blob: 12c83dbf8f74b68d7689004651d33eea9755e19b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// The interface used to access the result of constant evaluation.
/// Because the analyzer does not have any of the code under analysis loaded, it
/// does not do real evaluation. Instead it performs a symbolic computation and
/// presents those results through this interface.
/// Instances of these constant values are accessed through the
/// [element model](../element/element.dart).
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
/// A representation of the value of a compile-time constant expression.
/// Note that, unlike the mirrors system, the object being represented does *not*
/// exist. This interface allows static analysis tools to determine something
/// about the state of the object that would exist if the code that creates the
/// object were executed, but none of the code being analyzed is actually
/// executed.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class DartObject {
/// Return `true` if the value of the object being represented is known.
/// This method will return `false` if
/// * the value being represented is the value of a declared variable (a
/// variable whose value is provided at run-time using a `-D` command-line
/// option), or
/// * the value is a function.
/// The result of this method does not imply anything about the state of
/// object representations returned by the method [getField], those that are
/// elements of the list returned by [toListValue], or the keys or values in
/// the map returned by [toMapValue]. For example, a representation of a list
/// can return `true` even if one or more of the elements of that list would
/// return `false`.
bool get hasKnownValue;
/// Return `true` if the object being represented represents the value 'null'.
bool get isNull;
/// Return a representation of the type of the object being represented.
/// For values resulting from the invocation of a 'const' constructor, this
/// will be a representation of the run-time type of the object.
/// For values resulting from a literal expression, this will be a
/// representation of the static type of the value -- `int` for integer
/// literals, `List` for list literals, etc. -- even when the static type is an
/// abstract type (such as `List`) and hence will never be the run-time type of
/// the represented object.
/// For values resulting from any other kind of expression, this will be a
/// representation of the result of evaluating the expression.
/// Return `null` if the expression cannot be evaluated, either because it is
/// not a valid constant expression or because one or more of the values used
/// in the expression does not have a known value.
/// This method can return a representation of the type, even if this object
/// would return `false` from [hasKnownValue].
DartType? get type;
/// Return a representation of the value of the field with the given [name].
/// Return `null` if either the object being represented does not have a field
/// with the given name or if the implementation of the class of the object is
/// invalid, making it impossible to determine that value of the field.
/// Note that, unlike the mirrors API, this method does *not* invoke a getter;
/// it simply returns a representation of the known state of a field.
DartObject? getField(String name);
/// Return a boolean corresponding to the value of the object being
/// represented, or `null` if
/// * this object is not of type 'bool',
/// * the value of the object being represented is not known, or
/// * the value of the object being represented is `null`.
bool? toBoolValue();
/// Return a double corresponding to the value of the object being represented,
/// or `null`
/// if
/// * this object is not of type 'double',
/// * the value of the object being represented is not known, or
/// * the value of the object being represented is `null`.
double? toDoubleValue();
/// Return an element corresponding to the value of the object being
/// represented, or `null`
/// if
/// * this object is not of a function type,
/// * the value of the object being represented is not known, or
/// * the value of the object being represented is `null`.
ExecutableElement? toFunctionValue();
/// Return an integer corresponding to the value of the object being
/// represented, or `null` if
/// * this object is not of type 'int',
/// * the value of the object being represented is not known, or
/// * the value of the object being represented is `null`.
int? toIntValue();
/// Return a list corresponding to the value of the object being represented,
/// or `null` if
/// * this object is not of type 'List', or
/// * the value of the object being represented is `null`.
List<DartObject>? toListValue();
/// Return a map corresponding to the value of the object being represented, or
/// `null` if
/// * this object is not of type 'Map', or
/// * the value of the object being represented is `null`.
Map<DartObject?, DartObject?>? toMapValue();
/// Return a set corresponding to the value of the object being represented,
/// or `null` if
/// * this object is not of type 'Set', or
/// * the value of the object being represented is `null`.
Set<DartObject>? toSetValue();
/// Return a string corresponding to the value of the object being represented,
/// or `null` if
/// * this object is not of type 'String',
/// * the value of the object being represented is not known, or
/// * the value of the object being represented is `null`.
String? toStringValue();
/// Return a string corresponding to the value of the object being represented,
/// or `null` if
/// * this object is not of type 'Symbol', or
/// * the value of the object being represented is `null`.
/// (We return the string
String? toSymbolValue();
/// Return the representation of the type corresponding to the value of the
/// object being represented, or `null` if
/// * this object is not of type 'Type', or
/// * the value of the object being represented is `null`.
DartType? toTypeValue();