blob: 7935027824e4ec9e4646415565cd9fc624d2f4d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// A tool that invokes the CFE to compute kernel summary files.
/// This script can be used as a command-line command or a persistent server.
/// The server is implemented using the bazel worker protocol, so it can be used
/// within bazel as is. Other tools (like pub-build and package-build) also
/// use this persistent worker via the same protocol.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:bazel_worker/bazel_worker.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/api_unstable/summary_worker.dart' as fe;
import 'package:front_end/src/multi_root_file_system.dart';
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart';
main(List<String> args) async {
args = preprocessArgs(args);
if (args.contains('--persistent_worker')) {
if (args.length != 1) {
throw new StateError(
"unexpected args, expected only --persistent-worker but got: $args");
await new SummaryWorker().run();
} else {
var succeeded = await computeSummary(args);
if (!succeeded) {
exitCode = 15;
/// A bazel worker loop that can compute summaries.
class SummaryWorker extends AsyncWorkerLoop {
Future<WorkResponse> performRequest(WorkRequest request) async {
var outputBuffer = new StringBuffer();
var response = new WorkResponse()..exitCode = 0;
try {
var succeeded = await computeSummary(request.arguments,
isWorker: true, outputBuffer: outputBuffer);
if (!succeeded) {
response.exitCode = 15;
} catch (e, s) {
response.exitCode = 15;
response.output = outputBuffer.toString();
return response;
/// If the last arg starts with `@`, this reads the file it points to and treats
/// each line as an additional arg.
/// This is how individual work request args are differentiated from startup
/// args in bazel (inidividual work request args go in that file).
List<String> preprocessArgs(List<String> args) {
args = new List.from(args);
if (args.isEmpty) {
return args;
String lastArg = args.last;
if (lastArg.startsWith('@')) {
File argsFile = new File(lastArg.substring(1));
try {
} on FileSystemException catch (e) {
throw new Exception('Failed to read file specified by $lastArg : $e');
return args;
/// An [ArgParser] for generating kernel summaries.
final summaryArgsParser = new ArgParser()
..addFlag('help', negatable: false)
..addOption('input-summary', allowMultiple: true)
..addOption('multi-root', allowMultiple: true)
..addOption('multi-root-scheme', defaultsTo: 'org-dartlang-multi-root')
..addOption('source', allowMultiple: true)
/// Computes a kernel summary based on [args].
/// If [isWorker] is true then exit codes will not be set on failure.
/// If [outputBuffer] is provided then messages will be written to that buffer
/// instead of printed to the console.
/// Returns whether or not the summary was successfully output.
Future<bool> computeSummary(List<String> args,
{bool isWorker: false, StringBuffer outputBuffer}) async {
bool succeeded = true;
var parsedArgs = summaryArgsParser.parse(args);
if (parsedArgs['help']) {
// Bazel creates an overlay file system where some files may be located in the
// source tree, some in a gendir, and some in a bindir. The multi-root file
// system hides this from the front end.
var multiRoots = parsedArgs['multi-root'].map(Uri.base.resolve).toList();
if (multiRoots.isEmpty) multiRoots.add(Uri.base);
var fileSystem = new MultiRootFileSystem(parsedArgs['multi-root-scheme'],
multiRoots, fe.PhysicalFileSystem.instance);
var state = await fe.initializeCompiler(
// TODO(sigmund): pass an old state once we can make use of it.
new NoneTarget(new TargetFlags()),
void onProblem(problem, severity, String formatted, line, column) {
if (outputBuffer != null) {
} else {
if (severity != fe.Severity.nit) {
succeeded = false;
var sources = parsedArgs['source'].map(Uri.parse).toList();
var summary = await fe.compile(state, sources, onProblem);
if (summary != null) {
var outputFile = new File(parsedArgs['output']);
outputFile.createSync(recursive: true);
} else {
return succeeded;