blob: ec85594358b9856c6e8981a7eaa983280a271d74 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef VM_FLOW_GRAPH_H_
#define VM_FLOW_GRAPH_H_
#include "vm/growable_array.h"
#include "vm/intermediate_language.h"
#include "vm/parser.h"
namespace dart {
class BlockEffects;
class FlowGraphBuilder;
class ValueInliningContext;
class VariableLivenessAnalysis;
class BlockIterator : public ValueObject {
explicit BlockIterator(const GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>& block_order)
: block_order_(block_order), current_(0) { }
BlockIterator(const BlockIterator& other)
: ValueObject(),
current_(other.current_) { }
void Advance() {
bool Done() const { return current_ >= block_order_.length(); }
BlockEntryInstr* Current() const { return block_order_[current_]; }
const GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>& block_order_;
intptr_t current_;
// Class to incapsulate the construction and manipulation of the flow graph.
class FlowGraph : public ZoneAllocated {
FlowGraph(const FlowGraphBuilder& builder,
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry,
intptr_t max_block_id);
// Function properties.
const ParsedFunction& parsed_function() const {
return parsed_function_;
intptr_t parameter_count() const {
return num_copied_params_ + num_non_copied_params_;
intptr_t variable_count() const {
return parameter_count() + num_stack_locals_;
intptr_t num_stack_locals() const {
return num_stack_locals_;
intptr_t num_copied_params() const {
return num_copied_params_;
intptr_t num_non_copied_params() const {
return num_non_copied_params_;
// Flow graph orders.
const GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>& preorder() const {
return preorder_;
const GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>& postorder() const {
return postorder_;
const GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>& reverse_postorder() const {
return reverse_postorder_;
// Iterators.
BlockIterator reverse_postorder_iterator() const {
return BlockIterator(reverse_postorder());
BlockIterator postorder_iterator() const {
return BlockIterator(postorder());
intptr_t current_ssa_temp_index() const { return current_ssa_temp_index_; }
void set_current_ssa_temp_index(intptr_t index) {
current_ssa_temp_index_ = index;
intptr_t max_virtual_register_number() const {
return current_ssa_temp_index();
intptr_t max_block_id() const { return max_block_id_; }
void set_max_block_id(intptr_t id) { max_block_id_ = id; }
intptr_t allocate_block_id() { return ++max_block_id_; }
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry() const {
return graph_entry_;
ConstantInstr* constant_null() const {
return constant_null_;
intptr_t alloc_ssa_temp_index() { return current_ssa_temp_index_++; }
intptr_t InstructionCount() const;
ConstantInstr* GetConstant(const Object& object);
void AddToInitialDefinitions(Definition* defn);
void InsertBefore(Instruction* next,
Instruction* instr,
Environment* env,
Definition::UseKind use_kind);
void InsertAfter(Instruction* prev,
Instruction* instr,
Environment* env,
Definition::UseKind use_kind);
// Operations on the flow graph.
void ComputeSSA(intptr_t next_virtual_register_number,
ZoneGrowableArray<Definition*>* inlining_parameters);
// Finds natural loops in the flow graph and attaches a list of loop
// body blocks for each loop header.
void ComputeLoops(GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>* loop_headers);
// TODO(zerny): Once the SSA is feature complete this should be removed.
void Bailout(const char* reason) const;
#ifdef DEBUG
// Verification methods for debugging.
bool VerifyUseLists();
#endif // DEBUG
void DiscoverBlocks();
// Compute information about effects occuring in different blocks and
// discover side-effect free paths.
void ComputeBlockEffects();
BlockEffects* block_effects() const { return block_effects_; }
// Remove the redefinition instructions inserted to inhibit code motion.
void RemoveRedefinitions();
// Copy deoptimization target from one instruction to another if we still
// have to keep deoptimization environment at gotos for LICM purposes.
void CopyDeoptTarget(Instruction* to, Instruction* from) {
if (is_licm_allowed()) {
// Returns true if every Goto in the graph is expected to have a
// deoptimization environment and can be used as deoptimization target
// for hoisted instructions.
bool is_licm_allowed() const { return licm_allowed_; }
// Stop preserving environments on Goto instructions. LICM is not allowed
// after this point.
void disallow_licm() { licm_allowed_ = false; }
friend class IfConverter;
friend class BranchSimplifier;
friend class ConstantPropagator;
// SSA transformation methods and fields.
void ComputeDominators(GrowableArray<BitVector*>* dominance_frontier);
void CompressPath(
intptr_t start_index,
intptr_t current_index,
GrowableArray<intptr_t>* parent,
GrowableArray<intptr_t>* label);
void Rename(GrowableArray<PhiInstr*>* live_phis,
VariableLivenessAnalysis* variable_liveness,
ZoneGrowableArray<Definition*>* inlining_parameters);
void RenameRecursive(
BlockEntryInstr* block_entry,
GrowableArray<Definition*>* env,
GrowableArray<PhiInstr*>* live_phis,
VariableLivenessAnalysis* variable_liveness);
void AttachEnvironment(Instruction* instr, GrowableArray<Definition*>* env);
void InsertPhis(
const GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>& preorder,
const GrowableArray<BitVector*>& assigned_vars,
const GrowableArray<BitVector*>& dom_frontier);
void RemoveDeadPhis(GrowableArray<PhiInstr*>* live_phis);
void ReplacePredecessor(BlockEntryInstr* old_block,
BlockEntryInstr* new_block);
// DiscoverBlocks computes parent_ and assigned_vars_ which are then used
// if/when computing SSA.
GrowableArray<intptr_t> parent_;
GrowableArray<BitVector*> assigned_vars_;
intptr_t current_ssa_temp_index_;
intptr_t max_block_id_;
// Flow graph fields.
const ParsedFunction& parsed_function_;
const intptr_t num_copied_params_;
const intptr_t num_non_copied_params_;
const intptr_t num_stack_locals_;
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry_;
GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*> preorder_;
GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*> postorder_;
GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*> reverse_postorder_;
ConstantInstr* constant_null_;
BlockEffects* block_effects_;
bool licm_allowed_;
class LivenessAnalysis : public ValueObject {
LivenessAnalysis(intptr_t variable_count,
const GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>& postorder);
void Analyze();
virtual ~LivenessAnalysis() { }
BitVector* GetLiveInSetAt(intptr_t postorder_number) const {
return live_in_[postorder_number];
BitVector* GetLiveOutSetAt(intptr_t postorder_number) const {
return live_out_[postorder_number];
BitVector* GetLiveInSet(BlockEntryInstr* block) const {
return GetLiveInSetAt(block->postorder_number());
BitVector* GetKillSet(BlockEntryInstr* block) const {
return kill_[block->postorder_number()];
BitVector* GetLiveOutSet(BlockEntryInstr* block) const {
return GetLiveOutSetAt(block->postorder_number());
// Print results of liveness analysis.
void Dump();
// Compute initial values for live-out, kill and live-in sets.
virtual void ComputeInitialSets() = 0;
// Update live-out set for the given block: live-out should contain
// all values that are live-in for block's successors.
// Returns true if live-out set was changed.
bool UpdateLiveOut(const BlockEntryInstr& instr);
// Update live-in set for the given block: live-in should contain
// all values that are live-out from the block and are not defined
// by this block.
// Returns true if live-in set was changed.
bool UpdateLiveIn(const BlockEntryInstr& instr);
// Perform fix-point iteration updating live-out and live-in sets
// for blocks until they stop changing.
void ComputeLiveInAndLiveOutSets();
const intptr_t variable_count_;
const GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>& postorder_;
// Live-out sets for each block. They contain indices of variables
// that are live out from this block: that is values that were either
// defined in this block or live into it and that are used in some
// successor block.
GrowableArray<BitVector*> live_out_;
// Kill sets for each block. They contain indices of variables that
// are defined by this block.
GrowableArray<BitVector*> kill_;
// Live-in sets for each block. They contain indices of variables
// that are used by this block or its successors.
GrowableArray<BitVector*> live_in_;
// Information about side effect free paths between blocks.
class BlockEffects : public ZoneAllocated {
explicit BlockEffects(FlowGraph* flow_graph);
// Return true if the given instruction is not affected by anything between
// its current block and target block. Used by CSE to determine if
// a computation is available in the given block.
bool IsAvailableAt(Instruction* instr, BlockEntryInstr* block) const;
// Return true if the given instruction is not affected by anything between
// the given block and its current block. Used by LICM to determine if
// a computation can be moved to loop's preheader and remain available at
// its current location.
bool CanBeMovedTo(Instruction* instr, BlockEntryInstr* block) const;
// Returns true if from dominates to and all paths between from and to are
// free of side effects.
bool IsSideEffectFreePath(BlockEntryInstr* from, BlockEntryInstr* to) const;
// Per block sets of available blocks. Block A is available at the block B if
// and only if A dominates B and all paths from A to B are free of side
// effects.
GrowableArray<BitVector*> available_at_;
} // namespace dart
#endif // VM_FLOW_GRAPH_H_