[dart:ffi] Only operate on transitive dependencies of dart:ffi

This CL does two things:
* "Reenable" the skipping of the dart:ffi transformation entirely when
  the application does not use dart:ffi. This was originally added in
  ad596359a676 but was logically disabled in 455811210525 when dart:core
  started depending on it. Here we now ignore (real) dart:* libraries
  when looking for dependencies of dart:ffi.
* Find the subset of the just compiled libraries that transitively
  depend on dart:ffi and just run the dart:ffi transformation on those

For dart2js that doesn't use dart:ffi at all we go from:

$ out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart -v pkg/compiler/bin/dart2js.dart | grep -i "ffi"
0:00:09.003428: Transformed ffi natives in 51ms.
0:00:09.203442: Transformed ffi annotations in 199ms.
$ out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart -v pkg/compiler/bin/dart2js.dart | grep -i "ffi"
0:00:09.098175: Transformed ffi natives in 52ms.
0:00:09.296847: Transformed ffi annotations in 198ms.
$ out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart -v pkg/compiler/bin/dart2js.dart | grep -i "ffi"
0:00:08.854341: Transformed ffi natives in 57ms.
0:00:09.061804: Transformed ffi annotations in 207ms.


$ out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart -v pkg/compiler/bin/dart2js.dart | grep -i "ffi"
0:00:09.138651: Skipped ffi transformation in 1ms.
$ out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart -v pkg/compiler/bin/dart2js.dart | grep -i "ffi"
0:00:09.242590: Skipped ffi transformation in 1ms.
$ out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart -v pkg/compiler/bin/dart2js.dart | grep -i "ffi"
0:00:09.163885: Skipped ffi transformation in 1ms.

When compiling the flutter gallery app that does depend on dart:ffi we go from:

$ out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart -v --target=flutter --platform=/tmp/tmp.6KV5psVGIG/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill /tmp/tmp.6KV5psVGIG/gallery/lib/main.dart | grep -i "ffi"
0:00:16.344955: Transformed ffi natives in 78ms.
0:00:16.777218: Transformed ffi annotations in 432ms.
$ out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart -v --target=flutter --platform=/tmp/tmp.6KV5psVGIG/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill /tmp/tmp.6KV5psVGIG/gallery/lib/main.dart | grep -i "ffi"
0:00:15.994674: Transformed ffi natives in 80ms.
0:00:16.472779: Transformed ffi annotations in 478ms.
$ out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart -v --target=flutter --platform=/tmp/tmp.6KV5psVGIG/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill /tmp/tmp.6KV5psVGIG/gallery/lib/main.dart | grep -i "ffi"
0:00:16.027488: Transformed ffi natives in 81ms.
0:00:16.491362: Transformed ffi annotations in 463ms.


$ out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart -v --target=flutter --platform=/tmp/tmp.6KV5psVGIG/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill /tmp/tmp.6KV5psVGIG/gallery/lib/main.dart | grep -i "ffi"
0:00:15.991628: Transformed ffi natives in 30ms.
0:00:16.226564: Transformed ffi annotations in 234ms.
$ out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart -v --target=flutter --platform=/tmp/tmp.6KV5psVGIG/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill /tmp/tmp.6KV5psVGIG/gallery/lib/main.dart | grep -i "ffi"
0:00:16.184984: Transformed ffi natives in 29ms.
0:00:16.404439: Transformed ffi annotations in 219ms.
$ out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/tool/_fasta/compile.dart -v --target=flutter --platform=/tmp/tmp.6KV5psVGIG/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill /tmp/tmp.6KV5psVGIG/gallery/lib/main.dart | grep -i "ffi"
0:00:15.933513: Transformed ffi natives in 27ms.
0:00:16.145640: Transformed ffi annotations in 212ms.

TEST=Assuming tests already exists.

Change-Id: Ie13be1924d3439cb710c782af81e1e42cda2a838
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/228001
Reviewed-by: Johnni Winther <johnniwinther@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Daco Harkes <dacoharkes@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Jens Johansen <jensj@google.com>
diff --git a/pkg/kernel/lib/util/graph.dart b/pkg/kernel/lib/util/graph.dart
index 105b170b..eef4b6b 100644
--- a/pkg/kernel/lib/util/graph.dart
+++ b/pkg/kernel/lib/util/graph.dart
@@ -208,3 +208,37 @@
   /// That is, `layers[i]` contain the list of vertices with index `i`.
   final List<List<T>> layers = [];
+/// Find vertices in [graph] that either is in [vertices], has a neighbor in
+/// [vertices], has a neighbor of a neighbor (etc) in [vertices].
+Set<T> calculateTransitiveDependenciesOf<T>(Graph<T> graph, Set<T> vertices) {
+  // Compute direct dependencies for each vertex (the reverse of the
+  // edges returned by `graph.neighborsOf`).
+  Map<T, Set<T>> directDependencies = <T, Set<T>>{};
+  List<T> workList = [];
+  {
+    for (T vertex in graph.vertices) {
+      if (vertices.contains(vertex)) workList.add(vertex);
+      for (T neighbor in graph.neighborsOf(vertex)) {
+        (directDependencies[neighbor] ??= new Set<T>()).add(vertex);
+        if (vertices.contains(neighbor)) workList.add(vertex);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Collect and remove all dependencies.
+  Set<T> left = new Set<T>.from(graph.vertices);
+  Set<T> transitive = {};
+  while (workList.isNotEmpty) {
+    T removed = workList.removeLast();
+    if (left.remove(removed)) {
+      Set<T>? s = directDependencies[removed];
+      if (s != null) {
+        // [s] is null for leaves.
+        workList.addAll(s);
+      }
+      transitive.add(removed);
+    }
+  }
+  return transitive;
diff --git a/pkg/kernel/test/graph_test.dart b/pkg/kernel/test/graph_test.dart
index 83827be..cbcb0d1 100644
--- a/pkg/kernel/test/graph_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/kernel/test/graph_test.dart
@@ -556,4 +556,103 @@
+  testTransitiveDependencies(graphData: {
+    A: [B],
+    B: [A],
+  }, of: {
+    A
+  }, expected: {
+    A,
+    B,
+  });
+  testTransitiveDependencies(graphData: {}, of: {
+    A,
+    B,
+    C,
+    D,
+    E,
+    F,
+  }, expected: {});
+  {
+    String MAIN = "MAIN";
+    String DARTFFI = "DARTFFI";
+    testTransitiveDependencies(graphData: {
+      MAIN: [DARTFFI],
+    }, of: {
+      DARTFFI
+    }, expected: {
+      MAIN,
+    });
+  }
+  testTransitiveDependencies(graphData: {
+    A: [B],
+    B: [C],
+    C: [B, D],
+    D: [C],
+    E: [A],
+    F: [B],
+  }, of: {
+    A
+  }, expected: {
+    A,
+    E
+  });
+  {
+    String MAIN = "MAIN";
+    String TARGET = "TARGET";
+    testTransitiveDependencies(graphData: {
+      MAIN: [A, E],
+      A: [B],
+      B: [A, C],
+      C: [TARGET],
+      D: [],
+      E: [D],
+    }, of: {
+      TARGET,
+    }, expected: {
+      C,
+      B,
+      A,
+      MAIN,
+    });
+    testTransitiveDependencies(graphData: {
+      MAIN: [A, E],
+      A: [B],
+      B: [A, C],
+      C: [],
+      D: [],
+      E: [D],
+    }, of: {
+      TARGET,
+    }, expected: {});
+    testTransitiveDependencies(graphData: {
+      MAIN: [A, C, E, TARGET],
+      A: [B],
+      B: [A, C],
+      C: [],
+      D: [],
+      E: [D],
+    }, of: {
+      TARGET,
+    }, expected: {
+      MAIN,
+    });
+  }
+void testTransitiveDependencies(
+    {required Set<String> of,
+    required Set<String> expected,
+    required Map<String, List<String>> graphData}) {
+  Graph<String> graph = new TestGraph(graphData);
+  Set<String> actual = calculateTransitiveDependenciesOf(graph, of);
+  Expect.setEquals(expected, actual);
diff --git a/pkg/vm/lib/target/vm.dart b/pkg/vm/lib/target/vm.dart
index da77a9e..b1a60d8 100644
--- a/pkg/vm/lib/target/vm.dart
+++ b/pkg/vm/lib/target/vm.dart
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
 import '../transformations/call_site_annotator.dart' as callSiteAnnotator;
 import '../transformations/lowering.dart' as lowering
     show transformLibraries, transformProcedure;
-import '../transformations/ffi/common.dart' as ffiHelper show importsFfi;
+import '../transformations/ffi/common.dart' as ffiHelper
+    show calculateTransitiveImportsOfDartFfiIfUsed;
 import '../transformations/ffi/definitions.dart' as transformFfiDefinitions
     show transformLibraries;
 import '../transformations/ffi/native.dart' as transformFfiNative
@@ -154,7 +155,9 @@
         this, coreTypes, hierarchy, libraries, referenceFromIndex);
     logger?.call("Transformed mixin applications");
-    if (!ffiHelper.importsFfi(component, libraries)) {
+    List<Library>? transitiveImportingDartFfi = ffiHelper
+        .calculateTransitiveImportsOfDartFfiIfUsed(component, libraries);
+    if (transitiveImportingDartFfi == null) {
       logger?.call("Skipped ffi transformation");
     } else {
       // Transform @FfiNative(..) functions into FFI native call functions.
@@ -163,21 +166,19 @@
       // Transform arguments that extend NativeFieldWrapperClass1 to Pointer if
       // the native function expects Pointer (to avoid Handle overhead).
       transformFfiNative.transformLibraries(component, coreTypes, hierarchy,
-          libraries, diagnosticReporter, referenceFromIndex);
+          transitiveImportingDartFfi, diagnosticReporter, referenceFromIndex);
       logger?.call("Transformed ffi natives");
-      // TODO(jensj/dacoharkes): We can probably limit the transformations to
-      // libraries that transitivley depend on dart:ffi.
-          libraries,
+          transitiveImportingDartFfi,
       transformFfiUseSites.transformLibraries(component, coreTypes, hierarchy,
-          libraries, diagnosticReporter, referenceFromIndex);
+          transitiveImportingDartFfi, diagnosticReporter, referenceFromIndex);
       logger?.call("Transformed ffi annotations");
diff --git a/pkg/vm/lib/transformations/ffi/common.dart b/pkg/vm/lib/transformations/ffi/common.dart
index 4446159..c23bddb 100644
--- a/pkg/vm/lib/transformations/ffi/common.dart
+++ b/pkg/vm/lib/transformations/ffi/common.dart
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 import 'package:kernel/type_algebra.dart' show Substitution;
 import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart'
     show TypeEnvironment, SubtypeCheckMode;
+import 'package:kernel/util/graph.dart' as kernelGraph;
 import 'abi.dart';
 import 'native_type_cfe.dart';
@@ -980,18 +981,61 @@
+/// Returns all libraries including the ones from component except for platform
+/// libraries that are only in component.
+Set<Library> _getAllRelevantLibraries(
+    Component component, List<Library> libraries) {
+  Set<Library> allLibs = {};
+  allLibs.addAll(libraries);
+  for (Library lib in component.libraries) {
+    // Skip real dart: libraries. dart:core imports dart:ffi, but that doesn't
+    // mean we have to transform anything.
+    if (lib.importUri.scheme == "dart" && !lib.isSynthetic) continue;
+    allLibs.add(lib);
+  }
+  return allLibs;
 /// Checks if any library depends on dart:ffi.
-bool importsFfi(Component component, List<Library> libraries) {
-  Set<Library> allLibs = {...component.libraries, ...libraries};
+Library? importsFfi(Component component, List<Library> libraries) {
   final Uri dartFfiUri = Uri.parse("dart:ffi");
+  Set<Library> allLibs = _getAllRelevantLibraries(component, libraries);
   for (Library lib in allLibs) {
     for (LibraryDependency dependency in lib.dependencies) {
-      if (dependency.targetLibrary.importUri == dartFfiUri) {
-        return true;
+      Library targetLibrary = dependency.targetLibrary;
+      if (targetLibrary.importUri == dartFfiUri) {
+        return targetLibrary;
-  return false;
+  return null;
+/// Calculates the libraries in [libraries] that transitively imports dart:ffi.
+/// Returns null if dart:ffi is not imported.
+List<Library>? calculateTransitiveImportsOfDartFfiIfUsed(
+    Component component, List<Library> libraries) {
+  Set<Library> allLibs = _getAllRelevantLibraries(component, libraries);
+  final Uri dartFfiUri = Uri.parse("dart:ffi");
+  Library? dartFfi;
+  canFind:
+  for (Library lib in allLibs) {
+    for (LibraryDependency dependency in lib.dependencies) {
+      Library targetLibrary = dependency.targetLibrary;
+      if (targetLibrary.importUri == dartFfiUri) {
+        dartFfi = targetLibrary;
+        break canFind;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (dartFfi == null) return null;
+  kernelGraph.LibraryGraph graph = new kernelGraph.LibraryGraph(allLibs);
+  Set<Library> result =
+      kernelGraph.calculateTransitiveDependenciesOf(graph, {dartFfi});
+  return (result..retainAll(libraries)).toList();
 extension on Map<Abi, Object?> {