do that
/// by creating a new one.
void recreateDillTargetIfPackageWasUpdated(
UriTranslator uriTranslator, CompilerContext c) {
if (hasToCheckPackageUris) {
// The package file was changed.
// Make sure the dill loader is on the same page.
DillTarget oldDillLoadedData = dillLoadedData!;
dillLoadedData = new DillTarget(ticker, uriTranslator,;
for (LibraryBuilder library in {
(library as DillLibraryBuilder).loader = dillLoadedData!.loader;
dillLoadedData![library.importUri] = library;
if (library.importUri.scheme == "dart" &&
library.importUri.path == "core") {
dillLoadedData!.loader.coreLibrary = library;
dillLoadedData!.loader.first = oldDillLoadedData.loader.first;
/// Builders we don't use again should be removed from places like
/// uriToSource (used in places for dependency tracking), the incremental
/// serializer (they are no longer kept up-to-date) and the DillTarget
/// (to avoid leaks).
/// We also have to remove any component problems beloning to any such
/// no-longer-used library (to avoid re-issuing errors about no longer
/// relevant stuff).
void cleanupRemovedBuilders(
ReusageResult reusedResult, UriTranslator uriTranslator) {
bool removedDillBuilders = false;
for (LibraryBuilder builder in reusedResult.notReusedLibraries) {
cleanupSourcesForBuilder(reusedResult, builder, uriTranslator,
LibraryBuilder? dillBuilder =
if (dillBuilder != null) {
removedDillBuilders = true;
// Remove component problems for libraries we don't reuse.
if (remainingComponentProblems.isNotEmpty) {
Library lib = builder.library;
removeLibraryFromRemainingComponentProblems(lib, uriTranslator);
if (removedDillBuilders) {
bool _importsFfi() {
if (userBuilders == null) return false;
final Uri dartFfiUri = Uri.parse("dart:ffi");
for (LibraryBuilder builder in userBuilders!.values) {
Library lib = builder.library;
for (LibraryDependency dependency in lib.dependencies) {
if (dependency.targetLibrary.importUri == dartFfiUri) {
return true;
return false;
/// Figure out if we can (and was asked to) do experimental invalidation.
/// Note that this returns (future or) [null] if we're not doing experimental
/// invalidation.
Future<ExperimentalInvalidation?> initializeExperimentalInvalidation(
ReusageResult reusedResult, CompilerContext c) async {
Set<LibraryBuilder>? rebuildBodies;
Set<LibraryBuilder> originalNotReusedLibraries;
Set<Uri>? missingSources;
if (!context.options.isExperimentEnabledGlobally(
ExperimentalFlag.alternativeInvalidationStrategy)) return null;
if (modulesToLoad != null) return null;
if (reusedResult.directlyInvalidated.isEmpty) return null;
if (reusedResult.invalidatedBecauseOfPackageUpdate) return null;
// Figure out if the file(s) have changed outline, or we can just
// rebuild the bodies.
for (LibraryBuilder builder in reusedResult.directlyInvalidated) {
if (builder.library.problemsAsJson != null) {
return null;
Iterator<Builder> iterator = builder.iterator;
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
Builder childBuilder = iterator.current;
if (childBuilder.isDuplicate) {
return null;
List<int>? previousSource =
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (previousSource == null || previousSource.isEmpty) {
return null;
ScannerConfiguration scannerConfiguration = new ScannerConfiguration(
enableExtensionMethods: true /* can't be disabled */,
enableNonNullable: builder
.isNonNullableByDefault /* depends on language version etc */,
/* should this be on the library? */
/* this is effectively what the constant evaluator does */
String? before = textualOutline(previousSource, scannerConfiguration,
performModelling: true);
if (before == null) {
return null;
String? now;
FileSystemEntity entity =
if (await entity.exists()) {
now = textualOutline(await entity.readAsBytes(), scannerConfiguration,
performModelling: true);
if (before != now) {
return null;
// TODO(jensj): We should only do this when we're sure we're going to
// do it!
missingSources ??= new Set<Uri>();
LibraryBuilder? partOfLibrary = builder.partOfLibrary;
rebuildBodies ??= new Set<LibraryBuilder>();
if (partOfLibrary != null) {
} else {
// Special case mixins: Because the VM mixin transformation inlines
// procedures, if the changed file is used as a mixin anywhere else
// we can't only recompile the changed file.
// TODO(jensj): Check for mixins in a smarter and faster way.
for (LibraryBuilder builder in reusedResult.notReusedLibraries) {
if (missingSources!.contains(builder.fileUri)) {
Library lib = builder.library;
for (Class c in lib.classes) {
if (!c.isAnonymousMixin && !c.isEliminatedMixin) {
for (Supertype supertype in c.implementedTypes) {
if (missingSources.contains(supertype.classNode.fileUri)) {
// This is probably a mixin from one of the libraries we want
// to rebuild only the body of.
// TODO(jensj): We can probably add this to the rebuildBodies
// list and just rebuild that library too.
// print("Usage of mixin in ${lib.importUri}");
return null;
// Special case FFI: Because the VM ffi transformation inlines
// size and position, if the changed file contains ffi structs
// we can't only recompile the changed file.
// TODO(jensj): Come up with something smarter for this. E.g. we might
// check if the FFI-classes are used in other libraries, or as actual nested
// structures in other FFI-classes etc.
// Alternatively ( we might
// do something else entirely that doesn't require special handling.
if (_importsFfi()) {
for (LibraryBuilder builder in rebuildBodies!) {
Library lib = builder.library;
for (LibraryDependency dependency in lib.dependencies) {
Library importLibrary = dependency.targetLibrary;
if (importLibrary.importUri == dartFfiUri) {
// Explicitly imports dart:ffi.
return null;
for (Reference exportReference in importLibrary.additionalExports) {
NamedNode? export = exportReference.node;
if (export is Class) {
Class c = export;
if (c.enclosingLibrary.importUri == dartFfiUri) {
// Implicitly imports a dart:ffi class.
return null;
originalNotReusedLibraries = new Set<LibraryBuilder>();
Set<Uri> seenUris = new Set<Uri>();
for (LibraryBuilder builder in reusedResult.notReusedLibraries) {
if (builder.isPart) continue;
if (builder.isPatch) continue;
if (rebuildBodies!.contains(builder)) continue;
if (!seenUris.add(builder.importUri)) continue;
return new ExperimentalInvalidation(
rebuildBodies, originalNotReusedLibraries, missingSources!);
/// Get UriTranslator, and figure out if the packages file was (potentially)
/// changed.
Future<UriTranslator> setupPackagesAndUriTranslator(CompilerContext c) async {
bool bypassCache = false;
if (!identical(previousPackagesUri, c.options.packagesUriRaw)) {
previousPackagesUri = c.options.packagesUriRaw;
bypassCache = true;
} else if (this.invalidatedUris.contains(c.options.packagesUri)) {
bypassCache = true;
UriTranslator uriTranslator =
await c.options.getUriTranslator(bypassCache: bypassCache);
previousPackagesMap = currentPackagesMap;
currentPackagesMap = createPackagesMap(uriTranslator.packages);
// TODO(jensj): We can probably (from the maps above) figure out if anything
// changed and only set this to true if it did.
hasToCheckPackageUris = hasToCheckPackageUris || bypassCache;
ticker.logMs("Read packages file");
if (initializedForExpressionCompilationOnly) {
hasToCheckPackageUris = false;
return uriTranslator;
Map<String, Package> createPackagesMap(PackageConfig packages) {
Map<String, Package> result = new Map<String, Package>();
for (Package package in packages.packages) {
result[] = package;
return result;
/// Load platform and (potentially) initialize from dill,
/// or initialize from component.
Future<IncrementalCompilerData> ensurePlatformAndInitialize(
UriTranslator uriTranslator, CompilerContext c) async {
IncrementalCompilerData data = new IncrementalCompilerData();
if (dillLoadedData == null) {
int bytesLength = 0;
if (componentToInitializeFrom != null) {
// If initializing from a component it has to include the sdk,
// so we explicitly don't load it here.
initializeFromComponent(uriTranslator, c, data);
componentToInitializeFrom = null;
} else {
List<int>? summaryBytes = await c.options.loadSdkSummaryBytes();
bytesLength = prepareSummary(summaryBytes, uriTranslator, c, data);
if (initializeFromDillUri != null) {
try {
bytesLength += await initializeFromDill(uriTranslator, c, data);
} catch (e, st) {
// We might have loaded x out of y libraries into the component.
// To avoid any unforeseen problems start over.
bytesLength = prepareSummary(summaryBytes, uriTranslator, c, data);
if (e is InvalidKernelVersionError ||
e is InvalidKernelSdkVersionError ||
e is PackageChangedError ||
e is CanonicalNameSdkError ||
e is CompilationModeError) {
// Don't report any warning.
} else {
Uri? gzInitializedFrom;
if (c.options.writeFileOnCrashReport) {
gzInitializedFrom = saveAsGzip(
data.initializationBytes!, "initialize_from.dill");
if (e is CanonicalNameError) {
Message message = gzInitializedFrom != null
? templateInitializeFromDillNotSelfContained.withArguments(
initializeFromDillUri.toString(), gzInitializedFrom)
: templateInitializeFromDillNotSelfContainedNoDump
.addProblem(message, TreeNode.noOffset, 1, null);
} else {
// Unknown error: Report problem as such.
Message message = gzInitializedFrom != null
? templateInitializeFromDillUnknownProblem.withArguments(
: templateInitializeFromDillUnknownProblemNoDump
initializeFromDillUri.toString(), "$e", "$st");
.addProblem(message, TreeNode.noOffset, 1, null);
appendLibraries(data, bytesLength);
// We suppress finalization errors because they will reported via
// problemsAsJson fields (with better precision).
await dillLoadedData!.buildOutlines(suppressFinalizationErrors: true);
userBuilders = <Uri, LibraryBuilder>{};
platformBuilders = <LibraryBuilder>[];
dillLoadedData!, builder) {
if (builder.importUri.scheme == "dart") {
} else {
userBuilders![uri] = builder;
if (userBuilders!.isEmpty) userBuilders = null;
data.initializationBytes = null;
return data;
void replaceTypeBuilder(
Map<LibraryBuilder, Map<String, Builder>> replacementMap,
Map<LibraryBuilder, Map<String, Builder>> replacementSettersMap,
TypeBuilder? typeBuilder) {
TypeDeclarationBuilder? declaration = typeBuilder?.declaration;
Builder? parent = declaration?.parent;
if (parent == null) return;
Map<String, Builder>? childReplacementMap;
if (declaration!.isSetter) {
childReplacementMap = replacementSettersMap[parent];
} else {
childReplacementMap = replacementMap[parent];
if (childReplacementMap == null) return;
Builder replacement = childReplacementMap[]!;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(replacement != null, "Didn't find the replacement for $typeBuilder");
typeBuilder!.bind(replacement as TypeDeclarationBuilder);
CoreTypes? getCoreTypes() => userCode?.loader.coreTypes;
ClassHierarchy? getClassHierarchy() => userCode?.loader.hierarchy;
/// Allows for updating the list of needed libraries.
/// Useful if a class hierarchy has been used externally.
/// Currently there are two different class hierarchies which is unfortunate.
/// For now this method allows the 'ClassHierarchyBuilder' to be null.
/// TODO(jensj,CFE in general): Eventually we should get to a point where we
/// only have one class hierarchy.
/// TODO(jensj): This could probably be a utility method somewhere instead
/// (though handling of the case where all bets are off should probably still
/// live locally).
void updateNeededDillLibrariesWithHierarchy(
ClassHierarchy hierarchy, ClassHierarchyBuilder? builderHierarchy) {
if (hierarchy is ClosedWorldClassHierarchy && !hierarchy.allBetsOff) {
neededDillLibraries ??= new Set<Library>();
Set<Class> classes = new Set<Class>();
List<Class> worklist = <Class>[];
// Get all classes touched by kernel class hierarchy.
List<Class> usedClasses = hierarchy.getUsedClasses();
// Get all classes touched by fasta class hierarchy.
if (builderHierarchy != null) {
for (Class c in builderHierarchy.nodes.keys) {
if (classes.add(c)) worklist.add(c);
// Get all supers etc.
while (worklist.isNotEmpty) {
Class c = worklist.removeLast();
for (Supertype supertype in c.implementedTypes) {
if (classes.add(supertype.classNode)) {
if (c.mixedInType != null) {
if (classes.add(c.mixedInType!.classNode)) {
if (c.supertype != null) {
if (classes.add(c.supertype!.classNode)) {
// Add any libraries that was used or was in the "parent-chain" of a
// used class.
for (Class c in classes) {
Library library = c.enclosingLibrary;
// Only add if loaded from a dill file (and wasn't a 'dill' that was
// converted from source builders to dill builders).
if (dillLoadedData! &&
(previousSourceBuilders == null ||
!previousSourceBuilders!.contains(library))) {
} else {
// Cannot track in other kernel class hierarchies or
// if all bets are off: Add everything (except for the libraries we just
// converted from source builders to dill builders).
neededDillLibraries = new Set<Library>();
for (LibraryBuilder builder in dillLoadedData! {
if (builder is DillLibraryBuilder &&
(previousSourceBuilders == null ||
!previousSourceBuilders!.contains(builder.library))) {
/// Internal method.
void invalidateNotKeptUserBuilders(Set<Uri?> invalidatedUris) {
if (modulesToLoad != null && userBuilders != null) {
Set<Library> loadedNotKept = new Set<Library>();
for (LibraryBuilder builder in userBuilders!.values) {
for (Component module in modulesToLoad!) {
for (Library lib in loadedNotKept) {
/// Internal method.
Future<void> loadEnsureLoadedComponents(
List<LibraryBuilder> reusedLibraries) async {
if (modulesToLoad != null) {
bool loadedAnything = false;
for (Component module in modulesToLoad!) {
bool usedComponent = false;
for (Library lib in module.libraries) {
if (!dillLoadedData! {
reusedLibraries.add(dillLoadedData!, -1));
usedComponent = true;
if (usedComponent) {
loadedAnything = true;
if (loadedAnything) {
// We suppress finalization errors because they will reported via
// problemsAsJson fields (with better precision).
await dillLoadedData!.buildOutlines(suppressFinalizationErrors: true);
userBuilders = <Uri, LibraryBuilder>{};
platformBuilders = <LibraryBuilder>[];
dillLoadedData!, builder) {
if (builder.importUri.scheme == "dart") {
} else {
userBuilders![uri] = builder;
if (userBuilders!.isEmpty) {
userBuilders = null;
modulesToLoad = null;
bool dontReissueLibraryProblemsFor(Uri? uri) {
return uri == debugExprUri;
/// Internal method.
void reissueLibraryProblems(
Set<Library> allLibraries, List<Library> compiledLibraries) {
// The newly-compiled libraries have issued problems already. Re-issue
// problems for the libraries that weren't re-compiled (ignore compile
// expression problems)
for (Library library in allLibraries) {
if (library.problemsAsJson?.isNotEmpty == true) {
for (String jsonString in library.problemsAsJson!) {
DiagnosticMessageFromJson message =
new DiagnosticMessageFromJson.fromJson(jsonString);
if (dontReissueLibraryProblemsFor(message.uri)) {
/// Internal method.
/// Re-issue problems on the component and return the filtered list.
List<String> reissueComponentProblems(Component componentWithDill) {
// These problems have already been reported.
Set<String> issuedProblems = new Set<String>();
if (componentWithDill.problemsAsJson != null) {
// Report old problems that wasn't reported again.
Set<Uri>? strongModeNNBDPackageOptOutUris;
for (MapEntry<Uri, List<DiagnosticMessageFromJson>> entry
in remainingComponentProblems.entries) {
List<DiagnosticMessageFromJson> messages = entry.value;
for (int i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {
DiagnosticMessageFromJson message = messages[i];
if (message.codeName == "StrongModeNNBDPackageOptOut") {
// Special case this: Don't issue them here; instead collect them
// to get their uris and re-issue a new error.
strongModeNNBDPackageOptOutUris ??= {};
if (issuedProblems.add(message.toJsonString())) {
if (strongModeNNBDPackageOptOutUris != null) {
// Get the builders for these uris; then call
// `SourceLoader.giveCombinedErrorForNonStrongLibraries` on them to issue
// a new error.
Set<LibraryBuilder> builders = {};
SourceLoader loader = userCode!.loader;
for (LibraryBuilder builder in {
if (strongModeNNBDPackageOptOutUris.contains(builder.fileUri)) {
FormattedMessage message = loader.giveCombinedErrorForNonStrongLibraries(
emitNonPackageErrors: false)!;
// The problem was issued by the call so don't re-issue it here.
// Save any new component-problems.
return new List<String>.from(issuedProblems);
/// Internal method.
Uri? getPartFileUri(
Uri parentFileUri, LibraryPart part, UriTranslator uriTranslator) {
Uri? fileUri = getPartUri(parentFileUri, part);
if (fileUri.scheme == "package") {
// Part was specified via package URI and the resolve above thus
// did not go as expected. Translate the package URI to get the
// actual file URI.
fileUri = uriTranslator.translate(fileUri, false);
return fileUri;
/// Internal method.
/// Compute the transitive closure.
/// As a side-effect, this also cleans-up now-unreferenced builders as well as
/// any saved component problems for such builders.
List<Library> computeTransitiveClosure(
List<Library> inputLibraries,
List<Uri> entryPoints,
List<LibraryBuilder> reusedLibraries,
ClassHierarchy hierarchy,
UriTranslator uriTranslator,
Map<Uri, Source> uriToSource,
[List<Library>? inputLibrariesFiltered]) {
List<Library> result = <Library>[];
Map<Uri, Uri> partUriToLibraryImportUri = <Uri, Uri>{};
Map<Uri, Library> libraryMap = <Uri, Library>{};
Map<Uri, Library> potentiallyReferencedLibraries = <Uri, Library>{};
Map<Uri, Library> potentiallyReferencedInputLibraries = <Uri, Library>{};
for (Library library in inputLibraries) {
libraryMap[library.importUri] = library;
if ( {
for (int partIndex = 0; partIndex <; partIndex++) {
LibraryPart part =[partIndex];
Uri partUri = getPartUri(library.importUri, part);
partUriToLibraryImportUri[partUri] = library.importUri;
if (library.importUri.scheme == "dart") {
} else {
potentiallyReferencedLibraries[library.importUri] = library;
potentiallyReferencedInputLibraries[library.importUri] = library;
for (LibraryBuilder libraryBuilder in reusedLibraries) {
if (libraryBuilder.importUri.scheme == "dart" &&
!libraryBuilder.isSynthetic) {
Library lib = libraryBuilder.library;
potentiallyReferencedLibraries[libraryBuilder.importUri] = lib;
libraryMap[libraryBuilder.importUri] = lib;
List<Uri> worklist = <Uri>[];
for (Uri entry in entryPoints) {
if (libraryMap.containsKey(entry)) {
} else {
// If the entry is a part redirect to the "main" entry.
Uri? partTranslation = partUriToLibraryImportUri[entry];
if (partTranslation != null) {
LibraryGraph graph = new LibraryGraph(libraryMap);
Set<Uri?> partsUsed = new Set<Uri?>();
while (worklist.isNotEmpty && potentiallyReferencedLibraries.isNotEmpty) {
Uri uri = worklist.removeLast();
if (libraryMap.containsKey(uri)) {
for (Uri neighbor in graph.neighborsOf(uri)) {
Library? library = potentiallyReferencedLibraries.remove(uri);
if (library != null) {
if (potentiallyReferencedInputLibraries.remove(uri) != null) {
for (LibraryPart part in {
Uri? partFileUri =
getPartFileUri(library.fileUri, part, uriTranslator);
List<Library> removedLibraries = <Library>[];
bool removedDillBuilders = false;
for (Uri uri in potentiallyReferencedLibraries.keys) {
if (uri.scheme == "package") continue;
LibraryBuilder? builder = userCode!;
if (builder != null) {
Library lib = builder.library;
if (dillLoadedData! != null) {
removedDillBuilders = true;
cleanupSourcesForBuilder(null, builder, uriTranslator,
CompilerContext.current.uriToSource, uriToSource, partsUsed);
lib, uriTranslator, partsUsed);
// Technically this isn't necessary as the uri is not a package-uri.
hierarchy.applyTreeChanges(removedLibraries, const [], const []);
if (removedDillBuilders) {
return result;
/// If builders was removed from the [] map
/// the loaders [libraries] list has to be updated too, or those libraries
/// will still hang around and be linked into the Component created internally
/// in the compilation process.
/// This method syncs the [libraries] list with the data in [builders].
void makeDillLoaderLibrariesUpToDateWithBuildersMap() {
for (LibraryBuilder builder in dillLoadedData! {
/// Internal method.
/// [partsUsed] indicates part uris that are used by (other/alive) libraries.
/// Those parts will not be cleaned up. This is useful when a part has been
/// "moved" to be part of another library.
void cleanupSourcesForBuilder(
ReusageResult? reusedResult,
LibraryBuilder builder,
UriTranslator uriTranslator,
Map<Uri, Source> uriToSource,
[Map<Uri, Source>? uriToSourceExtra,
Set<Uri?>? partsUsed]) {
Library lib = builder.library;
for (LibraryPart part in {
Uri? partFileUri = getPartFileUri(lib.fileUri, part, uriTranslator);
if (partsUsed != null && partsUsed.contains(partFileUri)) continue;
// If the builders map contain the "parts" import uri, it's a real library
// (erroneously) used as a part so we don't want to remove that.
if (userCode?.loader != null) {
Uri? partImportUri = uriToSource[partFileUri]?.importUri;
if (partImportUri != null &&
userCode! {
} else if (reusedResult != null) {
// We've just launched and don't have userCode yet. Search reusedResult
// for a kept library with this uri.
bool found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < reusedResult.reusedLibraries.length; i++) {
LibraryBuilder reusedLibrary = reusedResult.reusedLibraries[i];
if (reusedLibrary.fileUri == partFileUri) {
found = true;
if (found) {
/// Internal method.
/// [partsUsed] indicates part uris that are used by (other/alive) libraries.
/// Those parts will not be removed from the component problems.
/// This is useful when a part has been "moved" to be part of another library.
void removeLibraryFromRemainingComponentProblems(
Library lib, UriTranslator uriTranslator,
[Set<Uri?>? partsUsed]) {
// Remove parts too.
for (LibraryPart part in {
Uri? partFileUri = getPartFileUri(lib.fileUri, part, uriTranslator);
/// Internal method.
int prepareSummary(List<int>? summaryBytes, UriTranslator uriTranslator,
CompilerContext c, IncrementalCompilerData data) {
dillLoadedData = new DillTarget(ticker, uriTranslator,;
int bytesLength = 0;
data.component = Component());
if (summaryBytes != null) {
ticker.logMs("Read ${c.options.sdkSummary}");
new BinaryBuilderWithMetadata(summaryBytes,
disableLazyReading: false, disableLazyClassReading: true)
ticker.logMs("Deserialized ${c.options.sdkSummary}");
bytesLength += summaryBytes.length;
return bytesLength;
/// Internal method.
// This procedure will try to load the dill file and will crash if it cannot.
Future<int> initializeFromDill(UriTranslator uriTranslator, CompilerContext c,
IncrementalCompilerData data) async {
int bytesLength = 0;
FileSystemEntity entity =
if (await entity.exists()) {
List<int> initializationBytes = await entity.readAsBytes();
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (initializationBytes != null && initializationBytes.isNotEmpty) {
ticker.logMs("Read $initializeFromDillUri");
data.initializationBytes = initializationBytes;
// We're going to output all we read here so lazy loading it
// doesn't make sense.
List<SubComponentView> views = new BinaryBuilderWithMetadata(
disableLazyReading: true)
checkCanonicalNames: true, createView: true)!;
// Compute "output nnbd mode".
NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode compiledMode;
if (c.options
.isExperimentEnabledGlobally(ExperimentalFlag.nonNullable)) {
switch (c.options.nnbdMode) {
case NnbdMode.Weak:
compiledMode = NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Weak;
case NnbdMode.Strong:
compiledMode = NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Strong;
case NnbdMode.Agnostic:
compiledMode = NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Agnostic;
} else {
compiledMode = NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Weak;
// Check the any package-urls still point to the same file
// (e.g. the package still exists and hasn't been updated).
// Also verify NNBD settings.
for (Library lib in data.component!.libraries) {
if (lib.importUri.scheme == "package" &&
uriTranslator.translate(lib.importUri, false) != lib.fileUri) {
// Package has been removed or updated.
// This library should be thrown away.
// Everything that depends on it should be thrown away.
// TODO(jensj): Anything that doesn't depend on it can be kept.
// For now just don't initialize from this dill.
throw const PackageChangedError();
// Note: If a library has a NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.invalid
// we will throw and we won't initialize from it.
// That's wanted behavior.
if (compiledMode !=
compiledMode, lib.nonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode)) {
throw new CompilationModeError(
"Can't compile to $compiledMode with library with mode "
// Only initialize the incremental serializer when we know we'll
// actually use the data loaded from dill.
initializedIncrementalSerializer =
incrementalSerializer?.initialize(initializationBytes, views) ??
initializedFromDill = true;
bytesLength += initializationBytes.length;
return bytesLength;
/// Internal method.
void saveComponentProblems(IncrementalCompilerData data) {
List<String>? problemsAsJson = data.component!.problemsAsJson;
void _addProblemsAsJsonToRemainingProblems(List<String>? problemsAsJson) {
if (problemsAsJson != null) {
for (String jsonString in problemsAsJson) {
DiagnosticMessageFromJson message =
new DiagnosticMessageFromJson.fromJson(jsonString);
assert(message.uri != null ||
(message.involvedFiles != null &&
if (message.uri != null) {
List<DiagnosticMessageFromJson> messages =
remainingComponentProblems[message.uri!] ??=
if (message.involvedFiles != null) {
// This indexes the same message under several uris - this way it will
// be issued as long as it's a problem. It will because of
// deduplication when we re-issue these (in reissueComponentProblems)
// only be reported once.
for (Uri uri in message.involvedFiles!) {
List<DiagnosticMessageFromJson> messages =
remainingComponentProblems[uri] ??=
/// Internal method.
// This procedure will set up compiler from [componentToInitializeFrom].
void initializeFromComponent(UriTranslator uriTranslator, CompilerContext c,
IncrementalCompilerData data) {
ticker.logMs("About to initializeFromComponent");
dillLoadedData = new DillTarget(ticker, uriTranslator,;
data.component = new Component(
libraries: componentToInitializeFrom!.libraries,
uriToSource: componentToInitializeFrom!.uriToSource)
true, componentToInitializeFrom!.mode);
bool foundDartCore = false;
for (int i = 0; i < data.component!.libraries.length; i++) {
Library library = data.component!.libraries[i];
if (library.importUri.scheme == "dart" &&
library.importUri.path == "core") {
foundDartCore = true;
if (!foundDartCore) {
throw const InitializeFromComponentError("Did not find dart:core when "
"tried to initialize from component.");
ticker.logMs("Ran initializeFromComponent");
/// Internal method.
void appendLibraries(IncrementalCompilerData data, int bytesLength) {
if (data.component != null) {
.appendLibraries(data.component!, byteCount: bytesLength);
ticker.logMs("Appended libraries");
Future<Procedure?> compileExpression(
String expression,
Map<String, DartType> definitions,
List<TypeParameter> typeDefinitions,
String syntheticProcedureName,
Uri libraryUri,
[String? className,
bool isStatic = false]) async {
assert(dillLoadedData != null && userCode != null);
return await context.runInContext((_) async {
LibraryBuilder libraryBuilder = userCode!.loader
.read(libraryUri, -1, accessor: userCode!.loader.first);
ticker.logMs("Loaded library $libraryUri");
Class? cls;
if (className != null) {
ClassBuilder? classBuilder =
libraryBuilder.scopeBuilder[className] as ClassBuilder?;
cls = classBuilder?.cls;
if (cls == null) return null;
for (TypeParameter typeParam in typeDefinitions) {
if (!isLegalIdentifier(!)) {
return null;
for (String name in definitions.keys) {
if (!isLegalIdentifier(name)) {
// TODO: pass variable declarations instead of
// parameter names for proper location detection.
return null;
SourceLibraryBuilder debugLibrary = new SourceLibraryBuilder(
/*packageUri*/ null,
new ImplicitLanguageVersion(libraryBuilder.library.languageVersion),
scope: libraryBuilder.scope.createNestedScope("expression"),
nameOrigin: libraryBuilder,
ticker.logMs("Created debug library");
if (libraryBuilder is DillLibraryBuilder) {
for (LibraryDependency dependency
in libraryBuilder.library.dependencies) {
if (!dependency.isImport) continue;
List<Combinator>? combinators;
for (kernel.Combinator combinator in dependency.combinators) {
combinators ??= <Combinator>[];
? new, combinator.fileOffset,
: new Combinator.hide(combinator.names, combinator.fileOffset,
ticker.logMs("Added imports");
HybridFileSystem hfs = userCode!.fileSystem as HybridFileSystem;
MemoryFileSystem fs = hfs.memory;
// TODO: pass variable declarations instead of
// parameter names for proper location detection.
FunctionNode parameters = new FunctionNode(null,
typeParameters: typeDefinitions,
positionalParameters: definitions.keys
.map((name) =>
new VariableDeclarationImpl(name, 0, type: definitions[name])
..fileOffset =
cls?.fileOffset ?? libraryBuilder.library.fileOffset)
.toList());!.loader.coreLibrary, modifyTarget: false);
Expression compiledExpression = await userCode!.loader.buildExpression(
debugLibrary, className, className != null && !isStatic, parameters);
Procedure procedure = new Procedure(
new Name(syntheticProcedureName), ProcedureKind.Method, parameters,
isStatic: isStatic, fileUri: debugLibrary.fileUri)
..isNonNullableByDefault = debugLibrary.isNonNullableByDefault;
parameters.body = new ReturnStatement(compiledExpression)
..parent = parameters;
procedure.fileUri = debugLibrary.fileUri;
procedure.parent = className != null ? cls : libraryBuilder.library;
// Make sure the library has a canonical name.
Component c = new Component(libraries: [debugLibrary.library]);
ticker.logMs("Built debug library");
return procedure;
bool packagesEqual(Package? a, Package? b) {
if (a == null || b == null) return false;
if ( != return false;
if (a.root != b.root) return false;
if (a.packageUriRoot != b.packageUriRoot) return false;
if (a.languageVersion != b.languageVersion) return false;
if (a.extraData != b.extraData) return false;
return true;
/// Internal method.
ReusageResult computeReusedLibraries(Set<Uri?> invalidatedUris,
UriTranslator uriTranslator, List<Uri> entryPoints) {
Set<Uri> seenUris = new Set<Uri>();
List<LibraryBuilder> reusedLibraries = <LibraryBuilder>[];
for (int i = 0; i < platformBuilders!.length; i++) {
LibraryBuilder builder = platformBuilders![i];
if (!seenUris.add(builder.importUri)) continue;
if (userCode == null && userBuilders == null) {
return new ReusageResult.reusedLibrariesOnly(reusedLibraries);
bool invalidatedBecauseOfPackageUpdate = false;
Set<LibraryBuilder> directlyInvalidated = new Set<LibraryBuilder>();
Set<LibraryBuilder> notReusedLibraries = new Set<LibraryBuilder>();
// Maps all non-platform LibraryBuilders from their import URI.
Map<Uri, LibraryBuilder> builders = <Uri, LibraryBuilder>{};
Map<Uri?, LibraryBuilder> partUriToParent = <Uri, LibraryBuilder>{};
// Invalidated URIs translated back to their import URI (package:, dart:,
// etc.).
List<Uri> invalidatedImportUris = <Uri>[];
bool isInvalidated(Uri importUri, Uri? fileUri) {
if (invalidatedUris.contains(importUri)) return true;
if (importUri != fileUri && invalidatedUris.contains(fileUri)) {
return true;
if (hasToCheckPackageUris && importUri.scheme == "package") {
// Get package name, check if the base URI has changed for the package,
// if it has, translate the URI again,
// otherwise the URI cannot have changed.
String path = importUri.path;
int firstSlash = path.indexOf('/');
String packageName = path.substring(0, firstSlash);
if (previousPackagesMap == null ||
currentPackagesMap![packageName])) {
Uri? newFileUri = uriTranslator.translate(importUri, false);
if (newFileUri != fileUri) {
invalidatedBecauseOfPackageUpdate = true;
return true;
if (builders[importUri]?.isSynthetic ?? false) return true;
return false;
addBuilderAndInvalidateUris(Uri uri, LibraryBuilder libraryBuilder) {
if (uri.scheme == "dart" && !libraryBuilder.isSynthetic) {
if (seenUris.add(libraryBuilder.importUri)) {
builders[uri] = libraryBuilder;
if (isInvalidated(uri, libraryBuilder.library.fileUri)) {
if (libraryBuilder is SourceLibraryBuilder) {
// TODO(jensj): This shouldn't be possible anymore.
for (LibraryBuilder part in {
partUriToParent[part.importUri] = libraryBuilder;
partUriToParent[part.fileUri] = libraryBuilder;
if (isInvalidated(part.importUri, part.fileUri)) {
builders[part.importUri] = part;
} else if (libraryBuilder is DillLibraryBuilder) {
for (LibraryPart part in {
Uri partUri = getPartUri(libraryBuilder.importUri, part);
Uri? fileUri = getPartFileUri(
libraryBuilder.library.fileUri, part, uriTranslator);
partUriToParent[partUri] = libraryBuilder;
partUriToParent[fileUri] = libraryBuilder;
if (isInvalidated(partUri, fileUri)) {
if (builders[partUri] == null) {
// Only add if entry doesn't already exist.
// For good cases it shouldn't exist, but if one library claims
// another library is a part (when it's not) we don't want to
// overwrite the real library builder.
builders[partUri] = libraryBuilder;
if (userCode != null) {
// userCode already contains the builders from userBuilders.
} else {
// userCode was null so we explicitly have to add the builders from
// userBuilders (which cannot be null as we checked initially that one of
// them was non-null).
for (Uri uri in invalidatedImportUris) {
BuilderGraph graph = new BuilderGraph(builders);
// Compute direct dependencies for each import URI (the reverse of the
// edges returned by `graph.neighborsOf`).
Map<Uri, Set<Uri>> directDependencies = <Uri, Set<Uri>>{};
for (Uri vertex in graph.vertices) {
for (Uri neighbor in graph.neighborsOf(vertex)) {
(directDependencies[neighbor] ??= new Set<Uri>()).add(vertex);
// Remove all dependencies of [invalidatedImportUris] from builders.
List<Uri> workList = invalidatedImportUris;
while (workList.isNotEmpty) {
Uri removed = workList.removeLast();
LibraryBuilder? current = builders.remove(removed);
// [current] is null if the corresponding key (URI) has already been
// removed.
if (current != null) {
Set<Uri>? s = directDependencies[current.importUri];
if (current.importUri != removed) {
if (s == null) {
s = directDependencies[removed];
} else {
if (s != null) {
// [s] is null for leaves.
for (Uri dependency in s) {
// Builders contain mappings from part uri to builder, meaning the same
// builder can exist multiple times in the values list.
for (LibraryBuilder builder in builders.values) {
if (builder.isPart) continue;
// TODO(jensj/ahe): This line can probably go away once
// lands.
if (builder.isPatch) continue;
if (!seenUris.add(builder.importUri)) continue;
ReusageResult result = new ReusageResult(
for (Uri entryPoint in entryPoints) {
LibraryBuilder? parent = partUriToParent[entryPoint];
if (parent == null) continue;
// TODO(jensj): .contains on a list is O(n).
// It will only be done for each entry point that's a part though, i.e.
// most likely very rarely.
if (reusedLibraries.contains(parent)) {
entryPoint, parent.importUri);
return result;
void invalidate(Uri? uri) {
void invalidateAllSources() {
if (userCode != null) {
Set<Uri> uris = new Set<Uri>.from(userCode!;
if (previousSourceBuilders != null) {
for (Library library in previousSourceBuilders!) {
void setModulesToLoadOnNextComputeDelta(List<Component> components) {
modulesToLoad = components.toList();
/// Internal method.
void recordNonFullComponentForTesting(Component component) {}
/// Internal method.
void recordInvalidatedImportUrisForTesting(List<Uri> uris) {}
/// Internal method.
void recordRebuildBodiesCountForTesting(int count) {}
/// Internal method.
void recordTemporaryFileForTesting(Uri uri) {}
/// Translate a parts "partUri" to an actual uri with handling of invalid uris.
/// ```
/// DartDocTest(
/// getPartUri(
/// Uri.parse("file://path/to/parent.dart"),
/// new LibraryPart([], "simple.dart")
/// ),
/// Uri.parse("file://path/to/simple.dart")
/// )
/// DartDocTest(
/// getPartUri(
/// Uri.parse("file://path/to/parent.dart"),
/// new LibraryPart([], "dir/simple.dart")
/// ),
/// Uri.parse("file://path/to/dir/simple.dart")
/// )
/// DartDocTest(
/// getPartUri(
/// Uri.parse("file://path/to/parent.dart"),
/// new LibraryPart([], "../simple.dart")
/// ),
/// Uri.parse("file://path/simple.dart")
/// )
/// DartDocTest(
/// getPartUri(
/// Uri.parse("file://path/to/parent.dart"),
/// new LibraryPart([], "file:///my/path/absolute.dart")
/// ),
/// Uri.parse("file:///my/path/absolute.dart")
/// )
/// DartDocTest(
/// getPartUri(
/// Uri.parse("file://path/to/parent.dart"),
/// new LibraryPart([], "package:foo/hello.dart")
/// ),
/// Uri.parse("package:foo/hello.dart")
/// )
/// ```
/// And with invalid part uri:
/// ```
/// DartDocTest(
/// getPartUri(
/// Uri.parse("file://path/to/parent.dart"),
/// new LibraryPart([], ":hello")
/// ),
/// new Uri(scheme: SourceLibraryBuilder.MALFORMED_URI_SCHEME,
/// query: Uri.encodeQueryComponent(":hello"))
/// )
/// ```
Uri getPartUri(Uri parentUri, LibraryPart part) {
try {
return parentUri.resolve(part.partUri);
} on FormatException {
// This is also done in [SourceLibraryBuilder.resolve]
return new Uri(
scheme: SourceLibraryBuilder.MALFORMED_URI_SCHEME,
query: Uri.encodeQueryComponent(part.partUri));
class PackageChangedError {
const PackageChangedError();
class InitializeFromComponentError {
final String message;
const InitializeFromComponentError(this.message);
String toString() => message;
class IncrementalCompilerData {
Component? component = null;
List<int>? initializationBytes = null;
class ReusageResult {
final Set<LibraryBuilder> notReusedLibraries;
final Set<LibraryBuilder> directlyInvalidated;
final bool invalidatedBecauseOfPackageUpdate;
final List<LibraryBuilder> reusedLibraries;
final Map<Uri, Uri> _reusedLibrariesPartsToParentForEntryPoints;
: notReusedLibraries = const {},
directlyInvalidated = const {},
invalidatedBecauseOfPackageUpdate = false,
_reusedLibrariesPartsToParentForEntryPoints = const {};
ReusageResult(this.notReusedLibraries, this.directlyInvalidated,
this.invalidatedBecauseOfPackageUpdate, this.reusedLibraries)
: _reusedLibrariesPartsToParentForEntryPoints = {},
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(notReusedLibraries != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(directlyInvalidated != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(invalidatedBecauseOfPackageUpdate != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(reusedLibraries != null);
void registerLibraryUriForPartUsedAsEntryPoint(
Uri entryPoint, Uri importUri) {
_reusedLibrariesPartsToParentForEntryPoints[entryPoint] = importUri;
bool arePartsUsedAsEntryPoints() =>
Uri? getLibraryUriForPartUsedAsEntryPoint(Uri entryPoint) =>
class ExperimentalInvalidation {
final Set<LibraryBuilder> rebuildBodies;
final Set<LibraryBuilder> originalNotReusedLibraries;
final Set<Uri> missingSources;
this.rebuildBodies, this.originalNotReusedLibraries, this.missingSources)
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
: assert(rebuildBodies != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(originalNotReusedLibraries != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(missingSources != null);
class IncrementalKernelTarget extends KernelTarget
implements ChangedStructureNotifier {
Set<Class>? classHierarchyChanges;
Set<Class>? classMemberChanges;
IncrementalKernelTarget(FileSystem fileSystem, bool includeComments,
DillTarget dillTarget, UriTranslator uriTranslator)
: super(fileSystem, includeComments, dillTarget, uriTranslator);
ChangedStructureNotifier get changedStructureNotifier => this;
void registerClassMemberChange(Class c) {
classMemberChanges ??= new Set<Class>();
void registerClassHierarchyChange(Class cls) {
classHierarchyChanges ??= <Class>{};