blob: 991591830a382cd6558ff75db313a074ecbf1478 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
import '../compiler_helper.dart';
const String TEST_IF = r"""
test(param) {
print('Printing this ensures that String+ is in the system.');
if (param is int) {
param = param + 42;
return param + 53;
const String TEST_IF_ELSE = r"""
test(param) {
print('Printing this ensures that String+ is in the system.');
if (param is int) {
param = param + 42;
} else {
param = param + 53;
return param + 53;
const String TEST_IF_RETURN = r"""
test(param) {
print('Printing this ensures that String+ is in the system.');
if (param is int) {
return param + 42;
return param + 53;
const String TEST_IF_NOT_ELSE = r"""
test(param) {
print('Printing this ensures that String+ is in the system.');
if (param is !int) {
param = param + 53;
} else {
param = param + 42;
return param;
const String TEST_IF_NOT_RETURN = r"""
test(param) {
print('Printing this ensures that String+ is in the system.');
if (param is !int) return param + 53;
return param + 42;
const String TEST_IF_NOT_ELSE_RETURN = r"""
test(param) {
print('Printing this ensures that String+ is in the system.');
if (param is !int) {
return param + 53;
} else {
param = param + 42;
return param;
Future compileAndTest(String code, {bool useKernel}) {
return compile(code, entry: 'test', useKernel: useKernel,
check: (String generated) {
RegExp validAdd =
new RegExp("($anyIdentifier \\+ 42)|($anyIdentifier \\+= 42)");
RegExp invalidAdd = new RegExp("$anyIdentifier \\+ 53");
main() {
runTests({bool useKernel}) async {
await compileAndTest(TEST_IF, useKernel: useKernel);
await compileAndTest(TEST_IF_ELSE, useKernel: useKernel);
await compileAndTest(TEST_IF_RETURN, useKernel: useKernel);
await compileAndTest(TEST_IF_NOT_ELSE, useKernel: useKernel);
await compileAndTest(TEST_IF_NOT_RETURN, useKernel: useKernel);
await compileAndTest(TEST_IF_NOT_ELSE_RETURN, useKernel: useKernel);
asyncTest(() async {
print('--test from ast---------------------------------------------------');
await runTests(useKernel: false);
print('--test from kernel------------------------------------------------');
await runTests(useKernel: true);