blob: 930bc0e7cd3c943dca1327229ab1959dcdae423d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:analysis_server/protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../../test/integration/support/integration_tests.dart';
import 'performance_tests.dart';
void printBenchmarkResults(String id, String description, List<int> times) {
int minTime = times.fold(1 << 20, min);
String now = new;
print('$now ========== $id');
print('times: $times');
print('min_time: $minTime');
class BenchmarkScenario extends AbstractTimingTest {
* Init.
* - Start Analysis Server.
* - Set the analysis [roots].
* - Wait for analysis to complete.
* - Make [file] the priority file.
* Measurement.
* - Change the [file] according to the [fileChange].
* - Record the time to finish analysis.
* Repeat.
* - Undo changes to the [file].
* - Repeat measurement [numOfRepeats] times.
Future<List<int>> waitAnalyze_change_analyze(
{List<String> roots,
String file,
FileChange fileChange,
int numOfRepeats}) async {
outOfTestExpect(roots, isNotNull, reason: 'roots');
outOfTestExpect(file, isNotNull, reason: 'file');
outOfTestExpect(fileChange, isNotNull, reason: 'fileChange');
outOfTestExpect(numOfRepeats, isNotNull, reason: 'numOfRepeats');
// Initialize Analysis Server.
await super.setUp();
await subscribeToStatusNotifications();
// Set roots and analyze.
await sendAnalysisSetAnalysisRoots(roots, []);
await analysisFinished;
// Make the file priority.
await sendAnalysisSetPriorityFiles([file]);
// Repeat.
List<int> times = <int>[];
for (int i = 0; i < numOfRepeats; i++) {
// Update and wait for analysis.
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch()..start();
await _applyFileChange(file, fileChange);
await analysisFinished;
// Remove the overlay and analyze.
await sendAnalysisUpdateContent({file: new RemoveContentOverlay()});
await analysisFinished;
// Done.
await shutdown();
return times;
* Init.
* 1. Start Analysis Server.
* 2. Set the analysis [roots].
* 3. Wait for analysis to complete.
* 4. Make [file] the priority file.
* Measurement.
* 5. Change the [file] according to the [fileChange].
* 6. Request [completeAfterStr] in the updated file content.
* 7. Record the time to get completion results.
* 8. Undo changes to the [file] and analyze.
* 9. Go to (5).
Future<List<int>> waitAnalyze_change_getCompletion(
{List<String> roots,
String file,
FileChange fileChange,
String completeAfterStr,
int numOfRepeats}) async {
outOfTestExpect(roots, isNotNull, reason: 'roots');
outOfTestExpect(file, isNotNull, reason: 'file');
outOfTestExpect(fileChange, isNotNull, reason: 'fileChange');
outOfTestExpect(completeAfterStr, isNotNull, reason: 'completeAfterStr');
outOfTestExpect(numOfRepeats, isNotNull, reason: 'numOfRepeats');
// Initialize Analysis Server.
await super.setUp();
await subscribeToStatusNotifications();
// Set roots and analyze.
await sendAnalysisSetAnalysisRoots(roots, []);
await analysisFinished;
// Make the file priority.
await sendAnalysisSetPriorityFiles([file]);
// Repeat.
List<int> times = <int>[];
for (int i = 0; i < numOfRepeats; i++) {
String updatedContent = await _applyFileChange(file, fileChange);
// Measure completion time.
int completionOffset =
_indexOfEnd(file, updatedContent, completeAfterStr);
Duration completionDuration =
await _measureCompletionTime(file, completionOffset);
// Remove the overlay and analyze.
await sendAnalysisUpdateContent({file: new RemoveContentOverlay()});
await analysisFinished;
// Done.
await shutdown();
return times;
* Init.
* 1. Start Analysis Server.
* 2. Set the analysis [roots].
* 3. Wait for analysis to complete.
* 4. Make [file] the priority file.
* Measurement.
* 5. Change the [file] according to the [fileChange].
* 6. Request [refactoringAtStr] in the updated file content.
* 7. Record the time to get refactoring.
* 8. Undo changes to the [file] and analyze.
* 9. Go to (5).
Future<List<int>> waitAnalyze_change_getRefactoring(
{List<String> roots,
String file,
FileChange fileChange,
String refactoringAtStr,
RefactoringKind refactoringKind,
RefactoringOptions refactoringOptions,
int numOfRepeats}) async {
outOfTestExpect(roots, isNotNull, reason: 'roots');
outOfTestExpect(file, isNotNull, reason: 'file');
outOfTestExpect(fileChange, isNotNull, reason: 'fileChange');
outOfTestExpect(refactoringAtStr, isNotNull, reason: 'refactoringAtStr');
outOfTestExpect(refactoringKind, isNotNull, reason: 'refactoringKind');
outOfTestExpect(refactoringOptions, isNotNull,
reason: 'refactoringOptions');
outOfTestExpect(numOfRepeats, isNotNull, reason: 'numOfRepeats');
// Initialize Analysis Server.
await super.setUp();
await subscribeToStatusNotifications();
// Set roots and analyze.
await sendAnalysisSetAnalysisRoots(roots, []);
await analysisFinished;
// Make the file priority.
await sendAnalysisSetPriorityFiles([file]);
// Repeat.
List<int> times = <int>[];
for (int i = 0; i < numOfRepeats; i++) {
String updatedContent = await _applyFileChange(file, fileChange);
// Measure time to get refactoring.
int refactoringOffset = _indexOf(file, updatedContent, refactoringAtStr);
Duration refactoringDuration = await _measureRefactoringTime(
file, refactoringOffset, refactoringKind, refactoringOptions);
// Remove the overlay and analyze.
await sendAnalysisUpdateContent({file: new RemoveContentOverlay()});
await analysisFinished;
// Done.
await shutdown();
return times;
* Compute updated content of the [file] as described by [desc], add overlay
* for the [file], and return the updated content.
Future<String> _applyFileChange(String file, FileChange desc) async {
String originalContent = _getFileContent(file);
String updatedContent;
if (desc.afterStr != null) {
int offset = _indexOfEnd(file, originalContent, desc.afterStr);
offset -= desc.afterStrBack;
updatedContent = originalContent.substring(0, offset) +
desc.insertStr +
} else if (desc.replaceWhat != null) {
int offset = _indexOf(file, originalContent, desc.replaceWhat);
updatedContent = originalContent.substring(0, offset) +
desc.replaceWith +
originalContent.substring(offset + desc.replaceWhat.length);
await sendAnalysisUpdateContent(
{file: new AddContentOverlay(updatedContent)});
return updatedContent;
Future<Duration> _measureCompletionTime(String file, int offset) async {
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
Completer<Duration> completer = new Completer<Duration>();
var completionSubscription = onCompletionResults.listen((_) {
try {
await sendCompletionGetSuggestions(file, offset);
return await completer.future;
} finally {
Future<Duration> _measureRefactoringTime(
String file,
int offset,
RefactoringKind refactoringKind,
RefactoringOptions refactoringOptions) async {
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
await sendEditGetRefactoring(refactoringKind, file, offset, 0, false,
options: refactoringOptions);
return stopwatch.elapsed;
* 1. Start Analysis Server.
* 2. Set the analysis [roots].
* 3. Wait for analysis to complete.
* 4. Record the time to finish analysis.
* 5. Shutdown.
* 6. Go to (1).
static Future<List<int>> start_waitInitialAnalysis_shutdown(
{List<String> roots, int numOfRepeats}) async {
outOfTestExpect(roots, isNotNull, reason: 'roots');
outOfTestExpect(numOfRepeats, isNotNull, reason: 'numOfRepeats');
// Repeat.
List<int> times = <int>[];
for (int i = 0; i < numOfRepeats; i++) {
BenchmarkScenario instance = new BenchmarkScenario();
// Initialize Analysis Server.
await instance.setUp();
await instance.subscribeToStatusNotifications();
// Set roots and analyze.
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch()..start();
await instance.sendAnalysisSetAnalysisRoots(roots, []);
await instance.analysisFinished;
// Stop the server.
await instance.shutdown();
return times;
static String _getFileContent(String path) {
File file = new File(path);
outOfTestExpect(file.existsSync(), isTrue,
reason: 'File $path does not exist.');
return file.readAsStringSync();
* Return the index of [what] in [where] in the [file], fail if not found.
static int _indexOf(String file, String where, String what) {
int index = where.indexOf(what);
outOfTestExpect(index, isNot(-1), reason: 'Cannot find |$what| in $file.');
return index;
* Return the end index if [what] in [where] in the [file], fail if not found.
static int _indexOfEnd(String file, String where, String what) {
return _indexOf(file, where, what) + what.length;
class FileChange {
final String afterStr;
final int afterStrBack;
final String insertStr;
final String replaceWhat;
final String replaceWith;
this.afterStrBack: 0,
this.replaceWith}) {
if (afterStr != null) {
outOfTestExpect(insertStr, isNotNull, reason: 'insertStr');
} else if (replaceWhat != null) {
outOfTestExpect(replaceWith, isNotNull, reason: 'replaceWith');